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Cartography & Exploration

The first ethnographic survey of the Russian Empire

GEORGI, Johann Gottlieb. Russland. Beschreibung aller Nationen des russischen Reiches, ihrer Lebensart, Religion, Gebräuche, Wohnungen, Kleidungen und übrigen Merkwürdigkeiten.
Leipzig, Dyk, 1783. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 etched hand-coloured frontispieces by Schoenberg (coloured by Capieux), and several delicate engraved head- and tailpieces in the text by C.M. Roth. Contemporary half calf, sprinkled boards. [4], XII, [5], [1 blank], 271, [1 blank]; [2], 273-530, [10] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Early work on the discovery of the West Indies

GERALDINUS, Alexander. Itinerarium ad regiones sub aequinoctiali plaga constitutas. Opus antiquitates, ritus, mores, & religiones populoru[m], Aethiopie[a], Africae, Atlantici Oceani, Indicarumque regionum complectens.
Rome, Guglielmo Facciotti, 1631. 8vo. With engraved title-page and engraved illustration on the letterpress title-page. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [16], 284, [36] pp. Full description
€ 5,750
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Rare 16th-century treatise pointing out the interaction between astronomy and geography

GIRAULT, Simon. Globe du monde contenant un bref traité du ciel & de la terre.
Langres, Jean des Preyz, 1592. 4to. With a woodcut on the title-page showing an armillary sphere, 3 woodcut folding plates of the solar system, a celestial chart in two hemispheres and a (terrestrial) map of the world in two hemispheres, 4 woodcut maps in the text (including a map of Europe), many astronomical and cosmographical woodcut figures and tables in the text and woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials.18th-century half brown sheepskin, brown paper sides. 92 ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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A general in the Spanish army on the battles and sieges in Flanders 1601-1609,
during the Dutch war for independence, with 29 folding maps and plans

GIUSTINIANO, Pompeo. Delle guerre di Flandra libri VI. ... Posti in luce da Gioseppe Gamurini ...
Antwerp, J. Trognesio, 1609. 4to. With engraved architectural title-page and 29 folding engraved maps and plans of sieges and fortifications. White sheepskin (ca. 1700 or possibly later). [4], 329, [1 blank], [15], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Rare collection of travel accounts in the form of letters,
including a Swedish translation of a biography of Captain Cook

GJÖRWELL, Carl Christoffer (ed.). Almänna rese-beskrifwaren eller sammandrag af de nyaste och bästa rese-beskrifningar, hälst de som nyligast utkommit; til uplysning af andra länders geographie, natural-historia, stats-förfatning, hushålning, lärdom, bruk och seder: uti bref författat.
Stockholm, printed by Johan Arvid Carlbohm [and A.J. Nordstrom], 1780 [-1782]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of "Jacob" (James) Cook as a frontispiece in vol. 1, with some head and tail pieces throughout the 2 vols. Contemporary half goatskin. [4], 360; [2], 134, [2], 135-194, [2], 195-“168” [= 268] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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A pair of striking Victorian library globes by map-maker George Frederick Cruchley

[GLOBES - TERRESTRIAL & CELESTIAL]. CRUCHLEY, George Frederick. Cruchley's new terrestrial globe from the most recent and best authorities, exhibiting the discoveries in equatorial Africa, North Pole, and the new settlements and divisions in Australia, New Zealand, California, Texas &c.
London, George Frederick Cruchley, [ca. 1850].
With: CRUCHLEY, George Frederick. Cruchleys new celestial globe on which is accurately laid down the whole of the stars and nebule contained in the astronomical catalogue of the Reverend Mr. Wollaston F.R.S. Also from the authorities Flamstead, De la Caille, Hevellus, Bradley, Herschel, Maskelyne, &c. and the limits of each constellation determined by a boundary line.
London, George Frederick Cruchley, [ca. 1850].
A matching pair of terrestrial and celestial globes (53 cm diameter) each made a hollow paper-marché core (2 hemispheres, joined at the equator), covered with a layer of plaster and 12 hand-coloured, engraved gores, showing the terrestrial geography and celestial bodies in great detail. Each globe mounted in a mahogany tripod stand on small wheels. With a compass (diameter: 25 cm) at the base of each stand; graduated brass meridian ring and engraved graduated horizontal rings (paper pasted on the mahogany frame) showing the months of the year, the zodiac signs and wind directions. Full description
€ 97,500
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A pair of extremely rare Valk table globes

[GLOBES - TERRESTRIAL & CELESTIAL]. VALK, Gerard and Leonard. [Terrestrial globe:] Cosmotheore, caelesti nostro globo, par, et plane novus, hic terrestris ut existeret, certo scias, errore veterum sublato, non tantum utriusque orbis, longitudines ac latitudines, par reiterates neotericorum observationes, hicce esse restitutas, sed et nullum typis emendatiorem prodiisse, hoc igitur novissimô tam diu fruere, donec sub majori forma, meô aere alios excudam Gerardus Valk calcographus, Amsterdami, A[nn]o 17[50] cum privilegio.
Amsterdam, [Maria Schenk, widow of Leonard Valk], 17[50].
And: [Celestial globe:] Uranographia, caelum omne hie complectens, illa pro ut aucta, et ad annum 1700 competum, magno ab hevelio, correcta est, ita, ejus ex prototypis, sua noviter haec ectypa, veris astronomiae cultoribus, exhibit et consecrate, Ger. et Leon. Valk, Amstelaedamenses.
Amsterdam, Gerard and Leonard Valk, [ca. 1711]. Full description
€ 275,000
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Rare Hondius globe dedicated to Archduke Albert and Archduchess Isabella of Austria,
with their arms on the globe and on the pedestal

[GLOBE - TERRESTRIAL]. HONDIUS, Jodocus. [Terrestrial globe].
Antwerp, Joan Baptist Vrients [produced by Jodocus Hondius in Amsterdam], "1601" [= ca. 1603?]. Diameter (21 cm). The globe is assembled from 12 engraved gores, mounted over a hollow wooden sphere, the gores hand-coloured in outline, some areas with full colour infill. Full description
€ 295,000
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The deterioration and restoration of Russo-Japanese relations 1811-1813

GOLOVNIN, Vasilii Mikhailovich. Memoirs of a captivity in Japan, during the years 1811, 1812, and 1813; with observations on the country and the people ... second edition.
-RIKORD, Petr Ivanovich. Account of voyages to the coasts of Japan; and of negotiations with the Japanese, for the release of Captain Golownin and his companions.
-Account of the voyages of Messrs. Chwostoff & Dawidoff.
London, Henry Colburn & Co., 1824. 3 volumes. 8vo. With an additional facsimile map, copied from the French edition of 1818, inserted in volume 2. Modern red cloth. IV, 315, [1 blank]; [2], 356, [2]; VIII, LXXXIX, [1 blank], 302 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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