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Science & Technology / Alchemy, Astrology & Occult

Rare early edition of a popular book of botanical, mineralogical and zoological wonders,
with a large woodcut of the author among his books

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (pseudo). Liber secretorum ... De virtutibus herbarum: & animalium quorundam. Eiusdemq[ue] liber De mirabilibus mundi: & etiam de quibusdam effectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus &c.
(Colophon: Venice, Johan Baptist Sessa, 12 February 1502). Small 4to (21 x 15.5 cm). With a large woodcut portrait of the author at his desk. Gold-tooled maroon morocco (ca. 1870/90?) for James Carnegie, 9th Earl of Southesk (1827-1905), gilt edges. 16 ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Extremely rare Antwerp edition (1502) of popular pseudo-Magnus treatises Liber aggregationis and De mirabilibus mundi

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (pseudo). De virtutibus herbarum. De virtutibus lapidum. De virutibus animalium et mirabilibus mundi. Item parvum regimen sanitatis valde utile. [Liber aggregationis and De mirabilibus mundi].
[colophon (f4r):] Antwerp, Govaert Bac, 1502. 4to. With a full-page woodcut on the title-page (a monk offering a book to a prince), repeated on the back of the title-page, and Govaert Bacs full-page woodcut printer's device of on the verso of the last leaf. With 3- and 4-line lombardic initials and smaller 2-line initials, supplied by hand in red. Rubricated throughout. 19th-century calf with double gold fillets along the edges of both boards. [36] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Fables for Christians, by one of the founders of Rosicrucianism

[ANDREAE, Johann Valentin]. Mythologiae Christianae sive virtutum & vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum. Libri tres.
Strasbourg, heirs of Lazarus Zetzner, [1619]. With an engraved title-page.
With: (2) [GESSEL, Timan van]. Synopsis locorum sacrae scripturae patrum, et recentiorum quorundam theologorum, quibus demonstratur, quaenam sint ad salutem creditu necessaria & sufficientia.
Amsterdam, [Joan Blaeu?], 1650. 2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. [24], 352, [7], [1 blank]; [38], 197, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Incunable on poisons, using various Arabic sources

ARDUINO, Sante. [Incipit:] Incipit liber de venenis ...
(Colophon: Venice, Bernardino Rizzo, 1492). Folio (42 x 28 cm). Set in in 2 columns in 2 sizes of rotunda gothic types, with spaces left for numerous 3-line and 4-line and a few larger initials (with printed guide letters), none filled in. Modern black- and gold-tooled calf. [4], 101, [1] ll. Full description
€ 45,000
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Popular Dutch book of secrets, with over 1500 secrets

BATTUS, Carolus. Secreet-boeck van veele diversche en heerlijcke konsten in veelderley materien, met veel remedien tegen de innerlijcke en uytterlijcke gebreken der menschen. ... Verrijckt met verscheyden secreten van wijnen, verwen ende schrijf-konsten.
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1661. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. 573, [3] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Very rare edition of a popular work with over 1500 "secrets"

BATTUS, Carolus. Het secreet-boek vol heerlijke konsten. Als van de hooftstoffen in elks gebruik, vande gebreken, siekten en qualen der menschen, van tamme en wilde dieren ..., bloemen, kruiden en saden ..., van olien en salven te bereiden, van distileren en andere weetenschappen; met een aenhangsel verrijkt, uyt een groot getal Latijnsche, Italiaansche, Francoische, Hoog- en Neder-duitsche autheuren vergadert.
Leeuwarden, Hendrik Rintjes, 1694. 12mo. With a woodcut vignet on title-page. Contemporary vellum with boards partly folded over the edge, with manuscript short-title on spine. 573, [3] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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two controversial works by Balthasar Bekker">"Making an end" to the superstitious belief in the devil and the apocalyptical meaning of comets:
two controversial works by Balthasar Bekker

BEKKER, Balthasar. De betoverde weereld, zynde een grondig ondersoek van 't gemeen gevoelen aangaande de geesten, derselver aart en vermogen, bewind en bedryf: als ook 't gene de menschen door derselver kraght en gemeenschap doen. In vier boeken ondernomen.Amsterdam, Daniel van den Dalen, 1691-1693. With the woodcut printer's device of Daniel van den Dalen on the title-page of each book (part) and a full-page woodcut of the Oldenburg Horn.
With: (2) BEKKER, Balthasar. Ondersoek van de betekeninge der kometen, by gelegenheid van de gene die in de jaren 1680. 1681. en 1682. geschenen hebben.Including: Berigt aangaande 't uitvinden der lengte van Oost en West, voorgegeven van Liewe Willems Graaf.
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1692. 4to. 2 works in 1 volume, the first work in 4 parts. With a woodcut on the title-page, depicting a group of people doing astronomical research.2 works in 1 volume, the first work in 4 parts. 4to. Contemporary calf, blind-ruled frames on the boards. [18], 138, [2]; [8], 262, [2]; [8], 188, [4]; [6], 277, [3]; [8], 102, [18] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First known edition of a successful apothecarys manual for students,
mirroring the general knowledge of pharmacology in the mid-17th century

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia Galenica & chymica, dat is: apotheker ende alchymiste ofte distilleer-konste. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selver. [Additional title and imprint on the frontispiece:] Nieu licht der apothekers en distilleerkonst. ... tAmsteldam by Joannes van Ravesteyn op t Water.
Amsterdam, Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1657. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece showing the interior of an apothecarys shop, Van Ravesteyns woodcut device on title-page (Elijah and the ravens); 3 half-page woodcut illustrations of distilling equipment (pp. 339, 343 and 387); woodcut decorated initials and tailpieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum over boards. [8], 460, [12] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The fourth edition of a successful apothecarys manual for students,
mirroring the general knowledge of pharmacy in the middle of the 17th century

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia Galenica & Chymica, dat is: de vermeerderde ende verbeterde Apotheker en Alchymiste licht ende distilleer-konst. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selver. ... en verrijckt met een kort Examen der Chirurgie, benevens een tractaet van de kennisse der Droogen. Den vierden druck.
Amsterdam, Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1662. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece of the interior of an apothecarys shop: Het Nieu verbetert en vermeerdert licht der Apothekers en distilleerkonst. TAmsteldam by Joannes van Ravesteyn den [ ink: tienden] druck 16[.. in ink: 1662]; woodcut printers device on title; 3 half-page woodcut illustrations of distilling equipment (pp. 343, 347 and 391); woodcut initials and endpieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum over boards with title in ink on spine. [16], 466, [14], 54 pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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The first book on pharmaceutical chemistry published in the Southern Netherlands

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia galenica & chymica, dat is: de vermeerderde ende verbeterde apothekeren alchymiste licht ende distilleer-konst. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selve. Verdeylt in acht boecken, tot onderwijsinghe der apothekers. En verrijckt met een vermeerderde examen der chirurgie, benevens een tractaet vande kennisse der drooghen. [Engraved title-page:] Het nieu verbetert en vermeerdert licht der apothekers en distilleerkonst.
Antwerpen, Reynier Sleghers, 1667. 8vo. With an anonymous engraved title-page and 2 woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [16], 466, [22]; 70, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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German manuscript book of secrets, including an aria with a Moorish merchant selling medicinal tobacco

[MANUSCRIPT - BOOK OF SECRETS - GERMAN]. [Medicinal recipes and incantations].
[Germany?], [ca. 1700?]. Small 8vo (16 x 10 cm). Manuscript in German with occasional Latin phrases, written on laid paper in brown and black ink in at least two German gothic cursive hands (the Latin phrases in Latin hands), a "tetragrammaton" diagram (rectangular with a St Andrews cross rather than star-shaped) with the name of (the archangel) Uriel and a "sator rotas" square. Lacking quire A and bifolium B1.8 (10 ll.?). Brown vellum(?) wrapper, sewn without supports at 3 stations. [4], 17-28, 31-78, [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Four popular works, erotic as well as occult, in one contemporary binding

[COURTIN, Antoine DE]. Traité de la jalousie, ou moyens d'entretenir la paix dans le marriage.
[The Netherlands?, copy imprint:] Paris, Helie Josset, 1682. 12mo. With a finely engraved integral frontispiece by Romeyn de Hooghe.
(2) ARETINO, Pietro. Dialogue de l'Aretin, ou Les vies, & faits de Lais, & Lamia courtisanes de Rome sont deduites. Traduict d'Italien en François.
[southwest Germany?, ca. 1681/84?]. With 1 woodcut decorated initial.
(3) DIGBY, Kenelm. Discours fait en une celebre assemblée touchant la guerison des playes & la composition de la poudre de sympathie. Enrichie avec beaucoup des remedes et rare secrets tirez de memoires du Chevalier Digby. Avec divers secrets pour la conservation de la beauté des dames.
Utrecht, Rudolph van Zijll, 1681.
(4) MAINVILLE, Jean(?) de. Du bonheur et du malheur du mariage, et des considerations qu'il faut faire avant que de s'y engager, ouvrage moral & curieux.
The Hague, Adriaen Moetjens, 1684. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page.Sprinkled calf (ca. 1700?). [12], 168, [9], [1 blank]; “102” [= 202], [2 blank]; 378, [2 blank]; [8], 274, [6] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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A century before Mesmer: a sympathetic powder applied to the causal agent,
e.g. a sword or rapier, to cure the wounds

DIGBY, Kenelm. Discours fait en une celebre assemblée, par le Chevalier Digby Chancelier de la Reine de la Grande Bretagne, &c. touchant la guerison des playes, par la poudre de sympathie. Ou sa composition et enseignée, & plusieurs autres merveilles de la nature sont dévelopées.
Paris, Augustin Courbé & Pierre Moet, 1666. 12mo. With woodcut initial and head-piece. Contemporary calf over boards. 160 pp. Full description
€ 600
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Rare Dutch translations of a collection of texts on the notorious "powder of sympathy"

DIGBY, Kenelmus. Theatrum sympateticum, ofte Wondeer-toneeel des natuurs verborgentheden. Behelsende een uitstekende oratie over het gebruik des poeders de sympathie, daar in de waarheit zijner werkinge werd ontdekt. Benevens twee waardige vervolgen, van alle zeldzame antipathien en sympathien ... door N. Papinus en A. Kirchnerus.Including: PAPIN, Nicolaus & Sylvester RATTRAY. Theatrum sympaticum ... Tweede deel. Werdende hier in eerst ... geleert de bereydinge des poeders de sympathie, en desselfs gebruyck in verscheyde soorten van wonden. ...Including: KIRCHNER, Athanasius. t Groote licht der natuur-kunde: derde deel. Ontdeckende vele vermakelijcke geheymenissen des natuurs, over t stuck van antipathie en sympatie. Getrocken uyt e Latijnsche geschriften van ...
Amsterdam, Jacob van Royen & Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1681. With engraved allegorical frontispiece, letterpress title-page and 2 divisional titles, folding allegorical plate with seven roundels ("De sympathie is t leven van de natuur" (sympathy is the life of nature) and woodcut initials.
With: (2) DIGBY, Kenelm. . Nieuwe beproefde en wel ondersochte genees-middelen, ofte zeltsame verborgentheden: met verscheide aardige blanketsels, om de jufferlyke schoonheid te onderhouden. Getrokken uit de gedenkschriften van ... Uit het Fransch vertaalt.
Amsterdam, Jacob van Rooyen & Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1680. Woodcut vignette on title-page, woodcut decorated initials. 12mo. 2 works in 1 volume. Vellum over boards, spine with the text "Oratie van de poeder de Sympathie". [8], 440, [44]; 280, [6] pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Popular work with many medicinal and household recipes, also including a chapter on magnetism

DIGBY, Kenelm, Nicolaus PAPINIUS and Athanasius KIRCHER. Theatrum sympateticum, ofte wonder toneel der natuurs verborgentheden. ... Benevens twee waardige vervolgen, van veele zeldsame antipathien en sympathien. Als mede, hoe dat de dieren, planten, metalen, &c. zonder zaad of voortteelinge konnen voort komen, ... Vierde druk.
Amsterdam, Nicolaas ten Hoorn, 1727. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by Jan Luyken. Contemporary vellum. [12], 528, [24] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Three works on metallurgy, chemistry and alchemy

FACHS, Modestin. Nunmehro zum neundten mahl herausgegebenes Probier-Büchlein. ...
Leipzig, Johann Grosse, 1689. With an engraved folding plate with the cross-section of an oven.
(2) HORN, Johann Bernhard & David KELLNER. Synopsis metallurgica oder kurze jedoch deutliche Anleitung zu der höchts nütz und ergätzlichen edlen Probier-Kunst verfasset in XV. Tabellen ...
[Schneeberg], Johann Christoph Weidner, 1690. With 15 tables (1 folding).
(3). KELLNER, David. Wohlangerichtetes aerarium chymicum antiquo-novum, oder alter neue und reichlichst vermehrte oder chymische Schatzkammer ...
Leipzig, printed by Koberstein for Joh. Herbord Kloss, 1702. With woodcut illustrations in text.
3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine. [20], 185, [9]; 51, [1]; 173, [1 blank]; 69, [7], [3 blank]; 22, 104, [2]; [22], “389” [= 386]; [30] pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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The standard handbook on geomancy, a divination system with Arabian origins, including a 12th-century translation of a work by the Arab Alfakini, published here for the first time

FLUDD, Robert, Henri de PISIS and ALFAKINI. Fasciculus geomanticus, in quo varia variorum opera geomantica continentur.
Verona [= Frankfurt am Main], 1687. With 5 (of 6) large folding letterpress tables, 1 double-page engraved folding plate with 2 engraved illustrations, and some woodcut illustrations and numerous letterpress geomantic figures in text.
With: (2) Tabulae geomanticae, seu liber singularis de tribus ultimis ex antiquo manuscripto de anno MDXXXV. Iam primo luci datus, annexis duabus tabellis huic studio mirè inservientibus, caeteroquin utilibus & jucundis.
Frankfurt am Main, Johann David Zunner, 1693. With 2 letterpress folding tables following text, and nearly 200 pages of letterpress tables with geomantic figures. 2 works in 1 volume, bound in reverse order. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. 647, [1 blank]; 197, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Very rare Dutch Hermetic work teaching alchemists' and occult knowledge to a medical audience

FOLLIN, Herman (Hermanus FOLLINUS). Den Nederlandtsche sleutel van t'secreet der philosophie, in welck grondelijc bewesen wert, d'aert, so in 't generael, als in 't bysonder aller metallen, als goudt, silver, coper, etc. En die gheheele alchijmie, met haer verborghentheden. Midsgaders d'eerste materie der Philosophen, dat is: Quinta essentia des wijns, met haren volcomen ghebruyck, en verclaringhe aller duystere woorden des voorsz. constes, op dat Paracelsus claerlijck in alles mach werden verstaen.
Haarlem, Adriaen Rooman for Daniel de Keyser, 1613. Small 8vo. With 3 half-page woodcuts in the text, one repeated on the title-page, all showing distilling equipment. Modern vellum. 76 ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Interesting work on the German mining industry bound together
with a work on the drinking of gold as a medicine

GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Operis mineralis. Pars prima (-tertia). Ubi docetur separation auri è silicibus, arena, argillâ, aliisque fossilibus per salis spiritum, quae alias eliquari nequeunt. Item panacea sive medicina universalis antimonialis, ejusque usus. Inventa & pubicata in gratam studiosorum artis chymicae.Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1657.
With: (2) [GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph]. Tractatus de medicina universali, sive auro potabili vero, hoc est, accurate description verae medicinae universalis, ejusque admirabilis efficaciae & virtutis, quas in vegetabilia, animalia & mineralia exercet.Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1657. 8vo. 2 works, the 1st in 3 volumes, bound as 1. Contemporary vellum, title in gold on spine. 68, [4]; 47; 110; 76, [2] pp. Full description
€ 900
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A wonderful remedy for all diseases

GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Miraculum mundi, oder Außführliche Beschreibung der wunderbaren Natur, Art, und Eigenschafft des grosmächtigen Subjecti, von den alten menstruum universale oder Merrcurius philosophorum genandt, dardurch die Vegetabilien, Animalien, und Mineralien gar leichtlich in die allerheilsambste Medicamenten, und die unvolkommene Metallen realiter in beständige und perfecte Metallen können verwandelt werden. [Volume 2:] Miraculi mundi ander Theil. Oder Dessen Vorsängst ...
Amsterdam, [Johannes Janssonius] (vol. 1) & Johannes Janssonius (vol. 2), 1653-1660. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. Later vellum, manuscript title on spine.
With: [IDEM]. Explicatio tractatuli, qui miraculum mundi inscribitur, nuper a Joh. Rud. Glaubero editi, tam plana quam solida, in rei veritatis testimonium, & artes amorre prodse quentium utilitatem.
Frankfurt am Main, for Thomas Matthias Götze, 1656. 8vo. Modern marbled paper over boards, orange morocco spine label with title in gold. [1], [1 blank], 105, [5 blank ]; [20], 113, [1]; 62 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Two alchemists at war: the teacher accusing the pupil of publishing his lucrative secrets

GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Apologia oder Verthaidigung, gegen Christoff Farners Lügen und Ehrabschneidung.
Frankfurt am Main, Thomas Matthias Götzen, 1655.
With: [GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph]. Zweyte Apologia, oder Ehren-Rettung gegen Christoff Farnern, Speijerischen Thom-Stiffts Schaffnern zu Lochgaw, unmenschliche Lügen und Ehrabschneidung. Frankfurt am Main, Thomas Matthias Götzen, 1656.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo.Modern marbled paper over boards. 80; [40] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Glauber’s salt, the universal medicine, and wine making

GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Consolatio navigantium.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1657. 8vo.
(2) GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Vera ac perfecta descriptio, qua ratione ex vini fecibus bonum plurimumque Tartarum sit extrahendum.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1655.
(3) GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Tractatus de medicina universali, sive auro potabili vero, ...
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1658.
(4) GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Miraculi mundi continuatio, ...
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1658. With 3 engraved folding plates.
(5) GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Tractatus de natura salium.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1659.
(6) GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Tractatus de signatura salium, metallorum, et planetarum, ...
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1659.
6 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary sheepskin parchment, gold fillets on spine and sides. 96; 28, [4 blank]; 75, [2], [3 blank]; 133, [3 blank]; [16], 96; 44, [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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First Latin edition of a summary of all Glauber’s works published up to 1660

GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Arca thesauris opulentia, sive appendix generalis omnium librorum hactenus editorum, ... in decem centurias distributum [= prima centuria]. [Vol. 2:] Opulenti thesauri, et arcae thesaurariae ... centuria secunda.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1660-1661. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. Later boards covered with marbled paper, later printed title on spine. 190, [2]; 149 pp. Full description
€ 900
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How to purify metals with fire

GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. De purgatorio philosophorum, oder Von dem Fegfewer der Weisen, ... Welches Fegfewer von den alten Philosophis Ysopaica genant worden: welches so viel, als Ars lavandi per ignem; oder eine Kunst durch Fewer zu waschen, zu sagen ist. ...
Amsterdam, Johannes I Janssonius van Waesberge & the widow of Elizaeus Weyerstraten, 1668. 8vo. Later sprinkled paper over boards. 70 pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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1612 introduction to Kabbala, in Hebrew

HOROWITZ, Shabbethai Sheftel. Sefer Shefa' tal.
Hanau, Hans Jakob Henne (Henah), [5]372 [= 1611/12]. Folio (31 x 20 cm). With about 15 woodcut illustrations in the text. Set in meruba Hebrew types with extensive passages in semi-cursive rabbinical. Later 17th-century blind-tooled vellum, modern endpapers. [10], 94 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Rare 1534 edition of a classic on palm-reading & physiognomy, with the woodcuts of the first edition

INDAGINE VON HAGEN (ROSENBACH), Johannes. Chiromantia 1 Physiognomia, ex aspectu membrorum hominis. 2 Periaxiomata, de faciebus signorum. 3 Canones astrologici, de judiciis aegritudinum. 4 Astrologia naturalis. 5 Complexionum noticia, juxta dominium planetarium.
(Colophon: Strasbourg, Johann Schott, 1534). Folio (31 x 21.5 cm). With a large woodcut portrait of the author on the title-page, the author's full-page woodcut coat-of-arms on the recto of the otherwise blank last leaf, about 93 woodblock illustrations (including 3 hand blocks and a few square astrological diagram blocks used repeatedly with varying content). 20th-century half maroon goatskin morocco. 126, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Sumptuously bound for the author for presentation to G.P. Oliva, Superior General of the Jesuit Society, on Royal paper.

KIRCHER, Athanasius. Ars magna sciendi, in XII libros digesta, qua nova & universali methodo ... [vol. 2 half-title:] Artis magnae seu combinatoriae sciendi, ... [titles on the frontispieces:] Ars magna sciendi sive combinatoria [vol. 1] Artis magnae combinatoriae [vol. 2].
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge and the widow of Elizaeus Weyerstraten, 1669. 2 volumes bound as 1. Royal folio (46 x 30 x 5.5 cm). With 2 richly engraved allegorical frontispieces, an engraved plate with a full-page portrait of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, an engraved plate showing all knowledge of the universe organised as a tree, 2 engraved volvelles (with 4 rotating dials), 20 further engravings on integral leaves and a couple dozen woodcut figures in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled red goatskin morocco decorated a petit fers, gold-tooled turn-ins, board edges and raised bands, giving a total of more than 1500 impressions of about 14 stamps and 3 rolls, edges gilt over red and blue squiggles. Janssonius van Waesberge, who published Kircher's books in Amsterdam from 1664/65 to 1682, arranged to have copies of several luxuriously bound for Kircher to present to leading figures and this is almost certainly one of them, presented to Giovanni Paolo Oliva, Superior General of the Jesuit Society. [18], 482, [10] pp. (including 2 integral frontispieces), plus 4 inserted tables & 2 plates. Full description
€ 50,000
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Best-seller responsible for the spreading of the ideas on magnetism in Germany & the Netherlands

KLUGE, Carl Alexander Ferdinant (F. VAN DER BREGGEN, transl.). Proeve eener voorstelling van het dierlijk magnetismus als geneesmiddel. Uit het Hoogduitsch met eenige bijvoegselen door F. van der Breggen.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1812. 8vo. With an engraved title-page including an allegorical scene engraved by W. van Senus showing Asklepios and Hypnos chasing Death away from a sick man. Modern half vellum, marbled sides, new endpapers. [4], 551, 50 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Extremely rare Dutch translation of one of the most frequently printed works
on demonology by Ludwig Lavater

LAVATER, Ludwig and Sibrandus VOMELIUS (translator). Een boeck vande spoocken ofte nacht-gheesten ...
Amsterdam, Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburgh, 1610. 8vo. With an oval woodcut vignette on the title page, a large 8-line woodcut decorated initial at the start of the preface and smaller woodcut decorated initials throughout. Contemporary vellum, sewn on three tapes laced through the joints, with the manuscript title and a precious shelfmark(?) in brown ink on the spine, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], 287, [1 blank], [8] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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First edition of an account of the secrets of nature and the interplay of nature and medicine

LEMNIUS, Levinus. Occulta naturae miracula, ac varia rerum documenta, probabili ratione atque artifici coniectura duobus libris explicata, quae studioso avidoque lectori non tam usui sunt futura, quam oblectamento.
Antwerp, Willem Simon (colophon: Gillis Coppens van Diest), 1559. 8vo. With Simons woodcut device on the title-page and a woodcut coat of arms on title-page of the second part. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled calf. [16], 192 ll. Full description
€ 1,950
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Polemics on alchemy and early chemistry

LIBAVIUS, Andreas. Syntagmatis selectorum undiquaque et perspicue traditorum alchymiae arcanorum, tomus primus. [vol. 2:] Syntagmatis arcanorum chymicorum, ..., tomus secundus. [vol. 3:] Appendix necessaria syntagmatis arcanorum chymicorum.
Frankfurt, printed by Nikolaus Hoffmann for Peter Kopf, 1613-1615. 3 volumes. Folio. With the letterpress titles of volume 1 and 2 within the same engraved border (signed "G.Keller / 1605"), 1 woodcut plate, 3 double-page letterpress tables and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spines. [12], 480, [8]; [12], "453" [= 450], [15]; [12], 279, [13] pp. Full description
€ 16,000
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Predicting the future: copy from the Broxbourne Library of the rare 1511 edition
of one of the most important prophetic astrologies of the 15th and 16th century

LICHTENBERGER, Johannes. Pronosticatio in latino rare & prius non audita: quae exponit & declarat nonnullos coeli ifluxus: & i[n]clinatione[m] certaru[m] constellationu[m] magne videlicet co[n]iunctionis & eclipsis: quae suera[n]t istis annis: quid boi maliue hoc tempore & in futuru[m] huic mu[n]do porte[n]dant: durabitq[uam] pluribus annis.
[colophon:] Venice, [Niccolò & Domenico dal Gesù = Nicolo & Domenico Sandri dal Jesus], 23 August [1511?]. 4to. With the large Dal Jesus white-on-black woodcut device, 45 half-page or nearly full-page woodcuts in the text, most with letterpress captions above or below, the first showing Ptolemy, Aristotle, the Sibyl, Birgitta of Sweden and Brother Reinhart receiving divine inspiration, with an explanation on the facing page in a 4-piece ornamental floral woodcut frame. Modern half red morocco. 39, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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Important poem on the magical and medicinal qualities of precious stones

MARBODE (MARBODIUS) of Rennes. De gemmarum lapidumq[ue] pretiosorum formis, naturis, atq[ue] viribus eruditu[m] cu[m] primis opusculu[m], ... scholiis q[uo]q[ue] illustratu[m] p[er] Alardu[m] Aemstelredamu[m].
Cologne, Hero Alopecius [Fuchs], 1539. 8vo. With a woodcut illustration on the title-page, representing a Jewish priest behind a board with the names of 12 stones which represent the 12 tribes of Israel. 17th-century gold-tooled red morocco, richly gold-tooled spinel, gold-tooled fillets and small cornerpieces on both boards, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins. 124, [2] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Astrology, alchemy and mineralogy on the threshold of modern science

MAZZOTTA, Benedetto. De triplici philosophia naturali, astrologica, et minerali. In quibus differit cohaerenter de elementis, & variis mixtorum proprietatibus. ... Opus theol. philos. medicis, chymicis, & astrologis jucundum, ac simul utile.
Bologna, Giovanni Bapttista Ferroni, 1653. 4to. With an engraved heraldic and allegorical frontispiece drawn and engraved by Bartolomeo Coriolano with the arms of the dedicatee Hipolyto Cattaneo, a full-page engraving (with 7 figures) on an integral leaf, and 2 engraved illustrations and 2 woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary boards covered with a vellum leaf from a 16th-century(?) plain-chant manuscript antiphonary. Frontispiece plus [10], [2 blank], 148, “252” [= 272] pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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First edition, beautifully produced, of a very popular and influential book of secrets

MIZAULD, Antoine. Memorabilium, utiliu[m], ac jucundorum centuriae novem, in aphorismos arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulchrè digestae.
Paris, Fédéric Morel, 1566. 8vo. With Morel's woodcut tree device on the title-page, 2 woodcut headpieces and 7 woodcut decorated initials (plus 3 repeats), the headpieces and initials in an unusually delicate design, finely executed. Set in italic types with the preliminaries in roman, and incidental Greek. 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment. [16], 136 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Large-margined copy of a classic incunable with sections on witchcraft, by Ulms first printer, in a contemporary, richly blind-tooled Augsburg binding

NIDER, Johannes. Preceptorium divine legis [preceded by] Prologus in expositionem decalogi [= Praeceptorium divinae legis, sive expositio decalogi].
[Colophon:] Ulm, Johann Zainer the elder, [1478/79]. Chancery (Foolscap) folio. Set in a rotunda gothic type, the preliminaries in two columns, with spaces for manuscript paragraph marks and initials, filled in in red ink, the initials Lombardic, one with interior decoration. Contemporary richly blind-tooled calf over square-edged wooden boards (from an Augsburg bindery active 1473-1494: Eindbanddatenbank workshop w002141), sewn on 3 double supports. Further with a brass catchplate on the front board and a brass anchor plate on the back board. The anchor plate still secures remnants of the leather strap that would have had a brass clasp. [246] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Twenty of Nostradamus's prophesies explained

[NOSTRADAMUS, Michel]. Vingt prophéties de Michel de Nostradamus, derniérement trouvées manuscrites dans une célèbre bibliotheque des Pays-Bas. Avec explication et figures.
Liège, [ca. 1789]. 8vo. With 20 engraved emblems at the beginning of each chapter, several by Pieter Balthazar Bouttats. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, marbled edges. VIII, 90, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Dutch translation of an immensely popular book of secrets

PIEDMONT, Alexis of (Girolamo RUSCELLI). De secreeten ... inhoudende seer excellente ende wel geapprobeerde remedien, tegen veelderhande krancheden, wonden ende andere accidenten: met de maniere van distilleren, perfumeren, confituyren maecken, te verwen, coloeuren ende gieten.
Amsterdam, Hendrick Laurensz., 1636. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Modern sheepskin. 260, [12]; 164, [11], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 600
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The history of superstition

PRAETORIUS, Johann. Philologemata abstrusa de pollice: in quibus singularia animadversa vom Diebes-Daüme, et manu: item de patibulo, virgula Mercuriali, alruna, esu casei magico &c. Gerrae profanorum refutatae, cum revelata origine vera et admiranda superstitionum; et virga critica castigata habentur aliquot loca ambigua primaria celeberrimorum grammaticorum.
Leipzig, Elias Fiebig; printed in Zagan (now in Poland) by Johann Ockel, 1677. Small 4to (19.5 x 16 cm). With a woodcut illustration on title-page showing a hand with turned up thumb, and one woodcut in text (p. 195) showing a hand divided into alphabetical compartments. 18th-century vellum. 216 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Back to basics and becoming a freemason 'master':
an appeal by the freemason grand master Prince Frederik, with his wax seal

PRINCE FREDERIK. Frederik, Prins der Nederlanden, grootmeester nationaal der Orde van V.·.M.·. [= Vrijmetselarij] in het Koningkrijk der Nederlanden aan de S.·.P.·.R [maltese cross] [= Soeverein Prinsen van het Rozenkruis] behorende tot de kapittels, gevestigd in de noordelijke provintien van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. [dated at the head:] In het O.·. [= Oosten] van 's Gravenhage den [manuscript: "24"] Januarij 1820, P.S. [= profane stijl].
The Hague, [24] January 1820. 8vo. Contemporary stiff marbled paper wrappers. 97, [3 blank], 6, [1], [1 blank], 17, 23 pp. Full description
€ 1,850
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First edition of a rare Dutch book on witchcraft containing some unsettling visuals
depicting supernatural phenomena and instances of extreme torment

PALINGH, Abraham. 't Afgerukt Mom-aansight Der Tooverye ...
Amsterdam, J. Rieuwertz, 1659. Small 8vo. WIth a woodcut title-vignette showing a witch on a broomstick leaving a house through the chimney (4.3 x 5.2 cm), 13 etched full-page illustrations on 8 plates by Salomon Savry. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [16], 429, [19] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Collected works on spagyric medicine by a follower of Paracelsus

RHUMEL (RHUMELIUS), Johann Pharamund. Medicina spagyrica oder spagyrische Artzneykunst. In welcher I. Compendium Hermeticum, ... II. Antidotarium chymicum, ... III Jatrium chymicum, ... mit Hinzuthuung Pharmacopoea chymica und Herbarii Hermetica zusammen gelesen, und in gewisse Ordnung gebracht. [Engraved title-page:] Medicina spagyrica tripartita.
Frankfurt, Johann Hüttner, 1648. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece by Sebastian Furck (with his monogram at the foot), including portraits of Hermes Trismegistus and Arnaldus de Villa Nova. Contemporary vellum. [60], 769, [23] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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The comet of 1664

RICHTERN, Christophorus. Berichtendes Send-Schreiben vom Cometen, so in Christmonat des 1664. Christen-Jahres ist erschienen: darinnen derselbige Astronomicè, Physicè, Astrologicè, Theologicè, betrachtet und erkläret wirt.
Leipzig, Ritzsch, 1665. 4to. With a woodcut of a comet on the title-page. Modern boards. (12) ll. Full description
€ 1,500
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Treatise on a special medicament against various kinds of poisons,
by the personal physician of Count Johann Ludwig von Nassau

SALA, Angelo. Ternarius Bezoarticorum ou trois souverains medicaments Bezoardiques, contre tous venins et empoisonnements tant externes que internes: corruption de sang, & autres humeurs.
Leiden, Govert Basson, 1616. 4to. With engraved allegorical title-page in architectural setting with Andromachus and King Mithridates flanking the title. Modern vellum. [28], 91, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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With 42 emblems revolving around the human body and body parts

SCARLATINI, Ottavio. Homo et eius partes figuratus & symbolicus, anatomicus, rationalis, moralis, mysticus, politicus, & legalis, collectus et explicatus cum figuris.
Augsburg & Dillingen, Johann Caspar Bencard, 1695. 2 volumes bound as 1. Large folio (37 x 23 cm). With a finely engraved emblematic frontispiece by the Augsburg engraver Leonhard Heckenauer (1655-1704), 2 title-pages with the same large engraved brooding chicken emblem and 42 engraved emblems in decorative cartouches in the text (plate size mostly 14 x 13 cm, but that on p. 232 of vol. 1 3.5 x 8.5 cm) perhaps also by Heckenauer. Contemporary vellum. [52], 342, [44]; [28], 249, [29] pp. including the frontispiece. Full description
€ 7,500
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Popular work on sorcery and witchcraft

SENNERTUS, Daniel and Daniël JONCTYS (translator). Verhandelingh der toover-sieckten. Geschil van de schôot- en steeck-vrije. Geschil van de wapen-salve. Paracelsi vrye-konst. Uyt verscheyde Latijnsche boecken vertaelt, en by een geschikt door D. Jonctys.
Amsterdam, Jan van Hilten (colophon: printed by Pieter Dircksz. Boeteman), 1646. 4 parts in 1 work. 8vo. With an engraved title-page showing a magician laying magic bones at a person's sickbed, a small vignette on the title-page, 3 typographical divisional title-pages, 1 small woodcut illustration in the text (p. 200), 3 decorated initials (3 different series) and 3 ornamental tail-pieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [24], 331, [8], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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The oldest book of prophecies in French, finely bound ca. 1745,
from the collections of William Beckford, Hyppolyte Destailleur and Stanislas de Guaita

[TELESFORO DA COSENZA]. Livre merveilleux, contenant en bref la fleur et substance de plusieurs traittez, tant des propheties & revelations, qu'anciennes croniques, faisant mention de tous les faictz de l'Eglise Universelle, co[m]me des scismes, discords & tribulations advenir en l'Eglise de Rome, & d'un temps auquel on ostera & tollira aux ge[n]s d'eglise & clergé, ...
Paris, Thibault Bessault, 1565. 8vo. With Bessault's woodcut device on the title-page. 18th-century French grained red morocco (ca. 1745?), gold-tooled spine with pointillé ornaments, each board framed with thin-thick-thin fillets with a rosette(?) stamped over their intersections at the corners, gold-tooled turn-ins, gold fillets on the board edges, gilt edges. [54] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Influential essay on Earth before and after the deluge

WOODWARD, John. Geographie physique ou essay sur l'histoire naturelle de la terre.Including: Réponse aux observations du docteur Camerarius, concernant l'essay sur l'histoire naturelle de la terre.Des fossiles de toute espece.
Amsterdam, aux dépens de la compagnie, 1735. 3 texts in 1 volume. 8vo. With a folding engraved plate. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. XI, [5], 496 pp. Full description
€ 750
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