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Americas / Natural History

"By far the best work" on the Guyana's and Surinam

HARTSINCK, Jan Jacob. Beschryving van Guiana, of de wilde kust, in Zuid-America ...
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, 1770. 2 volumes. 4to. With 6 engraved folding maps and plans, 6 engraved full page plates, and 2 engraved folding views, 1 engraving in text. Contemporary three quarter calf, black speckled light brown paper sides, richly gold-tooled spines with a red morocco title label and an oval green morocco volume label, both lettered in gold. 1 blank, [2], XII, [4], 520; [2], 521-962, [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Detailed and lavishly illustrated memoirs of travels in the Caribbean

LABAT, Jean-Baptiste. Nieuwe reizen naar de Franse eilanden van America.
Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1725. 4 volumes bound as 2. 4to. With 2 engraved frontispieces, 11 folding engraved maps and plans, and 83 full-page plates. Contemporary polished half calf. [2], 18, 350; [1 blank], [1], 404; [2], 235, 254; [1 blank], [4], 200, 167, [32] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Italian edition of Martens's important account of a whaling voyage

MARTENS, Friedrich. Viaggio di Spizberga o' Gronlanda fatto da Federico Martens Amburghese l' anno 1671...
Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1680. 12mo. With 2 folding engraved plates and 3 woodcut illustrations. Contemporary limp parchment. 264 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Account of a scientific expedition through Central America

MORELET, Arthur. Voyage dans l'Amérique centrale, l'île de Cuba et le Yucatan.
Paris, Gide & J. Baudry, 1857. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 pages of letterpress music, a folding lithographed map of Yucatan, Guatemala and Cuba, and 22 wood-engraved illustrations, after drawings by the author, heading each chapter. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers, preserved in modern chemises and slipcase. [4], 337, [3]; [4], 323, [3] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Account of an interesting scientific expedition to Bolivia

ORBIGNY, Alcide d'. Fragment d'un voyage au centre de l'Amérique Méridionale; contenant des considérations sur la navigation de l'Amazone et de la Plata, et sur les anciennes missions des provinces de Chiquitos et de Moxos (Bolivia).
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, widow Levrault (printed by Berger-Levrault), 1845. 8vo. With a large folding lithographed map (43 x 52 cm) of the centre of South America. Modern half red morocco. [4], 584 pp. Full description
€ 6,750
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The first European botanical work describing Indian herbs and diseases

ORTA, Garcia de, Nicolás MONARDES and others. Dell'historia dei semplici aromati, et altre cose: che vengono portate dall'Indie Orientali pertinenti all'uso della medicina.
Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1589. 2 volumes bound as 1, the first in 4 parts and the second in 2 parts. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page of volume 1 and the divisional title page of volume 2, 28 woodcut illustrations in text.Later yellow painted (sheepskin) parchment. [32], 347, [5], 131, [13] pp. Full description
€ 5,250
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German textbook on zoology, printed in Pottsville, Pennsylvania

REUBELT, John Adam. Kurzgefaßtes Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend wissenschaftliche und populäre Beschreibungen von dem Menschen, den Säugethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien, Fischen, Weich- und Gliederthieren.
Pottsville [Pennsylvania], C.W. Günther and the author, 1848. 8vo. With numerous woodcuts in text, depicting men and animals. Contemporary black half sheepskin. 392 pp. Full description
€ 375
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Mexico's industry and commerce, dedication copy by the author

ROUTIER, Gaston. Le Mexique[.] Limites géographiques. Orographie. Hydrographie. L' agriculture, la flore, la faune et les mines. L' industrie et le commerce.
Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1891. 8vo. With a lithographed folding map of Mexico (34.5 x 46 cm). Contemporary half red morocco, gold-tooled spine. XVII, 110 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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A series on Brazilian botany, "rare when complete" with 70 lithographed plates, mainly concerning the flora of North-East and South-East Brasil, in the original publisher's printed wrappers

SAINT-HILAIRE, Auguste de, Adrien de JUSSIEU and Jacques CAMBESSEDES. Plantes usuelles des Brasiliens.
Paris, Grimbert (printed by Casimir), 1824-1828. In 14 instalments. Large 4to (29.5 x 22.5 cm). With 70 lithographed botanical plates, all by Langlumé. Original publisher´s blue printed wrappers, the back wrapper with llists of Gimbert´s publications (4 versions, on parts 1, 2-7, 8-13 and 14) in the same border; the first instalment with a printed part number, but further numbered by hand. With the bolts opened at the head, but wholly untrimmed, preserving all deckles and point-holes. Preserved in a modern green morocco box, with transparent acrylic windows for sides. [298] pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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