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Beautiful work on ships and shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age, with over 200 hand-coloured plates

ALLARD, Carel. Niewe[!] Hollandse scheeps-bouw, vertoonende een volmaakt schip ... noch een doorgesnede schip ... voorts allerhande scheeps vlaggen.
Amsterdam, Carel Allard, 1705. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 208 contemporary hand-coloured engraved plates (1 folding, 23 double-page, 184 single page), the title pages of volume 1 and 2 are printed in red and black. Modern gold- and blind-tooled vellum (mimicking contemporary style), a black paper label on the spine with the title and author lettered in gold, green closing ties, dark blue edges. The work is kept in a marbled paper and brown book cloth clamshell box, with a brown paper label on the spine. 56; 72; [8] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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Mathematical problems of fortification

BECKER (VON HERVORD), Peter. Nieuwe manier van vestingbou, hoe men alle regulare en irregulare vestingen met hare buytenwerken na haer behoorlijke proportie, sonder eenige rekeninge, door den gemeenen cirkel op een nieuwe en gansch lichte manier tekenen, afsteken en opbouwen sal. Van nieuws van den autheur selve, met het offensive en defensive vermeerdert, en door de tabulae sinuum uytgerekent, en met nodige demonstratien en figuren allen liefhebbers deser kunst verrijkt.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge I, 1673. 8vo. With an engraved allegorical title-page, a letterpress title-page, 7 engraved plates (5 folding), 3 engraved illustrations in the text and 3 folding tables. Contemporary vellum. [16], 146 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A basic instruction on clocks and watches

BERTHOUD, Ferdinand. l'Art de conduire et de régler les pendules et les montres: a l'usage de ceux qui n'ont aucune connoissance d'horlogerie.
Paris, for the author and Michael Lambert (colophon: printed by H.L. Guerin and L.F. Delatour), 1759. 12mo. With illustrations on 4 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. XVI, 78, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,600
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Anticipating Halley on the periodicity of comets and excellent engraved patterns for constructing sundials

BIANCANI, Giuseppe. Sphaera mundi, seu cosmographia demonstrativa, ac facili methodo tradita: in qua totius mundi fabrica, una cum novis, Tychonis, Kepleri, Galilaei, aliorumq[ue] astronomorum adinventis continetur.
Modena, Andrea & Girolamo Cassiani, 1653. With a large folding diagram, a woodcut diagram on an inserted half-page slip, numerous woodcut diagrams and other illustrations in text, letterpress tables.
With: (2) BIANCANI, Giuseppe. Constructio instrumenti ad horologia solaria describenda peropportuni. ... Opus posthumum.
Modena, Andrea Cassiani, 1654. With a woodcut astronomical dial on the title-page, 18 numbered engraved figures printed from 12 copper plates and a large folding letterpress table. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary sheepskin parchment, rebacked. [6], 232; 24, [5] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Fountains by the city architect of Nuremberg

BOECKLER, George Andreas. Architectura Curiosa Nova, Exponens 1. Fundamenta hydragogica. 2. Varios aquarum ac salientium fontium. 3. Magnum amoenissimorum fontium. 4. Specus artificiales sumtuosissimas. 5. Cum auctario figuram elegantissimarum. In Latinam linguam translata per J.Chr. Sturm.
Nuremberg, Paulus Fürst, [1664]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With richly engraved frontispiece, 4 titles within typographical woodcut borders, the first printed in red and black, and 200 full-page engraved plates of fountain architecture and hydraulic engineering in fountains. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title on the spine. [10], 30; [2], 13, [1 blank]; [2], 22; [2], 26 pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Ledger recording involvement in numerous infrastructural projects in Africa, Asia and the Middle East (1952-1955)

BOULTEN, F.A. [Manuscript ledger recording the time spent working on infrastructural projects].
[London?,] 1952-1955. Folio. Lined journal, each page ruled for monthly tallies, with some extra annotations. Contemporary cloth. [48] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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One of the earliest works on hydraulic mechanics: an important study on the improvement and use of the Archimedes screw

CEREDI, Giuseppe. Tre discorsi sopra il modo d'alzar acque da'luoghi bassi. Per adacquar terreni. Per levar l'acque sorgenti, & piouute dalle campagne, che non possono naturalmente dare loro il decorso. Per mandare l'acqua da bere alle città, che n'hanno bisogno, & per altri simili vsi.
Parma, Seth Viotti, 1567. 4to. With a woodcut title-vignette, woodcut decorated initials, 13 woodcut illustrations in the text and 4 folding woodcut plates. Modern half calf, boards covered with two early modern (?) leaves of liturgical music printed on paper in red and black. [1], [1 blank], [18], "100" [= 99], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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The effects of the Panama canal on the Dutch trade

COMMISSIE VOOR DE HANDELSPOLITIEK. Rapport betreffende de gevolgen der opening van het Panama-kanaal voor Nederland en koloniën.
Amsterdam, 1912. Folio (33.5 x 21 cm). Original cloth backed portfolio with printed boards and with ties. 21, [3 blank]; [1], [3 blank]; 3, [1 blank]; 3, [1 blank], 88; 8; 23, [1 blank]; 18, [2 blank]; 5, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 250
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Beautiful wall map of Rijnland

DOU, Jan Jansz. (Johannes Dou I), Steven van BROECKHUYSEN and Melchior BOLSTRA. 'T Hooge Heemraedschap van Rhynland.
[Amsterdam], Isaak Tirion, 1746. Atlas folio (58.5 x 37.5 cm). With 15 double-page engraved plates (plate size mostly ca. 44.5 x 55 cm and ca. 41.5 x 55 cm), including 13 maps (that of the Haarlemmermeer with plate size 55 x 63 cm), an illustration of existing and projected sluices for drainage of the polder and another illustration with title, both after drawings by Melchior Bolstra. All plates mounted on stubs so that they open flat. Half calf. Full description
€ 5,000
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3 magnificent drawings of fireworks erected in Siena 1729-1734

[DRAWINGS - FIREWORKS]. [Fireworks erected in Siena on the occasion of festivities between the years 1729 and 1734, celebrating the creation of 3 cardinals, two of them born in Siena].
[Siena, 1729-1734]. Folio (ca. 29.5 x 20.5 cm). 3 ink wash and aquatints drawings on paper, each drawn on one side, showing the designs of the fireworks. 3 ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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War of words on perspective, conic sections, cutting architectural stones and making sundials:
the Jesuit versus the Cartesian

[DUBREUIL, Jean] and others. Advis charitables sur les diverses oeuvres, et feuilles volantes du Sr. Girard Desargues Lyonois. Publiees sous les titres.
I. De Brouïllon Projet d'une atteinte aux evenements des rencontres du cone avec un plan: ...
II. De Brouïllon Projet d'exemple d'une maniere universelle, touchant la pratique du traict a preuves, pour la couppe des pierres en l'architecture.
III. D'une maniere de tracer tous quadrans d'heures égales au soleil, au moyen du style posé: ...
Mis au jour. ...
With: [DUBREUIL, Jean]. Diverses methodes universelles, et nouvelles, en tout ou en partie pour faire des perspectives. ... Tirees pour la plus-part du contenu du livre de La perspective pratique. Ce qui servira de plus de response aux deux affiches du Sieur Desargues, contre ladite Perspective pratique.
Paris, Melchior Tavernier, François l'Anglois, dit Chartres, 1642. 2 works (4 & 2 parts) in 1 volume. 4to (25.5 x 18 cm). The first work in 4 parts. It lacks two small engraved plates. The second work with 10 full-page engravings on integral leaves. Half white sheepskin parchment (ca. 1900?). Ad 1: [4], [4]; 10; 14, [2 blank]; 17, [3 blank] pp.; Ad 2: [15] pp., 10 double-page spreads, [1 blank] p. Full description
€ 22,500
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Rare first Dutch translation of a landmark in the development of naval architecture

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri-Louis. Grondbeginselen van den scheepsbouw, of werkdadige verhandeling der scheepstimmerkunst.
The Hague and Amsterdam, Ottho van Thol and Gerrit de Groot, 1759. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, the title-page is printed in red and black with a woodcut vignette, 24 folding plates on 23 leaves, 7 folding letterpress tables, 9 engraved headpieces (1 at the start of each chapter), a woodcut illustration as a vignette on the title-page, and numerous woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary gold-tooled half brown calf. [2], X, 11-38, [2], 359, [1], XX pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Concise artillery manual, second copy located

[EUGENIUS, Johann] and Joannes EDELIUM. Manuale bombardicum oder: Hand-Büchlein, über die Bixenmeisterey.
Augsburg, Jakob Koppmayer, 1693. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece, 8 engraved plates (5 folding) and a letterpress folding table. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment. 78, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,850
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Rare catalogue of military and other instruments and machines

FAULHABER, Johann. Geheime Kunstkammer: darin[n]en hundert allerhand Kriegs Stratagemata, auch andere unerhörte Secreta, und Machinae mirabiles zusehen, dergleichen in Europa (respectivè) wening zu finden.
Ulm, Jonam Saur, 1628. 4to. Half vellum (ca. 1900). 28 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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First and only edition of an important manual on the construction of telescopes and microscopes:
the first work by one of Eulers most important students, printed in St. Petersburg

FUSS, Nicolas. Instruction détaillée pour porter les lunettes de toutes les différentes especes au plus haut degré de perfection dont elles sont susceptibles tirée de la théorie dioptrique de Mr. Euler le pere et mise a la portée de tous les ouvriers en ce genre. Avec la description dún microscope qui peut passer pour le plus parfait dans son espèce et qui est propre à produire tous les grossissemens qu'on voudra.
St. Petersburg, Académie Imp. des Sciences, 1774. 4to. With 2 folding engraved plates. Contemporary Russian mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. Rebacked (ca. 1810?). [10], 83, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 7,500
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Saxonian Archimedes

GÄRTNER, Andreas. Langwirige Lampen, oder ... Erfindung, Lampen auf eine leichte Arth also zuzurichten, dass sie geraume Zeit ... fortbrennen. ... Nebst angehängter Nachricht von denen Antiquen, vorgestellet von J.G.G. Hübschen.
Leipzig and Frankfurt, 1725. With engraved frontispiece, a woodcut tailpiece, a few decorated initials and a decoration built up from typographic ornaments. Set in fraktur type with incidental roman.
8vo. Modern marbled boards. Frontispiece plus [6], "110" [=104] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Well-illustrated encyclopaedia of astronomical and surveying instruments from the time of Galileo,
with a world map in two hemispheres, and 3 volvelles

GALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo. Della fabrica et uso di diversi stromenti di astronomia, et cosmografia, ove si vede la somma della teorica, et pratica di queste due nobilissime scienze.
Venice, Roberto Meietti, 1598. 4to (22 x 16.5 cm). With engraved title-page, folding woodcut plate, 3 woodcut volvelles with moving parts, and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Including a world map in two hemispheres (incl. America and a scattering of islands at the location of Australia) on two facing pages, they reappear with volvelle attachments on both sides of leaf 149 and leaf 153. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [8], 228 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Description and illustrations of a sundial with a rotating magnetic needle,
bound in a fragment of an early Acta sanctorum manuscript

GEORGES, Pierre. Horologe magnetique elliptique ou ovale nouveau, de facile usage, et tres-commode, pour trouver les heures du jour & de la nuict, . . .
Toul (Lorraine), Simon Belgrand, G. Perin and I. Laurent, 1660. 8vo. With 8 engraved plates (1-7 numbered) with 46 numbered figures, and a letterpress folding table after page 196. Contemporary parchment made from the lower part of a leaf from a Jesuit manuscript (Acta sanctorum, for 25 July, this part not published until 1729). [12], ''296'' [= 298], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 11,500
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Construction drawings for staircases, skylights and their decoration, with the rare text-volume

HORST, Tieleman van der. Theatrum machinarum universale; of nieuwe algemeene bouwkunde, waar in ... werd voorgestelt en geleerdt het maaken van veelerley soorten van trappen.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk, 1739. With engraved half-title, engraved title-page (with engraved device), engraved dedication and 30 double-page engraved plates by Jan Schenk.
With: (2) HORST, Tieleman van der. Theatrum machinarum universale; of nieuwe algemeene bouw-kunde; ...
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk, 1739. With woodcut vignette on title-page. 2 volumes: Folio (plates) and 4to (text). Contemporary red half roan. [3], [60] ll.; [8], 72 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Fine copy of splendid hydraulic engineering drawings

HORST, Tileman van der and Jacob POLLEY. Theatrum machinarum universale; of keurige verzameling van verscheide grote en zeer fraaie waterwerken, schutsluizen, waterkeringen, ophaal- en draaibruggen.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk [II] & son (vol. II: Petrus Schenk [III]), 1757-1774. Imperial folio (50 x 34 cm). With a double-page engraved dedication plate and 41 double-page and 7 larger folding engraved illustration plates. Red half sheepskin (ca. 1800). [3], [1 blank], 14; [1], [1 blank], 9 pp. + plates. Full description
€ 3,250
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Construction drawings for staircases, skylights and their decoration

HORST, Tieleman van der. Theatrum machinarum universale, of nieuwe algemeene bouwkunde, waarin op eene naauwkeurige, klaare en wiskundige wijze wordt voorgesteld en geleerd het maaken van veelerleije soorten van trappen, met derzelver gronden en opstallen, mitsgaders het uitslaan derzelven, als mede ... Lantaarens, en wat meer tot dit soort van bouwkunde behoort: ...
Amsterdam, J.S. van Esveldt-Holtrop, [ca. 1810]. Large folio (49 x 35 cm). With engraved vignette on the title-page and 30 double-page engraved plates by Jan Schenk. 19th-century half calf. [2], [60] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Second known copy of the only Portuguese translation of a Spanish artillery manual

ISLA, Lázaro de la [and José HOMEM DE MENEZES, translator]. [above the title: "Jesus."] Breve tratado da arte da artelharia, e geometria, & artificios de fogo ...
Lisbon, Domingos Carneyro, 1676. Small 8vo. With woodcut arms of Portugal on the title-page. Contemporary limp vellum with manuscript title on spine, lacking ties. 96 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Journal of accounts of a Flemish cloth-dyeing factory 1734-1759

[MANUSCRIPT]. JOFFROY, Joannes Baptista (Jean-Baptiste). Daegelyksche aenteekening van alle de goederen te verwen komende bij Joannes Baptista Joffroy begonst 1734.
[Mechelen (Malines, Belgium), 1 April 1734-31 August 1759]. Folio (32.5 x 21 cm). Manuscript journal of accounts in dark brown ink on paper, written in Dutch in an upright gothic hand, with each page ruled in double and single lines to make 4 or 5 columns and up to 22 rows, decorated with hundreds of pen flourishes, three forming pictures of birds as tailpieces and with a decorative cross to begin 1750 (some other years with a simpler cross), a couple headings with additions in red. Contemporary vellum. [268] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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300 models for weaving cloth in various patterns and colours, printed from the plates of the 1771 first edition

KIRSCHBAUM, Johann Michael. Neues Weberbild- und Musterbuch, ... zur Beförderung der edlen Leinen- und Bildweberkunst, und zum Nutzen und Vergnügen angehender Meister und Gesellen, auch anderer Liebhaber der Weberkunst, auf 74 Kupfertafeln ... Fünfte Original-Ausgabe.
Heilbronn, Classische Buchhandlung, 1836. Oblong folio (21 x 32 cm). With 74 numbered engraved plates showing about 300 patterns for weaving. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, tiger marbled sides. 6 pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 3,500
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Detailed and lavishly illustrated memoirs of travels in the Caribbean

LABAT, Jean-Baptiste. Nieuwe reizen naar de Franse eilanden van America.
Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1725. 4 volumes bound as 2. 4to. With 2 engraved frontispieces, 11 folding engraved maps and plans, and 83 full-page plates. Contemporary polished half calf. [2], 18, 350; [1 blank], [1], 404; [2], 235, 254; [1 blank], [4], 200, 167, [32] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Preventing people from drowning: on the practical use of a newly invented life jacket

LA CHAPELLE, Jean Baptista de (Cornelis van ENGELEN, transl.). De scaphander of de konst om in de diepste wateren dryvende te gaan en allerhande werk te verrigten.
Amsterdam, G. Warners & Harlingen, Volkert van der Plaats, 1777. 8vo. With 4 engraved plates on 2 large folded sheets by B. de Bakker after the plates in the original French edition, charmingly illustrating the water-jacket and water-pants discussed in the text. Contemporary brown sprinkled paper wrappers. [2], VIII, 139, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Very rare work about a remarkable invention for the military

[LA CHAPELLE, Jean-Baptiste de and Cornelis van ENGELEN (translator)]. De zee tot land gemaakt, of, alle landing zeker gesteld, bevattende een onfeilbaar middel, om niet alleen alle drenkelingen, en als men 't ongeluk heeft van in 't water te vallen, zich zelven, te redden, maar ook om gehele armeën, door een rivier, ja door een zee heen, tegen een vijandlijk land aan te voeren.
Amsterdam, J. W. Werlingshoff, 1805. 8vo. With 4 engraved plates on 2 folding leaves. Later quarter vellum, blue decorated paper sides. IV, 139, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Proposal for reinforcing the dykes of West-Friesland

LAKENMAN, Seger. Ontwerp van een onkostbaar en zeker middel, om de Westvriesche zeedyken... te stellen buiten eenig gevaar van doorbrake...
Amsterdam, heirs of Johannes Ratelband and company and Hendrik de Leth, 1733. Folio. With 2 folding engraved plates, including a map of North-Holland. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers, preserved in a blue cloth chemise. [4], 23, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,875
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Well-illustrated treatise on sundials, by a Dutch defender of Copernicus

LANSBERGE, Philip van. Horologiographia plana: in qua omne genus sciotericorum horologiorum, quae plano cuilibet inscribi possunt, certis evidentibusq[ue]; . . .
Middelburg, Zacharias Roman, 1663. Small folio (28.5×17.5 cm). With 61 woodcuts in the text (1 repeated on the title-page, illustrating a sundial), many more than half-page, including both sundials and diagrams illustrating how they work. With extensive 19th-century manuscript notes on the back of the title-page. Lacking 2 leaves containing Roman's dedication. Modern paper-covered boards. [2], 53 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Best manual for architectural stone cutting, with 121 large plates plus 37 repeats

LA RUE, Jean Baptiste de. Traité de la coupe des pierres, ou methode facile & abregée, pour aisément se perfectionner en cette science.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, Pierre-Alexandre Martin, 1738. Large folio (43.5 x 29.5 cm). With engraved allegorical frontispiece by Thomassin after Bertin and numerous architectural plans and views (in orthographic projections and in perspective) and designs for stone cutters printed from 97 engraved copper plates (96 full-page and 1 larger than double-page on a folding sheet of larger format). A. Coquart signed or initialed most of the plates. Further with 3 engraved headpieces (plus 3 repeats) showing putti cutting and hauling stone at building sites and 2 engraved decorated initials. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine; rebacked with the original backstrip laid down. [16], 185, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 9,500
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On the art of dyeing cotton

LE PILEUR D'APLIGNY, [Placide Auguste]. L'Art de la Teinture des Fils et Etoffes de coton, précédé D'une Théorie nouvelles des veritables causes de la fixité des couleurs de bon Teint, suivi Des Cultures du Pastel, de la Gaude et de la Garance, à l'usage des Cultivateurs et des Manufactures.
Paris, Chez Serviere, An VI - 1798. 12mo. Contemp. boards. XXXIII, 261 pp. Full description
€ 450
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A proposal for stationing mortars along the coast, to save shipwrecked persons

MANBY, George William. Papers relating to Captain Manby's plan for affording relief in cases of shipwreck: viz. Copies of instructuions, given by His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department, for the purpose of carrying into effect the plan of Captain Manby, for affording relief in cases of shipwreck.
[London, House of Commons, 1816]. Folio. With several woodcuts and wood engravings of the inventions in text. Sewn. 37, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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Important work on geometry and military fortifications,
copy from the collection of Ludwig Rudolph, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg

MAROLOIS, Samuel. Geometrie, contenant la theorie, et practicque dicelle necessaire a la fortification.
The Hague and Arnhem, Henricus Hondius and Jan Janz., 1616. Oblong 1mo (ca. 30 x 39 cm). With an engraved title-page and 47 numbered full-page engraved plates, with a few decorated initials and ornamental head-pieces, and with geometric formulas in the text. Late 17th- or early 18th-century(?) gold-tooled vellum, remnants of closing ties, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank], [92] pp. and 47 engraved plates. Full description
€ 9,500
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An extensive and richly illustrated treatise on mortars and bombs,
by a veteran of the Thirty Years War in Italy

MARTENA, Giovanni Batista. Flagello militare diviso in quattro parti. La prima tratta de' trabucchi. La seconda de' petardi. La terza de' burlotti, e fuochi artificiali di mare, e di terra. La quarta di mine, contramine, e d'altre cose importanti all'arte militare.
Naples, Novello de Bonis, 1676. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, engraved author's portrait and 73 illustrations on 18 engraved plates. Contemporary vellum. [12], 211, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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30 hand-coloured lithographed views of the zinc industry

MAUGENDRE, Adolphe. Société anonyme des mines et fonderies de zinc de la Vieille Montagne[.] Album de 30 vues.
Paris, (printed by Auguste Bry), 1850-1851. Oblong 1mo (55.5 x 38.5 cm). Tinted lithographed title-page and 30 tinted lithographed plates (55.5 x 38.5 cm, one slightly smaller: 35 x 50.5 cm), all in fine contemporary hand-colouring. Loose in modern clamshell box. Full description
€ 22,500
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Six lively dialogues by a Spanish humanist from Seville, bound for the Landgrave of Hesse

MEXIA, Pedro. Coloquios o dialogos compuestos por el magnifico cavallero Pero Mexia, vezino de Sevilla, en los quales se disputan y tratan varias y diversas cosas de mucha erudicion y doctrina. Al illustrissimo senor don Perasan de Ribera Marques de Tarisa &c.
Antwerp, widow of Martinus Nutius, 1561. Small agenda 12mo (14 x 6.5 cm). With Nutius's woodcut device on the title-page. 17th-century(?) blind-tooled overlapping vellum, each board with the coat of arms of the Landgrave of Hesse, gilt edges. 165, [3 blank] ll. Full description
€ 2,950
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Practical geometry, fortification and artillery ca. 1750

[MILITARY]. Geometria of meetkonst ... Vestingbou of fortificatie ... [Artillerie].
[Netherlands, ca. 1750]. 3 related works in 1 volume. Folio. With numerous mathematical diagrams, fortification plans and measured drawings of artillery and ammunition, including 12 full-page watercolour drawings (3 fortification plans and 9 beautifully rendered canons) and many more watercolour drawings in the text. With a large folding fortification plan tipped in, a large folding artillery drawing loosely inserted, and several smaller drawings tipped in or loosely inserted. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [2 blank], [40], [12 blank]; [37 (plus a folding plan & other inserts)], [5 blank]; [22] (plus a folding drawing), [16 blank] ll. including the integral paste-downs. Full description
€ 6,500
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Treatise on naval mines, by a leading French naval officer and military engineer

MONTGÉRY, Jacques-Philippe Mérigon de. Mémoire sur les mines flottantes et les petards flottans, ou machines infernales maritimes.
Paris, Bachlier, libraire pour la marine (printed by De Fain), 1819. 8vo. With a finely engraved folding copperplate of a ship being blown up by a mine (16.5 x 17.5 cm). Lacking the half-title and the final leaf with the publisher's list of books, but with the folding plate, often lacking. Contemporary half tree calf, stormont marbled sides. [2], 78 pp. Full description
€ 800
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An early treatise on sundials, together with an influential work on geography

MÜNSTER, Sebastian. Compositio horologiorum, in plano, muro, truncis, anulo, con concavo, cylindro & variis quadrantibus, cum signorum zodiaci & diversarum horarum inscriptionibus: ...
Basel, Henricus Petrus, 1531 (changed in manuscript to 1535). With woodcut on title-page showing sundials of various kinds, Petri's woodcut device on last page, large folding woodcut plate (31.5 x 40.5 cm) of a wall sundial, and 56 woodcut illustrations in the text (many full-page).
With: (2) GLAREAN(US), Heinrich. De geographia liber unus, ab ipso authore iam tertio recognitus.
Freiburg im Breisgau, (colophon: Joannis Faber), 1533. With Faber's device on title-page with a larger version on last page, and 21 woodcut illustrations in the text (several full-page). 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [8], 198, [2] pp.; 35, [1] ll. Full description
€ 19,500
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A fine example of an Enlightenment children's book

NEWBURY, John. Philosophie der tollen en ballen; of het Newtoniaansche zamenstel van wysbegeerte, geschikt naar de vatbaarheid der eerste Jeugd, en gemeenzaam en vermaaklyk gemaakt door voorwerpen, welke aan haar zeer bekend zyn: bestaande in ses lessen, geleezen voor de Lilliputiaansche Maatschappie, door Tom Telescope.
Middelburg, Christiaan Bohemer, 1768. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece showing a little boy, Tom Telescope, standing on a table and explaining matter and motion to a group of other small children with some adults present too, a woodcut showing a pair of telescopes, and 8 fine engraved plates showing the solar system, an air-pump and air-gun, globes and armillary spheres, Vesuvius, etc. Contemporary half calf. [12], 134, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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1598 ordinance for clearing trees around windmills, signed by Johan van Oldenbarnevelt

[MANUSCRIPT - ORDINANCE]. OLDENBARNEVELT, Johan van. [Ordinance forbidding the planting of trees around windmills in the Land van Arkel (in the southwestern corner of the province of Holland) and requiring the removal of existing trees].
The Hague, 14 December 1598. Manuscript document in Dutch in brown ink on the skin side of a single piece of sheepskin parchment (36 x 48 cm, folded to 14 x 19 cm). Full description
€ 2,950
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Dutch scientific journal for craftsmen, with folding plates, 20 years before Diderot & dAlembert

RANOUW, Willem van. Kabinet der natuurlyke historien, wetenschappen, konsten en handwerken, geopent met de maanden January en February 1719. Verciert en opgeheldert met kopere plaaten.
Including: MEERSCH, Pieter van der. Register tot alle de deelen van het kabinet ... van W. v. Ranouw.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Strik; Zacharia Moelé and Johannes de Ruiter; Balthasar Lakeman, 1730; 1719-1727; 1732. 21 parts in 9 volumes. 8vo. With an identical engraved allegorical frontispiece in volumes 1-8, different woodcut vignettes on the title-pages and 49 numbered engraved maps and plates, all but one folding. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on the spines. [16], 176, [2], 552, [8]; [4], 564, [8]; [8], 562, [6]; 570, [6]; 570; [9]; [8], 176, [2], 191-380, [2], 563, [6]; [8], 183, [1], 1-192, 1-192, [8]; [16], 176, 1-191, [1], [20], 1-151, [1]; [12], 690 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Rare and luxurious work on securing fortifications against the rising firepower

REDELYKHEID, Cornelis. De nieuwe versterkte facen en flancquen, of Verhandeling om de facen ... bestendiger ... te doen zyn ... Opgesteld ten nutte der krygsbouwkunde, en derzelver min of meer gevorderde bearbeiders.
Amsterdam, printed for the author [by Izaak and Johannes Enschedé in Haarlem?], sold by Jan Punt junior, [1759]. Large 4to (23.5 x 20 cm). With 3 folding engraved plates with 14 numbered figures drawn by the author and executed by Jan Punt and 2 engravings in text. 19th-century half parchment. [16], 121, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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New designs for a sluice and dredging machine, beautifully illustrated, presentation copy to Christiaan Brunings, inspector of the original design and writer of a preliminary text

REDELYKHEID, Cornelis. De nieuw uitgevonden sluis met in- en uitschuivende deuren.
With: (2) REDELYKHEID, Cornelis. De nieuw uitgevonden diep-machine.
The Hague, Hendrik Christoffel Gutteling; Amsterdam, Jacob Yntema & Jacob Tieboel; for the author, 1774. 2 works in 1 volume. Large folio (49.5 x 31 cm). Ad 1 with 6 large folding engraved plates and ad 2 with 3 large folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf. XII, 26; XI, [1], 18 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Practical manual of gunsmithing (Lisbon 1718), with 12 plates

[RODRIGUES, José Francisco and João RODRIGUES] ("Cesar Fiosconi, e Jordam GUSERIO"). Espingarda perfeyta, & regras para a sua operaçam . . .
Lisbon, António Pedroso Galrão, 1718. 4to. With full-page frontispiece showing the crowned Portuguese coat of arms, title-page with engraved decorative cartouche, 12 engraved plates (including 4 folding) by Manuel Freire and 1 engraved illustration in the text. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [31], [1 blank], 183, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 22,000
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First book devoted to stage design and technique

SABBATTINI, Nicola. Pratica di fabricar scene, e machine ne'teatri.
Pesaro, Flaminio Concordia, 1637. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of the dedicatee Cardinal Grimaldi on the title-page and 49 woodcut diagrams and illustrations of decors and stage settings in the text, many illustrating the use of perspective to give an illusion of three dimensions and some showing mechanical systems, such as screens raised and lowered with pulleys. Decorated paper wrappers (ca. 1700?). [4], 89, [2] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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Cranes, hoists, clocks, water wheels and cannon carriages, with 12 engraved plates

SCALETTA, Carlo Cesare. Scuola mecanico-speculativo-pratica in cui si esamina la proporzione, che ha la potenza alla resistenza del corpo grave; per l'uso civile, e militare utile e necessaria ad ogni matematico, ingegnerio, architetto, machinista, e bombardiere, ... Edizione prima Veneta.
Venice, Antonio Mora, 1745. Folio. With engraved frontispiece and 12 numbered engraved plates with hundreds of figures. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [16], 204 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Dutch translation of Griffiths's classic manual on shipbuilding, with 69 white on black lithographed plates

SCHOKKER, H.W. [and John W. GRIFFITHS]. Handboek voor de kennis van den scheepsbouw, voornamelijk met het oog op het Amerikaansche stelsel, naar de geschriften van John W. Griffiths en andere bronnen, ... Met eenen atlas van 60 [=69] platen.
Amsterdam, Kraay brothers, 1861. 2 volumes. Large 4to (32 x 25 cm). With a chromolithographed view of the ship Nightingale as frontispiece, 2 folding tables, and 8 white on black lithographed illustrations and numerous tables in text. Further with 69 white on black lithographed plates (numbered as 60: I-LX) in the atlas volume, lithographed by Emrik & Binger, Haarlem. Contemporary half morocco, gold-tooled spine. XI, [1 blank], 805, [1 blank] pp. text Full description
€ 850
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Contemporary illustrations of the Trollhätte Canal

SKJÖLDEBRAND, Anders Frederik. Description des cataractes et du canal de Trollhätta en Suède; avec un précis historique.
Stockholm, Charles Delén, 1804. 4to. With an aquatint title-page and 12 aquatint plates, including 1 map, all drawn and engraved by the author. Contemporary grey-blue wrappers. [1], [1 blank], 47, [2] pp. Full description
€ 850
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First French editions on Dutch military hydraulic engineering and the layout of army camps

STEVIN, Simon. La castrametation, ...
Rotterdam, Jan van Waesberge, 1618.
With: (2) STEVIN, Simon. Nouvelle maniere de fortification par escluses. ...
Rotterdam, Jan van Waesberge, 1618. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. With more than 50 woodcut illustrations in the text (many full-page or nearly full-page). Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [4 of 8], 54, [2 blank]; [4], 61, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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A well-illustrated work on the steamships of the United States,
with a spectacular illustration of Perry's flagship "The Powhatan"

STUART, Charles Beebe. The naval and mail steamers of the United States. ... Illustrated with thirty-six[!] fine engravings. Second edition.
New York, Charles B. Norton; London, Sampson Low, son & Co. (back of title-page: printed by Baker, Godwin & Co., New York), 1853. Large 4to (34 x 27 cm). With chromolithographed frontispiece to the first and tinted lithographed frontispiece to the second part, steel-engraved author's portrait and 32 plates (somewhat irregularly numbered 1-31), including 6 double-page engraved plates and 4 tinted lithographs all printed by Sarony & Major, New York. Publisher's richly gold- and blind-blocked textured cloth. 216; [4], 22, [2 blank]; 4; 21, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Dialogue between an engineer and a young man on military architecture

STURM, Leonhard Christoph. Architectura militaris hypothetico-eclectica, oder gründliche Anleitung zu der Kriegs-Baukunst...
Nuremberg, Peter Conrad Monath, 1719. 4to. With an engraved device on title-page, an engraved headpiece on the first page of the dedication, engraved author's portrait, 42 engraved plates with 79 illustrations, 23 letterpress tables and with woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, lovely gold-brocade endpapers. [16], 144, 23, [1] Full description
€ 1,200
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An early mention of Australia and a window into early 17th-century Spanish daily life

SUAREZ DE FIGUEROA, Christobal (Thomaso GARZONI). Plaza universal de todas ciencias, y artes, parte traduzida de Toscano, y parte compuesta por el doctor Christoval Suearez de Figueroa.
Perpignan, Luis Roure, 1630 (colophon: 1629). 4to. With title printed in woodcut border with large woodcut coat of arms; interesting woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary mottled calf. [8], 379, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Second and best edition of André Tacquet’s collected works on applied mathematics

TACQUET, André. Opera mathematica, quorum elenchus in fine praefationis typographia ad lectorem exhibetur. Opera sane aurea in lucem publicam & usum erudita posteritatis gratulantibus litteratorum geniis edita.
Antwerp, Henricus & Cornelius Verdussen, 1707. Folio. With a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece illustrating light refraction through lenses and the teaching of drawing with compasses, large engraved publisher's device on title-page, title in red and black, and numerous illustrations and figures on 87 folding engraved plates. Contemporary richly blind- and gold-tooled vellum over wooden boards, on the front board, the coat-of-arms of the Cartusiae Maurbacensis as centrepiece on the back board, red edges, two metal clasps. [32], 553, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,950
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Revolutionary ideas on fortification, with 48 splendid plates

TENSINI, Francesco. La fortificatione guardia difesa et espugnatione delle fortezzi esperimentata in diverse guerre.
Venetia, Antonio Bariletti, 1630. Large folio (38 x 27.5 cm). With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, engraved portrait of the author, and 48 fine engraved fortification plates (11 double-page), by Fillippo Sadeler. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled fillets on boards, richly gold-tooled spine, Rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down, later endpapers. [16], 83, [1 blank]; 83, [1 blank]; 128 pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Three early works on electrics with 11 engraved plates

WINCKLER, Johann Heinrich. Nieuwe natuurkundige ontdekkingen, aangaande de eigenschappen, werkingen, en oorzaaken der electriciteit, of uitlokkings-kragt.
(2) WINCKLER, Johann Heinrich. De eigenschappen der electrische stoffe, en van het electrische Vuur.
(3) WAITZ, Jacob Sigismund von. Verhandeling over de electriciteit, en derzelver oorzaken.
Amsterdam, H.W. van Welbergen, 1751. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With 11 engraved folding plates. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [16], 119, [1 blank]; [14], 110, [2 blank]; [56], 139, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,900
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First edition of a famous technical manual on ship-building illustrated by Jan and Caspar Luyken

YK, Cornelis van. De Nederlandsche scheepsbouw-konst open gestelt. Vertoonende naar wat regel ... in Nederland meest alle scheepen werden gebouwd.
Delft, Andries Voorstad, for Jan ten Hoorn, Amsterdam, 1697. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, with two views of ship-building yards, and numerous detailed illustrations of ship-building on 22 engraved plates by and after Jan and Caspar Luyken (including 13 double-page and once 2 plates on 1 page). 18th-century half calf. [16], "354"[= 364], [8] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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