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Low Countries / History, Economics, Law & Politics

One of the earliest Antwerp records of Charles V’s Italian financier

[MANUSCRIPT - NOTARIAL DECLARATION]. AFFAITATI, Giovan Carlo (Johannes Carolus de AFFAYTADI). Ratificatio facta p[er] m[agnifi]cu[m] d[ominum] Jo[hannes] Carolu[s] de Affaytalis, in favorem m[agnifi]ci et r[everen]di d[omino]. Guidi d[e] Crema et Rafaelis Krumani p[e]r Castro S[anc]ti Laurentii et terris.
Antwerp, 20 January 1546. Manuscript notarial document in Latin, written in a Latin hand on one side of a single piece of sheepskin parchment (31 x 54.5 cm), opening with a large capital and closing with the notary's decorative signature, with the title and "M. Johan Carlo" on the back. Folded and loosely inserted in a paper folder (ca. 1690s?). [1] leaf. Full description
€ 1,250
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Treaty between the States General and Algiers,
discussing the problems of Dutch merchants trading in the Mediterranean

[ALGIERS - TREATY - STATES GENERAL]. Tractaet tusschen Haer Hoogh Mog. De Heeren Staten Generael der vereenighde Nederlanden, ende de Regeeringe van Algiers.
The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, 1713. 4to. With Scheltus's woodcut printer's device on the title-page and with a woodcut initial. Modern brown wrappers with printed title-label pasted on the front side. 14, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Peace treaty between the Dutch Republic and the Regency of Algiers

[ALGIERS - TREATY - STATES GENERAL]. Tractaat tusschen haar hoog mogende de heeren Staaten Generaal ... en de regeeringe van Algiers. Geslooten in het jaar 1757.
With: (2) Ampliatie tot het tractaat van vrede tusschen ... de Staaten Generaal ... en den Dey en regeering van Algiers. Exhibitum den 10 October 1760.
Middelburg, Johan Bakker, [1758]. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of the Dutch admiralty on the title-page. Contemporary marbled wrappers. 18; 3, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Description of Den Briel

ALKEMADE, Cornelis van and Pieter van der SCHELLING. Beschryving van de stad Briele, en den lande van Voorn, ...
Rotterdam, Philippus Losel, 1729. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a double-page engraved plan of Den Briel and 3 folding engraved maps of different parts of Voorne (each ca. 50 x 70.5 cm). Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [28], 224, [8], 225-376; [8], 306, [20] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First edition of the "Divisiekroniek", with 239 woodcut illustrations, in an interesting binding

[AURELIUS, Cornelius]. Die cronycke van Hollandt, Zeelandt en[de] Vrieslant beghinnende va[n] Adams tiden tot die geboerte ons heren Jh[es]u[m] voertgaende tot de[n] jare M.CCCCC. ende Xvij.
Leiden, Jan Seversz., 18 August 1517. Folio. With the title-page printed in red and black with a large woodcut between different woodcut borders, and 239 woodcuts in text, including 121 woodcut portraits. Black blind-tooled goatskin (1637), with gold-tooled title and binding date on side. [2], 436 ll. Full description
€ 45,000
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Extremely rare account of the Battle of the Sound

[BALTIC SEA]. Confrontation oder Gegenhaltung dess Schwedischen von Hölsingör vom 8 Nov. St. N. datirten, zu Elbing aber gedruckten Schreibens, und dann der gründlichen Relation Einiger Holländischen Schipper welche den 27 Novemb. allhier in Dantzig auffgekommen und an Eydes statt den ganzten Verlauff der neulichen See-Schlacht zwischen Holländischen und Schwedischen Schiffs-Flotten im Sunde, auszgesaget haben.
[Danzig], 1758. 4to. Early 20th-century cloth-backed boards. [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of the magnificent work on the Dutch colony of Brazil,
the folio edition, complete with all plates and maps

BARLAEUS, Caspar. Rerum per Octennium in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum.
Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1647. Folio. With an engraved title-page, an engraved portrait of Johan Maurits van Nassau, 25 double-page engraved maps and plans, and 31 double-page engraved plates. Further with a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Contemporary vellum, upper cover ruled in blind with blind-stamped floral vignette in center. [12, including title-page, frontispiece and portrait], 340, [8] pp. Full description
€ 36,500
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The condemnation of cowards: a conviction of 4 Dutch captains for their fainthearted behaviour against the Dunkirk pirate Jan Baert during the Battle of Texel (1694)

[MARITIME HISTORY - PIRACY - BATTLE OF TEXEL]. Sententien van den hoogen scheeps-krijghs-raede, jegens de capiteynen Govert vander Weppelen, Simon Holthuysen, Anthony vander Lith en Cornelis vander Hoeven. Gepronuncieert den vierden Mey, 1695.
The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, 1695. 4to. With woodcut vignette and woodcut initials. Modern grey and purple marbled paper wrappers. 14, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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Manuscript document dated 1763 concerning a vassalage granted by Berend Hendrik Bentinck, lord of Schoonheten

[BENTINCK, Berend Hendrik]. [18th-century manuscript document written in the name of Berend Hendrik Bentinck, lord of Schoonheten]. Incipit: Ik Berent Henrik Bentinck tot Schoonheten van wegens Ridderschap en steeden de staaten van de ...
Overijssel, 16 July 1763. Small folio. Manuscript document in Dutch, written in brown ink on vellum. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 650
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Original documents of an 18th-century lawsuit against the murderer of a blacksmith in Zoeterwoude

[MANUSCRIPT]. BERGH, Johan van den. Eenige stukken concerneerende criminele procedures in cas d'appel voor het hof geventileerd tusschen den bailluw van Rhijnland contra Pieter Oostenryk in materie van manslag met de ms. schriftuuren.
[Leiden], 1726-1729. Folio. Manuscript, in Dutch, on laid paper, with 2 embossed seals. Later blue paper wrappers. 28 pp. (and 8 pp. blank). Full description
€ 1,750
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Beautifully illustrated commemoration of the triumphal entry of William III into the Hague

[BIDLOO, Govert and Romeyn de HOOGHE]. Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje, enz. in Holland; ofte omstandelyke beschryving van alles, het welke op des zelfs komste en geduurende zyn verblyf, in 's Graavenhaage en elders, ten teeken van vreugde en eere, is opgerecht en voorgevallen.
The Hague, Arnoud Leers, 1691. Folio. With an engraved title-page by Romeyn de Hooghe, a letterpress title-page with Leer's woodcut device, a portrait of King William III by Van Gunst and 14 engraved plates (11 double-page) by Romeyn de Hooghe, showing his triumphal entry into the Hague, the ceremonies, the triumphal arches, their paintings and sculptures, the nightly illumination of the town hall, the fireworks, etc. Further with an extra added engraved plate of King William's tomb by Daniel Marot. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [12, incl. frontispiece], 127, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,850
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Summary of the constitution of the Dutch Republic with the essential text in extenso

[BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius van]. Verbetert en vermeerdert politijck en militair hantboecxken vanden staet der Geunieerde Provintien, aenwysende des selfs maniere van regieringe, veelvoudige middelen &c.
[Printed in Gouda, Willem van der Hoeve], 1674.Including: (2) MILITAIR repartitie-boeckjen, aenwijsende den staet des oorlogs der Geûnieerde Provincien. Als mede het getal der compagnyen, soo te paert als te voet, in des selfs dienst geweest zijnde, zedert den jare 1621. Den sesten druck.
[Printed in Gouda, Willem van der Hoeve, 1674?].
(3) ARTIKEL-BRIEF, ofte ordonnantie, op de discipline militaire. Met een bequaem register daer toe dienende.
[Printed in Gouda, Willem van der Hoeve, 1674?]. Woodcut ornament on title-page.3 texts in 1 volume. 12mo. With 3 title-pages (the 1st and 3rd each with a woodcut ornament), a divisional title-page for the text of the 1579 Union of Utrecht, 1 woodcut decorated initial and a few headpieces built up from cast typographic ornaments Verhandelinge vande Unie, ofte eeuwigh verbont, ende eendracht, and drop-title for the transcriptions of other documents. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [8], “300” [= 400]; 112; 20, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Important treatise on the legal and political status of the Dutch Republic

[BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius]. Commentariolus de statu confoederatarum provinciarum Belgii. Editio sexta auctior & emendatior. Accessit de eadem materia Pauli Merulae Diatriba. Nec non Decretum Ordd. Holl. & West-Frisiae, De antiquo iure Reip. Batavicae.
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq for Johannes Vlacq, 1668. 12mo. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, boards and board edges, gilt edges. [12], 202 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Very rare broadside prohibiting the use of fireworks and firearms in Delft

[BROADSIDE - FIREWORKS - DELFT]. Keure teegens het schieten ende opsteeken van vuurpylen, klackebossen en andere vuurwerken binnen de stad Delft.
Delft, Adrianus Sterck, 31 March 1763. Ca. 52 x 42 cm. With the woodcut coat-of-arms of Delft, and a decorated woodcut initial. [1] l. Full description
€ 475
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Provisional agreement between the Netherlands and Portugal over Ceylon

[CEYLON]. Provisioneel ende particulier tractaet, gemaeckt, gearresteert ende besloten in 's Graven-Hage, den 27. Martii, 1645. tusschen de heer Francisco de Zousa Continho, raedt ende ambassadeur van den doorluchtighsten grootmachtigen Koningh van Portugael, Algarves, &c. ...; ende de ... Staten Generael van de Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Provincien, &c. aengaende de controversie over de jurisdictie ende territorie van 't Fort Galle [in Ceylon], &c.
The Hague widow and heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz. van Wouw, 1645 [= The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, ca. 1697?]. 4to. Modern plain-paper wrapper. [8] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Justice done by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy to the Governor of Zeeland,
who had killed a man and raped his wife

[CHARLES THE BOLD]. Justitie van Carel den Stouten, Hert[og]: van Bourg[ondië]: etc. Grave van Holl[and]: Zel[and]: etc. over seker gouv[erneur]: in Zelant.
[Amsterdam?], Joachim Bormeester, [ca. 1690]. Oblong 1mo (full sheet) broadside (41 x 50.5 cm). An engraved print with extensive engraved texts in Dutch, the central scene (33.5 x 31 cm) flanked by 6 smaller scenes, with the title above the central scene (in roman capitals with I and V for UJ and U), 5 lines of verse (a couplet in 1 line followed by a 4-line verse) below each smaller scene and the story in prose in the foot of the engraving. Hand-coloured and highlighted in gold. Full description
€ 850
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Genealogy of the seven patrician families of Antwerp

CHRISTYN, Johannes-Baptista. Senatus populique Antverpiensis. Nobilitas sive septem tribus patriciae Antverpienses.
Leiden, Petrus Heghius [printed in Brussels by Philippe Vleugart], 1672. 8vo. With an allegorical frontispiece showing a personification of time accompanying the crests of the seven houses above personifications of the Scheldt and the city of Antwerp and 7 engraved coatsofarms in text. Modern half parchment, red paste paper sides. [10], 55 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Very rare handbook for merchants and traders in the Southern Netherlands

[COMMERCE]. Le négociant du Pays-Bas, ou le tarif général de tous les comptes du commerce; tant pour calculer les monnoyes, les intérêts, répartitions, &c. Que toutes sortes de marchandises, denrées & négoces tant en gros qu'en détail. Onzième édition. Augmenté avec la réduction de l'argent de change de Brabant, en celui courant en Brabant, & celui de l'argent courant de Brabant en celui de change de Brabant. Et un tarif pour connoitre le prix d'une livre de marchandise par le prix du cent.
Antwerp, Johannes Judocus Gerardus de Marcour, [ca. 1780?]. 12mo. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XXIII, [1], 543, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Portuguese proposal to return Brazil to the Dutch

COUTINHO, Francisco de Sousa. Propositie ghedaen ter vergaderinghe van hare hoogh-mog: d'heeren Staten Generael der Vereenichde Nederlanden, in 's Gravenhage den XVIen. Augusti 1647.
[Netherlands], 1647. 4to. With a woodcut decoration built up from arabesque typographic ornaments on title-page and a woodcut decorated initial. Modern half calf, marbled sides. 16 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Beautiful large paper copy of a highly important work on 17th-century Russia

[COYETT, Balthasar and Coenraad van KLENCK]. Historisch verhael, of beschryving van de voyagie, gedaen onder de suite van den heere Koenraad van Klenk ... en sijn hoogheyt den heere Prince van Oranje
Amsterdam, Jan Claesz. ten Hoorn, 1677. 4to. With an etched frontispiece and 6 double-page etched plates. Contemporary vellum, sewn on 4 supports laced through the joints, with the manuscript title at the head of the spine. [8], "214" [= 220], [2] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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1558 declaration signed by the great botanist Dodoens in his capacity as Mechelen churchwarden

[MANUSCRIPT]. DODOENS (DODONAEUS), Rembert. [Declaration of financial and other documents received as incoming churchwarden of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Mechelen].
[Mechelen], 27 December 1558. Oblong 4to (19 x 21.5 cm). A document written in dark brown ink on paper, with the opening words filled in afterwards in light brown ink and the signature in light brown ink. [1] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Detailed description of the history and the 18th-century "present state" of Overijssel

DUMBAR Jr., Gerhard. Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat, van alle volkeren; behelzende de beschryving der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en wel in 't byzonder van Overyssel.
Amsterdam, P. Schouten, J. de Groot, G. Warnars; Leiden, S. & J. Luchtmans; Dordrecht, A. & P. Blussé; Harlingen, V. van der Plaats, 1781-1803. 4 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece, a folding engraved map, and 9 folding engraved views of Deventer, Zwolle, Kampen, Zwartsluis and Hasselt. Uniform white half parchment (ca. 1900/14?), sewn on 4 recessed cords, with hollow backs, nonpareil-marbled sides, title and volume numbers neatly lettered across the spines in black ink. [4], 494; [4], 533; [2], 614; [2], 224 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Call for a National Convention from Overijssel, signed by the Deventer patriot Gerhard Dumbar
as representative of the people

DUMBAR jr., Gerhard. Proclamatie aan het volk van Overyssel, over het stuk van de Nationale Conventie. Gearresteerd den 21 September 1795.
Deventer, Jan Hendrik de Lange, [1795]. 4to. With a woodcut coat-of-arms of the Province of Overijssel on the title-page. Contemporary marbled wrappers. 12 pp. Full description
€ 475
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New regulations for the Dutch colony of Curaçao after British occupation

[DUTCH ANTILLES]. Reglement op het beleid van de de[sic!] regering, het justitie-wezen, den handel en scheepvaart, mitsgaders de instructien voor den Gouverneur Generaal, en den Raad Contrarolleur Generaal op het eiland Curaçao. Gearresteerd bij besluit van Zijne Majesteit den Koning, in data 14 September 1815, no. 58.
The Hague & Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Cleef, 1815. 3 parts in 1 volume. Tall 8vo (22 x 13 cm). Later marbled wrappers. [4], 38, 20, 13, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Pro-war pamphlet by a patriotic nobleman

[PAMPHLET - DUTCH-SPANISH WAR]. Een goedt advijs, opt stuck vande vrede ende oorloghe in dese Nederlanden: by een edel-man ende oprecht lief-hebber syns vader-landts ende der ghemeyner ruste, aen eenen synen goeden vriendt, by forme van missive, overgheschreven. Na de copie.
[Delft], [Aelbrecht Hendricksz.], 1584. 4to. Woodcut interlaced capital 'o' on title, woodcut headpiece. (14, 2 blank) pp. Full description
€ 395
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Rare pamphlet from the entourage of William the Silent, Prince of Orange

[DUTCH WAR OF INDEPENDENCE]. Abschrifft und gruendlicher Bericht eines schreibens der Ritterschafft, Edlen, und Stett, in Holland, in namen und von wegen der Stende derselben Landtschafft, an die Herren, welche das ampt aller Stend der Niderland tragen: Sie darinnen vermanet, dass sie einhelliglich (der Koeniglichen Man von Spannien zu gutem) dieselbige Land, auss des Hertzogen von Alba, und seiner Spanniart gewalt und Tiranney, widerumb zu ihrer alten Welfart und Freiheit helffen bringen.
[Germany?], 1574. 4to. With a woodcut arabesque ornament on the title-page. Modern boards. [37], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Rare text of the defensive alliance between England and the Dutch Republic, just before the official Peace of Nijmegen in August 1678

[ENGLAND & DUTCH REPUBLIC - TREATY]. Traitté dalliance defensive, entre lAngleterre et les Estats Generaux, conclu le 3. Mars 1678.
Cologne [recté: Amsterdam?], "Pierre Marteau", 1680. 4to. With the woodcut English royal arms on the title-page. 19th-century brown paper wrappers. [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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French-Dutch terms for the treatment and exchange of prisoners of war in 1673

[FRENCH-DUTCH WAR - FRANÇOIS OF MONTMORENCY & WILLIAM ADRIAAN II OF HORNE]. Conditien ende articulen, van het Quartier Generael, aengaende het wisselen ende rantçoeneren der gevangens, over een gekomen ende gheslooten tusschen den Heere Hertogh van Luxemburgh ... ende den Heere Grave van Hornes ...
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1673. 4to. With a woodcut vignette on the title-page. Modern wrappers. 8 pp. Full description
€ 275
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A pamphlet on a critical petition to the States General on appointments and the judicature
by a number of Frisian noblemen and qualified citizens

[FRIESLAND]. Resolutien ende missiven van de Edele Moogende Heeren Staten van Frieslandt, ende dHeeren der selver Gedeputeerden, ter occasie van seeckere Remonstrantie overgegeven aen Haer Ho: Mo: de Staten Generael der vereenighde Nederlanden.
Leeuwarden, Rinnert Sydtses Arumsma, 1678. 4to. With the woodcut coat-of-arms of the States General on the title-page and woodcut initials. Later brown wrappers. 20 pp. Full description
€ 550
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Affirming the rights of Emperor Charles V to the Duchy of Gelre and the County of Zutphen

[GELDERLAND]. Het bescheet vanden Keyser Kaerle de vijfde van desen name, uutgegheven inden Rycxdach van Reynsborch Int iaer ons heeren M.D. ende XLI. vanden goeden rechte dat hij heeft tot ten hertochdom van Geldre ende Graefschap van Zutphen, Ende oock de wederlegghinghe, ende wederbescheet van heer Willem hertoch van Cleve te Franckfoort ghedaen Int iaer ons heeren M.D. XXXIX overgeset uiten latijn in duytsche.
Antwerp, Marten Vermeere, [1541]. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Charles V on title-page. 19th-century half calf, brown decorated paper sides. [64] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Seven pamphlets on the Glorious Revolution and the Nine Years' War

[GLORIOUS REVOLUTION]. De Engelsche marsch; versien met allerlei soorten van nieuwe onvergelijkelijke verrekykers, en brillen. Vertonende den tegenwoordigen staat van alle Koninkrijken en landen van Europa. Met een korte verbeeldinge van de afkomste, het leven en de daden van Pater Peters; en een dispuit tusschen hem en een Engelsch Protestant.
Amsterdam, Cornelis Maertense, 1689.
(2) Twede deel van de Engelsche marsch, version met allerlei soorten van nieuwe onvergelijkelijke verrekykers en brillen... en een cathalogus van eenige koddige boekken die hy voor den Prins van Wallis heeft gekogt.
Amsterdam, Cornelis Maertense, 1689.
(3) Nieuwe geinventeerde brillen, voor alderhande gesichten, op de mode geslepen, op verscheyde slypsteenen.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(4) Nieuwe geinventeerde brillen, voor alderhande gesigten. Op de mode gesleepen, op verscheyde slypsteenen. Twede deel.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(5) De wonderlycke verrekyker siende in alle hoecken van de Europise werelt.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(6) De geest van Carel de V. verschenen aen Volkert, t'samenspraak houdende over de affaire van den tijd.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(7) De Franse quacksalver, of de boere klap beurs. Versien met veelderley koopluyden, of liefhebbers van alle nieuwe tydingen.
Groningen, Tjerk Velsen, 1689. 7 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary red half roan (sheepskin). 39, [1 blank]; 32; 24; 24; 24; 40; 38, [2 blank] p. Full description
€ 2,250
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Confidential letters on the Baltic Sea trade,
written by the Dutch Republic's resident in Copenhagen to the States General

[BALTIC SEA TRADE]. GOES, Robert. [4 confidential letters by Robert Goes to the registrars of the Dutch States General on the Baltic Sea trade].
[The Netherlands, written 1689-1690 and copied then or soon after]. 4 manuscript letters. Folio. Written in one column in three different 17th-century hands (each letter written, signed and dated in a single hand) on 5 bifolia (2 bifolia for the letter dated 5 December 1689). Folded. [3], [1 blank]; [2]; [2]; [2] ll. Full description
€ 3,250
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Classical agricultural law, well illustrated

GOES, Willem and Nicolas RIGAULT Rei agrariae auctores legesque variae. Quaedam nunc primum, caetera emendatiora prodeunt curâ.
Including: Antiquitatum agrariarum liber singularis.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge, 1674. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. With an integral engraved allegorical frontispiece, a general title-page with a woodcut decoration, 6 integral divisional titles including one for the Antiquitatum agrariarum, 3 folding engraved plates, 55 further engravings on integral leaves (15 full page), numerous woodcut illustrations in the text (mostly geometric diagrams) and woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, sprinkled edges. [20], 360, [60]; 328 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Revolution in Friesland and troubles in Leeuwarden: the Remonstrance of 1672

HAGIUS, Guilielmus. Afgeparste waerheyt, ofte nodige en naeckte aenwijsinge: Hoe dankbaerlijk de magistraat, enige uyt de vroedtschap, ende alle de praesente bevelhebbers van Leeuwarden tracteren hare gecommitteerden, die sy, tot het instellen en bevorderen van de reformatoire poincten, op den 27sten. Septembris 1672. by dEd. Mog. Heeren Staten van Frieslandt gearresteert, hebben genomineert ende versocht. Ingestelt door G. Hagius.
[Leeuwarden], for Haucke Egberts Heringa, [1673]. 4to. 19th-century blue wrappers. [8] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Description of Curaçao with a folding map and a folding plate

HERING, Johannes Hermanus. Beschryving van het eiland Curaçao, en de daar onder hoorende eilanden, . . .
Amsterdam, Johannes van Selm, 1779. 8vo. With 2 folding engraved plates, one providing a map of Curaçao and plan of Fort Amsterdam and its surroundings, and the other showing the spectacular explosion of the warship Alphen on 15 September 1778. Green cloth (ca. 1930?) by George Fredrik Lodewijk Ophof in Rotterdam. [6], 89, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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A letter by Dirk van Hogendorp petitioning for postponement of a prison sentence on behalf
of the mother of the convicted poor servant boy to an Amsterdam solicitor

HOGENDORP, Dirk van. [Autograph letter by Dirk van Hogendorp to the Amsterdam solicitor J. de Vries jr.].
[Amsterdam], 12 July 1833. 8vo (ca. 19,5 x 22,7 cm). Text within a black border, which does not continue along the lower edge of the sheet. [4] pp. Full description
€ 750
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The Ridderschap in the States of Holland and West-Friesland asks Amsterdam
to spent more money on the defense of the country - an old plea

[PAMPHLET - HOLLAND & WESTFRIESLAND]. Circulaire brief, van de Heeren Ridderschap en Edelen, van Hollandt en West-Vrieslant; nevens t antwoort van de Ed. Groot Achtb. Heeren Burgermeesteren en Regeerders der stadt Amsterdam, op de voorsz. Brief.
[Amsterdam,] Jan Cyprianus van der Graft [= Jacobus Hackius?], 1685. 4to. With a woodcut title vignette. Blue modern wrappers, new endpapers. 24 pp. Full description
€ 275
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Scene showing the execution of conspirators in the attempted assassination of Prince Maurits

HONDIUS, Hendrick (I). [Tweede basuyne. en t boosdoens heylige wraeck-spiegel ...].
[Netherlands, Hendrick Hondius (I), 1623]. Broadside (51 x 26.5 cm). Two separate leaves, one with the engraving (plate size 14 x 17.5 cm) and the other with letterpress verses (37 x 26.5 cm), originally assembled to form a single broadside. The leaf with the engraving lacking the letterpress heading with the title and the letterpress psalm in 2 columns that flanked the engraving. Mounted on a paper support. With a second copy of the text leaf loosely inserted. Full description
€ 650
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The financial management of Dutch prizes and naval prize money captured
by the English during the French blockade (Continental system)

[HOUSE OF COMMONS]. Fourth report from the Committee on the Public Expenditure, &c. of the United Kingdom. Commissioners for Dutch prizes; &c.
[London], for the House of Commons, 24 March 1809. Folio. Original blue printed publisher's wrappers. pp. 313-386. Full description
€ 650
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First and only edition of a radical political pamphlet built around an imaginary voyage.
A spin-off from Neville's 1668 "Isle of Pines"

[IMAGINARY VOYAGE]. Verhael van den wonderlijken oproer, voorgevallen in de provincie van Mallanbruino, gelegen een graed bezuiden het eyland Pines: ende hoe de zelve is gestilt. t'Samenspraek tusschen drie persoonen te wacht zijnde, Arent, Gijsbert, Dirck.
[Holland?], 1672. 4to. Later blue/grey paper wrappers. 8 pp. Full description
€ 6,850
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Critical survey of Dutch mercantile activities in Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka

[INDONESIA - INDIA - SRI LANKA]. Nederlandsch India, in haaren tegenwoordigen toestand beschouwd; of waar en gronding berigt van haare regeering, derzelver bestier en handelingen; haare bezittingen; haare militie; haar kwijnenden handel, zeevaart, enz.
Batavia [= Amsterdam?], [1780?]. 8vo. With a decoration on the title-page, headpiece and factotum all built up from rococo typographic ornaments. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. 80 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Collection of tracts concerning the monopoly and the subsequent advantages of the Dutch herring fishery, published to establish a stronger British herring fishery

KEYMER, John; WITT, Johan de; L'ESTRANGE, Sir Roger. A small collection of valuable tracts, relating to the herring fishery; comprehending John Keymer's celebrated observations on the Dutch fisheries, in 1601. The grand pensionary John De Witt's sentiments on the same subject, and a discourse shewing the necessity, and proving the practicability, of establishing a British herring fishery, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. To which an introduction is prefixed.
London, printed for Ralph Griffiths, 1751. 4 parts in 1 volume: an introduction and three tracts relating to the herring fishery. Small 8vo. An introduction and three tracts relating to the herring fishery, published together as a single edition. 20th-century half calf. [4], xxiv; 24, “33”-“37” [=25-29], [1 blank]; [3], 34-37 pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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The history, economy and politics of Oudewater

[KINSCHOT, Gaspar Rudolph van]. Beschryving der stad Oudewater; waarin aangetoont word der zelver herkomst uit het Uitrechtsche Bisdom, overgang tot de Graaflykheid van Holland en haare gemaakte onafscheidbaarheid van de zelve, ...
-Handvesten, privilegien, octroyen, placaaten en ordonnantien; mitsgaders keuren, giften, resolutien, en andere voorname stukken, de stad Oudewater betreffende.
-Oude en nieuwe keuren der stad Oudewater.
-Ordonnantie en instructie, voor schepenen commissarissen der stede Oudewater, ...
Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1747. 4to. With title in red and black with engraved vignette with the arms of Oudewater supported by lions, in a decorative cartouche with vines, full-page engraved dedication to the 4 burgomasters and governors of Delft, including the author's father (with their arms and the crowned arms of Oudewater, Delft and Alkmaar), 2 engraved maps and 5 views of Oudewater (all folding), 2 engraved numismatic illustrations in text. Contemporary vellum. XVI, "600" [= 604], 14, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Cities and fortresses in the Dutch Seven Provinces in the 17th century

KIRCHNER, Christian. Holland, oder Beschreibung der sieben vereinigten niederländischen Provintzen, nebenst denen darzu eroberten Oerten, darinnen alle Städte, Festungen, Flecken, Seen und Flüsse samt andern merckwürdigen Sachen, auch die vornehmsten Städte und Festungen darbey in Kupffer gestochen.
Leipzig, Christian Kirchner, 1672. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and 31 folding engraved plans of various cities in the Low Countries. Contemporary vellum. [14], 229, [3 blank], 32, [8] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Complete first edition of Kluit's history of the government of the Dutch Republic to 1795

KLUIT, Adriaan. Historie der Hollandsche staatsregering, tot aan het jaar 1795. Of geschied- en staatkundig onderzoek, in welken zin de staten van Holland, gedurende de republikeinsche regering, zijn geweest de wettige souvereine vertegenwoordigers van 't gansche volk van Holland, of der geheele natie.
Amsterdam, Wouter Brave 1802-1805. 5 volumes. 8vo. With one folding plate, in vol. 1 between pp. 462 and 463. Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf, red spine labels lettered in gold, green ribbon markers. 12, 520; [1], [1 blank], 547; [1], [1 blank], 556; IV, 630; [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 652 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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The Dutch West India Company (WIC) in the Americas,
a contemporary description by one of the company's directors

LAET, Johannes de. Historie ofte iaerlijck verhael van de verrichtinghen der geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie, zedert haer begin tot het eynde van 't jaer sesthien-hondert ses-en-dertich. Begrepen in dertien boecken, ende met verscheyden koperen platen verciert.
IDEM. Kort verhael uyt de voorgaende boecken ghetrocken vande diensten ende nuttigheden die desen staet heeft genooten by de West-Indische Compagnie; ende schaden die deselve den koningh van Spagnien heeft ghedaen sedert haer begin tot het eynde van den jaere 1636.
Leiden, Bonaventura and Abraham Elzevier, 1644. Folio. With the title printed in red and black, with the Elzevier woodcut device, and 13 double-page engraved maps and views. Contemporary sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine with a black morocco title-label lettered in gold, red sprinkled edges, gold-tooled board edges. [32], 544, 31, [1 blank], [11], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 48,000
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Amsterdam as the commercial capital of the world, including the first edition of the "Traité des arbitrages"

LE MOINE DE L'ESPINE, Jacques. Le negoce d'Amsterdam, ou traité de sa banque, de ses changes, des Compagnies Orientales & Occidentales, des marchandises qu'on tire de cette ville, & qu'on y porte de toutes les parties de monde, des poids, des mesures, des aunages, & du tarif. ...
Including: MONDOTEGUY, Jacques. Traité des arbitrages qui se sont par change sur les principales villes de l'Europe, ou la ville d'Amsterdam à change ouvert.
Amsterdam, Pierre Brunel, 1710. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. 18th-century half vellum. [4], 388, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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96 letters from Dutch diplomats throughout Europe, 1715-1729

[LETTERS - DIPLOMATIC]. [Official contemporary copies of incoming diplomatic correspondence to the Dutch government in The Hague from Dutch ambassadors, envoys, diplomatic residents and others in Vienna, Graz, Schaffhausen, Turin, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Moscow, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dresden, Regensburg, Warsaw, Grodno, Maastricht, The Hague, Brussels and Ostend].
[The Hague], letters dated 26 January-17 December 1715 and 7 November 1725-22 November 1729. Folio (32.5 x 20.5 cm). 96 letters clearly written in dark brown ink on paper, 84 in Dutch and 12 in French, mostly in a Latin hand (the Dutch ones from 1715 in a semi-gothic hand). Loose leaves in a modern portfolio. [96] letters ([138] written pp. on [97] ll.). Full description
€ 8,500
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The unfortunate expulsion of the Moriscos in Spain in 1609 as ordered by King Philip III of Spain
during the Twelve Years' Truce

PHILIP III, King of Spain (Jan Huygen van LINSCHOTEN, translator). Missive ofte placcaet van den coninck van Spangien ghesonden aenden hartoch van Lerma, aengaende het bannen ende verjaghen van de Moriscos, dat zijn de oude landtsaten vant coninckrijck van Valencien in Spangien.
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz Meyn, 1609. 4to. With an ornamental woodcut title vignette and a woodcut initial. Modern marbled paper over boards, new endpapers. [3] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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The foreign politics of Spain

LIPSIUS, Justus. Sent-brief, in welcke hy antwoorde gheeft aen een seker groot Heer op de vraghe, welck van dryen den Coninck van Hispaengien best gheraden ware, oorloghe of pays oft liever bestant met den Fransman, Engelsche ende Hollander. Gheschreven den derden Januarij 1595. Ghetrouwelijck uyt den Latijn in Nederduytsche tale over-gheset, ende (soo veel alst moghelijcken is) den stijl ghevolcht.
Dusseldorf, Werner van der Horst, 1608. 4to. Woodcut ornament on title, woodcut initial and endpiece. Disbound. [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 250
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Historical map of the Netherlands, printed on silk, together with the separately published manual, with a hand-coloured world map

MAASKAMP, Evert. Geschiedkundige kaart der Nederlanden. | Carte historique des Pays-Bas.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1830. Map (plate size 48 x 38 cm) engraved by "Giersbergen et fils", printed on silk and hand-coloured in outline, with the title at upper left, a dedication at lower left, and a key and scale (ca. 1:1,000,000) at lower right.
With: (2) MAASKAMP, Evert. Handboek, ter verklaring der geschiedkundige kaart van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, en der wereldkaart; behelzende eene opgave van de roemrijkste en lofwaardste daden der Nederlanders, derzelver krijgsbedrijven te land en ter zee, scheepstochten, ontdekkingen, uitvindingen enz.; als mede van zoodanige voorname personen, die in wetenschap, kunst of heldenmoed, hebben uitgeblonken.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1830. 8vo. With a folding engraved map of the world, with the continents hand-coloured. Contemporary red boards, boards gold-tooled along the extremities. VIII, 8, 1-38, 37-77, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank]. Full description
€ 1,500
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A treasure trove of documents about one of the most influential figures in 17th-century Utrecht, and the many people in his circle.

[MANUSCRIPT - UTRECHT - STRICK VAN LINSCHOTEN, Johan]. [Fair copies of and extracts from official documents, from 1605 to 1635, concerning Johan Strick van Linschoten (1583-1648), initially Canon and finally Secretary of the Oudmunster chapter church in Utrecht, and influential member of the States Assembly of the province of Utrecht; Prince Maurits and others].
[Utrecht], ca. 1621-ca. 1635. Folio (31 x 20 cm). Contemporary sheepskin parchment, with remnants of leather ties. Manuscript title on the spine and writing on the front board. [5 blank], "260" [= 263], [1] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Antwerp celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, commemorating the Battle of Lepanto (1571)

[MARITIME HISTORY]. Beschryving van de konstryke verciering en voortreffelyken toestel, ... ter gelegentheyd van het twee honderd-jaerig jubilé van de ... victorie, ... over een veel talryker Turksche vloot by Lepanten in 't jaer 1571. den 7. October, gemeenelijk genaemd, den zeeslag van Don Jean, van Oostenrijk, ... van den 6. tot den 13. October, van dit ... jubeljaer [chronogram 1771].
Antwerp, Pieter Johannes Parys, (approbation: 1771). 4to. With 3 engraved illustrations in the text. Lacking the integral frontispiece. 19th-century chemical-marbled glazed paper wrappers. 79, [1] pp., lacking frontispiece (pp. 1-2). Full description
€ 1,750
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Important compilation of works on Dutch maritime law, the Laws of Wisbuy, and average, including collections of ordonnances. proclamations, decrees etc.

[MARTIME LAW]. Boek der zee-rechten.
Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesbergh, 1665 [with the index of the 1663 edition].
(2) Extract uyt het register van de willekeuren der stadt Amsterdamme ....Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesberg, 1662.(3) Quintyn WEYTSEN. Een tractaet van Avarien ... The Hague, Jasper Doll, 1651 (colophon: Leyden, Philips de Croy, 1651).(4) Taco van GLINS. Aenmerckingen ende bedenckingen over de Zee-rechten, uyt het Placcaet van Koninck Philips uytgegeven den letsten Octobris 1563 ...
Amsterdam, Joost Pluymer, 1665.
4to. All titles with woodcut title-vignettes and some with woodcut head- and tailpieces or woodcut initials. All titles are interleaved. Contemporary vellum over boards. [8]; 144; [8]; 23; [12], 139 pp. with some blank leaves between the different ordinances. Full description
€ 1,250
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Research voyage into inner Surinam, encountering native tribes

MARTIN, Johann Karl Ludwig. Westindische Skizzen. Reise-erinnerungen.
Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1887. 4to. 22 plates, of which 14 chromolithographs and 8 collotypes, and 1 folding lithographed map of the Surinam River by W.L. Loth. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. VII, [1], 186 pp. Full description
€ 375
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Annotated copy of an essential work for the history of the Zeeland Chamber of the VOC

MATTHAEUS, Christiaan Sigismund. Kort gevat jaar-boek van de edele geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie der Vereenigde Nederlanden, ter Kamer van Zeeland. Beginnende met de erectie derzelver Compagnie.
Middelburg, Jan Dane, 1759. 8vo. Contemporary half brown calf, sprinkled paper sides, red sprinkled edges. [7], [1 blank], [5], [1 blank], 151, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Failed attempt to assassinate the Dutch Stadholder

[MAURITS, Prince of Orange]. Clare af-beeldinghe, ofte effigien, der voornaemste conspirateurs, staende op het lichaem vande hoofdeloose Arminiaensche slange. Waer in vertoont word hoe den orangien boom, mitsgaders religie ende justitie (in spijt van 't bedrogh, en den vervallen boom) door de strael Gods, beschermt word.
Utrecht, Jan Amelisz. (printed by Jan Adrieansz. in Amsterdam), 1623. 1mo. Broadsheet (41 x 31 cm), with engraved illustration (16 x 22.5 cm), letterpress title at the head and a letterpress poem in 3 columns below. Full description
€ 550
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Prince Maurits gives Oldenbarnevelt temporary oversight of Den Tempel,
which later gave him his title, signed by Prince Maurits and bearing his armorial seal

MAURITS, Prince of Orange. [Declaration for Jan de Roo].
[The Hague], 4 December 1589. 1mo (41 x 31.5). Document written in brown ink on one side of a whole sheet of paper in an upright gothic cursive hand, with the autograph signature "Maurice de Nassau" and with his armorial seal (3 x 2.5 cm) stamped on a slip of paper over red sealing wax. With (separately added) Maurits's signature clipped out of another document and mounted on a paper slip. [1] leaf, written on one side. Full description
€ 5,000
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Spectacular engraving on the failed attempt to assassinate the Dutch Stadholder

[MAURITS, Prince of Orange]. Clare verthooninghe, ofte af-beeldinghe des gantschen handels deser schrickelijcke ende moordadighe conspirateurs, (jeghens den heere Prince van Orangien, mitsgaders den staet ende wel-varen van 't land) vervaetende het begin , totten eynde haerder justitien toe.
Utrecht, Jan Amelissz., 1623. 1mo. Broadsheet (40 x 31.5 cm), with engraved illustration (15 x 25.5 cm) below the title, and a letterpress dialogue in verse in three columns plus and explanation of the plate, below. Full description
€ 1,250
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Splendid funeral ceremonies in Brussels 1515-1622

MEERBEECK, Adriaan de. Theatre funebre ou sont representéez les funerailles de plusieurs princes et la vie, trespas, & magnifiques obseques de Albert Le Pie de tres haulte memoire Archiduc d'Autrice, Duc de Bourgoigne, Brabant, &c. faicts a Bruxelles le 12. de Mars, 1622.
Brussels, Ferdinand de Hoeymaker [printed by Henrick van Hastens in Louvain], 1622. 8vo. With a small woodcut decoration on the title-page and a full-page woodcut representing a "chapelle ardente" on the verso; a large folding woodcut plate with two horses, one dressed as a "cheval de bataille" and the other as used "à la pompe funebre du ... Archiduc". Further with 3 woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and 2 woodcut factotums. Contemporary vellum, remnants of ties. [8], 278, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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The rise and fall of the Greeks as a mirror for the Dutch Republic

MEESTER, Andries de (Andreas DEMETRIUS). Der Griecken opganck ende onderganck.
Dordrecht, Isaac Jansz. Canin, 1599. 4to. With the opening words of the title printed from a woodblock, a fine engraved biblical scene with a Latin motto apparently intended as Ecclesiastes 10:8 (a warning of the consequences of injustice) on title-page, and a folding engraved map of Ancient Greece by Joannes van Doetecum (not included in all copies). Contemporary gold-tooled calf. [10], 288, [19] ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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Two first editions of theological works by the Portuguese rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel,
important for the history of Jewish-Christian relations in tolerant 17th-century Amsterdam

MENASSEH Ben Israel. De creatione problemata XXX: cum summariis singulorum problematum, & indice locorum Scripturae, quae hoc opere explicantur.
Amsterdam, the author, 1635.
With: (2) MENASSEH Ben Israel. De resurrectione mortuorum libri III. Quibus animae immortalitas & corporis resurrectio contra Zaducaeos comprobatur: caussae item miraculosae resurrectionis exponuntur: deque judicio extremo, & mundi instauratione agitur...Amsterdam, the author, 1636. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary calf, rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [16], 156, [2], [2 blank]; [40], 346, [6] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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The most important early Dutch book on hunting

MERULA, Paulus. Placaten ende ordonnancien op 't stuck vande wildernissen.
The Hague, Beuckel Cornelisz. Nieulandt, 1605. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31 x 20 cm). With attractive engraved title-page (showing Diana, goddess of the hunt, a hunter and a falconer surrounding an elaborate cartouche together with hounds, birds of prey, and prey) and 2 double-page woodcut plates showing the castles of Teylingen and Warmond. Contemporary vellum. [24], 264; 124; 59, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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The first contemporary history of the Netherlands. In the first Latin edition, with a rare portrait of the author

METEREN, Emanuel van. Historia Belgica nostri potissimum temporis Belgii sub quatuor Burgundis & totidem Austriacis principibus coniunctionem & gubernationem breviter. Turbas autem, bella et mutationes tempore regis Philippi, Carli V. Caesaris filii, ad annum usque 1598. plenius complectens, conscripta.
[Cologne, A. Mylius, 1598]. Folio. With letterpress title-page in engraved border with scenes of trade and war (Verduyn, pl. XIV), additional engraved medallion portrait of the author mounted on blank back of title-page, by Hendrik Hondius the Elder, double-page engraved map of the Netherlands, by Frans Hogenberg and 22 engraved portraits on 19 plates. Contemporary vellum. [8], "623" [= 643], [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Very rare issue including book 32, earlier incomplete and later censored,
of the earliest great work on the Dutch war of independence from Habsburg Spain,
introducing the first textura gothic type in the new Dutch style

METEREN, Emanuel van. Nederlantsche historien ofte geschiedenissen inhoudende den gantzen staet, handel, soo va[n] oorlogen als vrede-handels in onsen tyden begin ende eynde ... Mede vervattende eenige haerder gebueren handelinge. ... oversien verbetert ende vermeerdert tot dese[n] tege[n]wordigen wtgank des jaers anno 1611.
Including (vol. 2): Belgische ofte Nederlantsche oorlogen ende gheschiedenissen beginnende van t'jaer 1595 tot 1611, ... oversie[n] verbetert e[n]de vermeerdert ...
[Copy imprint to vol. 2:] "Schotland buyten Danswyck" [= Amsterdam], "Hermes van Loven" [= Nicolaes III Biestkens?] for the author, 1611 [-1612]. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 engraved title-pages, both coloured and highlighted in gold by an early hand. Further with a full-page engraved portrait of Van Meteren, and 21 smaller woodcut portraits in the text attributed to Christoffel van Sichem. Mottled, gold-tooled calf (ca. 1665), gold-tooled spines, 18th-century(?) gold-tooling on the boards. [6], 568, [20]; [2], 118, [4], 413, [10] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Abbreviated rare edition of one of the most important pamphlets concerning the dispute
between the shareholders and the management of the Dutch VOC

[VOC - MIDDELGEEST, Simon van]. Den vervaerlijcken Oost-Indischen eclipsis vertoont aende Vereenichde Provincien door de participanten van d' Oost-Indische Compagnie. Met een oodtmoedich beklach aen de hoogh moghende heeren Staten: over de groote abuysen ende disordren deser Compagnie, mits de groote swaricheden die uyt dese te verwachten staen.
[1625]. Small 4to. With a small woodcut on the title-page. Modern half red faux snake-skin, new endpapers and paste-downs. 19, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Dutch rulers from the 15th and 16th centuries, with ca. 1000 engravings of coins and medals

MIERIS, Frans van. Histori der Nederlandsche vorsten, uit de huizen van Beijere, Borgonje, en Oostenryk; welken, sedert de regeering van Albert, Graaf van Holland, tot den dood van Keizer Karel den Vyfden, het hooggezag aldaar gevoerd hebben.
The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1732-1735. 3 volumes. Large folio (41 x 26.5 cm). With an engraved dedication page by Jan Wandelaar, a number of engraved vignettes and ca. 1000 engraved reproductions of both sides of coins and medals. Volume 1 with 2 letterpress folding genealogical tables. Lacking the frontispiece by Bernard Picart. Modern red half morocco. [32], 466, [107]; [8], 484, 56; [4], 446, [58] pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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A complicated disguise: an author calling himself "NISEMVOLBG472HC58A22W".

[MIGOEN, Jacobus Wilhelmi]. Proeve des nu onlangs uyt-ghegheven drooms, oft t'samenspraack tusschen den coningh van Hispanien ende den Paus van Roomen. Met noch eenen anderen droom, contrarie den voorschreven. Mits gaders eene vermaninghe, aan alle vroome ende ghetrouwe vader-landers, hoe zij haar in dezer tijdt te draghen hebben (...). Beschreven door een lief-hebber aller menschen, maar in sonderheydt den Godt-zoeckeñ ende trou-hertighen in gheboorne dezer vrijer provincien. Door NISEMVOLBG472HC58A22W.
[Gouda, J.W. Migoen, 1607]. 4to. Modern wrappers. Full description
€ 375
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Polish history, Frisian law and Balkan pirates, 3 works from the early 17th century

NEUGEBAUER, Salomon. Icones & vitae principum ac regum Poloniae omnium.
Frankfurt am Main, Jacob de Zetter, Hartman Palthenius, 1620.
(2) SICCAMA, Sybrand (editor). Lex Frisionum, sive antiquae Frisiorum leges, a reliquis veterum Germanorum legibus separatim aeditiae & notis illustratae.
Franeker, Johannes Lamrinck, 1617.
(3) [VENICE]. Risposta in difesa delle ragioni del. Arciduca Ferdinando contra il manifesto publicato per la Republica di Venetia, per occasione della presente guerra. Con l'oratione di Lodovico Eliano oratore di Lodovico XII. re di Francia, havvta da lui contro la medesima Republica, in augusta, nel convento de' Prencipi di Germania, alla presenza dell' imperatore Massimiliano I, l'anno 1510.
[Italy?], Con Licenza de' superiori, 1617.
3 works in 1 volume. Small 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). With engraved title-page and engraved portraits in text. 18th-century gold-tooled calf, red sprinkled edges. [8], 144, [12]; [16], 151 [=152], [8]; [2], 34 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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"Codicil" to the Dying wars "Testament"

[NIEROP, Adriaen van or Simon van MIDDELGEEST?]. WAER-MOND, Yemand van (pseudonym). Codicille van de Nederlandsche Oorloghe, waer in sy eenighe Vrienden, Wel-Doenders ende Dienaren, in haer principael Testament van date den tweeden Februarij 1609. vergheten zynde, ... den 12. Martij des selven jaers. Noch een Wellecom-Dicht van het Bestandt. Noch andere ghedichten van bestandighe vrede.
"Franc end al" [= Amsterdam?], "Frederijck de Vrije", [1609]. Small 4to. Poems celebrating the truce with Spain (though attributed to a former opponent of the truce), with the Dutch poems in textura types and Latin marginal notes in roman. Disbound. [12] pp. Full description
€ 350
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1598 ordinance for clearing trees around windmills, signed by Johan van Oldenbarnevelt

[MANUSCRIPT - ORDINANCE]. OLDENBARNEVELT, Johan van. [Ordinance forbidding the planting of trees around windmills in the Land van Arkel (in the southwestern corner of the province of Holland) and requiring the removal of existing trees].
The Hague, 14 December 1598. Manuscript document in Dutch in brown ink on the skin side of a single piece of sheepskin parchment (36 x 48 cm, folded to 14 x 19 cm). Full description
€ 2,950
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Zeeland Orangist suggests Johan and Cornelis de Witt, murdered by a mob incited by the Dutch head of state (stadtholder Willem III, the future King William III of England), brought it on themselves

[ORANGISTS]. Kort verhael van den oorspronck en onderganck der Loevesteynsche factie. Mitsgaders een vertoogh van t recht dat de gemeente in Zeelandt gehad heeft, om in den jare 1672. Sijn Hoogheyt Prins Willem Hendrik, ... te herstellen ... ende hoe de bedienaers des goddelijcken woorts in Zeelandt haer daar omtrent gedragen hebben ...
[The Hague or Amsterdam?], voor de liefhebbers van Sijn Hoogheyd, 1673. 4to. Modern brown wrappers. [6] ll. Full description
€ 250
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Rare ordinance addressing the negligence of officers of the law, in order to prevent a further rise in crime in Holland

[ORDINANCE - CRIME - HOLLAND]. [CHARLES V]. Ordonnancie va[n] die Keyserlijcke Mayesteyt roerende die dootslaghers cessionanten ende banckeroeten. Ghepubliceert inden jare duysent vijfhondert vier ende veertich.
The Hague, sold by Frans Duyck Pietersz. (colophon: Delft, printed by Symon Jansz.), May 1544. 4to. With the woodcut crowned coat of arms of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (with the order of the Golden Fleece, a column on either side and the motto "plus oultre") on the title-page. Set in 2 sizes of textura gothic type, with 2 lombardic initials (cast type). Modern half brown buckram, marbled paper sides, blue endpapers, with an older (ca. 1840?) front wrapper bound in. [1], [1 blank], [12], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Topographical wall map of the Dutch (polder) district Vijfheerenlanden,
including the very rare engraved borders with coats of arms

OTTENS, Reinier and Josua OTTENS. Nieuwe kaart van de Vyf Heeren landen gelegen tusschen den Dief en Zouwen dyk.
Amsterdam, Reinier and Josua Ottens, 1741. Engraved map on 4 sheets (85 x 98 cm as assembled), with an engraved title ("Kaart van de Vyf Heerenlanden") with the coat of arms of the water district at the head, and surrounded by 14 engraved coats of arms at the left, right and foot (measuring 122 x 134 cm in total). The map with the title and publisher at the foot left, together with a scale (ca. 1:19,000) and the name of the engraver at the right (Jan van Jagen). Framed. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Eyewitness account of the Dutch massacre of thousands of Chinese in and around Batavia in October 1740

[PAMPHLET - BATAVIA]. Kort verhaal van doproer der Chineesen, op het eiland Java, dog voornamentlyk wegens de stad Batavia, voorgevallen in de maand October des jaers 1740.
[Amsterdam?, 1741]. 4to. 19th-century brown wrappers. 8 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Extremely rare souvenir of the first amusement park in Amsterdam

[PASSE, Crispijn de (the younger) and Jan VOS]. Verklaringe van verscheyden kunst-rijcke wercken en hare beweginghe, door orlogie-werck ghedreven, ... Alles te sien in 't Oude Doolhof tot Amsterdam, op de hoeck van de Loyers-gracht.
Amsterdam, Tymen Houthaeck, 1648. Small 4to (19 x 15 cm). With a engraved illustration of a labyrinth on title-page, an engraved plate by P. Holsteyn after A. Vinckenbrinck, 3 engravings in text and a folding engraved plate of David & Goliath. Modern marbled wrappers. [8] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important bibliographical source for the history of Friesland and the first bibliography
exclusively devoted to Dutch authors

PETRI (PETRUS), Suffridus. De scriptoribus Frisiae, decades XVI. Et semis: in quibus non modo peculiares Frisiae, sed & totius Germaniae communes antiquitates plurimae indicantur, & veterum historicorum ac geographorum loci, hactenus non intellecti, explicantur.
Franeker, Jacobus Horreus, 1699. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. [88], 498 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

King Philip II mortgages then sells his lands of Voorburg and Voorschoten
near The Hague to help fund his wars

[MANUSCRIPT]. PHILIP (FELIPE) II, King of Spain. [Mortgage agreement, granting Jan Hanneman, Steward General of North Holland, the rights to the tithes of the King's lands of Voorburg and Voorschoten].
The Hague and Brussels, 1557 (with additions to 1565). Folio (36 x 25.5 cm). Manuscript mortgage agreement, signed by King Philip's representatives, written in brown ink on parchment in a nearly upright cursive gothic hand. With a typescript transcription of the main text and an interlinear translation in Spanish. [2 blank], 9, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

16th-century royal decree on marine insurance, printed by Plantin

[PHILIP II, King of Spain]. Ordinancie, statuyt ende policie gemaect byden coninck onsen aldernadichsten Heere, op tfeyt vande contracten vande asseurancien ende versekeringen in dese Nederlanden.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1571. 4to. With armorial woodcut on title-page. Modern vellum. 15, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

“German” Europe in the early 16th century, and Hispaniola in America

PIRCKHEIMER, Willibald. Germaniae ex variis scriptoribus perbrevis explicatio.
Augsburg, Heinrich Steiner, 1530. Small 8vo (15.5 x 10.5 cm). Title in a wide woodcut ornamented border, 2 woodcut historiated initials. Set in an Aldine-style italic with a word of Greek. Modern brown shell-marbled boards. [69], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of the history of the dioceses Tongres, Maastricht and Liège

PLACENTIUS, Johannes Leo. Catalogus omnium antistitum Tungarorum, Traiectensium, ac Leodiorum, & rerum domi, bellique gestarum compendium.
Antwerp, Willem Vorsterman, [1530?; preface dated 14 September 1529]. Small 8vo (13.5 x 10 cm). Title with woodcut coat-of-arms of Cardinal Everard van de Marck in a 4-piece woodcut border, a large woodcut coat of arms on the last page, 2 woodcut illustrations, one showing Mary and Jesus with Saint Anne (63 x 42 mm), and the other a bishop in his study (45 x 43 mm), each in the same 4-piece woodcut border (different from that on the title-page). Capitals rubricated throughout, some woodcuts also rubricated and some headings and other words underlined in red. Vellum (ca. 1700?). [16], [216] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A Zeeland proclamation against grain monopolies, printed by Richard Schilders

[PROCLAMATION - NETHERLANDS - ZEELAND]. Placcaet ende ordonnantie vanden Staten van Zeelandt, teghens den opcoop ende uuytvoer vande inlandtsche granen.
Middelburg, Richard Schilders, 1595. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Zeeland on title-page. Disbound. [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

One of the best and most detailed sources on the Dutch revolt against Spain

REYD, Everhard van. Oorspronck ende voortganck vande Nederlantsche oorloghen ofte waerachtighe historie vande voornaemste geschiedenissen inde Nederlanden ende elders voorgevallen zedert den jare 1566, tot het jaer 1601, verdeylt in achthien boecken. [engraved title-page:] Historie der Nederlantscher Oorlogen ... tot ... 1601.
Arnhem, Jacob van Biesen, 1633. Folio. With an engraved title-page by Crispijn van de Passe, 25 engraved portraits in the text (including one of the author) and with a woodcut printer's device on the title-page, initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary richly gold-tooled vellum. [22], 791, [8] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Variant issue of an account of the "Landjuweel" of Ghent 1539

[RHETORICIANS]. Spelen va[n] sinne byde[n] .xix. gheconfirmeerden cameren van rhetorijcken binnen der stede van Ghendt comparerende, verthoont, volghende den octroye vander K. Maiesteyt, Grave va[n] Vlaendren, onsen gheduchte[n] Heere, schepenen der selver stede, en[de] camere van rhetorijcke vander heylige drievuldicheyt, gheseyt de fonteynisten, verleent, en[de] der charte uutghesonde[n] op de questie, welck den mensche stervende, meesten troost is: die selve spele[n] beghinnende by ordre, so hier na volcht, de[n] .xii. junij, int jaer m.ccccc.xxxix. En[de] werde[n] volspeelt en[de] gheeyndt, den .xxiii. vanden jare en[de] maent voorsz.
(Colophon: Antwerp, [Matthias Crom], 25 October 1539). 8vo. 18th-century half vellum. [220] ll. Full description
€ 13,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Music, drama, poetry, costumes & heraldic art by Dutch and Flemish rhetoricians,
with 28 engraved illustrations (13 large folding)

HEYNS, Zacharias. Const-thoonende juweel by de loflijcke stadt Haerlem, ten versoecke van trou moet blijcken, in't licht gebracht. Waer inne duydelick verclaert ende verthoont wordt alles wat den mensche mach wecken om den armen te troosten, ende zijnen naesten by te staen. In twaelf spelen van sinne, so veel intreden, refreynen ende liedekens ghestelt in redenrijck naer de volgende voorgegevene caerte van 't speel-korenken.
Zwolle, Zacharias Heyns, 1607. With large emblematic device with the coat of arms of Haarlem on title-page, 2 full-page engravings of raised-platform stages, 13 full-page engraved emblematic devices of the chambers of rhetoric (most including 1 or 2 coats of arms), 13 pages of songs with letterpress music notes, and 13 large folding oblong plates on 2 or more sheets depicting the festive entree of each group of actors from the competing chambers of rhetoric.
(2) [RHETORICIANS - REDERIJKERS - HAARLEM]. Haerlems juweel, tot nut vande oude arme uyt liefden ten thoon ghestelt nae de voorgegevene caerte vant speelcorenken.
Zwolle, Zacharias Heyns, 1608. With a large engraving on title-page, repeated from the first work, a full-page engraved emblematic device of the Flemish chamber of rhetoric, "Het Wit Angelierken" from Haarlem, and large folding oblong plate on 3 sheets depicting the festive entree of the actors of the Flemish chamber of rhetoric. 4to. 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary vellum. [266]; 12 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The Ridderschap in the States of Holland and West-Friesland asks Amsterdam
to spent more money on the defense of the country - an old plea

[STATES OF HOLLAND AND WEST-FRIESLAND]. Circulaire brief, van de Heeren Ridderschap en Edelen, van Hollandt en West-Vrieslant; nevens t antwoort van de Ed. Groot Achtb. Heeren Burgermeesteren en Regeerders der stadt Amsterdam, op de voorsz. Brief.
[Amsterdam,] Jan Cyprianus van der Graft [= Jacobus Hackius?], 1685. 4to. With a woodcut title vignette. Disbound. 24 pp. Full description
€ 250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The best description and history of The Hague

RIEMER, Jacob de. Beschryving van 'sGraven-hage, behelzende deszelfs oorsprong, benaming, gelegentheid, uitbreidingen, onheilen en luister, mitsgaders stigtinge van het hof, der kerken, kloosters, kapellen, godshuizen, en andere voornaame gebouwen...
Delft, Reinier Boitet (part 1); The Hague, Johannes de Cros (part 2), 1730-1739. 2 parts in 3 volumes. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, engraved dedication in volume 1 and 3, and a total of 57 engraved plates, mostly folding. Contemporary red half sheepskin. [38], 509, [3]; [2], 511-756, [2], 759-946, [54]; [12], 289, [3], 293-495, [1], 497-520, [2], 3-78, [20] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The States General accuses Spain of breaking agreements

RUDOLF II, Holy Roman Emperor, and the STATES GENERAL. Brief des Keyserlijcke Majest. van Duytslandt, aende E. Mogende Heeren Staten vande Gheunieerde Provintien gheschreven. Op 't stuck vande Nederlantsche Vredehandeling Midtsgaders d'Antwoort vande voornoemde Heeren Staten ...
[Amsterdam?], 1608. Small 4to. With a woodcut device on the title-page. Disbound. [8] pp. Full description
€ 300
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The only Dutch work on the history of the notarial profession,
including the rare plate depicting notarial seals

SCHELLING, Pieter van der. Histori van het notarisschap, behelzende den oorsprong, 't begin, en den voortgang van het notarisschap, kancellierschap, sekretarisschap, griffierschap, klerkschap, enz. byzonder in de Nederlanden, enz. mitsgaders de Engelsche praktyk, ... Als ook ontrent het koopen, aanneemen, en administreeren; en het verkoopen, en transporteeren van Engelsche effecten; onder andere gevolgd in de Nederlanden...
Rotterdam, Philippus en Jakobus Losel, 1745. 8vo. With the title printed in red and black, a folding engraving of notarial seals, and two decorated woodcut initials. Contemporary parchmen. [74], 746, [75], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of an account of Tsar Peter's visits to the Dutch Republic, with 3 plates

SCHELTEMA, Jacobus. Peter de Groote, keizer van Rusland in Holland en Zaandam in 1697 en 1717.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Gartman, 1814. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 engraved title-pages showing a portrait of Peter the Great, 1 letterpress title-page and 2 half-titles, and 3 engraved plates. Mid-19th-century tree calf, each board with a gold-tooled fillets, gold-tooled spine and board edges, antique spot marbled endpapers, green ribbon markers. XXVI, 339; [2], XXXI, [1 blank], 328 pp. plus engraved titles and plates. Full description
€ 1,500
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Compilation of 15th- and 16th-century historical texts on the Netherlands

SCRIVERIUS, Petrus. Batavia illustrata, seu de Batavorum insula, Hollandia, Zelandia, Frisia, territorio Traiectensi et Gelria, scriptores varii notae melioris, nunc primùm collecti, simulqùe editi.
Leiden, Lodewijk Elzevier [printed by Jan Paets Jacobszoon], 1609. 4to (19.5 x 14 cm). With many woodcut illustrations in text. Early 18th-century calf, richly gold-tooled spine with a red title-label and the crowned monogram of the Duke de La Force and the Dukes coat of arms in gold on the sides (probably of a later date). [8], 232, 56 184, 40 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A chronicle of Spanish atrocities in the Low Countries ca. 1556-1609, with 40 detailed engravings

[SPANISH TYRANNY]. Warachtighe beschrijvinghe ende levendighe afbeeldinghe vande meer dan onmenschelijcke ende barbarische tyrannije bedreven by de Spaengiaerden inde Nederlandes: onder de regieringen van den Keyser Carel V. Philips II. en Philips III. Coningen van Spaengien. [Half-title:] De onmenschelicke, barbarische, en grouwelijcke tyerannije der Spangniaerden in Nederlandt.
[Northern Netherlands (Amsterdam?)], [printed by Barent Otsz.?], 1621. Oblong 4to (18 x 22 cm). With an integral engraved frontispiece (15.5 x 20 cm, with 1 large and 3 small views of Spanish atrocities), letterpress title-page with a small bear as ornament (a mounted casting made from a woodcut), 36 full-page engraved city views on integral leaves showing Spanish atrocities (plate size about 13.5 x 16.5 cm, irregularly numbered 3 to 236 and not quite in numerical order), each with a 4-line Latin caption engraved in 2 columns, and 3 engraved portraits on integral leaves (plate size 14 x 12.5 cm). Early 18th-century vellum, sewn on 3 vellum tapes laced through the joints. [8], 278 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare German translation of Speelman's expedition against the Kingdom of Makassar

[SPEELMAN, Cornelis Janszoon]. Journal, oder kurtze Erzehlung des Anfangs, Fort- und Aussgangs des Krieges, welcher zwischen dem König und mehrerer Regierunge des Reichs Macassar und der Oost-Indischen Compagnie der Vereinigten Niederlanden in den Jahren 1666, 1668 und 1669 geführet worden.
Hamburg, Gottfried Schulken, 1670. 4to. Disbound, preserving the original endpapers. [18] ll. Full description
€ 3,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A prosecutors enquiry into the traumatic 1796 Dutch capitulation
at Saldanha Bay near the Cape of Good Hope

SPOORS, Jakob. Rapport van Jakob Spoors, als fiscaal van den Hoogen Zee-krygsraad, omtrend het gedrag van den capitein Engelbertus Lucas en verdere commandanten der schepen behoord hebbende tot het esquader in den jaare 1796. Naar de Oost-Indien gedestineerd; benevens de resolutie en sententie ten deze door den Hoogen Zee Krygsraad genomen en geslagen.
The Hague, 's Lands-Drukkery, 1798. 8vo. With the woodcut great seal of the Batavian Republic - the French-dominated republican government of the Netherlands from 1795 to 1806 - on the title-page (an allegorical female figure representing Freedom, with spear and freedom hat and with her hand on a book on a stand, next to the Dutch lion holding a Dutch flag). Modern blue cloth, title in gold on spine, new endpapers. [2], 151, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Specification of the cease-fire with Spain

[STATES GENERAL - COPYE]. Copye vande Brieven der Heeren Generale Staten vande Gheunieerde Provintien. Gheschreven aen den Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, ofte haere E. Ghecommitteerde Raden. Inhoudende de Limiten hoe verre den Stilstandt van Wapenen te Water ende te Lande is streckende.
Delft, Jan Andriesz., [1607/08]. Small 4to. With a woodcut rampant lion holding a sword within a garden fence (symbolizing the Dutch Republic) surrounded by a wreath, and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern plain paper wrappers. [4] pp. Full description
€ 400
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A laudatory poem for the stadholder Willem IV, celebrating the re-establishment of a stadholder for the Dutch Republic

STRAAT, Pieter. D'Oranjeboom verheerlykt [above:] Geslachtboom van de huizen van Oranje en van Nassau, ...
(Colophon: Amsterdam, Hendrik de Leth), [1747]. 4to. With an engraved armorial title-page by Hendrik de Leth, with the subtitle in a banderol at the head, a crowned tree representing the family tree of the houses of Orange and Nassau (with 27 family coats of arms), a wreath with an orange tree, the 7 arms of the Dutch provinces and military attributes, the whole beautifully hand-coloured as published. Contemporary gold-tooled calf, by the Van Damme bindery in Amsterdam, a rosette and fillets in each of the spine compartments, gold-tooled board edges, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. Engraved title-page plus [17], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The first great international investment fraud & scandal,
including 10 very rare broadsheets with woodcut illustrations

[TAFEREEL DER DWAASHEID]. [Collection of satirical plates and illustrated poems related to Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid].
-11 very rare broadsheets, each of the first 10 with a satirical poem and 1 or more woodcut illustrations, the last with a verse by Joost van den Vondel and an engraved illustration.
[Netherlands, ca. 1720] (items 1-10); Rotterdam, Pieter vander Veer, 1721 (item 11). 1mo. Modern green half cloth.
-8 engraved prints with letterpress text by Jan de Ridder.
[Netherlands, ca. 1720]. Folio. Modern green half cloth.
-45 engraved satirical plates (including 2 made up of 4 separate prints each, and with a duplicate plate).
[Netherlands, ca. 1721]. Various formats. Each in passepartout.
-12 separate prints (a few with letterpress text) and 2 copies of an engraved map in 2 parts, showing the coast of South America and the South Sea.
[Netherlands, ca. 1721]. Various formats.
The whole kept together in a large 20th-century green half cloth portfolio (50×70 cm). Full description
€ 17,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important treaty between France and the Dutch Republic on free trade and tariffs

[TREATY - FRANCE & THE DUTCH REPUBLIC]. Traité de commerce, navigation & marine, fait, conclu & arrêté a Versailles le 21 Decembre de lan 1739, entre sa Majesté Tres-Chretienne, & les Seigneurs Etats Generaux des Provinces Unies du Pais-Bas.
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1740 4to. With the woodcut printer's device of Scheltus and a woodcut initial. 19th-century brown wrappers. 43 pp. Full description
€ 750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important treaty between France and the Dutch Republic on free trade and tariffs

[FRANCE & THE DUTCH REPUBLIC - TREATY]. Tractaat van commercie, navigatie en marine gemaakt, geslooten en vastgestelt to Versailles den 21 December 1739. Tusschen Syne Majesteit van Vrankryk, en de Heeren Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden.
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1740. 4to. With the woodcut printer's device of Scheltus and a woodcut initial.19th-century brown wrappers. 43 pp. Full description
€ 225
Order Inquire Terms of sale

King William III of Orange victorious

[TRONCHIN DE BREUIL, Jean]. Relation de la Campagne de Flandre, et du Siege de Namur, en l'année 1695.
The Hague, Henry van Bulderen, 1696. Folio. With the title-page in red and black, with 4 folding engraved maps and plans of the Namur region and of the fortifications of the city of Namur (plate size ca. 58 x 44 cm), by Nicolaas Visscher II (= Claes Claesz. Visscher (1618-1709)) after designs by Ottmar Elliger the younger, a large arabesque tailpiece on the title-page and a different one at the end, and one woodcut decorated initial. Contemporary half roan (sheepskin). 61, [1 blank) pp. Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A Swiss warning against Spain on the threshold of the Twelve Years' Truce

[TWELVE YEARS' TRUCE]. Generale vermaninghe aenden Switseren. Streckende tot harer behoudenisse ende besten, tegen de beroerten ende peryckelen deses jeghenwoordighen tijts.
Middelburg, for Adriaen vanden Vivre, 1608. 4to. Woodcut illustration on title: a head of a cow with a banderolle withy the coat-of-arms of the Swiss cantons braided in its horns. Disbound. [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 300
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A banned pamphlet on Dutch colonization and trade in America

[USSELINCX, Willem]. Naerder bedenckingen, over de zee-vaerdt, coophandel ende neeringhe, als mede de versekeringhe vanden staet deser vereenichde landen, inde teghenwoordighe vrede-handelinghe met den Coninck van Spangnien ende de aerts-hertoghen.
[Amsterdam], 1608 Small 4to (18.5 x 14 cm). With a woodcut arabesque ornament on the title-page and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern pink paper wrappers. [36] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Interesting insights into the financial position of many eminent and noble Utrecht families

[UTRECHT - BANKING]. [Account book of the banking house and stockbrokers firm Vlaer & Kol at Utrecht, for the years 1818-1821].
[Utrecht, 1818-1821]. Folio. Contemporary parchment over boards, sewn on 4 vellum tapes, formerly laced through the joints, spine lettered in ink: "FU" and later in pencil: "1819". [24], 185 ll. Full description
€ 4,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Unique printed and manuscript documents of fishery and the fish trade in Veere,
together in contemporary wrappers

[VEERE - FISHERY]. Nieuwe ordonnantie doen maaken, en emaneren by burgemeesters en regeerders der stadt Vere. Op den visch-tol, afslag der visch, en wat verder daar toe zyn relatie is hebbende.
[Middelburg], Suenonius Mandelgreen, [24 December 1746].
(2) Ordonnantie op den afslag der Verschen visch, binnen de stadt Vere, gelyk mede op den pligt van den keurmeester en den afslager.
Middelburg, widow of Jakobus Pauwelsen, [6 July 1754, published 25 July].
(3) Ordonnantie op den afslag der Verschen visch, binnen de stad Vere.
Vere, Chrristiaan Hendrik Held, [18 May 1771].
(4) [MANUSCRIPT]. Extract uit de notulen van weth[ouders] en raad der stad Vere.
[Veere?], [18 July 1772-19 June 1773, 7 April 1787].
(5) Reglement voor die van de haven der stad Vere ter vis-vangst vaaren.
Middelburg, Adriaan de Vin, [1 June 1774].
With a woodcut Veere coat of arms on the title-page of each of the 4 printed ordinances (3 different blocks). 5 items in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary marbled wrapper backed with plain paper. 12; [1, 1 blank], 21, [1 blank]; 22; [8, 4 blank]; 9, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Plea for concord after years of religious quarrels and disputes (with book burning symbolizing tolerance!)

[VELDE, Jan II van de, and Jan Jansz. STARTER]. AMNH∑TIA ofte Vergetelheyd. Vermanende inwoonders der Vereenighde Nederlanden tot eendracht ende vergetelheyd van al de bitterheden, die onder de naem van Remonstranten, Arminianen, &c. in hare gheherberght zijn geweest ende noch souden moghen wesen.
[Utrecht, Jan Amelisz., 1623]. Oblong 1mo (full sheet) broadside. Etched print (plate size 19.5 x 26 cm) with letterpress text on paper. Mounted on a paper support. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Anti-Spanish tract from the Eighty-Years' War

[VERHEYDEN, Willem]. Nootelijcke Consideratien die alle goede Liefhebbers des Vaderlandts behooren rijpelijc te overweghen, opten voorgheslaghen Tractate van Peys met den Spagniaerden.
[Amsterdam?], 1608. Small 4to. With a large oval woodcut decoration (white-line arabesque) on the title-page and one woodcut tailpiece. Disbound. [16] pp. Full description
€ 400
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Three "attestaties de vita" (life certificates) for a single employer who served the Dutch (1805),
French (1811) and British (1814) governments of the East Indies

VERMEULEN, Adriaan Theodoor. [Three original manuscript documents (Attestaties de Vita)]
Serambang & Soerabaya (Indonesia) , 1805, 1811 & 1814. Folio & 4to. Three manuscript certificates, written in ink on paper, folded. 1; 1; 1 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Skilful engraving of the execution of the conspirators in the failed attempt to assassinate the Dutch Stadholder Maurits of Nassau, Prince of Orange

VISSCHER, Claes Jansz. Justitie over enige Arminiaensche verraders, geschiet in s'Gravenhaech.
[Amsterdam, Claes Jansz. Visscher, 1623]. Engraved print (26.5 x 32 cm) mounted on a large sheet of 18th-century(?) laid paper (50.5 x 33 cm), with manuscript text in three columns with the title: Cort verhaal ende waerachtige afbeeldinge der justitie geschiet in s'Gravenhage, over seeker, conspirateurs, diens conspiratie deur Gods voorsienigheid ontdekt is den 6e. February 1623. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The VOC terms of employment, published in response to staff shortages in the 18th century

[VOC - ARTICLES - TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT]. Artikel-brief van de Geoctroyeerde Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, by de hoog mogende heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, den vierden september, 1742, gearresteert. Met de veranderingen daar in gemaakt by resolutie 11 october 1747.
Amsterdam, Wed. J. van Egmont en Zoon, [1747]. Folio. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page and 2 decorated woodcut initials in the text. Contemporary half vellum. [2], [2 blank], 53, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

On the rights to and commitments of inheritances of deceased employees of the Dutch East India Company

[VOC - CHARTER]. Octroy bij haar Mogende verleend aan de Oostindische Compagnie dezer landen op t Regt van de Successien Ab intestato in Oost Indien, en op de reyse gints en herrewaarts in dato 10e Januarij 1661.
[Amsterdam], [Johannes Allart], [1661?]. Folio. Disbound, folded. 5, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A plea for merging the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Dutch West India Company (WIC)

[VOC & WIC]. Ooghen-salve tot verlichtinghe, van alle participanten, so vande Oost, ende West-Indische Compaignien, mitsgaders verscheyden notabele consideratien, aengaande de Vereeninghe van de Oost- ende-[!] West-Indische Compaignien, met malkanderen.
The Hague, "Lieven de Lange" [Ludolph Breeckevelt?], April 1644. Small 4to. With a woodcut factotum opening the text and a square decoration built up from typographic acorns and ornaments on the title-page. Modern half red faux snakeskin. 35, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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An urgent call for the merger of the Dutch East and West India Companies

[VOC - WIC - MERGER]. Twee deductien, aen-gaende de vereeninge van d'Oost ende West-Indische Compagnien, aen de ... Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, vande West-Indische Compagnie, over-gelevert.
The Hague, Jan Veely, 1644 Small 4to. With a woodcut on the title-page showing a Dutch ship in full sail. Reddish-brown wove paper back wrapper (ca. 1900?). 21, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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A passionate plea for the merger of the Dutch East and West India Companies

[VOC - WIC - MERGER]. Schaede die den staet der Vereenichde Nederlanden, en dinghesetenen van dien, is aenstaende, by de versuymenisse van d'Oost en West-Indische negotie onder een octroy en societeyt te begrijpen.
The Hague, Jan Vreely, 1644. Small 4to. Flexible boards. 51, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Against stock jobbing, stock manipulating and other abuses
relating to the trade in shares (actiën) of the Dutch West and East India Companies

[VOC - WIC - SHARES FRAUD]. Relaes en contradictie op de motiven, om het koopen en verkoopen van Oost- en West-Indische actien, die niet getransporteert werden, ende optie partyen te beswaeren met eeen impost by de Heer Nicolaes Muys van Holy, advocaet tot Amsterdam, onwetende voorgestelt, en daer en boven getoont waer in waerlyyk Hollants intrest en welvaren bestaende is.
[Amsterdam or Rotterdam?, 1687]. 4to. Later decorated paper wrappers. 16 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Regarding the death of the Dutch stadtholder as fortunate and suggesting the former governor of Dutch Brazil as his successor

[WIC - BRAZIL - WILLIAM II PRINCE OF ORANGE - POLITICS]. I. [= Eerste] conferentie van eenige Nederlandtsche heeren. Op den tegenwoordigen staet deser landen.
Middelburg, Jan de Laet, 1650. Small 4to (19.5 x 15 cm). 20th-century half vellum. [34] pp. Full description
€ 950
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1674 Charter of the Dutch West India Company, completely different from those in earlier years

[WIC - CHARTER]. Octroy, by de ... Staten Generael, verleent aen de West-Indische Compagnie, in date den twintighsten September sesthien hondert vier en tseventigh.
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, printer to the States General, 1674. 4to. With a woodcut on the title-page. Sewn through 4 holes. 36 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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1621 charter granted to the Dutch West India Company (WIC) by the States General second edition with important additions of 1622 and 1623

[WIC - CHARTER - STATES GENERAL]. Octroy, by de Hooghe Mogende Heeren Staten Generael, verleent aende West-Indische Compagnie in date den derden Junii 1621. Mette ampliatien van dien, ende het accoort tusschen de bewint-hebberen ende hooft-participanten ...
The Hague, widow (Machteld Aelbrechtsdr. van Leuningen) and heirs of Hillebrant Jacobsz. van Wouw, printers to the States General, 1623. 4to. With a woodcut on the title-pagel. Half parchment (late 19th-century?). [32] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Extremely rare pamphlet designed to reassure potential investors in the Dutch West India Company

[WIC - COPYE]. Copye. van seker articulen beraemt inde vergaderinghe vande bewindthebberen, ende gecommitteerde der hooft-participanten vande West-Indische Compagnie, binnen Amsterdam.
[Amsterdam?], 1623. Small 4to. Sewn through 2 holes in a modern (ca. 1900?) reddish-brown paper wrapper. [8] pp. Full description
€ 750
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False Zwolle imprint presenting factional disputes in Deventer

[WIJLICK, Joan van?]. Den oprechten onvervalsten Deventersen waersegger. Vertoont in een t samen-spraek tusschen twee burgeren der stadt Deventer, namentlick: Jan Capelle, en Pont-Keersen Arent.
Zwolle [or Amsterdam?], printed by "Anthony Korf-Uyle in de Rouserijck, naest 't Over-ysselsche Uylen-Nest" [Israël de Paull?], 1673. 4to. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page (triangular, with fruits and flowers). 19th-century decorated wrappers. 24 pp. Full description
€ 275
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Decree signed by Dutch Stadholder and future English King William III

[MANUSCRIPT]. WILLIAM III, Prince of Orange. [Decree granting a salary to Johan Theodor, Baron of Friesheim, as chief bailiff and state prosecutor in 's-Hertogenbosch].
The Hague, 2 April 1681. Folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). Written in brown ink on paper, with the armorial seal of William of Orange stamped on a decorative paper cut-out over red wax. [1], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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William the Good, Count of Holland sentences the rich bailiff of South-Holland to death
for taking a poor farmers excellent cow

[WILLIAM III, Count of Holland]. [SILLEMANS, Experiens?]. Justitie van Willem de Goede Grave van Holl[and]. etc. over de[n] Bailju van Zuyt-Hollant.
Amsterdam, Hugo Allard the elder, [ca. 1660/80?]. Broadside (40 x 50.5 cm). An engraved print with extensive engraved texts in Dutch, the central scene (33.5 x 30.5 cm) flanked by 6 smaller scenes, with the title above the central scene, 2 verse couplets below each smaller scene and the story in prose in the foot of the engraving. Full description
€ 495
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Commemorating the Orangist revolution of 1747, with the rare continuation

[WILLIAM IV, Prince of Orange]. Haga Comitis illustrata; of het verheelykt en verligt 's Gravenhage: bestaende in eene naeuwkeurige verzameling van ... afbeeldingen, der aldaer te zien en geillumineerd geweest zynde decoratien en zinnebeelden, benevens de verdere vreugde-bedryven en illuminatien, ter geleegenheid der allerheughelykste verkiezinge, proclamatie en installatie van ... Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
The Hague, Anthoni de Groot and sons, 1751. With title-page printed in red and black with woodcut arms of William IV, first page of the dedication printed in red and black (including a woodcut initial printed in red) with a large engraved armorial headpiece, 2 engravings in text, each showing the front and back of a medallion, and 116 engraved illustrations on 16 leaves.
With: (2) Nette afbeelding en ampele beschryving der eere-poorten, opgerecht by de blyde te rug komst van .... Willem Karel Hendrik Friso ... uyt Zeeland, en deszelfs intreede in 's Gravenhage, op den 6 juny 1747.
The Hague, heirs of Anthoni de Groot, 1766. Title-page with the woodcut arms of William IV, and 37 numbered illustrations on 10 engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume. 1mo (49 x 38 cm). Contemporary boards, spine lined with cloth. [4], 24; [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Commemorating the Orangist revolution of 1747

[WILLIAM IV, Prince of Orange]. Haga Comitis illustrata; of het verheelykt en verligt 's Gravenhage: bestaende in eene naeuwkeurige verzameling van ... afbeeldingen, der aldaer te zien en geillumineerd geweest zynde decoratien en zinnebeelden, benevens de verdere vreugde-bedryven en illuminatien, ter geleegenheid der allerheughelykste verkiezinge, proclamatie en installatie van ... Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
The Hague, Anthoni de Groot and sons, 1751. With title-page printed in red and black with woodcut arms of William IV, first page of the dedication printed in red and black (including a woodcut initial printed in red) with a large engraved armorial headpiece, 2 engravings in text, each showing the front and back of a medallion, and 116 engraved illustrations on 16 leaves. Contemporary half calf. [4], 24 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Four extremely rare broadsides with elegies on the death of Willem IV, Prince of Orange

[WILLIAM IV of Orange]. MEIJER, Jan. Billyke traanen, uitgestort op het overlyden van zyne doorluchtigste hoogheid Wilhem Carel Hendrik Friso.
Amsterdam, Theodorus Crajenschot, 1751. 1mo broadside (53 x 39 cm). With an engraved mortuary vignette.
(2) OMMERING, Adriaan van. Op het schielyk afsterven van zyne doorluchtige hoogheid Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
Amsterdam, Andries & Jacobus Stanhoffius, 1751. 1mo broadside (49 x 33 cm).
(3) KLOEKHOF, Cornelis Albertus. Treurzang op het afsterven van syne doorlugtigste hoogheyd Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
Utrecht, Nicolaas van Vucht, 1751. 1mo broadside (52.5 x 39 cm).
(4) Op het allersmartelykste en voor den lande allerdroevigst afsterven van zyne doorluchtige hoogheid Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
Amsterdam, Antoni Waldorp, [1751]. 1mo broadside (52 x 38 cm). Full description
€ 1,850
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Triumphal entry of Stadtholder Willem III (the future King William III of England)
into The Hague on 8 December 1673

[HOECKWATER, Crispyn]. [WILLIAM III OF ORANGE (subject)]. Verhael van het gepasseerde over het geluckigh arrivement van Sijn Hoogheydt den Heere Prince van Orange, alhier in Den Hage op den achtsten December 1673. des avondts ende den volgenden dagh voor-gevallen. Midtsgaders overdenckinge van de voorledene en jegenwoordige tijdt.
[The Hague], [Crispyn Hoeckwater?], [1673]. 4to. Disbound. 7, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 225
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French translation of government regulations for the Dutch East Indies, published in Semarang, Indonesia

WINCKEL, Christiaan Philip Karel. Essai sur les principes régissant l'administration de la justice aux Indes Orientales Hollandaises surtout dans les îles de Java et Madoura et leur application.
Semarang, G.C.T van Dorp; Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1880. 8vo. With an original sepia-toned photographic print of a session of the local (indigenous) court on Java and a lithographed folding map of the Dutch East Indies by the widow and sons of E. Spanier in The Hague. Half red sheepskin with blue decorated paper sides, gold-tooled spine, red sprinkled edges. XII, 315, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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