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Military History / Drawings, Manuscripts & Prints

A rare pocket atlas for officers and travellers, with 25 maps

[ATLAS - EUROPE]. CLEYNHENS, Bernardus. Accuraat geografisch kaart-boekje of zak-atlas van het keyzerryk en geheel Duytsland, de Oostenrykse Nederlanden, ...
Haarlem, Bernardus Cleynhens, [ca. 1747?]. Small 8vo (16 x 10 cm). With 25 double-page engraved maps (2 overview maps), and an engraved plate with 8 scales, all hand-coloured, partly in outline. Half textured red cloth (ca. 1860?). 40, 23, [1 blank] pp. plus maps and plate of scales. Full description
€ 5,000
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Manuscript fortification plan of Geertruidenberg, signed by future minister under Napoleon

DEJEAN, Jean-François-Aimé. Plan de Gertruidenberg et de l'attaque de cette place par les Français. N. L'attaque a été commencée le 22 nivose an 3me. Rép. (11 janvier 1795) et la garnison s'est rendue prisonnière de guerre le 29 nivose (18 janvier 95 vieux stile).
[Netherlands, ca. 1800]. Manuscript fortification plan (49 x 61.6 cm) on paper in ink and green and red watercolour. With large frame in the bottom left with keys to important locations, including the locations of the troops during the attack. Signed "Vu Dejean". Full description
€ 2,250
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12 albumen prints showing Paris after the Franco-Prussian War, including 9 by the French photographer Disdéri

DISDÉRI, André. [Collection of 12 photographs of Paris and surroundings just after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)].
[Paris], André Disdéri, 1871. Seven albumen prints by Disdéri (measuring 10/20 x 29 cm), mounted on blue stiff paper leaves, with a caption in pencil in the lower left corner; three albumen prints, each mounted on a white stiff paper leaf, including one by A. Serrault with printed text underneath; and two small portraits of carte de visite format (89 x 54 mm), probably by Disdéri, mounted together on one stiff paper leaf. Full description
€ 1,800
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Presentation copy to the first Earl of Salisbury of the rare first English edition
of a famous illustrated military manual, magnificently coloured by a contemporary hand

GHEYN, Jacob II de. The exercise of armes for calivres, muskettes, and pikes. After the ordre of his Excellence Maurits Prince of Orange Count of Nassau etc. Governour and captaine generall over Geldreland, Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Overijssel, etc. Sett forthe in figures by Jacob de Gheyn. With written instructions for the service of all captaines and comaundours. For to shewe hereout the better unto their jong or untrayned souldiers the playne and perfett maner to handle these armes.
The Hague, [1607 (added in manuscript on the title-page)]. 3 parts in 1 volume. Folio (ca. 37 x 27 cm). With engraved title-page with at the head of the page the coat of arms of the dedicatee, Prince Henry Frederick, eldest son of King James I of England within a wreath of lilies and roses, which - together with the title and the imprint were engraved on 3 separate slips of paper pasted over areas left blank for that purpose; and 117 (including one repeat) expertly engraved plates (ca. 26 x 19 cm): 42 numbered plates in part 1, 43 partly-numbered plates in part 2 and 32 numbered plates in part 3. All engravings including the engraved title-page are magnificently coloured and highlighted in gold and silver by a contemporary hand. The plates show exercises with the arquebus (part 1), musket (part 2), and pike (part 3). Mid-19th-century gold-tooled half (faded) red morocco and red cloth sides, gilt edges, marbled endpapers, bound in 1840-ca. 1860 by the celebrated British bookbinder Robert Riviere (1808-1882) with his stamp "Bound by Riviere" in the bottom outer corner of the verso of the first flyleaf. [4]; [2]; [3] ll. Full description
€ 165,000
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Famous military manual. First edition published in Germany, with 117 charming new woodcuts

GHEYN, Jacob II de. Waffenhandlung von den Röhren, Mußqueten und Spiessen. Gestalt nach der Ordnung deß ... Herrn Moritzen, Printzen zu Uranien, ... Maniement d'armes d'arquebuses, mousquetz, & piques.
Frankfurt, Wilhelm Hoffmann, 1609. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With letterpress title within engraved border (including the imprint), and 3 series of 42, 43 and 32 full-page numbered woodcuts, showing exercises with the arquebus, musket and pike. Contemporary vellum, rebacked. [3], [1 blank], [43], [1 blank], [44], [36] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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A summary of the reports on an exercise by the Dutch military engineers,
experimenting with mines to blow up fortifications

[MANUSCRIPT - MILITARY ENGINEERING] HENNEQUIN, Johan Jacobus. Bataillon mineurs en sappeurs. Exercitie polygoon van 1824 en 1825. Uittreksel uit de officiele rapporten der verrigte werkzaamheden welke door den hoogedelen gestrengen heer Abr. Eichholtz luitenant kolonel kommandant van genoemd bataillon opgemaakt en toegezonden zijn geworden aan zijne excellentie den heere Luit. Generaal Baron Krayenhoff, gouverneur van Amsterdam, inspecteur generaal der fortificatien en van het korps ingenieurs de mineurs en sappeurs benevens eenige aantekeningen betrekkelijk de gedaante werkzaamheden.
[preface signed:] Grave, 1 November 1828. Folio. Manuscript written in brown ink on paper in a fine legible hand, with 1 large folding illustration in blue, brown/black and red ink. Contemporary brown marbled paper over boards, manuscript title label mounted on the front board. [4], 15, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Magnificent engraving of Speelman’s victory over the Kingdom of Makassar

HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Victorien der Nederl. Geoct. O. Compagnie op het Koninkryck van Macasser door den Ed. heer C. Speelman.
[Amsterdam?, 1669]. Engraved view (40 x 54.5 cm), with two battle scenes on top, flanked by portraits of Speelman and Radjah Palacca, with in the centre a laurel wreath with the monogram of the VOC, surrounded by Mars and Mercury, and a banderole with the title; and with letterpress text below the view (11 x 54.5 cm), including two poems by the famous Dutch poet Joost van den Vondel and numbered keys referring to the plate. Framed (75 x 81 cm). Full description
€ 2,950
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Detailed account of horses by a Dutch cavalry officer who served Prussia against Napoleon Bonaparte,
with 31 beautiful watercolour drawings (30 in colour) showing 32 horses

[HORSES - MILITARY]. Anecdoten van paarde kenners, paarde liefhebbers, ruijters en ross-kammers. Naar waarheid en eijge ondervinding opgesteld. Door een gepensioneerd cavallerie officier.
[The Netherlands, ca. 1815]. Folio (38 x 24 cm). Manuscript on paper written in brown ink in a readable Latin hand, with the title on p. 72, illustrated with 30 small watercolour drawings of horses mounted on the leaves (mostly about 8.5 x 11 cm), and a washed pen drawing with 5 caricature figures before a monument (9.5 x 16 cm), mounted above the dedication. Half vellum (1930s?), gold-tooled spine. [4 blank], 248, 251-254, 257-267, [9 blank] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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The Gallipoli Campaign, depicted in an extremely detailed map drawn in Cairo under the direction of Lawrence of Arabia

Cairo, Survey Department Egypt, 1915 Colour-lithographed map (79 x 62.5 cm), printed in black, brown, red, blue and green. Mounted on contemporary cloth, with the key on the back (printed on or printed and pasted onto). Folded. Full description
€ 3,500
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Drilling the Austrian Imperial infantry, with 49 manuscript formation plans in colour

LEEUWEN, Engelhard August Baron van. Plans des neu herrauss gegebene Exercittii nach den dermahligen Kayserl: Königl: kriegs Fuss Volck eingerichtet. Herausgegeben im Jahr 1765. Zugehörig Titl. Herrn Obrist Wacht M[ei]st[er] Baron v[on]: Engelhard.
Austria, 1769[?]. Oblong 4to (18.5 x 23 cm). With title and the explanation of the key letters used in the plans written in red, the key to the colour coding in the troop formations in 8 colours, and 49 (of 55) numbered colour-coded plans of infantry exercises. Each text leaf and each plan (except no. 26) in a frame of rules, nos. 2-35 in red, the rest in black. Plans 1, 24, 32, 33, 42, and 46 have been torn out, in 2 cases leaving a small piece of the drawing. Contemporary mottled tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [3], 16 ll. plus 49 (of 55) numbered plans. Full description
€ 5,000
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Highly detailed and carefully executed 18th-century Dutch military manuscript and handbook

LIERNUR, Johan Friederich. Memorie boeck of verzaameling van alderhande soorten van lijsten, in den dienst gebruiklijk sijnde, of geweest hebbende; Staat der sterkte der trouppen van den staat, met hunner betaalinge etc.; Ranglijst van de generaaliteijt, en staffs officieren; Eenige resolutien en ordres, modellen van briefjes enz.; Staat, detail en dienst van 't garnisoen, en de trouppes in S.G. Haage; Mitsgaaders eenige plans van ordre de bataille en campeeringe, en modell, van roosters.
[The Hague?], ca. 1757. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Written in Dutch in a neat 18th-century hand in one column, also with many tables. With a hand-drawn title-page in washed ink, with the title in a cartouche, showing a court scene with an armed soldier before Pallas Athena on the throne, the latter helding the motto "Scientia artis rei militaris", and at the head of the page a hand-coloured freemasonry symbol. Also with 4 hand-drawn half-titles in washed ink with the titles in different cartouches. Also with 3 full-page plans showing battle lines, including those for the battles of Muhlberg (1730) and Oosterhout (1732), 2 folding plans for the military camps of both the infantry and cavalry and many tables. 18th-century mottled calf, gold-tooled frame on both boards with gold-stamped fleur-de-lis in the corners, gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled board edges, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. [6], 174 pp. including some blanks. Full description
€ 5,000
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Prussian fortification & artillery manual, with about 112 drawings

[MANUSCRIPT]. MAHLENDORFF. Fortification passagère et permanente [= Erstes Heft]. Artillerie. [=] Zweites Heft.
[Berlin?, ca. 1850?]. 2 volumes. Small 4to (21 x 17 cm). Manuscript in German, written in brown ink on paper in a cursive hand mixing Latin and gothic characteristics, the two volumes with about 100 and 12 drawings respectively (mostly pen and ink, but a few in pencil), mostly in the large fore-edge margins left for that purpose, but with 7 in vol. 1 on folding slips tipped onto the leaves. Most show fortification plans but there are also sections, elevations and a few other drawings, including diagrams. Contemporary uniform black half vellum. [2 blank], [1], [3 blank], [40], [8 blank], [314], [12 blank]; [2 blank], [1], [1 blank], [81], [3 blank], [177], [9 blank] pp., with the first and last leaf of each volume pasted down. Full description
€ 1,850
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Practical geometry, fortification and artillery ca. 1750

[MILITARY]. Geometria of meetkonst ... Vestingbou of fortificatie ... [Artillerie].
[Netherlands, ca. 1750]. 3 related works in 1 volume. Folio. With numerous mathematical diagrams, fortification plans and measured drawings of artillery and ammunition, including 12 full-page watercolour drawings (3 fortification plans and 9 beautifully rendered canons) and many more watercolour drawings in the text. With a large folding fortification plan tipped in, a large folding artillery drawing loosely inserted, and several smaller drawings tipped in or loosely inserted. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [2 blank], [40], [12 blank]; [37 (plus a folding plan & other inserts)], [5 blank]; [22] (plus a folding drawing), [16 blank] ll. including the integral paste-downs. Full description
€ 6,500
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Rare 1st edition with 12 large hand-coloured plates of uniforms of Napoleon’s Dutch honour guard

[MILITARY UNIFORMS]. Uniformes des gardes d'honneur des différens corps dans les sept départemens de la Hollande; formés pour la réception de ... l'Empereur et Roi. ...| Uniformen van de gardes d'honneur, van de onderscheiden corpsen in de zeven départementen van Holland; opgericht tot de ontfangst van ... den Keizer en Koning.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [1811]. Royal folio (42.5 x 32 cm). With 12 aquatint costume plates (plate size 32.5 x 23 cm), in the publisher's original hand-colouring, with the original tissue guard leaf tipped onto each plate. Recent boards, with the original plain paper wrappers laid down. Kept in a matching green half morocco clamshell box. [48] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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73 hand-coloured costume prints from a rare series of Dutch military uniforms

[MILITARY UNIFORMS]. [De schutter- en jagerkorpsen. De legerkorpsen | Infanterie. De Oost- en West-Indische korpsen en marine | Kavallerie, artillerie, genie, etc.].
[Utrecht, Johannes Paulus Houtman, 1831-1832]. 8vo (17.5 x 11.5 cm). 73 unnumbered lithographed prints plus 3 duplicates (leaf size 17 x 11 cm) with a brief caption in a round-hand script below each image, showing Dutch military personnel (including 1 woman) in their uniforms, the cavalry often shown on horseback and many others with flags, musical instruments, swords, firearms, backpacks, etc., coloured by a contemporary hand, probably for the publisher. Contemporary paperboard portfolio in a paperboard slipcase. [73] prints plus [3] duplicates. Full description
€ 3,950
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Original watercolours of military men and related people 1757-1852 in the realms
of what was to become the Austro-Hungarian Empire

[MILITARY UNIFORMS]. [Military and quasi-military uniforms, portraits and scenes of battles, uprisings etc.].
[Austria or Saxony?, ca. 1870?]. Large folio album (39 x 30.5 cm). With 84 large watercolour drawings (28 x 16 cm to 25.5 x 36 cm) on wove paper, with captions in German and/or French, mounted on the (ca. 1962) album leaves, and with the coat of arms of Von Lindeman(n) of Sachsen-Anhalt (in coloured gouaches plus gold) mounted on the first page. Early 20th-century(?) half tanned sheepskin. [44] album ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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30 hand-coloured lithographs of uniformed men in the Hessian army

MÜLLER, Franz Hubert and Joseph VÖLLINGER. Grossherzoglich Hessisches Militair. Nach der Natur aufgenommen von . . . der Grossherzoglichen Gemaelde Gallerie in Darmstadt und auf Stein gezeichnet von J. Völlinger.
Karlsruhe, Johann Velten, [ca. 1830]. Royal folio (45×32 cm.) With a lithographic title-page and dedication to the Archduke Ludwig von Hessen (both by Johann Evangel. Mettenleiter), contents list and 30 numbered lithographs of army officers and enlisted men, many on horseback, all beautifully coloured by hand with watercolour, gouache and glazed highlights. Modern red half morocco. [2], 30, [1] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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From India to Egypt, with 19 hand-coloured plates and 2 maps

NOÉ, Louis Pantaléon Jude Amédée, Comte de. Mémoires relatifs a l'expédition Anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Égypte l'armée d'orient.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (back of half-title: [Auguste] Nepveu), 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed maps, partly coloured by hand, and 19 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], III, [1 bank], 288 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Second known copy of a lithographic panorama depicting stages of the Italian War of 1859

[PANORAMA - ITALIAN WAR 1859]. Panorama de la guerre d'Italie. Magnifique album développé formé d'une série de grandes lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie précédé d'un compte-rendu de cette mémorable campagne.
Pont-à-Mousson (France), Élie Haguenthal (colophon: Paul Toussaint), [1860/65]. (Size of the whole when folded and closed:) 22.5 x 18 cm. Lithographed folding panorama, showing 8 different lithographed scenes, captioned in and beneath the illustrations, of the Italian War of 1859 from the French-Italian perspective. The 8 scenes (5 3-leaf scenes and 3 single leaf scenes) are assembled to make a single long foldout (as assembled with the text: 21.5 x 395 cm; image size 19 x ca. 310 cm), coloured by a contemporary hand. Half red cloth and hand coloured, lithographed paper sides. [5] ll. of letterpress text and the lithographed folding panorama. Full description
€ 3,250
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Pen and ink wash drawing of the harbour of the Ottoman port city Edremit

[OTTOMAN PORT]. [PEETERS, Johannes (Jan) (after)]. [Ladimistri nel' archipelago].
[The Netherlands(?), ca. 1720?]. Oblong folio (19.5 x 31.5 cm). Pen and blue-black ink-wash drawing on laid paper, showing the city of Edremit, its harbour and fortifications, with an Ottoman and a Dutch(?) ship, and a lighthouse, in a brown thick-thin-thin border, signed in the border below right, but difficult to read (I. P. Sto...?, I. P. Ste...?). Framed (37 x 49 cm). Full description
€ 2,750
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With a double-page plan and 34 tinted lithographed views of the fortified city of Jalalabad, Afghanistan

SALE, Sir Robert H. (and others). The defence of Jellalabad, ... drawn on stone by W.L. Walton.
London, Joseph Hogarth, Henry Graves & Co., and sold by Hullmandel & Walton, [1845/46]. 1mo (full-sheet leaves) (54 x 37 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece portrait of Sale by Thomas Fairl and after a painting by Scarlet Davis, a lithographed illustrated title-page, a lithographed dedication to Queen Victoria (reproducing Sales hand-written and signed dedication), a double-page "Plan of Jellalabad" (51.5 x 60 cm, lithographed by S. Leith in Edinburgh) and 34 tinted lithographic views of the city and its fortifications (in landscape format) on 22 leaves.
Gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, richly gold-tooled turn-ins, gold-tooled board edges, yellow endpapers, gilt edges. Lithographed frontispiece, title-page & dedication plus 5, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 15,000
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Impressive aquatint battle scenes

SKJÖLDEBRAND, Anders Frederik, Comte Erik Johansen DAHLBERG and Johann Philip LEMBKE. Batailles de Charles X Gustave Roi de Suède...
Stockholm, A.F. Skjöldebrand, 1806. Large oblong folio (52 x 68 cm). With an engraved title with aquatint vignette, engraved portrait by Sandrart after a painting by Ehrenstrahl, and 11 aquatint plates after drawings by Count Dahlberg and paintings by Lembke, engraved by Skjöldebrand, numbered I-XII, all in sepia. Contemporary half calf with marbled brown boards, gold-tooled spine. [13] ll. Full description
€ 5,500
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