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Scholarly essays on Japanese culture

TITSINGH, Isaac. Bijzonderheden over Japan behelzende een verslag van de huwelijks plegtigheden, begrafenissen en feesten der Japanezen ...
The Hague, Widow J. Allart, 1824-1825. 2 volumes. 8vo. With engraved title-pages and 4 folding, etched (and partly aquatint) plates, all in original publisher's hand-colouring. 19th-century half cloth. I-II, [2], III-XVI, 250; [6], 264 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Chinese botany and agriculture, North America, Linnaeus and Benjamin Franklin

TORÉN, Olof. Voyage de Mons. Olof Torée[,] Aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, à la Chine &c.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771.
(2) ECKEBERG, Carl Gustaf. Précis historique de l'économie rurale des Chinois.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771.
(3) BLACKFORD, Dominique de. Précis de l'état actuel des colonies Angloises dans l'Amérique Septentrionale.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771. 3 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary French mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. 92; [4], 47, [1 blank]; 99, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Extensive Italian handbook for missionaries to India, southeast Asia and China

TOSI, Clemente (TONSUS, Clemens). L'India Orientale. Descrittione geografica, & historica. (vol. 1:) Dove si tratta della parte intra Gangem contenente li regni soggetti all' Impero del Gran Mogol ... Con la confutatione dell'idolatie, superstitioni, & altri loro errori. (vol.2:) Dove si tratta della parte extra Gangem ...
Rome, Felice Cesaretti, 1676. 2 volumes. 4to. With the full-page portrait of the author by A. Clouet, many woodcut initials and head- and tail-pieces. Contemporary vellum, with a manuscript title on the spines, sprinkled edges. [8], 896, 58; [8], 927, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare first edition of an early work by Trotsky

TROTSKY, Leon. Tuda i Obratno: vmesto predislovija. I. Ot Peterburga do Berezzova. Sovet rabočich deputatov po etapam. II. Moj pobeg. - 800 verst na olenjach. [There and back again] [text in Russian in Cyrillic type].
St. Petersburg, Shipovnik, 1907. With a lithographed device on the front cover. Original publisher's printed wrappers. 123, [1 blank], IV pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Brief history of the Zhou dynasty

TSCHEPE, P. Albert S.J. Histoire du Royaume de Ou (1122 - 473 av. J.- C.). Variétés Sinologiques no.10.
Shanghai, Librairie de la Mission Catholique, 1896. 8vo. With 17 illustrations in text and one folding map. Publisher's printed paper wrappers. XVII, 175 pp. Full description
€ 275
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First edition of Johan van Twist's description of India

TWIST, Johan van. Generale beschrijvinghe van Indien. Ende in 't besonder van 't Coninckrijck van Guseratten, staende onder de beheersinge van den groot machtighen coninck Chaiahan: anders genaemt den grooten Mogor. ...
- Corte beschrijvinghe van het coninckrijcke Cuncam, ofte Decam, staende onder de beheersinge, van den grootmachtigen Sultan, Mamedh, Idelxa, Coninck van Visiapour.
- Aenwijsinge van meest alle custen, drooghten ende reden, om door gansch Indien te seylen.
Batavia, Druckerye vande Gansen Pen, 1638 [= Amsterdam, J. Jansonius 1645]. 3 parts in 1 volume. Oblong 4to. Later half vellum. [12], 112 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Description of Gujarat (Northwest India) by the director of the VOC

TWIST, Johan van. Generale beschrijvinghe van Indien. Ende in 't besonder kort verhaal van de regering, ceremonien, handel, vruchten en geleghentheydt van 't Koninckrijck van Gusuratten, staende onder de beheerschinghe van den Groot-Machtighen Koninck Cajahan: anders genaemt den grooten Mogor ... Hier achter is by-gevoeght de aenwijsinge van meest alle kusten, drooghten ende reeden, om door gantsch Indien te zeylen.
Amsterdam, for Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With woodcut printer's device on the title-page. 19th-century marbled wrappers. [1], [1 blank], 94 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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