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Art, Architecture & Photography

Fountains by the city architect of Nuremberg

BOECKLER, George Andreas. Architectura Curiosa Nova, Exponens 1. Fundamenta hydragogica. 2. Varios aquarum ac salientium fontium. 3. Magnum amoenissimorum fontium. 4. Specus artificiales sumtuosissimas. 5. Cum auctario figuram elegantissimarum. In Latinam linguam translata per J.Chr. Sturm.
Nuremberg, Paulus Fürst, [1664]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With richly engraved frontispiece, 4 titles within typographical woodcut borders, the first printed in red and black, and 200 full-page engraved plates of fountain architecture and hydraulic engineering in fountains. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title on the spine. [10], 30; [2], 13, [1 blank]; [2], 22; [2], 26 pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Souvenir album showing the Holy Land, Egypt, Athens and Venice in the second half of the 19th century

BONFILS, G. LEKEGIAN & CO, Brothers ZANGAKI, Collection MERLIN and Carlo NAYA. [Souvenir album with photographs of the Holy Land, Cairo, Athens and Venice].
[Palestine, Cairo, Athens, Venice, ca. 1890]. Oblong album (41.5 x 31 cm) containing 62 albumen prints, mostly 23 x 28 cm, with 2 smaller prints of ca. 16 x 28 and 5 large prints of 35.5 x 27 cm. Most of the photographs are numbered and captioned in French, and sometimes also in English, on the negative. Contemporary brown half morocco. [59], [11 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Deluxe Palestine souvenir album

[BONFILS, Félix]. Jerusalem.
[Palestine, 1880s]. Oblong album (44.5 x 31.5 cm) With 71 large photographic albumen prints, mostly ca. 22 x 28 cm, signed and captioned in the negative (in French and English), mounted on both sides of the album's leaves. Includes a three-part folding panorama of Jerusalem from Mount Olivet, measuring 82 x 21 cm. Original auburn morocco with gold-stamped front board, gilt edges. Full description
€ 18,000
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Far surpassing all earlier lapidaries and the basis for all that followed

BOODT, Anselm Boetius de. Gemmarum et lapidum historia, qua non solum ortus, natura, vis & precium, sed etiam modus quo ex iis, olea, salia tincturae, essentiae, arcana & magisteria arte chymica confici possint, ostenditur.
Hanau, Claude de Marne and heirs of Johann Aubry (printed by the heirs of Andreas Wechel), 1609. 4to. With Wechel's elaborate woodcut device on the title-page and the otherwise blank final page, 34 woodcut illustrations in the text (some with multiple figures), and 2 folding letterpress hierarchical tables. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. 8, [8], “288” [= 284], [16] pp. plus 2 folding ll. Full description
€ 3,950
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Queen Anne's exquisite tortoise shell and gold book box

[BOOK-SHAPED BOX - QUEEN ANNE]. [Gold and tortoise shell book-shaped box made for Queen Anne of Great Britain].
[Portugal?], [ca. 1702?]. Ca. 15.5 x 12 x 5.5 cm.
Early 18th-century, possibly Portuguese, tortoise shell box, with elaborate gold filigree rococo decorations: birds and foliage within a floral frame on the front and back "boards" with gold filigree decorated fastenings around the "fore edge", complete with: 2 catch plates, 2 anchor plates and 2 clasps. The "spine" is divided into 4 compartments, separated by gold filigree decorative horizontal strips, with a gold engraved plaque in the 2nd compartment reading in a banner "BY ME KINGS REIGNE" and below "ANNE [a crown] REGINA" and a filigree basket of flowers in the 1st, 3rd and 4th compartments. The edges are embossed and covered in fine gold foil. The inside of the box is covered in red velvet and the front "board" is, once the box is open, connected to the outer corners of the "fore edge" by fine gold chains. Full description
€ 35,000
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A Flemish didactic satire, illustrated by Antoine van der Does

BORCHT, Willem van der (Guilielmus a CASTRO). Spieghel der eyghen-kennisse, ... in-gheknoopt Het conterfeytsel des wereldts, ...
Brussels, Lambert de Grieck, 1643. 4to. With engraved title-page, engraved portrait of the author (after P. de Backer), both by Antoine van der Does ("AVD"), and 3 nearly full-page engraved illustrations in the text, probably by Van der Does. 18th-century vellum. [16], 271, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Thirty-two magnificent views of China

BORGET, Auguste. La Chine et let Chinois.
Paris, Goupil & Vibert, 1842. Royal folio (56.3 x 40.2 cm). With lithographed title-page (text), tinted lithographed title-page (illustrated), 2 lithographed dedication leaves, lithographed list of plates, and 32 tinted lithographs on 25 plates by Eugène Ciceri, after drawings by Borget. Protective guardleaves. Contemporary half leather and cloth over boards, the title lettered in gold on the spine. 26 pp. and [5] lithographed leaves and 32 lithographs on 25 plates. Full description
€ 35,000
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2nd known copy of a musical treatise by Antonio Borghèse,with his manuscript models
for the 11 plates of musical examples, never produced

BORGHÈSE, Antonio D.R. Traité général de musique, ou l'Art musical ramené a ses vrais principes; humblement dédié a Son Altesse Royale le Prince des Asturies ...
[back wrapper:] Bayonne, Imprimerie de Duhart-Fauvet, [ca. 1807?]. Large 4to (27 x 20 cm). With 11 folding "plates" containing manuscript examples of mensural music. With no title-page, but with the letterpress title and composer's name on the front wrapper and the letterpress imprint on the back wrapper. Bound with the wrappers in contemporary gold-tooled, long-grain red goatskin morocco, gilt edges. V, 65, [2] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Beautiful contemporary hand-coloured copy of the very rare first edition of the first Spanish emblem book

BORJA, Juan de. Empresas morales ...
Prague, Georg Nigrin, 1581. 4to (17.8 x 13.6 cm). With a hand-coloured engraved title-page, incorporating the coat of arms of the dedicatee King Philip II of Spain, 100 hand-coloured engraved emblems, 2 hand-coloured woodcut decorated initials, and numerous woodcut ornamental tail-pieces throughout, all text and illustrations are set within a frame of double red lines. Contemporary overlapping limp vellum with the manuscript title on the spine and remnants of ties. [2], 101, [3] ll. Full description
€ 49,500
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5 engraved print series, mostly by the famous French artist Abraham Bosse

BOSSE, Abraham. Differentes manieres de dessiner et peindre.
[Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1667?]. 8vo (17.5 x 12 cm). With engraved allegorical title-print and 45 full-page and 1 double-page (ca. 16.5 x 15 cm) engraved plates.
(2) FARINATI, Paulo. Diverses figures a l'eau forte de petits amours, anges vollants, et enfans, propre a mettre sur frontons portes et autres lieux ensemble plusieurs sortes de masques.
Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1644. Suite of 30 numbered double-page engraved prints, including the engraved title-print signed by Abraham Bosse.
(3) [BOSSE Abraham]. [Illustrations of drawing and painting].
[Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1667?]. Suite of 4 full-page engravings of a draftsman (2) and a painter (2) at work, sometimes regarded as part of the Differentes manieres de dessiner et peindre.
(4) BOSSE, Abraham. Le feu ... La terre ... L[']eau ... L[']air.
[Paris, Abraham Bosse, engraved 1630?]. Suite of 4 double-page engravings of the four elements.
(5) [BULLET, Pierre]. [Plates from Traité du nivellement].
[Paris, N. Langlois, engraved 1688]. Complete suite of 11 double-page engraved plates, numbered [1a], [1b], 2-4, 6-11. Sprinkled calf (ca. 1700), richly gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled board edges. [47]; 30; [4]; [4]; 11 [+ 2 added] engraved prints. Full description
€ 5,000
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