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Art, Architecture & Photography / Drawings, Prints & Watercolours

Wholly engraved illustrated book on naval strategy

OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. Marine militaire ou recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent a la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'ataque et la deffense des ports.
Paris, Chereau, [ca. 1775]. Large 8vo (25 x 17 cm). A wholly engraved book, with 50 engraved plates (1 folding), including a title-page in an architectural frame and 44 leaves with illustrations of ships. 18th-century brown half morocco, with owner's (?) initials at the foot of the spine "I.G.". 50 engraved ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Spectacular views of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Uruguay

PALLIERE, Jean Léon. Album Palliere. Escenas Americanas. Reduccion de cuadros, aquarelles y bosquejos.
Buenos Aires, Fusoni brothers, [1864?]. Oblong Royal folio (32.5 x 52 cm). With lithographed title-page and 52 tinted lithographed plates (image size mostly about 19 x 32 cm), lithographed by J. Pelvilain after designs by Juan Léon Palliere. Contemporary, gold-tooled green morocco. Lithographic title-page plus 52 plates. Full description
€ 39,500
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Second known copy of a lithographic panorama depicting stages of the Italian War of 1859

[PANORAMA - ITALIAN WAR 1859]. Panorama de la guerre d'Italie. Magnifique album développé formé d'une série de grandes lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie précédé d'un compte-rendu de cette mémorable campagne.
Pont-à-Mousson (France), Élie Haguenthal (colophon: Paul Toussaint), [1860/65]. (Size of the whole when folded and closed:) 22.5 x 18 cm. Lithographed folding panorama, showing 8 different lithographed scenes, captioned in and beneath the illustrations, of the Italian War of 1859 from the French-Italian perspective. The 8 scenes (5 3-leaf scenes and 3 single leaf scenes) are assembled to make a single long foldout (as assembled with the text: 21.5 x 395 cm; image size 19 x ca. 310 cm), coloured by a contemporary hand. Half red cloth and hand coloured, lithographed paper sides. [5] ll. of letterpress text and the lithographed folding panorama. Full description
€ 3,250
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Extremely rare bound copy of a mid-19th-century panorama cityscape of the Dutch city of Rotterdam

[PANORAMA - ROTTERDAM]. Johan Conrad GREIVE jr. (illustrator). Panorama de Rotterdam.
Amsterdam, [printed by R. de Vries for] François Buffa & Sons, [1861]. Oblong (14.5 x 25 cm). The panorama is made up of 6 numbered views, which were originally published on three loose leaves of 2 views per leaf. The viewer looks northward from the river Meuse over the city from the old "sailor's house" (zeemanshuis) in the west along the Willemskade and the Haringvliet to the train station and large warehouse (rijks entrepot) in the east. Original brown blind-stamped wave-grained cloth. 6 numbered views folded making 12 pages. Full description
€ 4,950
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A visit to the Holy City in 1861

PÂRIS, François-Edmond. Souvenirs de Jérusalem. Album dessiné par M. le contre-amiral Pâris ...
Paris, Arthus-Bertrand, [1862]. Large folio (ca. 64 x 49 cm). With an etched and coloured vignette plan of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre mounted on the title-page and 14 lithographs, including 12 printed in colour, by Albert Adam, Charles claude Bachelier, Hubert Clerget, Charles Fichot, and Jules Gaildrau after François-Edmond Pâris. Stored loosely, as issued, in the original paper wrapper showing the title and in a modern half brown cloth portfolio. [4] pp. and 14 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 5,000
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Crispijn de Passe's complete print series, The Acts of Mercy, including The Last Judgement

PASSE, Crispijn de (the elder) [after Maarten de VOS]. [The acts of mercy, including the Last Judgement].
Antwerp, Adriaen Collaert (7 plates with the Acts of Mercy) & Johannes Galle (the Last Judgement), ca. 1580-1588. Folio (7 of 8 plates trimmed). 8 engravings (ca. 17.5 x 20.5 cm) on laid paper by Crispijn de Passe I (the elder) after Maarten de Vos with the central scene framed by an exquisite ornamental border showing crafts, tools and scenes relating to the subject. All engravings captioned with engraved Latin text in a cartouche below the images. Loose prints. Full description
€ 9,500
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A gorgeous early seventeenth-century print-series illustrating Ovid's Metamorphoses

PASSE, Crispijn de. - OVID. P. Ovid. Nasonis XV. Metamorphoseon librorum figurae elegantissime a Cr[i]spiano Passaeo laminis aeneis incisae. Quibus subiuncta sunt epigrammata Latine ac Germanice conscripta ... autore Guilhelmo Salsmanno.
Cologne, Crispijn de Passe I; Arnhem, Jan Jansz., 1607. 4to. With an engraved title-page (15 x 12.5 cm) and 2 unnumbered and 132 numbered engravings (ca. 8.5 x 13.5 cm) by Crispijn de Passe I. Contemporary vellum. 136 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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Magnificent engraving of the 17th-century warship the “Sovereign of the Seas”, surpassing all her contemporaries in size and gun power

PAYNE, John. The true portraicture of His Ma[jes]ties. royall ship the Soveraigne of the Seas built in the yeare 1637.
[London, Peter Pett, 1637/38]. Large engraving (66.5 x 91 cm), printed from two plates on two sheets, assembled to make a single print. With title in English across the head, a slightly different Latin title across the foot (both outside the image area), Payne's name and privilege to the right of the Latin title, and two decorated cartouches with laudatory verses in the upper corners. In passepartout (not mounted) and easily detachable framed (90 x 114 cm). Full description
€ 48,500
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