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Cartography & Exploration / Low Countries

Fine wall map coloured by a contemporary hand

[MAP - NETHERLANDS - ALBLASSERWAARD]. ]. Den Alblasserwaard en Vyf Heeren Landen, te samen groot 33110. mergen. Nieuwe caerte vertoonende den geheelen Alblasserwaert. Nieuwlycx uytgegeven door Abel de Vries landmeter tot Dordrecht 1716. Met een nette aanwijzing der dijkbreuken en hulpgaten van 't jaar 1740 en 1741. uytgegeeven door Matth. de Vries.
[Dordrecht], Matthias de Vries, [ca. 1741]. 66 x 117 cm. Wall-map on 4 sheets, originally engraved by Bastiaan Stopendaal (1637-1693), in contemporary hand colouring. Framed (93 x 143 cm). Full description
€ 9,500
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Vividly hand-coloured, extremely rare copy of one of the best early maps of Amsterdam

[MAP - NETHERLANDS - AMSTERDAM]. SWART, Dirck Cornelisse. Amstelredam Anno 1623.
[Amsterdam, Dirck Cornelisse Swart?, 1623]. Leaf size ca. 50.5 x 63 cm, map size ca. 45 x 57.5 cm. Engraved map on a scale of about 1:7000 with north at the foot. With the title in a banderole above centre, the Amsterdam arms supported by lions above right, and a decorative cartouche with drapery and garlands above left with a key to 42 numbered features in the map, above the city seal and Swarts name. The whole is vividly hand-coloured in great detail, probably by a slightly later hand. Full description
€ 15,000
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Two large wall maps of the Dutch provinces, from the library of Marco-Antonio III (1730-1800), Prince Borghese

[MAP - NETHERLANDS]. [LE ROUGE, George-Louis]. La Hollande en 12 feuilles dont les six premieres contiennent la Hollande ...
Paris, Jean A. Dezauche, successor of Delisle & Buache, 1790. Together ca. 230 x 155 cm. Engraved map, hand-coloured in outline. Printed on 12 sheets, each divided into 4 segments, numbered 1-48. The 12 sheets are mounted on contemporary linen and folded, the edges reinforced with blue ribbon.
With: (2) LE ROUGE, George Louis. Topographie de la Zelande en 9 feuilles traduitte de l'Hollandois. [Second title:] Partie orientale de la Flandre Hollandoise, ...
Paris, Jean A. Dezauche, 1790. Large engraved wall map, hand-coloured in outline, printed on 9 numbered sheets, each divided into 4 segments, numbered 1-36 (each sheet 48 x 56.5 cm); the 36 segments are mounted on contemporary linen, the edges reinforced with blue ribbon. Each map in contemporary box. Full description
€ 8,950
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Rare wall map of the Gooi, coloured by a contemporary hand

[MAP - ‘t GOOI]. POST, Hendrik. Nieuwe kaart van Gooilandt word met schuldige eerbiedigheidt aan den wel. ed. gestr. Heere en Mr. Henrick Bicker schepen der stadt Amsterdam, raadt en advt. fiscaal ter Admiraliteit aldaar meestersknaap van Gooilandt, enz, enz. opgedragen door Reinier & Josua Ottens.
Amsterdam, Reinier & Josua Ottens. [ca. 1737]. 52.5 x 82 cm. Framed. Full description
€ 28,000
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Splendid view that brought renown to Heemstede’s gardens

[VIEWS - NETHERLANDS - HEEMSTEDE]. MOUCHERON, Isaac de. Plan ou veüe de Heemstede, dans la province d'Utrecht | Afbeeldinge van Heemstede, in de provincie van Utrecht.
[Amsterdam], Nicolas Visscher, [ca. 1700]. Very large etched bird's-eye view of the Heemstede estate and gardens (99 x 71 cm) engraved by Daniël Stoopendaal and printed on 2 2/3 sheets from 2 copper plates. Framed. Full description
€ 15,000
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Large and beautifully executed panorama of Amsterdam

[VIEW - NETHERLANDS - AMSTERDAM]. OTTENS, Reinier and Josua OTTENS. Amsterdam.
[Amsterdam], Reinier and Josua Ottens, [ca. 1730]. Large engraved panorama on 4 sheets (ca. 42 x 218 cm as assembled). With title in banner at top centre, arms of the city at top right, city seal at top left and the primary locations with captions. Mounted and framed. Full description
€ 48,500
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Topographical wall map of the Dutch (polder) district Vijfheerenlanden, coloured by a contemporary hand

OTTENS, Reinier and Josua OTTENS. Nieuwe kaart van de Vyf Heeren landen gelegen tusschen den Dief en Zouwen dyk.
Amsterdam, Reinier and Josua Ottens, 1741. Engraved map on 4 sheets (85 x 98 cm as assembled), coloured by a contemporary hand. With the title and publisher at the foot left, together with a scale (ca. 1:19,000) and the name of the engraver at the right (Jan van Jagen). Framed. Full description
€ 6,000
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Topographical wall map of the Dutch (polder) district Vijfheerenlanden,
including the very rare engraved borders with coats of arms

OTTENS, Reinier and Josua OTTENS. Nieuwe kaart van de Vyf Heeren landen gelegen tusschen den Dief en Zouwen dyk.
Amsterdam, Reinier and Josua Ottens, 1741. Engraved map on 4 sheets (85 x 98 cm as assembled), with an engraved title ("Kaart van de Vyf Heerenlanden") with the coat of arms of the water district at the head, and surrounded by 14 engraved coats of arms at the left, right and foot (measuring 122 x 134 cm in total). The map with the title and publisher at the foot left, together with a scale (ca. 1:19,000) and the name of the engraver at the right (Jan van Jagen). Framed. Full description
€ 6,500
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