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Autographs, Documents & Manuscripts

Charming 16mo German manuscript prayerbook in contemporary blind-tooled pigskin

[MANUSCRIPT - PRAYERBOOK]. [1st rubric:] Form zu betten unser liebe[n] frawen mantel, Gebet. [incipit:] Cegrüest seiestu o süesse aller heiligste junckfraw maria ...
[Ravensburg?], [ca. 1670]. Small 16mo in 8s (10 x 8.5 x 4 cm; leaf: 9 x 7.5 cm). German manuscript in red and black ink on paper, written in an upright, semi-cursive gothic hand, with so-called lombardic initials in red, rubricated throughout. With 11 lines per page, text block 7 x 5.5 cm. Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over bevelled wooden (beechwood?) boards, sewn on 3 double supports, In total more than 100 impressions of about 9 stamps. Further with 2 strap fastenings with brass clasps (each with an owners(?) stamp: 1.5 mm roman capital initials "LH" above a 3 mm head in profile, facing right), catchplates and anchor plates, plain headbands, blue edges. With 27 mm roman capital initials "BR" in brown ink on the foot edge. [423], [3 blank] pp. plus 3 endleaves at the front and 5 at the back. Full description
€ 8,500
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Contemporary manuscript from Córdoba on the life of Juan de Santiago,
with an extra paragraph not present in the printed editions of the work

[MANUSCRIPT - SPANISH]. [MORALES, Vincent]. Compendio de la exemplar vida, y santa muerte, [d]el p[adre] Juan de S[an]tiago...
[Córdoba?], ca. 1770. 8vo. With a large engraving of Juan de Santiago on the second leaf and a pen drawing on page 102. Contemporary limp parchment. [4], "159" [= 162] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The Ottoman Turkish calendar of histories: a rare, 18th-century manuscript of one of Katip Çelebi's most important works

[MANUSCRIPT - TURKISH]. ÇELEBI, Katip. Taqwim al-Tawarikh.
[Turkey, early 18th century]. 8vo. Ottoman Turkish manuscript written in red and black ink, in a small and neat nastaliq hand within a gilt frame (ca. 27 lines to the page). With a hand-drawn gilt floral headpiece at the start of the work. Contemporary(?) Ottoman gold-tooled brown goatskin, with an oval medallion (şemse) within a decorative frame (zencirek) on both boards, a gold-tooled front flap. [89], [2 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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Very detailed manuscript map of the Duchy of Guelders and surroundings (ca. 1580/1600) with 7 provincial coats of arms, the whole in coloured inks and gold on parchment

[MAP - GELDERLAND - MANUSCRIPT]. [SGROOTEN, Christiaan]. Gelderlant.
[Gelderland?], [ca. 1580/1600]. (36 x 37.5 cm; map image 35.5 x 36.5 cm). Manuscript map in coloured inks (and gold) on parchment (at a scale of about 1:315,000, with north to the left, covering about 51.4-52.8° N latitude and 4.9-6.8° E longitude), with 7 provincial coats of arms (rendered in colour and gold), three different variable scales (presumably intended as miles) in the lower right corner (2 units ranging from 30 to 45 mm) and a 6 cm square-rigged, two-masted ship in the Zuyder Zee. It shows rivers in dark blue, lakes and seas in light blue, hills in brown and trees in green, both highlighted with gold, and political regions both shaded and outlined in various colours. Cities and hundreds of towns and villages appear in red, the cities shown in profile with a gold dot, the others indicated by red dots, and all their names (and the names of regions) written quite clearly in brown ink. The whole map has a border in red ink on all four sides, with "Noordt" (North) lettered in gold capitals and small capitals in the right border. Full description
€ 32,500
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Unpublished French study of Islamic coins and medals,
with about 157 drawings and engravings, many in colour

[MARCEL, Jean-Joseph?]. [Islamic coins and medals].
[Paris?], [ca. 1791-ca. 1817?]. Mostly folio (31.5 x 21 cm). A manuscript compilation of loose leaves and bifolia, with about 104 drawings (some in ink; some in coloured gouaches, many including gold, silver and other metallic colours) and about 53 engravings (some black on white; some white on black) each drawing and engraving showing the obverse and reverse of an Islamic coin or medal (except for about 3 that show only one side). Most of the drawings and engravings are on slips attached to leaves with notes in Arabic and French.Loose leaves and bifolia. [ca. 150] ll. Full description
€ 28,000
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Autograph awarding a Berlin chemist a prize for his paper on potash from the ashes of plants

[AUTOGRAPH]. MARUM, Martinus van. [Autograph letter, signed, to Johann Friedrich John].
Haarlem, 27 May 1816. 4to (22 x 18.5 cm). Letter in French, in brown ink on one side of a folded half sheet of wove paper, with the address on the back with a stamp ("Haarlem"). The letter was originally folded four times more, displaying only the address at the outside. Full description
€ 1,500
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A baptism at Batavia

[MANUSCRIPT - DOCUMENT - BATAVIA]. MAUREGNAULT, Bernard Jacob. [18th-century extract from the register of baptisms of the Dutch Reformed Church at Batavia].
Batavia, 18 October 1746. 1 leaf (32.5 x 20.5 cm). In Dutch. Full description
€ 600
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Prince Maurits gives Oldenbarnevelt temporary oversight of Den Tempel,
which later gave him his title, signed by Prince Maurits and bearing his armorial seal

MAURITS, Prince of Orange. [Declaration for Jan de Roo].
[The Hague], 4 December 1589. 1mo (41 x 31.5). Document written in brown ink on one side of a whole sheet of paper in an upright gothic cursive hand, with the autograph signature "Maurice de Nassau" and with his armorial seal (3 x 2.5 cm) stamped on a slip of paper over red sealing wax. With (separately added) Maurits's signature clipped out of another document and mounted on a paper slip. [1] leaf, written on one side. Full description
€ 5,000
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Manuscript medical manual

[MEDICAL MANUAL AND RECIPE BOOK]. Examen: vor ein neuer angehender Chirurgus, der sich will examiniren lassen, daß er in seinem examen bestehet, und wohl erfunden wird, so muß er dieses alles auswendig lernen, daß er antworten kann, über dasjenige was ihm gefragt wird. Anno 1806.
Franconia and Alsace (Augsburg, Nuremberg, Strasbourg), 1800-1826. 4to (17 x 23 cm). German (and Latin) manuscript by various hands. Contemporary boards with vellum corners and modern cloth spine. [47], "286" [= 285], [47] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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