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Cartography & Exploration

The history, economy and politics of Oudewater

[KINSCHOT, Gaspar Rudolph van]. Beschryving der stad Oudewater; waarin aangetoont word der zelver herkomst uit het Uitrechtsche Bisdom, overgang tot de Graaflykheid van Holland en haare gemaakte onafscheidbaarheid van de zelve, ...
-Handvesten, privilegien, octroyen, placaaten en ordonnantien; mitsgaders keuren, giften, resolutien, en andere voorname stukken, de stad Oudewater betreffende.
-Oude en nieuwe keuren der stad Oudewater.
-Ordonnantie en instructie, voor schepenen commissarissen der stede Oudewater, ...
Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1747. 4to. With title in red and black with engraved vignette with the arms of Oudewater supported by lions, in a decorative cartouche with vines, full-page engraved dedication to the 4 burgomasters and governors of Delft, including the author's father (with their arms and the crowned arms of Oudewater, Delft and Alkmaar), 2 engraved maps and 5 views of Oudewater (all folding), 2 engraved numismatic illustrations in text. Contemporary vellum. XVI, "600" [= 604], 14, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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World atlas including one 6-sheet and eleven 4-sheet wall maps

KITCHIN, Thomas and others. Kitchin's general atlas, describing the whole universe.
London, Robert Laurie, James Whittle, 1808. Imperial folio (53 x 39.5 cm). With 28 engraved maps (numbered in 41 parts) assembled from 67 sheets. Most include elaborate cartouches with pictorial decoration. With the maps coloured in outline. Contemporary half calf. 1 leaf plus maps. Full description
€ 18,000
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Incredibly rare collection of views by De Beijer and Van Liender of the castles, houses,
churches and towns surrounding the city of Kleve in a spectacular 18th-century Dutch binding

[KLEEFSCHE OUTHEEDEN - VIEWS]. BEIJER, Jan de (draughtsman) and Paulus van LIENDER (engraver). Verzameling van twaalf Kleefsche outheden en gezichten.
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, (signed in the plates:) 1758-1762. Large 4to (29 x 23 cm). With 50 leaves showing 46 engravings containing a total of 91 views: 42 leaves with 2 views per leaf, 6 leaves with 2 double page views each, and 1 double page view on 2 leaves. All engraved plates are signed "J. de Beyer del. Paul: van Liender fec [year: between 1758 and 1762]". All views are captioned beneath the illustration, telling the viewer what building, town, or view they are seeing, and some captions even mention the year when the view was captured by De Beyer. Near contemporary (ca. 1778) elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, with a green morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, gold-tooled edges and turn-ins, floral decorated paper end leaves, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank] pp. and 50 leaves showing 91 engraved views. Full description
€ 12,500
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1824 description and atlas of the United States of America, with views of New York and Philadelphia

KLINKOWSTRÖM, Axel. Bref om de Förenta Staterna, författade under en resa till Amerika, ären 1818, 1819, 1820. ... Förra[-Senare] delen.
Stockholm, Ecksteinska Tryckeriet, 1824. 3 volumes, the 2 text volumes bound as 1. 8vo (text) & 1mo (atlas, 42 x 56 cm). Each text volume with the same engraved title-page, and in volume 1 a folding letterpress table. The atlas volume has a lithographed title-page with a view of the White House, 2 large engraved maps of the northern part and the southern part of the United States by John Melish, dated 1816, and 14 maps, plans and views of New York, Philadelphia and Washington, including 8 fine engraved aquatints by Akrell. Bound in the atlas volume are 2 letterpress 4to leaves, one with the numbered list of 19 plates: the 2 engraved title-pages for the text volumes (1-2), lithographed title-page for the atlas (3) and 16 plates for the atlas (4-19: seven are 1mo - full or nearly full sheets - and nine smaller).
With: (2) [KLINKOWSTRÖM, Axel]. Atlas til Friherre Klinckowströms Bref om de Förente Staterne.
[Stockholm, Ecksteinska Tryckeriet, 1824]. Contemporary half sprinkled calf with the volume numbers 1 & 2 in half tanned sheepskin. IX, 242, [2]; VIII, [2], 243-496 pp. Full description
€ 7,000
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Rare publication by the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute containing 24 charts of the currents
in the Gulf of Guinea and around the equator

KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT. [KLUIT, M.E.B.J. and P.F. van HEERDT]. De Guinea en Equatoriaal stroomen voor iedere maand afzonderlijk bewerkt volgens de gegevens van 2900 journalen, gehouden aan boord van Nederlandsche schepen.
Utrecht, printed by stoom-, boek- en steendrukkerij "De Industrie", J. van Druten for the KNMI, 1895. Folio (58 x 36,5 cm). With 24 double-page charts of the currents in the Gulf of Guinea off the West-African coast, 2 charts for each month, printed in blue, black and red. Half buckram and marbled paper over boards. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [3], [1 blank] pp. and 24 double page charts. Full description
€ 1,950
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Rare heraldic game for young noblemen, improving and displaying their knowledge
of the genealogy, heraldry, geography and history of the main regions of Europe

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Vermakelyk wapen-kundig, geographisch, en historisch spel, betreffende de voornaamste heerschende staten in Europa. En dienende om de jonge lieden, inzonderheid die van een meer als gemeene geboorte of educatie zyn, de wapen-kunde, geographie en historie gelyk als speelender wyze te leeren.
Amsterdam, David Klippink, 1768. 8vo. With a full-page engraved armorial plate with the coat-of-arms of the British chivalric Order of the Garter with their motto "Honi soit qui mal y pense" and small woodcut hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds in a card game in the text. 19th-century brown cloth, yellow endpapers. [24], 203, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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