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Novena prayerbook associated with the 1714 image of Christ as patron of La Paz, Bolivia

[PRAYERBOOK - SPANISH AMERICAN]. Novena del Señor de las piedades patron jurado de la valerosa ciudad de La Paz, que se venera en la iglesia auxîliar de los curas rectores, al cuidado del Colegio Seminario de ella. Reimpresa á solicitud de su humilde mayor domo Estavan de Asin.
Buenos Aires, Real Imprenta de Niños Expósitos, 1798. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). Modern red sheepskin. 24 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Authoritative but fictional travel account, including adventures at the young colony of Georgia

[PRÉVOST D'EXILES, Antoine François]. Voyages du Capitaine Robert Lade en differentes parties de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de l'Amerique: contenant l'histoire de la fortune, & les observations sur les colonies & le commerce des Espagnols, des Anglois, des Hollandois, &c. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois.
Paris, Claude Simon for François Didot, 1744. 2 volumes. 12mo. With two folding engraved maps by F. Desbruslins after Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, showing the American Atlantic coast and the route of the journey. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [1], [1 blank], XVI, 370; [1], [1 blank], 400 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Extremely rare work on the sailing routes in the Caribbean

PURDY, John. The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India Islands, from Porto-Rico to Trinidad, inclusive: with the coasts of Guyana, from the Maranon to the Orinoco, the Colombian or Leeward Isles, from Margarita to Curazao, and the coast of Venezuela, from the Gulf of Paria to La Guayra. Including descriptions of the navigation described in the work, and equally adapted to the particular plans of all the principal harbours, by which the general chart is accompanied.
London, printed [by J. Rider] for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller of the Admiralty, 1839. 8vo. With 12 steel-engraved coastal profiles. Contemporary half black cloth, marbled sides. [6], 184 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Essential information for navigating the coasts of Africa, South America and the islands
in the expansive South Atlantic Ocean

PURDY, John (Alexander George FINDLAY ed.). The new sailing directory for the Ethiopic or Southern Atlantic Ocean; including the coasts of Brasil, etc., to the Rio de La Plata, the Coast Thence to Cape Horn, and the African Coast to the Cape of Good Hope, etc.; including the islands between the two coasts.
London, printed for R.H. Laurie by J. Rider, 1844. 8vo. With Lauries RHL device on the title-page, and 32 small images in the text, mostly coastal profiles. The title-page includes some lines in sans-serif capitals. Half cloth. XLIV, 472 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Portoviejo joins Bolivár’s Gran Colombia

[RAMÍREZ Y FITA, Cayetano?]. Exposicion que hase [sic] el Canton provincia de Porto-viejo, de los motivos legales y políticos que há tenido para declararse unanimente incorporada a la Republica de Colombia segun la ley fundamental del estado dictada por el Congreso general, y sancionada por el voto de los pueblos.
Lima, San Jacinto, [1822]. 4to. Side stitched. 22, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Radical critique of European overseas expansion in 10 volumes. Extremely rare second Dutch edition

RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas François. Wysgeerige en staatkundige geschiedenis van de bezittingen en den koophandel der Europeaanen, in de beide Indiën.
Amsterdam, Matthijs Schalekamp, 1792-1803. 10 volumes bound as 9. 8vo. With 2 different engraved author's portraits, 8 engraved plates (5 as frontispieces), 12 engraved folding maps and 23 letterpress folding tables. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. VI, [4], 469, [19]; [8], 533, [1 blank], 11, [1 blank]; [8], 508, [11], [1 blank]; [8], 427, [9], [2 blank]; [8], 365, [9]; [8], 426, [10]; [10], 501, [7]; [8], 458, [11], [1 blank]; [8], 339, [10], [1 blank]; [4], 432, [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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German textbook on zoology, printed in Pottsville, Pennsylvania

REUBELT, John Adam. Kurzgefaßtes Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend wissenschaftliche und populäre Beschreibungen von dem Menschen, den Säugethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien, Fischen, Weich- und Gliederthieren.
Pottsville [Pennsylvania], C.W. Günther and the author, 1848. 8vo. With numerous woodcuts in text, depicting men and animals. Contemporary black half sheepskin. 392 pp. Full description
€ 375
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Jesuits in the Americas: in Florida, Peru, Brasil, and other places in Middle and South America

RIBADENEYRA, Pedro de [and Michel d'ESNE DE BETENCOURT (translator)]. La vie du pere Francois de Borja ...
Douai, Baltazar Bellère, 1603. 8vo. With a woodcut "IHS" vignette on the title-page, some woodcut decorated initials and woodcut head-pieces, and a large woodcut tail-piece on p. 480. Contemporary overlapping vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties. [1], [1 blank], [22], 480 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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The 1777 standard history of the discovery of the New World in the 1778 Dutch translation

ROBERTSON, William; [Petrus LOOSJES, transl.]. Geschiedenis van America. Uit het Engelsch vertaald [by P. Loosjes].
Amsterdam, Yntema & Tieboell, 1778. 4 volumes. 8vo. With woodcut title-vignettes; 4 folding maps by Thomas Kitchin (1718-1784), representing (1) the Gulf of Mexico with adjacent countries and islands; (2) Mexico or New Spain; (3) South America and (4) Central America and the South Sea; and a folding plate showing part of the 14th-century Mixtec Codex Vindobonensis. Uniform contemporary half calf. XXXII, 378; 307; XIV, 15-439; IV, 7-322, [65] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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