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Art, Architecture & Photography

Stage design for the Real Teatro di San Carlo at Naples: 18 hand-coloured lithographs

CANNA, Pasquale. Raccolta di disegni alla Sacra Real Maestà D.A M.ria Cristina Borbone Regina di Spagna ed delle Indie.
[Naples, 1828-1831?]. Oblong 1mo (39×50 cm). One letterpress leaf dated 22 August 1830, mounted on flyleaf, and 18 hand-coloured lithographs, dated from 1828 to 1831, drawn on stone by Angelo Belloni, Federico Gatt, Gaetano Dura and Settimio Severo Lopresti, and printed by the "Reale Litografia Militare". Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, front board with letterpress title-label. Full description
€ 68,500
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67 drawings of horses in harness, drawn by a leading Imperial harness maker as a sample book

[CARRIAGE HORSE TACK]. FÖLSCH, Michael. [Sample book of harness designs and other elaborate and decorative carriage horse tack].
[Vienna, ca. 1790?]. 2 volumes. Oblong small folio (23.5 x 37 cm and 25.5 x 39.5 cm). With 67 pen-and-ink, watercolour and gouache drawings of horses, most highlighted with silver and gold , all signed, most trimmed and mounted on blank leaves ca. 1805. With 2 etchings added at the end of volume 1, executed by Friedrich Leopold Bürde and dated 1812. Volume 1 stab-sewn, volume 2 with the leaves mounted on stubs and sewn through the folds, each with marbled paper wrapped around the spine. In an early 19th-century half tanned sheepskin box in the form of a book, metal hook-clasps. Full description
€ 85,000
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2 unpublished botanical manuscripts, with illustrations and descriptions
of 30 flowering plants and 90 trees and shrubs

CARRIÉRE, Jan Ph. Herbarium van bloemen en planten. 1ste deel.
[Watergraafsmeer, ca. 1884]. 1 volume. Small folio (22.5×20.5 cm). With 30 drawings of flowers in watercolour and ink, each with a description in Dutch on a separate leaf. The whole preceded by a title-page, a table of contents (1 page), and an introduction (2 pages). Contemporary black cloth, rebacked, modern endpapers.
With: (2) CARRIÉRE, Jan Ph. Herbarium van naar de natuurgeteekende bladeren, "afdeeling boomgewassen". [Title volume 2:] Herbarium van boombladeren.
Watergraafsmeer, 1884. 3 volumes. Small folio (22.5×20.5 cm). With 90 drawings of tree leaves in watercolour and ink, with a description in Dutch on a separate leaf. The first two volumes each with a title-page, a table of contents (1 page) and an introduction (1 page), and the third volume without preliminaries. Contemporary blue (vols. 1-2) and black (vol. 3) half cloth. The third volume rebacked with original backstrip laid down. Full description
€ 5,500
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The Ottoman Empire from a French perspective in 75 strikingly handcoloured plates

CASTELLAN, Antoine Laurent. Moeurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire. Avec des éclaircissemens tirés d'ouvrages orientaux, et communiqués par M. Langlès.
Paris, Nepveu, 1812. 6 volumes. 18mo (14 x 9 cm). With 75 hand-coloured engraved plates: a frontispiece in each volume and 17, 17, 9, and 26 plates in volumes 3, 4, 5, and 6 respectively. Most plates depict costumes, but also tools and instruments are shown. All plates are very detailed and beautifully coloured by hand, in very fresh contemporary colouring, some even finished with gold. Contemporary gold- and blined-toole purpleish-black morocco. Full description
€ 6,500
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Two of the finest 17th-century Dutch gardening books

CAUSÉ, Hendrik. De koninglycke hovenier aanwyzende de middelen om boomen, bloemen en kruyden te zaayen, planten, aen queeken en voort teelen.
Amsterdam, Marcus Doornick, [1676]. With engraved title-page and 31 engraved plates, including 2 bird's-eye views of a French and a Dutch royal garden, 5 plates with two pomological illustrations each, 8 plates with two illustrations of flowers each and 16 plates with a total of 32 garden designs.
With: (2) COMMELIN, Jan. Nederlantze Hesperides, dat is, oeffening en gebruik van de limoen- en oranje-boomen, gestelt na den aardt, en climaat der Nederlanden.
Amsterdam, Marcus Doornick, 1676. With engraved title-page and 26 engraved plates showing flowers, fruits and orangeries. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio (35 x 23 cm). Contemporary vellum, recased. Full description
€ 15,000
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10 etched plates after drawings by a pupil of Rembrandt

CAYLUS, Anne Claude Philippe Comte de. Histoire de Joseph, accompagnée de dix figures, rélatives aux principaux evenemens de la fils de ce fils du patriarche Jacob, et gravées sur les modèles du fameux Reimbrandt.
Amsterdam, Jean Neaulme, 1757. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black, and 10 full-page etched plates. Contemporary boards. [26] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Secrets of the goldsmith and sculptor; with an important passage on Michelangelo's sculptural techniques

CELLINI, Benvenuto. Due trattati, uno intorno alle otto principali arti dell' oreficeria. L'altro in materia dell'arte della scultura; dove si veggono infiniti segreti nel lavorar le figure di marmo, & nel gettarle di bronzo.
Florence, Valente Panizzi, Marco Peri, 1568. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of the Medici on the title-page, a woodcut printer's device at the end, 1 small and 36 large architectural historiated initials. 19th-century marbled-paper boards. [5], 61, [7] ll. Full description
€ 5,950
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Oval portrait painting of Voltaire

CERF, J. de. [Oval miniature portrait painting of Voltaire].
[France?], "1687" [= ca. 1735?]. Oval portrait painting (11 x 9 cm) in grisaille on copper, with a note on the back "J. de Cerf A[nn]o 1687". Mounted in a gilt rectangular wooden frame (34.5 x 28 cm). Full description
€ 9,500
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Justice done by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy to the Governor of Zeeland,
who had killed a man and raped his wife

[CHARLES THE BOLD]. Justitie van Carel den Stouten, Hert[og]: van Bourg[ondië]: etc. Grave van Holl[and]: Zel[and]: etc. over seker gouv[erneur]: in Zelant.
[Amsterdam?], Joachim Bormeester, [ca. 1690]. Oblong 1mo (full sheet) broadside (41 x 50.5 cm). An engraved print with extensive engraved texts in Dutch, the central scene (33.5 x 31 cm) flanked by 6 smaller scenes, with the title above the central scene (in roman capitals with I and V for UJ and U), 5 lines of verse (a couplet in 1 line followed by a 4-line verse) below each smaller scene and the story in prose in the foot of the engraving. Hand-coloured and highlighted in gold. Full description
€ 850
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