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Cartography & Exploration / Asia

Astronomical and geographical information on regions in China and India

GOUYE, Thomas. Observations physiques et mathematiques, pour servir a l'histoire naturelle & à la perfection de l'astronomie & de la geographie: envoyées des Indes et de la Chine à l'Académie Royale des Sciences à Paris, par les Peres Jesuites.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (colophon: Jean Anisson), 1692. 4to. With woodcut coat of arms on title-page, 2 double-page engraved maps and 1 engraved plate. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [4], 114 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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A 1718 voyage from Goa to Macao, published in Lisbon

GUERREIRO, João Tavares de Velez. Jornada, que Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho, governador, e capitaõ[!] general da cidade do Nome de Deos de Macao na China, fez de Goa atè chegar á dita cidade no anno de 1718.
Lisbon, Officina da Musica (Jaime or Jayme de la Te y Sagau), 1732. 8vo. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, rebacked. [16], 427, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Travels in, and history of China and the Philippines

GUIGNES, Chrétien-Louis-Joseph de. Voyages à Peking, Manille et l'Ile de France, faits dans l'intervalle des années 1784 a 1801.
Paris, l'Imprimerie Impériale (J.J. Marcel) for Treuttel and Würtz, 1808. 3 text volumes and 1 atlas volume. 8vo (text) and folio (atlas). The atlas with 92 engraved illustrations on 61 leaves by De Guines after Deserve and 6 engraved maps (4 folding) by D'Houdan. Text volumes in 19th-century half calf, atlas volume in contemporary half calf. [4], LXIII, 439; [4] 476; [4], 488 pp.; atlas: 4 pp. text (title and index). Full description
€ 9,500
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To bring the Embassy of Lord Amherst to China

HALL, Basil. Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the great Loo-Choo Island. With an appendix, containing charts, and various hydrographical and scientific notices. And a vocabulary of the Loo-Choo language.
London, John Murray, 1818. Large 4to. Coloured plates of Sulpher Island, Korean Chief and his secretary, Napakiang, Loo Choo Chief and his two sons, Priest and Gentlemen of Loo Choo, the Prince of Loo Choo, scene after the Prince of Loo Choo's feast, Gentlemen of Loo Choo in his Cloak, some items of daily use for the inhabitants and the bridge at Napakiang. Later three quarter leather with spine raised in six compartents with gilt ornaments and two green leather title labels. XV, 222; CXXX, 64 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Important work on the natural history of Palastine

HASSELQUIST, Friedrich and Carl LINNAEUS. Reise nach Palästina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752. auf Befehl ihro Majestät der Königinn von Schweden herausgegeben vond Carl Linnäus aus em Schwedischen.
Rostock, Johann Christian Koppe, 1762 (colophon: Leipzig, Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1761). 8vo. With woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary half vellum. [18], 606 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Popular story of an East Indiaman wrecked off the coast of Bengal

HEYDEN (HEIDEN), Frans Jansz. van der. Vervarelyke schip-breuk van 't Oost-Indisch jacht Ter Schelling, onder het landt van Bengale; ... beneffens een bondige beschryving der Koningryken van Arrakan, Bengale, Martavan, Tanassery, ... Den vyfden druk doorgaens met platen verciert.
Harderwijk, Jan Rampen, 1722. 4to. With 18 woodcut illustrations plus 1 repeat. Modern half vellum. 96 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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With a folding map situating the Garden of Eden near Al Basrah, Iraq

HUET, Pierre Daniel. Trattato della situazione del Paradiso terrestre ... Tradotta dalla lingua Francese.
Venice, Giambatista Albrizzi, 1737. Small 8vo (15.5 x 10 cm). With an engraved frontispiece incorporating a map, the engraved arms of the dedicatee Marc'Antonio Morosini above the dedication, and a folding engraved map (22.5 x 19 cm). Contemporary sprinkled tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [48], 234, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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A Dutch commander's Japanese diary with a large lithographed map

HUYSSEN VAN KATTENDYKE, Willem Johan Cornelis. Uittreksel uit het dagboek van W.J.C. Ridder Huyssen van Kattendyke, Kapitein-Luit. ter zee, gedurende zijn verblijf in Japan in 1857, 1858 en 1859.
The Hague, W.P. van Stockum (printed by Giunta d'Albani), 1860. 8vo. With large folding lithographed map (67 x 54.5 cm) depicting the west coast of Japan and Kiusiu, by E. Spanier after H.O. Wichers. Contemporary gold-tooled red sheepskin (morocco), gilt edges, silk-watered endpapers. [2 blank], [10], 236 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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