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Art, Architecture & Photography / Drawings, Prints & Watercolours

67 drawings of horses in harness, drawn by a leading Imperial harness maker as a sample book

[CARRIAGE HORSE TACK]. FÖLSCH, Michael. [Sample book of harness designs and other elaborate and decorative carriage horse tack].
[Vienna, ca. 1790?]. 2 volumes. Oblong small folio (23.5 x 37 cm and 25.5 x 39.5 cm). With 67 pen-and-ink, watercolour and gouache drawings of horses, most highlighted with silver and gold , all signed, most trimmed and mounted on blank leaves ca. 1805. With 2 etchings added at the end of volume 1, executed by Friedrich Leopold Bürde and dated 1812. Volume 1 stab-sewn, volume 2 with the leaves mounted on stubs and sewn through the folds, each with marbled paper wrapped around the spine. In an early 19th-century half tanned sheepskin box in the form of a book, metal hook-clasps. Full description
€ 85,000
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2 unpublished botanical manuscripts, with illustrations and descriptions
of 30 flowering plants and 90 trees and shrubs

CARRIÉRE, Jan Ph. Herbarium van bloemen en planten. 1ste deel.
[Watergraafsmeer, ca. 1884]. 1 volume. Small folio (22.5×20.5 cm). With 30 drawings of flowers in watercolour and ink, each with a description in Dutch on a separate leaf. The whole preceded by a title-page, a table of contents (1 page), and an introduction (2 pages). Contemporary black cloth, rebacked, modern endpapers.
With: (2) CARRIÉRE, Jan Ph. Herbarium van naar de natuurgeteekende bladeren, "afdeeling boomgewassen". [Title volume 2:] Herbarium van boombladeren.
Watergraafsmeer, 1884. 3 volumes. Small folio (22.5×20.5 cm). With 90 drawings of tree leaves in watercolour and ink, with a description in Dutch on a separate leaf. The first two volumes each with a title-page, a table of contents (1 page) and an introduction (1 page), and the third volume without preliminaries. Contemporary blue (vols. 1-2) and black (vol. 3) half cloth. The third volume rebacked with original backstrip laid down. Full description
€ 5,500
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Oval portrait painting of Voltaire

CERF, J. de. [Oval miniature portrait painting of Voltaire].
[France?], "1687" [= ca. 1735?]. Oval portrait painting (11 x 9 cm) in grisaille on copper, with a note on the back "J. de Cerf A[nn]o 1687". Mounted in a gilt rectangular wooden frame (34.5 x 28 cm). Full description
€ 9,500
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Justice done by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy to the Governor of Zeeland,
who had killed a man and raped his wife

[CHARLES THE BOLD]. Justitie van Carel den Stouten, Hert[og]: van Bourg[ondië]: etc. Grave van Holl[and]: Zel[and]: etc. over seker gouv[erneur]: in Zelant.
[Amsterdam?], Joachim Bormeester, [ca. 1690]. Oblong 1mo (full sheet) broadside (41 x 50.5 cm). An engraved print with extensive engraved texts in Dutch, the central scene (33.5 x 31 cm) flanked by 6 smaller scenes, with the title above the central scene (in roman capitals with I and V for UJ and U), 5 lines of verse (a couplet in 1 line followed by a 4-line verse) below each smaller scene and the story in prose in the foot of the engraving. Hand-coloured and highlighted in gold. Full description
€ 850
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17th-century Chinese drawings (some in colour) and a Japanese(?) woodblock print

[DRAWING - CHINA - JAPAN]. [A series of 8 Chinese drawings plus a watercolour drawing and a woodblock print].
[China, the main series ca. 1660/75?]. A series of 8 Chinese drawings (ca. 24 x 14.5 cm: 5 coloured, 1 also highlighted in gold), showing scenes from a Chinese novel, many military or diplomatic, plus a Chinese watercolour drawing and a Japanese(?) woodblock print. Full description
€ 3,950
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17 delicate Chinese drawings in bright colours: 5 botanical, 8 zoological and 5 portraits

[CHINA - WATERCOLOUR]. [17 Chinese watercolours made for the export market].
[China, first half of the 19th century]. Collection of 17 Chinese watercolours on Asian paper with chain lines, including 3 of birds seated on a branch, 3 of ensembles of fruit and flowers and 5 of fishes (all ca. 30 x 37 .5 cm); 2 further watercolours, each showing 2 branches of flowers and trees in a drawn oval border (ca. 39 x 30 cm); and 4 watercolours of Chinese people posing with objects (ca. 25 x 21 cm). In a modern gold-tooled dark green morocco clam shell box, in contemporary style. Full description
€ 25,000
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72 plates with remarkably intricate Islamic-inspired decoration, printed with coloured inks

CLERGET, Charles Ernest. Mélanges d'ornements de tous les styles Persan - Mauresque - Arabe - Grec - Gothique [-] Renaissance principalement des XVIe et XVIIe siècles ...
Paris, Ducher & Cie (colophon: printed by Eugène Heutte & Cie), [ca. 1880 (engraved 1837-1838)]. Royal folio (45 x 31 cm). With 2 elaborately ornamented part-titles, 70 numbered ornament plates (all 72 plates "engraved" on litho stones, image area mostly 26.5 x 17 cm) and a letterpress list of the plates. With each plate printed in blue, green, violet, ochre, red, black or brown (several shades) and 9 printed in 2 colours. Contemporary half red cloth, rebacked and with new corners in red goatskin morocco. [2] ll. plus [1], 37, [1], 38-70 plates. Full description
€ 6,500
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