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Maritime History / Fishery & Whaling

Dutch trade, whaling, herring fishery, etc., with magnificent views of the harbours of the Netherlands
and the Dutch East Indies ca. 1772-ca. 1781, including a wide variety of boats and ships

AA, Cornelis van der (illustrated by Dirk de JONG & Hendrik KOBELL jr.). Atlas van de zeehavens der Bataafsche Republiek, die van Batavia en Onrust. Mitsgaders de afbeeldingen van de haring visscherij en de walvisch vangst. In een-en-dertig kunstplaaten naar het leven afgebeeld ...
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [printed by Paul Etienne Briët?], 1805. Large folio (39.5 x 28.5 cm). With a finely engraved title-page in various styles of decorated lettering and flourishes, executed by Klockhoff, and 31 double-page engraved views (ca. 28.5 x 39.5 cm) showing Dutch harbours with a wide variety of sailing boats and ships, the harbours of Batavia and the island Onrust in the Dutch East Indies (now Djakarta and Pulau Kapal in Indonesia), and 2 views of herring fishing and whaling.
With the loosely inserted "prospectus" (actually an advertisement issued on publication):
[MAASKAMP, Evert]. Berigt aan kooplieden, zeevarenden en verzamelaars van vaderlandsche kunstprinten.
[Amsterdam], [Evert Maaskamp], printed by Paul Etienne Briët, [1805]. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm).
Contemporary boards (including a paperboard spine), as issued by the publisher. XII, 135, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page, 31 plates and the loosely inserted prospectus. Full description
€ 14,500
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"on pesche les perles ... dans le Golfe Persique, principalement ... aupres de Baroyn [= Bahrain]"

BERQUEN, Robert de. Les merveilles des Indes Orientales et Occidentales, ou Nouveau traitté des pierres precieuses & perles, ...
Paris, Christophe Lambin, 1661. 4to. With an engraved portrait of Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans facing the dedication. Contemporary gold-tooled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled sides. [12], 112 pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Extensive hunting and fishing dictionary

[DELISLE DE SALES, Jean-Baptiste-Claude]. Dictionnaire théorique et pratique de chasse et de pêche.
Paris, Son of J.B.G. Musier, 1769. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a small engraved illustration on the title-page of each part, one showing a hunting scene, the other a fishing/angling scene. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. [3], [1 blank], LVII, 58-60, 1-75, [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 510, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Unpublished illustrated supplement to Duhamel du Monceau's Traité général des pesches

[AUTOGRAPH]. FRANCQ VAN BERKHEY, Jean le. [Autograph letter in French, signed, to Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau.]
Leiden, 10 December 1771. 25 x 20 cm (letter) & 23.5 x 18.5 cm (manuscript). Never bound.
With: [MANUSCRIPT]. [FRANCQ VAN BERKHEY, Jean LE]. Memoires, pour servir a ce que l'illustre auteur de "L'histoire generale des poissons" Monsieur M. Du Hamel de Monceau, solicite a l'egard des morues.
[Leiden, 1771].
A letter and treatise in French, written in dark brown ink on paper in a neat and easily readable hand, the treatise with 9 tipped-in pen and ink illustrations drawn by the author (6.5 x 10.5 to 11.5 x 21.5 cm) and a few small illustrations in the text. [4]; “29” [= 30], [1], [1 blank] pp. plus tipped in illustrations. Full description
€ 25,000
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One of the most celebrated whaling prints

HIGGINS, William John. South Sea whale fishery. A representation of the ships Amelia Wilson & Castor off the Island of Bouro - with their boats & crew in the various process of fishing, shewing the manner the spermacetti whales are caught, also the method of cutting them into the ship, & boiling the oil upon deck.
London, W.J. Huggins, January 1, 1825. Aquatint (plate size: 44 x 56.5 cm), printed on unwatermarked wove paper (50.5 x 61.5 cm). Full description
€ 5,000
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First Dutch translation of voyages in search of a Northwest Passage by Munk, Frobisher and Lindenau, illustrated by Van Sichem

[LA PEYRÈRE, Isaac de]. [MUNK, FROBISHER and LINDENAU]. Drie voyagien gedaen na Groenlandt, om te ondersoecken of men door de Naeuwte Hudson soude konnen seylen; om alsoo een doorvaert na Oost-Indien te vinden...
Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman, [ca. 1665]. 4to. With woodcut vignette on title-page, 16 further woodcuts on integral leaves and a woodcut ship in a cartouche, woodcut decorated initials, and decorative bands built up from cast fleurons. Set in textura types with incidental roman and italic. Late 19th-century vellum, spine with title stamped in black. 32 pp. Full description
€ 28,500
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A scientific study of the natural history of Norway, including its sea monsters

PONTOPPIDAN, Erich. The natural history of Norway ...
London, printed for A. Linde, 1755. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a large folding engraved map of Norway by Johann Baptist Homann, and 28 engraved plates depicting minerals, shells, fishes, birds, mammals, plants, and the inhabitants of Norway. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled calf, with gold-tooled corner edges of the boards, gold-tooled turn-ins and marbled edges. XXIV, 206; VIII, 291, [12] pp. Full description
€ 5,850
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The Dutch whaling trade in the waters around Greenland, with extensive manuscript additions

[SANTE, Gerrit van]. Naamlyst gesteld naar 't alphabeth van alle de commandeurs, die sederd den jaare 1700. op Groenland en sedert den jaare 1719. op de Straad Davids, voor Holland hebben gevaren.
Zaandam, for the author, by Jan Broekhuysen, 1753. 8vo. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers, preserved in half cloth chemise and matching slipcase. [28], 96 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
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Unique printed and manuscript documents of fishery and the fish trade in Veere,
together in contemporary wrappers

[VEERE - FISHERY]. Nieuwe ordonnantie doen maaken, en emaneren by burgemeesters en regeerders der stadt Vere. Op den visch-tol, afslag der visch, en wat verder daar toe zyn relatie is hebbende.
[Middelburg], Suenonius Mandelgreen, [24 December 1746].
(2) Ordonnantie op den afslag der Verschen visch, binnen de stadt Vere, gelyk mede op den pligt van den keurmeester en den afslager.
Middelburg, widow of Jakobus Pauwelsen, [6 July 1754, published 25 July].
(3) Ordonnantie op den afslag der Verschen visch, binnen de stad Vere.
Vere, Chrristiaan Hendrik Held, [18 May 1771].
(4) [MANUSCRIPT]. Extract uit de notulen van weth[ouders] en raad der stad Vere.
[Veere?], [18 July 1772-19 June 1773, 7 April 1787].
(5) Reglement voor die van de haven der stad Vere ter vis-vangst vaaren.
Middelburg, Adriaan de Vin, [1 June 1774].
With a woodcut Veere coat of arms on the title-page of each of the 4 printed ordinances (3 different blocks). 5 items in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary marbled wrapper backed with plain paper. 12; [1, 1 blank], 21, [1 blank]; 22; [8, 4 blank]; 9, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Whale hunting in the first half of the 18th century

[WHALING]. Seylen in 't ys, en soeken na de walvis. | La navigation dans la glace, et chercher du baleine.| Il veleggiare nel ghiaccio, & cercare del baleno. | Das Seeglen ins Eiß, und suchen des Wallfisches.
Augsburg, Georg Balthasar Probst, [ca. 1745]. Etched print (plate size: 31 x 42 cm) on watermarked laid paper (32 x 45 cm). Full description
€ 700
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Highly esteemed whaling book with 5 engraved maps & 13 other illustrations

ZORGDRAGER, Cornelis Gijsbertz. and Abraham MOUBACH. Bloeijende opkomst der aloude en hedendaagsche Groenlandsche visschery. ... Uitgebreid met eene korte historische beschryving der noordere gewesten, ... Met byvoeging van de walvischvangst, ... Nevens een korte beshryving van de Terreneufsche Bakkeljaau-Visschery.
Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1728. 4to. With 5 (of 6) folding engraved maps, 11 engraved plates (1 folding), and 2 woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [40], 392, [13] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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