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Medicine & Pharmacy

Treating diseases with poisonous plants, with 4 engraved plates

STÖRCK, Anton von. Libellus, quo demonstratur, stramonium, hyosciamum, aconitum non solum tuto posse exhiberi usu interno hominibus, verum & ea esse remedia in multis morbis maxime salutifera.
Naples, Benedicti Gessari, 1762. With 3 folding engraved plates.
With: (2) STÖRCK, Anton von. Supplementum necessarium de cicuta, ubi simul jungitur cicutae imago aere excusa.Naples, Benedicti Gessari, 1762. With a folding engraved plate. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [10], 7-99, [1]; 52 pp. Full description
€ 500
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Rare first edition of a treatise on the medicines used by surgeons

STOLLS, Maximilian. Lehrbegriffe von den äusserlichen Arzneymitteln, oder deutsche Materia Chirurgica. Angehenden Wundärzten zum Besten übersezt, von Johann Gottfried Essig.
Augsburg, in der Joseph-Wolffischen Buchhandlung, 1789. 8vo. With woodcut printers device on title. Contemporary half white paper over boards covered with blue paper. [16], 190 pp. Full description
€ 350
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Very rare and interesting work on blood circulation:
the thesis of a promising student of Boerhaave and Van Leeuwenhoek

STRÖM, Christian Michaëlsson. Nova theoria motuum reciprocorum machinae animalis, ex partium organicarum structura & proprietatibus, juxta aeternas motuum leges.
Amsterdam, [heirs of Johannes I] Janssonius van Waesberge, 1707. 8vo. Woodcut vignette on title, full-page engraved plate of the blood circulation of the heart, woodcut headpiece and initials. Contemporary full cal. [8], 84, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Three standard medical works: on the lungs, ear and eye

SWAMMERDAM, Jan. Tractatus physico-anatomico-medicius de respiratione usuque pulmonum. In quo, praeter primam respirationis in foetu inchoationem... Editio altera. Cui subjuncta est D. Alberti Haller....... De Diaphragmatis musculis dissertatio anatomica. Editio tertia.
Leyden, Conrad Wishoff, 1738. 4to. With engraved title by G.W. with device for the study of respiration, 7 woodcuts in text, folding engraved plate by J. Lochmann.
2. VALSALVA, Antonio Maria. De aure humana tractatus, in quo integra auris fabrica multis novis & iconismis illustrata, describitur: omniumque ejus partium usus indagantur.Quibus interposita esty musculuram ovulae, atque pharyngis nova descriptio, et delinatio. Leyden, Gijsbert Langerak & Joh. Hasebroek, 1735. Title in red and black, 10 folding engraved plates. (14), 143, (13) pp.
3. IDEMA, P (or Bernardus). Een ontleed en natuurkundige verhandeling van 't oog. Leeuwarden, Tobias van Dessel, 1741. (28), 96 pp.
Contemporary vellum with titles in ink on spine. (14), 95, (1) pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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The chemistry of Hippocrates, in the Islamic tradition known as Boqrat

TACHENIUS, Otto. Hippocrates chimicus, qui novissimi viperini salis antiquissima fundamenta oftendit ...
Hannover, Thomas Heinrich Hauenstein, 1668. With a woodcut device on title-page and a woodcut endpiece on last page.
With: (2) TACHENIUS, Otto. Antiquissimae Hippocratiae medicinae clavis manuali experiential in naturae fontibus elaborate, quaper ignem& aquam inaudita method, occulta naturae, & artis, compendiosa operandi ratione manifesta fiunt, dilucidè aperiuntur. Seneca in epistola.
Frankfurt, Johann Peter Zubrod, 1669.2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. [40], 270, [1]; 286, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Complete chemical and medical practical application of the discoveries of Tachenius

TACHENIUS, Otto. Hippocrates chimicus, qui novissimi viperini salis antiquissima fundamenta ostendit. ...
With: (2) TACHENIUS, Otto. Antiquissime Hippocraticae medicinae clavis, ...
Leiden, Felix Lopez De Haro and Adrianus Severinus, 1671. 2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. With newly engraved pharmaceutical title-page with a portrait of Hippocrates. Contemporary mottled calf, rebacked with modern endpapers. [48], 190, [2]; [24], 202, [14] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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