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Book History, Education, Learning & Printing / Education & Pedagogy

Christianity and children's education intertwined: a very rare Italian ABC book

[ABC BOOK]. Correttissima Santa Croce per facilissima istruzzione de' fanciulli.
[Rome], Francesco Ansillioni, [ca. 1750]. Small 8vo. With 2 nearly full-page woodcuts (the Holy Virgin on the front cover and a monk with a shining nimbus containing the word "charitas" around his head on the back cover) and 7 small religious woodcuts in text. Front and back cover and the first two pages with alphabets and numbers in ornamental woodcut borders. Sewn. [16] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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First edition of a rare work on Syrian grammar, with excerpts from important Syrian authors

ADLER, Jacob Georg Christian. Brevis linguae Syriacae insitutio in usum tironum edita.
Altona, Johann David Adam Eckhardt, 1784. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on the title-page and typographical ornaments at the head of every page. The text is set in Roman and Syriac type. Early 19th-century blue marbled paper wrappers. 64, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Daniel Heinsius's famous Aesop schoolbook, illustrated by Christoffel van Sichem

AESOP. Fabulae Graecè & Latinè, nunc denuo selectae: eae item, quas Avienus carmine expressit. Accedit Ranarum & murium pugna, Homero olim asscripta: cum elegantissimis in utroque libello figuris, & utriusque interpretatione, plurimis in locis emendatâ. Ex decreto DD. Hollandiae ordinum, in usum scholarum.
Utrecht, Jurriaen van Poolsum, 1685. Small 8vo. With small woodcut of a fox sitting under a tree on the title-page, a woodcut depicting Aesop with animals dancing around him, and children wearing crowns looking in at the door (illustrating the account Aesop's life), and 48 further woodcuts in the text, 40 illustrating Aesop's fables, and 6 illustrating the "Battle of the frogs and the mice", all by Christoffel van Sichem. Contemporary vellum. 134, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Richly illustrated manuscript teaching religion to deaf-mutes

[ASSAROTTI, Ottavio Giovanno Battista]. Dottrina Christiana. [Manuscript in Italian].
[Genoa, ca. 1815/20]. 8vo. With 117 (of 118) full-page hand-coloured drawings, each in a frame of double rules (20.5 x 14 cm), with lively illustrations of the Christian doctrine, and text in Italian. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. 117 (of 118), [3 blank] ll., including the last 3 blanks. Full description
€ 18,500
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Second part of the first ever series of children's books

BAÏF, Lazare de and [Charles ESTIENNE (editor)]. De vasculis libellus, adulescentulorum causa ex Bayfio decerptus, addita vulgari Latinarum vocum interpretatione.
Paris, Roberti Stephani [Robert Estienne], (colophon: 13 October) 1543. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Later blueish-grey paper over boards with the title printed in black on the spine. 52, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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A commentary on and epitome of Laurentius Valla's De Elegantiis

BIENATO, Aurelio. In elegantiarum sex libros Laurentii Vallae disertissimi epithomata nuper recognita.
Venice, Giovanni Antonio Nicolini da Sabbio, for Melchiorre Sessa, 1539. Small 8vo. With Sessas charming woodcut device showing a cat with a mouse in its mouth, with motto "Dissimilium infida societas" below, repeated on the last page. Later half vellum, gold-tooled spine, boards covered with decorated paper. 63, [1] ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Strikingly hand-coloured lithographs illustrating the humoristic tale of Aunt Beetle's birthday together with 2 original drawings of scenes in the book by Bodenheim

BODENHEIM, Nelly (illustrator), Lizzy ANSINGH and Jean-Paul VROOM (lithographer). Tante Tor is jarig.
Utrecht, Stichting De Roos (printed in Amsterdam by Dieperink & Co.), 1950.
With: (2) [ORIGINAL DRAWINGS - BODENHEIM, Nelly]. [2 drawings: one featuring beetles, a maybeetle, and (Spanish) flies and another showing "Aunt Beetle" in bed being congratulated by her mosquito maid]. [ca. 1950].
4to (ca. 27 x 19.5 cm). All text and illustrations, including the illustrated front board, are lithographs by the famous Dutch artist Jean-Paul Vroom in facsimile after the text and illustrations by Lizzy Ansingh and Nelly Bodenheim. The lithographs are hand-coloured under supervision of Vroom. The work is printed on Simili Japon paper. Together with two original drawings by Bodenheim, hand-coloured and signed in her initials, mounted on a grey passepartout folder highlighting the scene with the beetles, maybeetle, and fly. The illustration of "Aunt Beetle" and her mosquito maid can be found on the back. Original hand-coloured lithographed paper over boards with the title stamped in decorative letters on the spine. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [25], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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The importance of this book can hardly be exaggerated

BOETHIUS. De consolatione philosophie duplici commentario videlicet Sancti Thome & Jodoci Badii Ascensii cum utriusque tabula. Item eiusdem de disciplina scholarium cum explanatione et quintilianum de officio discipulorum diligenter annotata.
Rouen, [printed by Pierre Olivier] for Jean Macé in Rennes, 1519. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to With Macés large woodcut devices on the 2 title-pages and on the verso of the last leaf, the first title-page printed in red and black. Several fine woodcut initials. Modern vellum, red morocco spine-label. [312]; [64] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Important early work on statistics and social sciences

BOSE, Johann Andreas. Introductio generalis in notitiam rerumpublicarum orbis universi. ...
Jena, Johann Bielcke for Samuel Krebs, 1676. 4to. With an engraved full-page portrait of the author in the text, the title printed in red and black, and further with woodcut decorated initials and woodcut endpieces. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, manuscript title and shelf mark on spine. [16], 370, [22] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The first childrens pop-up book (1831), in the original publishers binding the engraved title-page and all 12 plates with moving parts and beautifully hand-coloured for the publisher

BRÈS, Jean-Pierre. Le livre-joujou.
Paris, Louis Janet, [24 December 1831]. Large 16mo in 8s (14.5 x 11 cm). With a letterpress title-page, an engraved title-page and 12 engraved plates, the engraved title-page and all plates with movable parts (moved with tabs), all 13 engravings and their movable parts hand-coloured for the publisher. Further with a wide variety of decorated types. Publishers original gold-tooled black half sheepskin, original publishers blue paper sides, printed letterpress, the front and back with the same cover-title, with a wood-engraved vignette, marbled edges. [2 blank], “11” [= 6], vii, [1], 157, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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Luxurious manual for understanding paintings, with coloured plates

BURNET, John. A practical treatise on painting. In three parts. Consisting of hints on composition, chiaroscuro, and colouring. The whole illustrated by examples from the Italian, Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch schools.
London, James Carpenter, 1826-1827. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 25 full-page partly handcoloured etched and aquatint plates with 105 reproductions by Burnet of famous paintings. Contemporary calf, covers blind-tooled in a checkered pattern, marbled edges. [4], 31, [1 blank]; VI, 45; V-IX, [3], 64 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Early edition of one of the greatest Hebrew lexicons,
by the most celebrated Hebraist of 17th-century Europe

BUXTORF, Johannes. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum: complectens omnes voces, tam primas quam derivatas, quae in Sacris Bibliis, Hebraeâ ... extant. Accessit Lexicon breve Rabbinico-Philosophicum ... Editio quinta, de novo recognita.
Basileae, heirs of Ludovicus König, 1645 (dedication signed 17 August 1647). 8vo. With woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum. [16], 976, [80] pp. Full description
€ 750
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One of the most important textbooks on logic, highly praised by Melanchthon

CAESARIUS, Johannes. Dialectica ... nunc recens Hermani Raiani Welsdalii fructuosis scholiis illustrata, & in multis locis emendata. Accessit huic Ioanni Murmelii Isagoge in decem Aristotelis Praedicamentas.
Venice, Giovanni Maria Leni, 1579. 8vo. With Lenis woodcut device on the title-page (a figure holding a set square up to the sun, in a scrollwork cartouche with motto, "In eo qui fecit me omnia possum") which has the letterpress title "Dialectica" in a woodcut factotum with scrollwork and putti at the head, and woodcut decorated initials. Set in roman and italic type with occasional Greek. Contemporary vellum. "189" [= 179], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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10 etched plates after drawings by a pupil of Rembrandt

CAYLUS, Anne Claude Philippe Comte de. Histoire de Joseph, accompagnée de dix figures, rélatives aux principaux evenemens de la fils de ce fils du patriarche Jacob, et gravées sur les modèles du fameux Reimbrandt.
Amsterdam, Jean Neaulme, 1757. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black, and 10 full-page etched plates. Contemporary boards. [26] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Very rare children's book on the peoples of the world, with 24 hand-coloured costume plates

[CHILDREN'S BOOK - GEOGRAPHY - ANTHROPOLOGY]. Kleine Völker-Gallerie für Kinder in unterhaltenden Erzählungen von den Sitten, Meinungen, Gebräuchen und Kleidungen fremder Nationen, mit vier und zwanzig kolorirten Kupfern.
Köln, 1811. 12mo. With 24 numbered engravings (7 x 3 cm) showing the peoples discussed in their traditional costumes, each mounted on a blank leaf. With the engravings coloured as published, as indicated on the title-page. Later gold-tooled half red morocco, red paper over boards, with the title in gold on the spine. 170, [4] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Price-book from the Latin School at Deventer: the most important works of Cicero in the edition of Graevius

CICERO, Marcus Tullius. De officiis libri tres. Cato major sive de senectute. Laelius sive de Amiciria. Paradoxa. Somnium Scipionis. Ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii cum eiusdem animadversionibus.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Wetstein, 1691. 3 parts (books) in 1 volume. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece, a woodcut vignette on the title-page which is printed in red and black, woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum. [20], 470, [18] pp. Full description
€ 650
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First French edition of a Dutch work on the rise and fall of the ancient Greeks

DEMETRIUS, Andreas and Johannes POLYANDER (translator). Les actes memorables des Grecs. Contenant leurs haults & vaillans exploits...
Dordrecht, [published by Isaac Jansz. Canin and printed by Guillaume Guillemot] for Andreas Demetrius, 1602. 8vo. With a large woodcut printer's device on the title-page and with folding engraved map of ancient Greece, signed Ioan: Doetechomius Jr, inserted before p. 1, woodcut decorated initials and woodcut manicules in the margins. Contemporary gold-tooled overlapping vellum, sewn on 4 vellum tapes laced through the joints, with the manuscript title on the spine and the gold-tooled armorial supralibros of the Signet Library as a centre-piece on both boards. [1], [1 blank], [14], 749, [1 blank] [25], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,600
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Rare collection of seven morality plays

[DUTCH MORALITY PLAYS - REDERIJKERS]. Zeven spelen, van die wercken der bermherticheyd. In rym ghemaeckt en nu tot Aemstelredam opentlyck ghespeelt, Anno 1591
Amsterdam, H. J. Muller, 1591. 8vo. Woodcut title vignette and 6 woodcut illustrations at the beginning of the plays, Contemporary vellum with manuscript title on spine. [302] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Important and luxurious edition of Faerno’s 100 fables, with frontispiece and 99 illustrations

FAERNO, Gabriello. Cent fables en Latin et en François, choisies des anciens auteurs, mises en vers Latins ..., et traduites par Mr. Perrault, ...
London, C. Marsh & T. Payne, H. Slater, S. Baker, F. Noble, W. Bathoe, J. Palairet, 1744. 4to. With richly designed, engraved frontispiece, and 99 (of 100) fine engraved illustrations to the fables on integral leaves. Early 19th-century half calf, for the Signet Library in Edinburgh, each board with the gold-tooled British Royal arms. [1], [1 blank], II, [1], [1 blank], [18], 238, [2], 45, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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A fine collection of architectural ornaments and devices by the Paris architect

FOSSE, Jean Charles de la (DELAFOSSE). Nouvelle iconologie historique, ou Attributs hieroglyphiques, compées & arrangées de maniere qu' ils peuvent servir à toutes sortes de décoration, ...puisqu'on est le maitre de les appliquer egalement à des fontaines, pyramides, cheminées, dessus de portes, bordures, medaillons, trophées, vases, frises, tombeaux, pendules, etc. = Nieuwe historische beeldspraak, of hieroglyphische merkbeelden, betreklyk op verscheide natien, hunne geschiedenissen en godsdiensten, gelyk ook op verschillende zaaken, tot de wysbegeerte, fabel- en dichtkunde behoorende: alles in die orde geschikt, dat men dezelve kan gebruiken tot bouwkunstige vercierzelen, fontynen, pronknaalden en schoorsteenen, ornamenten, medaillons, tropheën, vazen, tombes, pendules, enz.
Amsterdam, C.S. Roos; A. Fokke, [ca. 1780]. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio. With 2 finely engraved allegorical part-titles and 103 engraved plates with allegorical ornaments, devices and attributes by J. de Witt Jansz.. 20th-century half parchment, marbled sides (Turkish spot pattern). [4], 39, [1] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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Games and activities for young boys and girls

[GAMES & PASTIMES]. De onvermoeide speelmakker, of volledige verzameling van nuttige en aangename spelen, uitspanningen, ligchaamsoefeningen en andere bezigheden, zoowel in huis, als in de open lucht voor jongens en meisjes. Versierd en opgehelderd door eene menigte fraaije houtsneêfiguren.
Gouda, G.B. van Goor, [1853]. 8vo. With numerous wood engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary gold-tooled blue-green morocco. X, 282 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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From the library of Buijnsters-Smets, with an original watercolour by Jacob Buijs

GELLERT, Christian Fürchtegott. Fabelen en vertelsels, in Nederduitsche vaerzen gevolgd.
Amsterdam, Pieter Meijer, 1781-1784. With large allegorical engraving on title and 148 (of 149) full-page engraved plates by N. van der Meer after J. Buys and one ORIGINAL WATERCOLOUR by J. Buijs illustrating the poem "Het Proces".(2) IDEM. Bijdrage tot de gemeenzame brieven van C.F. Gellert uitgegeven door J.P. Bamberger. Utrecht, A. van Paddenburg & J.M. van Vloten, 1781. 2 works (the 1st in 3 volumes, the 2nd bound with volume 3). 8vo.
Contemporary "run marbled" calf (more root-like than tree-like), gold-tooled spine, gold fillets on boards, black morocco spine labels. [4], 166, [2]; [2], 168, [4]; [4], 155, [5]; [2], VI, 103, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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Very popular manual for colouring books, prints and maps

BRUGGE, Geerard ter, and Willem GOEREE. Verligterie-kunde, of, regt gebruik der water-verwen. In welke desselfs kennis, en gebruik tot de schilderkunde, en de illuminatie of verligterie noodig zijnde, kortelijk geleerd word. Eertijds uytgegeven door den voortreflijken verligter Mr. Geerard ter Brugge. Ende nu tot nut der liefhebbers, doorgaans met noodige aanmerkingen vermeerderd, om neffens het illumineeren of afzetten, insonderheid het schilderen met water-verwen te oeffenen, ... Den derden druk.
Amsterdam, Daniel van den Dalen, 1697. 8vo. With an engraved title. Modern half sheepskin parchment, marbled paper sides. 92 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Italian grammar dedicated to the French Queen Maria de’ Medici

GUEDAN, François. Institution de la langue Florentine et Toscane. Pour apprendre promptement, & facilement, la langue Italienne. Tant pour la lecture, prononciation & escriture d'icelle: que pour l'intelligence, composition, & traduction des livres Italiens en François, & des François en Italien.
Paris, Jean Gesselin, 1602. Small 8vo. Modern blind-tooled vellum, each board with a central ornament, gold fillets on spine, red morocco spine-label, red edges. 189, [3] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Introduction to reading the Bible, intended for young people

HOFFMANN, Gottfried. Außerlesene Kern-Sprüche Heiliger Schrifft, durch kurtze Fragen deutlich erkläret und nützlich angewendet, nebst einer ausführlichen Einleitung zum Bibel-Lesen ...
Leipzig, Friedrich Lankisch, 1705. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, title-page printed in red and black, a folding letterpress table and occasional lines in Greek and Hebrew type. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [34], 704 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Famous poem with moral lessons for unmarried women, married women and widows

HOUWAERT, Jean Baptista. Pegasides pleyn. Ofte den lust-hof der maechden.
Volume 1: Delft, Adriaen Gerritsen, 1615 (colophon: 1614); volume 2: Leiden, Jan Paets Jacobszoon, 1611. 8vo. Volume 1 with an engraved title-page by Jan Wiericx and 8 full-page engravings by Jan Wiericx; volume 2 with the main text set in civilité type. Uniform contemporary vellum. XLVI, [2], 867, [1]; 464, 1-471, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Two famous books each presenting a mother's legacy, here emblematically illustrated by Jan Luyken and with additional verses by the Mennonites Geesje Brit and Adriaan Spinneker

[JOCELIN, Elizabeth Brook]. Uyterste wille van een moeder aan haar toekomende kind, toegeeigent aan de volmaaktste huysmoeder. Den Tweden Druk. [With extensive verses and other additions by Adriaan SPINNEKER].
Together in a single edition with:
HOUTE, Soetgen van den. Uyterste wille, dewelk sy hare kinderen David, Betgen en Tanneken, tot een memorie en voor het alderbeste goet heeft nagelaten, en heeft dat met haren dood bevestigt, tot Gent in Vlaenderen. [With several educational verses by Gezine BRIT].
SPINNEKER, Adriaan. Morgen- en avondgezangen, gebedswijze berijmt.
Amsterdam, Jacobus van Nieuweveen, 1699. 3 works plus additional verses in 1 volume. Small 8vo. A single edition, containing three main works, each with its own title-page with Van Nieuweveens imprint (the first undated, the others 1699) and with all engravings on integral leaves (frontispiece and 16 nearly full-page emblematic engravings by Jan Luyken and 6 smaller emblematic engravings plus 2 small engravings of Hope and Faith, some possibly by Jan Luyken). The first work with a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, an engraved figure of Faith (with cross and book) on the title-page, and 7 nearly full-page engraved emblems; the second with an engraved figure of Hope (with anchor and bird) on the title-page, a nearly full-page engraved portrait of the author writing in her prison cell, 2 nearly full-page engraved emblems and 4 smaller emblematic engravings in the main text, and 6 nearly full-page engraved emblems and 2 smaller ones accompanying the added verses; and a woodcut vase of flowers on title-page of the third work. Further with several woodcut tailpieces and decorated initials. Contemporary vellum. [8], "259" [= 267], [1, 4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Calligraphic copybook by a 14-year-old Dutch boy in 1761

JONG, Jacobus de. Geschriften.
Noordwijk-Binnen, 1761. Oblong folio (21 x 33 cm). Manuscript calligraphic copybook in brown ink on paper, with a calligraphic title-page followed by sample texts (mostly from the Old and New Testament) in Dutch in a roundhand script with decorative flourishes, and verses by Jacob Cats on the outside of the first and last leaves, the last illustrated with a penwork father, son and a large fish eating a small fish. Side-stitched, with the first leaf and last leaf serving as wrappers. [31] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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First edition of an incredibly rare 18th-century mathematical work

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Eerste pylaar der algemene mathesis of wis-kunde, of de arithmetica ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, 1758. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved folding plate after the last page, a small woodcut vignette on the title-page, a woodcut headpiece at the start of the work, two decorated woodcut initials, and numerous mathematical figures in the text. The title-page is printed in red and black, the work includes a divisional title-page for part 2. Contemporary(?) gold-tooled half brown calf, with remnants of a dark brown morocco title-label on the spine, brown sprinkled paper sides. [16], 498; [2], 503-976 [= 473] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The rights and duties of women in sex, love and marriage

KORNMANN, Heinrich. Sibylla trig-Andriana, seu virginitate, virginum statu et jure tractatus novus et jucundus ...
De annulo triplici: usitato, sponsalitio, signatorio: ...
Linea amoris sive commentarius in versiculum glossae, ...
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq, 1654. 3 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [24], 214; 69, [3]; 117, [3] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Poetry in praise of education

LAFARGUE, Étienne de. Poëme sur l'éducation, dédié à M. Le Comte Charles, fils de M. Le Duc de Luynes.
Paris, Guillot, Librairie de Monsieur, 1788. Small 8vo. With full-page engraved plate showing a young boy studying at home with his private tutor and his father watching, 4 finely engraved headings for each stanza of the educational poem, and several charming woodcut tail-pieces to the added fables and miscellaneous poetry. Contemporary gold-tooled green morocco. [4], XVIII, 135, [9] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Illustrated edition of Jean de la Fontaine's fables, intended for a young public

[LA FONTAINE, Jean de]. La Fontaine en estampes, ou nouvelle édition des fables, plus complète que les précédentes; précédée de la vie de l'auteur, extraite du nouvel ouvrage de M. Walckenaer.
Paris, Auguste Nepveu, 1821. 4to. With an engraving on the title-page (Aesop talking with the animals before a bust of La Fontaine) and 110 half-page engravings illustrating the fables. Contemporary half brown sheepskin. "XXIV" [= XXVIII, pp. XXV-XXVI and XXVII-XXVIII are misbound), 462 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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An interactive moral instructor for young women, by the pioneers of 19th-century "lift-the-flap books"

[LIFT-THE-FLAP BOOK - MORAL INSTRUCTION FOR YOUNG WOMEN]. [GRIMALDI, Stacey and William GRIMALDI (illustrator)]. The toilet. Third edition.
London, by the author, 1823. With an engraved title-page and 9 hand-coloured engraved illustrations with movable pieces, all text is set within an ornamental frame. Contemporary gold-tooled greenish black morocco, gilt edges. [17] ll. and 10 plates. Full description
€ 875
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A French Robinsonade in German

[MALLÈS DE BEAULIEU, Jeanne-Sophie]. Begebenheiten eines französischen Schiffsjungen auf einer unbewohntern Insel, oder der zwölfjährige Robinson.
Zürich & Leipzig, Trachslerschen Buch- u. Kunsthandlung, [1824]. Small 8vo. With an illustrated engraved title-page, engraved frontispiece and 4 engraved plates, all aquatints which are richly and beautifully coloured by hand. Contemporary green cloth, gold-tooled spine. 324 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Beautiful examples of 18th-century penmanship by 2 Dutch brothers

[MANUSCRIPT - CALLIGRAPHY]. WALBEEK, Willem and Frans WALBEEK. [Three calligraphic prize books by Willem and Frans Walbeek].
Warmond (near Leiden), the Netherlands, 1752-1756.
(1) WALBEEK, Willem. Prijs boek. Inhoudende verscheyde geschriften.
Warmond, 1752.
(2) WALBEEK, Willem. Prijs-boek. Inhoudende eenige schriften.
Warmond, 1753.
(3) WALBEEK, Frans. Prijs boek.
Warmond, 1756.
Three oblong albums (ca. 35 x 44 cm). With the same hand drawn illustration of 2 putti holding a laurel wreath on the title-pages of ads 2 and 3, and an ink drawing of a compass (drawing instrument, or other measuring instrument) as part of a calligraphic exercise also in ads 2 and 3. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. [12]; [1 blank], [13]; [10] ll. Full description
€ 3,500
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Early 18th-century Dutch student's manuscript on navigation and mathematics

[MANUSCRIPT - NAVIGATION - DUTCH]. De schat kamer ofte de konst der stuurlieden.
[The Netherlands], [ca. 1702/13?]. Folio (33.5 x 21.5 cm). With more than 300 mathematical figures and illustrations, mainly full-, half- and quarter-circle diagrams. The Dutch text is written in a clearly legible, 18th-century cursive hand in brown ink. Contemporary flexible paperboards. [213], [4 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,850
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Manuscript medical manual

[MEDICAL MANUAL AND RECIPE BOOK]. Examen: vor ein neuer angehender Chirurgus, der sich will examiniren lassen, daß er in seinem examen bestehet, und wohl erfunden wird, so muß er dieses alles auswendig lernen, daß er antworten kann, über dasjenige was ihm gefragt wird. Anno 1806.
Franconia and Alsace (Augsburg, Nuremberg, Strasbourg), 1800-1826. 4to (17 x 23 cm). German (and Latin) manuscript by various hands. Contemporary boards with vellum corners and modern cloth spine. [47], "286" [= 285], [47] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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First edition of an instructional miniature library on all school subjects

[MINIATURE BOOKS - DUTCH]. Bibliotheek in miniatuur.
(1) De aardrijkskunde.
(2) De gewijde geschiedenis.
(3) Vaderlandsche geschiedenis.
(4) Natuurlijke geschiedenis der viervoetige dieren.
(5) De natuurlijke geschiedenis der vogelen.
(6) Natuurlijke geschiedenis der insekten, kruipende dieren en visschen.
(7) De kruidkunde.
(8) Zedelijke verhalen.
(9) Arabische vertellingen.
(10) De mythologie.
Amsterdam, M. Westerman, 1823. 10 volumes. Ca 7.7 x 6.5 cm. With 31 engraved plates and 5 engraved maps, including a folding world map. In the original pink and green cardboard case with glass lid, green printed paper wrappers, with cream paper dust jackets with the titles in manuscript on the front. Full description
€ 3,750
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Children’s book with wonderful hand-coloured moveable dolls

[MOVABLE DOLLS, subject]. De weldadige Louize of het meisje in zesderlei gedaanten. Een onderhoudend geschenk voor meisjes. Met zeven gekleurde beweegbare plaatjes.
Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Arum, [1828]. 12mo. One paper doll printed on cardstock plate with slits above left shoulder and below feet, into which tabs on six outfits printed on cardstock plates can be placed. Paper doll and outfits are hand-coloured. Rear paste-down functions as an envelope. Contemporary boards, upper board is printed with title and a decorative border. In custom box. 62 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Arabic ABC primer

MUHAMMAD ALI UTAY. [Egyptian ABC book].
[Cairo, ca. 1925]. 8vo. Illustrated throughout with numerous black and white illustrations in the text. The title-page with a frame of foliage (oval inside, rectangular outside) and part of its text printed from a woodblock. Further with a portrait of King Fuad I of Egypt and illustrations of animals, etc. Original publishers printed-paper wrappers, matching the title-page but with the frame in green and the text in red. 46, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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A fine example of an Enlightenment children's book

NEWBURY, John. Philosophie der tollen en ballen; of het Newtoniaansche zamenstel van wysbegeerte, geschikt naar de vatbaarheid der eerste Jeugd, en gemeenzaam en vermaaklyk gemaakt door voorwerpen, welke aan haar zeer bekend zyn: bestaande in ses lessen, geleezen voor de Lilliputiaansche Maatschappie, door Tom Telescope.
Middelburg, Christiaan Bohemer, 1768. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece showing a little boy, Tom Telescope, standing on a table and explaining matter and motion to a group of other small children with some adults present too, a woodcut showing a pair of telescopes, and 8 fine engraved plates showing the solar system, an air-pump and air-gun, globes and armillary spheres, Vesuvius, etc. Contemporary half calf. [12], 134, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare imprint from Chili

NOÉ, Juan Nicolas. Epitome de gramatica Castellana. ... Para escuelas primarias.
Valparaiso, Imprenta de la Bandera, 1837. 12mo. With the title in woodcut borders, a woodcut printer's vignette and some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary blue paper wrappers, with protective paper cover. [2], 155 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare work about star velocity by one of the most important astronomers of the 20th century

OORT, Jan Hendrik. The stars of high velocity. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de wis- en natuurkunde aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen...
Groningen, Gebroeders Hoitsema, 1926. Folio. With 12 figures, illustrating star velocity, and 30 tables (only 27 are numbered). Original grey paper wrappers, with the title and name of the author printed on the front wrapper and the spine, in a protective semi-opaque coated paper dust jacket. [8], 75, [1], [1 slip-in leaf with theses] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Illustrated collection of Dutch sea voyages for children

OOSTKAMP, Jan Antonie. De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1594. Voor de vaderlandsche jeugd, ... Met platen.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck; Leeuwarden, Gerard Tjaard Nicolaas Suringar, 1825. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a letterpress half-title and engraved title-page with a vignette showing a Dutch sailing ship, and 7 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary half cloth, spines with letterpress title labels. VI, [2], 224; [6], 200 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Physical and human geography for early readers

PERPONCHER SEDLNITZKY, Willem Emmery Baron de. Nieuwe aardryks-beschryving voor de Nederlandsche jeugd, tot gebruik zyner kinderen, opgesteld.
Utrecht, widow of Johannes van Schoonhoven, 1784-1786. 3 volumes. 12mo. With 4 folding engraved plates illustrating the planets, the solar system and the stellar constellations. Contemporary marbled stiff paper wrappers. XL, 532; X, 432, [1]; VI, 592, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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First Dutch edition of the collected educational works of the great Swiss pedagogue Pestalozzi

PESTALOZZI, H. Al de werken over het onderwijs en de opvoeding. Naar[!] het Hoogduitsch bewerkt, onder opzigt van P.J. Prinsen.
Zutphen, W.C. Wansleven, 1826-1831. 8 volumes. With printed music in the first volume, and mathematical figures on 5 folding engraved plates illustrating the morphology in vol. VI. Contemporary sprinkled paper over boards. Ca. 500 pp. each volume. Full description
€ 1,900
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The Latin Phaedrus Fables with extended German notes to be used at Schools

PHAEDRUS. Phaedri Augusto Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Recte tandem captui puerorum accomodati. Oder: deutliche und nach dem Begriff der Jugend endlich recht eingerichtete Erklärung der Aesopischen Fablen welche Phaedrus ... in fünf Büchern hinterlassen: ... durch Emanuelem Sincerum.
Frankfurt and Leipzig, [Heinrich Ludwig Brönner?], 1762. 8vo. Title-page in red and black, with 2 typographical head- and tailpieces. 19th-century light blue paper over boards. [10], 247, [248], [34] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Three beautifully hand coloured cards of a simple puzzle game, showing a king and two courtiers in ornate dress

[GAME - PUZZLE - KING AND COURTIERS - FRANCE]. [Puzzle game of filling in the heads and parts of the costumes of a king, a young lady in a green dress, and a young man in a yellow and green outfit].
[Paris], R. Lacouchin, [ca. 1840]. 3 puzzles. 19.5 x 13 cm. With 3 finely lithographed plates mounted on 3 thick green paperboard cards. The lithographs are framed with a gold-coloured ornamental border. The images on the cards are all beautifully hand coloured and the 3 cards depict respectively a crowned king in ornate robes, a beautiful young lady in a green dress, and a young man (or possibly a court jester?) in an extravagant yellow and green outfit. Each card has 6 large circular movable pieces to be removed or inserted as the game demands in various circumstances. Full description
€ 6,000
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Robert Smith's influential theories on light and optics together in the first edition of an illustrated textbook for university students

[SMITH, Robert and others]. The elementary parts of Dr. Smith's compleat system of opticks, selected and arranged for the use of students at the universities: to which are added in the form of notes some explanatory propositions from other authors.
Cambridge, printed by J. Archdeacon, 1778. Large 4to (27 x 20.5 cm). With 17 numbered, folding engraved plates. Contemporary gold-tooled brown sprinkled calf, gold-tooled red morocco spine label, gold-tooled board edges. VI, [9], [1 blank], 119, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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Rare textbook for government officials, containing two historically important Persian texts

[TEXTBOOK - PERSIAN]. Ganjína-i-muhárawát. The Wazír-i-Lankurán and a selection from the diary of Násiru-d-dín Sháh containig [!] an account of the journey of the Sháh of Persia from Tehrán to Russia. Being a text book for the lower standard examination in Persian.
Calcutta, "published by authority", 1909. 8vo. With a floral ornament on page 3. The text is set in Persian script. Original quarter purple cloth and blue printed paper over boards, with the title in Persian on the front board and in English on the back board. [1], [1 blank], 80, [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare early Paris edition of an influential humanistic educational treatise by a great neo-Latin poet

VEGIO, Maffeo. De liberorum educatione aurei libri sex noviter recogniti Francisci Philelphi. poete. Oratoris. philosophique prestantissimi. Succincto cum iudice [recté indice]: et brevibus marginariis annotationibus obscurarum sensa dictionum aperientibus. Nicolai Bonespei trecensis campani cura superadditis.
(Colophon: Paris, "apud Gourmontios" [= the brothers Robert, Gilles and Jean de Gourmont], 1508). Small 4to (19 x 13 cm). With numerous printed so-called Lombardic initials, but also with 2 spaces (with guide letters) left for manuscript initials (not filled in). Set in a roman type with the beginning of the title and one heading in a large rotunda gothic type with decorated capitals. Blind-tooled calf (19th century? in a "Medieval" style). CXXVIII, [6] ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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Manuscript weaving instructions, illustrated with about 2000 cloth samples and colour-coded patterns

[WEAVING]. Schnürungsbuch.
"Vaals-Aachen" [on the Dutch-German border], Höhere technische Schule für Tuchfabrikation, [ca. 1900]. Oblong folio (24 x 32 cm). Manuscript in German, written in black ink in a neat and legible Latin hand on paperboard leaves, comprising short instructional texts and about 2000 colour-coded weaving patterns and small samples of woven cloth mounted on both sides of the leaves. Contemporary beige half cloth. [2 blank], [117], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Early edition of the 1588 Korean translation of a classic Confucian schoolbook

ZHU XI (CHU HSI). [In Korean:] Sohak eonhae [In Chinese:] Xiaoxue jizhu [= Elementary learning].
[Korea], [1744?]. Folio (32.5 x 21.5 cm). With the pages printed in pairs (each page 17 x 10 characters) from 2-page woodblocks, each in a frame of thick rules, with thin rules between the columns, the title and leaf number between the pages on the fore-edge fold, with 2 decorations (4 leaves in white on black above the title and below the leaf number). Printed on Asian (probably paper mulberry bark) paper, with clear chainlines (about 20 mm apart) and laidlines (about 2.1 mm apart), with the text in a mixture of hanja (Chinese characters) and hangul (the Korean alphabet). Contemporary Korean spineless wrappers with an embossed diaper pattern (made from interwoven diagonal triple lines) on the inside (mostly covered by the paste-down), side-stitched and oversewn through 5 holes, with manuscript title on the front wrapper and the spine edge. 66 double ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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