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Art, Architecture & Photography / Architecture & Gardens

5 engraved print series, mostly by the famous French artist Abraham Bosse

BOSSE, Abraham. Differentes manieres de dessiner et peindre.
[Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1667?]. 8vo (17.5 x 12 cm). With engraved allegorical title-print and 45 full-page and 1 double-page (ca. 16.5 x 15 cm) engraved plates.
(2) FARINATI, Paulo. Diverses figures a l'eau forte de petits amours, anges vollants, et enfans, propre a mettre sur frontons portes et autres lieux ensemble plusieurs sortes de masques.
Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1644. Suite of 30 numbered double-page engraved prints, including the engraved title-print signed by Abraham Bosse.
(3) [BOSSE Abraham]. [Illustrations of drawing and painting].
[Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1667?]. Suite of 4 full-page engravings of a draftsman (2) and a painter (2) at work, sometimes regarded as part of the Differentes manieres de dessiner et peindre.
(4) BOSSE, Abraham. Le feu ... La terre ... L[']eau ... L[']air.
[Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1630?]. Suite of 4 double-page engravings of the four elements.
(5) [BULLET, Pierre]. [Plates from Traité du nivellement].
[Paris, N. Langlois, engraved 1688]. Complete suite of 11 double-page engraved plates, numbered [1a], [1b], 2-4, 6-11. Sprinkled calf (ca. 1700), richly gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled board edges. [47]; 30; [4]; [4]; 11 [+ 2 added] engraved prints. Full description
€ 5,000
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Beautiful fountains by King Louis XV's “premier peintre”

BOUCHER, François. Receuil de fontaines inventées par ...
With: Second livre de fontaines inventées par ...
Paris, Gabriel Huquier, [1736]. 2 parts in 1 volume. Royal 4to (32 x 24 cm). With 2 series of 7 finely etched and engraved plates of water fountains, including 2 title-prints, the first series with only the names of the artist François Boucher and publisher Gabriel Huquier, the second also with the name of its engraver Pierre(-Alexandre?) Aveline. 19th-century gold-tooled dark mottled sheepskin, gilt edges. 7, 7 engraved ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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First and only French edition of an important 18th-century book on gardening

BRADLEY, Richard. Nouvelles observations physiques et pratiques sur le jardinage et l'art de planter, avec le calendrier des jardiniers. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois de Bradley, enrichi de figures en taille-douce.
Paris, Pierre-Aug. Paulus du Mesnil, Jean-Luc Nyon, & Siméon-Prosper Hardy (colophons: printing offices of Moreau (vol. II) and Aug. Mart. Lottin (vol. III)), 1756. 3 volumes. 12mo. Engraved frontispiece depicting the gardens of a country estate, and 12 numbered folding engraved plates by Pierre-François Legrand, showing all kinds of flowers, garden lay-outs, insects etc., including 3 very interesting plates of a greenhouse (plan, interior and exterior views) in vol. 3 Contemporary mottled tanned sheepskin. frontispiece plus XXXVI, 358, [2]: [4 blank?], [5], X-XVI, 510, [2 blank]; [2], 12, "442"[=440] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Enlarged issue of a series of views of Danish buildings, gardens and cities

BRUUN, Johan Jacob. Novus atlas Daniae eller Prospecter af alle hoved-og kiöbstaederne, af alle kongelige slotte, samt andre kongelige lyst-slotte og staeder udi begge konge-rigerne Dannemark og Norge og underliggende fyrstendömme. Iste tome af Siaelland.
Copenhagen, Johan Jacob Bruun, 1761[-ca. 1789?]. Oblong folio (26.5 x 40 cm), preliminaries upright folio, bound with foot folded in. With 60 engraved views, including one folding plate with a view of the Royal Castle near Copenhagen, engraved by Jonas Haas and Hans Quist after designs by Johan Jacob Bruun. Contemporary Danish mottled sheepskin, richly gold-tooled spine. [8] pp. text. Full description
€ 16,000
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Beautifully illustrated expeditions searching for ancient Egyptian antiquities

CAILLIAUD, Frédéric and Bernardino DROVETTI. Voyage a l'Oasis de Thèbes et dans les déserts situés a l'orient et a l'occident de la Thébaïde, fait pendant les années 1815, 1816, 1817 et 1818.
Paris, Royal press, 1821. With 24 numbered engraved plates, including 2 engraved maps (1 folding), 1 plate coloured by hand and 1 double-page.
With: (2) CAILLIAUD, Frédéric and Bernardino DROVETTI. Voyage a l'Oasis de Syouah ... pendant leurs voyages dans cette oasis, en 1819 et en 1820.
Paris, Rignoux, 1823. With 20 numbered plates (1 engraved map and 19 lithographed plates). 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary green goatskin morocco, richly gold-tooled spine. [2 blank], XVII, [1], 120; [12], 28 pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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Magnificent engraving of the 1661 mosaic floor map of the world in 2 hemispheres,
incorporating Tasman's discoveries not otherwise published for decades

[PLAN - AMSTERDAM CITY HALL]. [CAMPEN, Jacob van]. Le pavé de la grand' sale des bourgeois.
[Amsterdam, Gerard Valk, 1719]. Very large engraved folding plan comprising 1 1/2 sheets (measuring 46 x 83 cm as assembled), engraved by Danckert Danckertsz. and his father after drawings by Jacob Vennekool, including the two hemispheres of the world map and a celestial map of the constellations of the northern hemisphere (each 10 cm in diameter). Full description
€ 2,500
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The architectural features and sculpture showing the Amsterdam City Hall in full glory. With the magnificent engraving of the 1661 mosaic floor map of the world in 2 hemispheres, incorporating Tasman's discoveries not otherwise published for decades

[CAMPEN, Jacob van, Hubert QUELLINUS and Jacob VENNEKOOL]. Bouw schilder en beeldhouwkonst, van het stadhuis te Amsteldam, vertoont in CIX figuuren: ...
Amsterdam, Johannes Covens, Cornelis Mortier and Johannes Covens junior, [ca. 1758?, ca. 1767? or possibly 1772/83]. Large folio (49.5 x 30 cm). With the title-page printed in red and black with J. Covens & C. Mortiers engraved device by Bernard Picart ("JCCM" cypher monogram in a laurel wreath carried by 6 putti, dated 1730); 2 preliminary plates containing portraits of Jacob van Campen [by Lutma] and Arthus Quellinus by Henricus Quellinus; CIX (109) numbered engraved and etched architectural plates. All plates have French captions, some with laudatory verses below, and are described in Dutch in the letterpress text (pp. 3-15). Contemporary half red roan (sheepskin), brown sprinkled paper sides. 15 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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Stage design for the Real Teatro di San Carlo at Naples: 18 hand-coloured lithographs

CANNA, Pasquale. Raccolta di disegni alla Sacra Real Maestà D.A M.ria Cristina Borbone Regina di Spagna ed delle Indie.
[Naples, 1828-1831?]. Oblong 1mo (39×50 cm). One letterpress leaf dated 22 August 1830, mounted on flyleaf, and 18 hand-coloured lithographs, dated from 1828 to 1831, drawn on stone by Angelo Belloni, Federico Gatt, Gaetano Dura and Settimio Severo Lopresti, and printed by the "Reale Litografia Militare". Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, front board with letterpress title-label. Full description
€ 68,500
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Two of the finest 17th-century Dutch gardening books

CAUSÉ, Hendrik. De koninglycke hovenier aanwyzende de middelen om boomen, bloemen en kruyden te zaayen, planten, aen queeken en voort teelen.
Amsterdam, Marcus Doornick, [1676]. With engraved title-page and 31 engraved plates, including 2 bird's-eye views of a French and a Dutch royal garden, 5 plates with two pomological illustrations each, 8 plates with two illustrations of flowers each and 16 plates with a total of 32 garden designs.
With: (2) COMMELIN, Jan. Nederlantze Hesperides, dat is, oeffening en gebruik van de limoen- en oranje-boomen, gestelt na den aardt, en climaat der Nederlanden.
Amsterdam, Marcus Doornick, 1676. With engraved title-page and 26 engraved plates showing flowers, fruits and orangeries. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio (35 x 23 cm). Contemporary vellum, recased. Full description
€ 15,000
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Ancient and modern Sweden in 355 engraved plates

[DAHLBERG, Erik]. Suecia antiqua et hodierna.
[Stockholm, 1769? (engraved ca. 1670-ca. 1750)]. 3 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With 355 engraved plates (including 3 engraved title-pages and the large view of the Swedish Church in London, often lacking); most plates double-page, several folding. Only the index is printed letterpress. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. In a modern slipcase. 13, [1 blank] pp. plus 355 plates. Full description
€ 20,000
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