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Art, Architecture & Photography

Highlight of architectural history: Frank Lloyd Wright's extremely rare and important plate collection

WRIGHT, Frank Lloyd. Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright.
Berlin, Ernst Wasmuth, [1910]. 1 text part and 2 portfolios with lithographed plates. 1mo (plates, ca. 64 x 40 cm) and folio (text, ca. 41 x 32 cm). Text volume with the title printed in gold. With a total of 100 lithographed plates in 2 portfolios: 72 plates numbered I-LXVI, prnited on grey or white paper and mostly printed in brown, some in grey, grey & white or brown & white, one in gold (plate I), one in colour (plate LXIV) and one plate folding (plate LX), and 28 overlays, printed in brown on tissue paper. Each plate embossed with Wright's blind stamp. Kept loose, as issued, in the original two portfolios (64 x 41.5 cm), both dark blue half cloth with the original publisher's printed grey wrappers over boards with all white ties present. The text leaves are kept in the first portfolio. 30, [1], [1 blank] pp.; pllus 100 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 49,500
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Highlight of architectural history: extremely rare and important plate collection
by the master architect Frank Lloyd Wright

WRIGHT, Frank Lloyd. Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright.
Berlin, Ernst Wasmuth, [1910]. 1 text volume and 2 portfolios with lithographed plates. 1mo (plates, ca. 64 x 40 cm) and folio (text volume, ca. 41 x 32 cm). Text volume with the title printed in gold. With a total of 100 lithographed plates in 2 portfolios: 72 plates numbered I-LXIV, printed on grey or white paper and mostly printed in brown, some in grey, grey & white or brown & white, one in gold (plate I), one in colour (plate LXIV) and one plate folding (plate LX), and 28 overlays, printed in brown on tissue paper. Each plate embossed with Wrights blind stamp. Kept loose, as issued, in the original two portfolios (64 x 41.5 cm), both dark blue half cloth with the original publisher's printed grey wrappers over boards with all white ties present. Both portfolios and text leaves are kept in a larger, later beige half cloth portfolio (ca. 65 x 43 cm) with brown paper sides, three protective flaps and white ties. 30, [1], [1 blank] pp.; plus 100 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 65,000
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Harlequin with a black head: 34 prints in 2 series, coloured by a contemporary hand

XAVERY, Gerard Joseph. Het nieuw geopend Italiaans tóneel, vertonende de wonderlijke ziekte bezwangerheid en baring van Arlequin: benevens de opvoeding van des zelfs jongen zoon.
With: (2) XAVERY, Gerard Joseph. Het Italjaansch tooneel voortreffelijk in 16 verbeeldingen uytgevoert ..., verrijkt met Nederduytsche en Fransche vaarzen door Florentius H. J. van Halen.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk II, [1728?] & [1735?]. Royal 4to (30.5 x 26 cm). With 2 engraved title-prints, each followed by 16 numbered prints (pictorial images ca. 15 x 19 cm; plate size ca. 23.5 x 21 cm), with verses engraved in the feet of the plates. With all 34 engravings coloured by a contemporary hand and varnished, probably for the publisher. Contemporary vellum. [1], 16; [1], 16 engraved ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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17th-century love songs and poems

YSERMANS, Joan. Triumphus Cupidinis. In-houdende veel schoon stichtighe, en[de] seer vermaeckelijcke liedekens, en[de] andere ghedichten, verciert met veel loffelijcke sententien, als oock sommighe epitalamien, bruyloft-liedekens en andere poëmata.
-Ecomium matrimonii. In-houdende een bruy-loft spel, epithalamien ende sommighe liedekens.
-Nederlantsche poëmata. In-houdende sommighe sonetten, liedekens, graf-dichten ende andere.
Antwerp, widow of Jacob Mesens, 1628. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small oblong 8vo (8.5 x 12.5). With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece by Anthoni Spirincx and many songs accompanied by music scores. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. 374, [2] pp. Full description
€ 5,750
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Unique panoramic photographs of Zanzibar and Madagascar in 1900

[PHOTOGRAPHY - ZANZIBAR - MADAGASCAR - MAYOTTE]. [Album with unique panoramic photographs of Zanzibar and Madagascar].
[Zanzibar, Madagascar, Mayette, 1900]. Oblong album (25 x 34 cm) with 47 silver gelatin photographic prints, many with handwritten captions in French. The photographs vary in size from 8 x 5.5 cm to 27 x 20.5 cm. The 30 panorama photographs measure 5.5 x 17.5 cm. Brown cloth album made by M. Andouard in Paris, decorated endpapers. 10, [10 blank] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Splendid ceremonies for the presentation of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Prague 1585, with 20 plates

ZEHENDTNER VOM ZEHENDTGRÜB, Paul. Ordenliche Beschreibung mit was stattlichen Ceremonien und Zierlichheiten, die Röm. Kay. May. unser aller gnedigster Herr, samt etlich andern Ertzhertzogen, Fürsten und Herrn, den Orden dess Guldin Flüss, in disem [15]85. Jahr zu Prag und Landshüt, empfangen und angenommen.
Dillingen, Johann Mayer, 1587. 4to (20 x 15.5 cm). With title printed in red and black, 7 full-page engraved illustrations (showing the collar (chain) of the Order, the Emperor Rudolf II in his robes and 5 coat-of-arms), and 13 large folding engraved plates showing the splendid ceremonies held at Prague and Landshut, probably all drawn by Anthony Boys. Contemporary gold-tooled tanned sheepskin; rebacked with most of the original backstrip laid down. [1], [1 blank], 155, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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Jesuit warning of the consequences of licentiousness, in magnificently gold-tooled morocco (ca. 1643)

ZEHENTNER, Paul. Promontorium malae spei: impiis periculose navigantibus propositium. Sive, signum & nota reprobationis: procrastinatio poenitentiae, scripta cautelae hominum, emendatione[m] vita[e] cunctantium, spe aliquando resipiscendi.
Graz, [heirs of Georg] Widmanstetter for Sebastian Haupt, 1643. Large 4to (25.5 x 19 cm). With an engraved allegorical frontispiece and a richly designed armorial and emblematic dedication plate, both by David Tscherning. Contemporary, richly gold-tooled black morocco, each board in a panel design of rolls and stamps with a large built-up centrepiece in a double frame of multiple decorative rolls (the diagonals connecting the inner and outer frames possibly intended to give the effect of a three-dimensional niche), and the spine treated as a single field with built-up decorations in a frame of multiple rolls, gold fillets on turn-ins, the whole with hundreds of impressions of dozens of stamps and rolls, gilt edges, traces of 2 pair of ties. [36], 752, [10] pp. including engraved frontispiece but not dedication plate. Full description
€ 7,950
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