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Americas / South America

The book that opened America

ACOSTA, José de. Historie naturael ende morael van de Westersche Indien.
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz. Meyn (colophon: Haarlem, printed by Gillis Rooman), 1598. 8vo. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page. Vellum (ca. 1700?). [7], 398, [8] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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Exploring the Amazon River from Quito to the east with the extremely rare map

ACUÑA, Cristóbal Diatristán de. Relation de la Riviere des Amazones traduite par feu Mr de Gomberville de l'Académie Françoise. Avec un dissertation sur la riviere des Amazones pour servir de preface.
Paris, Claude Barbin, 1682. 4 parts in 2 volumes. 12mo. With a folding engraved map of the Amazon River. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. 199, [1; 4], 218; 238, [2 blank]; 206 pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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Accounts of two synods held in Santiago, Chile, in 1688 and 1763

ALDAY Y ASPEE (AZPEE), Manuel de. Synodo Diocesana, ...
Lima, Oficina de la Calle de la Encarnacion, 1764. With the half-title and title-page printed in red and black, the latter in a red and black ornamented border built up from cast fleurons, each page with the text, running heads and shoulder notes in frames of thick-thin rules, a woodcut headpiece and woodcut decorated initial.
With: (2) CARRASCO Y SAAVEDRA, Bernardo. Synodo diocesana, con la carta pastoral convocatoria para ella: y otra, en orden a la paga de los diezmos.
Lima, Imprenta Real, 1764. With the title-page printed in red, green and black in a border of fleurons and other typographical elements also printed in red, green and black. With each page in a frame of rules and fleurons, woodcut tailpieces and decorated initials, numerous headpieces and other decorations built up from cast fleurons. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary overlapping limp sheepskin parchment. [8], 170, [26]; [14], 168 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Very rare thesis on nephritis, printed and published in Rio de Janeiro

ALMEIDA MARTINS COSTA, Domingos de. Do diagnostico das diversas formas clinicas do mal de Bright - These de concurso ...
Rio de Janeiro, Typographia Academica, 1879. 8vo. With 2 woodcut illustrations and a full-page letterpress table of medical data. 20th-century marbled boards. [4], 94 pp. Full description
€ 875
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Great history of the Portuguese colonial empire in South America, India, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa

ANDRADA, Francisco d'. Chronica do muyto alto e muyto poderoso Rey destes reynos de Portugal Dom João o III deste nome, ...
Coimbra, Real officina da universidade, 1796. 4 volumes. 4to. With a woodcut royal Portuguese coat of arms on title-page of each volume. Contemporary plain paper wrappers. VIII, I-XV, [1 blank], 385, [1 blank]; [4], XIX, [1 blank], 565 [=465], [1 blank]; [4], XX, 452; Full description
€ 2,500
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The first and “most sought after” edition of the most popular maritime travel account of the 18th century

ANSON, George and Richard WALTER and/or Benjamin ROBINS (ed.). A voyage round the world, in the years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV.
London, printed for the author, by John and Paul Knapton, 1748. Large 4to. With 42 engraved plates, maps and plans, all but one folding. Bound by Marcus Ward & Co. (founded 1833), with their bookbinder's label on the front paste-down, in 19th-century calf, gold-tooled and blind-tooled frame on both boards, gold-tooled spine with red morocco spine label with title in gold, gold-tooled board edges, blind-tooled turn-ins, red edges, blue ribbon marker. [1], [1 blank], [32], [1 blank], 417, [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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On the famous voyage of Captain Louis Freycinet

ARAGO, Jacques Etienne Victor. Souvenirs d'un aveugle, voyage autour du monde. Ouvrage enrichi de soixante dessins et de notes scientifiques.
Paris, Hortet and Ozanne, 1839. 4 volumes. 8vo. With 2 engraved portraits, of Jacques and François Arago, and 60 full-page lithographed plates, all after drawings by the author. Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spines. [4], 400; [4], 423 [1 blank]; [4], 399, [1 blank]; [4], 451, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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In defence of the Chilean founding father Bernardo O'Higgins, printed in Lima

ASCENCIO, Juan [=José Joaquin de MORA]. Acusacion pronunciada ante el Tribunal de Jurados de Lima contra el "Alcance al Mercurio Peruano" publicado por D. Carlos Rodriguez, y denunciado por el Gran Maríscal del Peru D. Bernardo O'Higgins.
Lima, imprenta de Masias, 1833. 4to. 20th-century marbled boards. [2], VIII, 133, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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Presentation copy by the author

AVEZAC-MACAYA, Armand D'. Considérations géographiques sur l'histoire du Brésil. Examen critique d'une nouvelle histoire générale du Brésil recemment publiée en portugais a Madrid par M. François-Adolphe de Varnhagen chargé d'affaires du Brésil en Espagne. Rapport fait à la société de géographie de Paris dans ses séances des 1er Mai et 5 Juin 1857.
Paris, L. Marinet, 1857. 8vo. With 2 folding maps. Modern gold-tooled red half morocco, marbled boards, preserving the printed wrappers. [4], 271, [1] pp. Full description
€ 600
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“to this day a major source of information about the land and peoples of Paraguay and Río de la Plata”

AZARA, Félix Manuel de. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale, ... depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801; contenant la description géographique, politique et civile du Paraguay et de la rivière de La Plata; ...
Paris, Dentu, 1809. 8vo (4 text volumes) and folio (1 atlas volume). With 3 folding tables and 25 engraved maps, plans, views and plates of animals and birds. Modern black half calf, gold-tooled spine. LX, 389; [4], 388-562; [4], II, 479; [4], 380 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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First edition of the magnificent work on the Dutch colony of Brazil,
the folio edition, complete with all plates and maps

BARLAEUS, Caspar. Rerum per Octennium in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum.
Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1647. Folio. With an engraved title-page, an engraved portrait of Johan Maurits van Nassau, 25 double-page engraved maps and plans, and 31 double-page engraved plates. Further with a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Contemporary vellum, upper cover ruled in blind with blind-stamped floral vignette in center. [12, including title-page, frontispiece and portrait], 340, [8] pp. Full description
€ 36,500
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Biography of the well-known martyr Ignacio de Azevedo

BEAUVAIS, Gilles-François. La vie du venerable pere Ignace Azevedo, de la Compagnie de Jesus. L'histoire de son martyre, & de celui de trente-neuf autres de la même Compagnie. Le tout tiré des procès-verbaux dressés pour leur canonisation. Dédiée au Roi de Pologne.
Paris, Hippolyte-Louis Guerin, 1744. 12mo. With engraved armorial headpiece above the dedication to King Stanislaus I of Poland. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, gold fillets on board edges. XLIII, [5], 300 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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First edition of a richly illustrated account of Surinam

BENOIT, Pierre Jacques. Voyage a Surinam. Description des possessions néerlandaises dans la Guyane.
Brussels, De Wasme & Laurent (back of half-title: Imprimerie de Societé des Beaux-Arts), 1839. Folio (47.5 x 31 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece, a small wood-engraved illustration on the title-page, and 99 tinted lithographed illustrations on 49 plates. Contemporary half black morocco, black cloth sides, gold-tooled spine. [4], 1-69, [3], 75-76, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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"on pesche les perles ... dans le Golfe Persique, principalement ... aupres de Baroyn [= Bahrain]"

BERQUEN, Robert de. Les merveilles des Indes Orientales et Occidentales, ou Nouveau traitté des pierres precieuses & perles, ...
Paris, Christophe Lambin, 1661. 4to. With an engraved portrait of Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans facing the dedication. Contemporary gold-tooled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled sides. [12], 112 pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Dutch voyage through the Pacific looking for commercial opportunities

BOELEN, Jacobus. Reize naar de oost- en westkust van Zuid-Amerika, en, van daar, naar de Sandwichs- en Philippijnsche eilanden, China enz. gedaan, in de jaren 1826, 1827, 1828 en 1829. Met het koopvaardijschip Wilhelmina en Maria.
Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Vries, 1835-1836. 3 volumes. 8vo. With a different view on each of the 3 engraved title-pages, by Dirk Sluyter, 5 folding lithographed maps by Daniel Veelwaard (1 hand coloured in outline), 8 lithographed views (3 folding) by Desgerrois & Co., and 6 hand-coloured engraved plates by Dirk Sluyter, mostly of costumes. Modern black half sheepskin. [4], X, 379, [1]; VIII, 445, [3]; VIII, 396, [4] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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The important letters from Japan, 1625-1627 in the first and only edition in French

BONELLI, Jean-Baptist & Jean VIREAU (ed. & translator). Histoire de ce qui s'est passé au royaume du Japon, es annees 1625. 1626. & 1627.
Paris, Sebastian Cramoisy, 1633. 8vo. With woodcut printer's device of Cramoisy on the title, several woodcut headpieces. Beautiful 19th-century green morocco, spine richly gilt in compartments, with title lettered in gold, triple gilt lines along the edges of both covers, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, gilt edges. [7] 1 blank, 465 (=485) pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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1602 edition of Botero's pioneering physical and political geography of the world,
with 4 maps of the continents by Girolamo Porro

BOTERO, Giovanni. Le relationi universali . . ., divise in quattro parti . . . Nuovamente ristampate, & corrette.
Venice, Nicolo Polo & Comp., 1602. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. General title-page and 3 part-titles, all 4 with the same woodcut device (sun in scrollwork cartouche), 4 folding engraved maps (ca. 25×18.5 cm) showing Europe, Asia (including Japan), Africa and the Americas, by Girolamo Porro. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [32], 240; [20], 152; 183, [9]; [16], 79 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Official record of an important French circumnavigation around the world

BOUGAINVILLE, Hyacinthe-Yves-Philippe POTENTIEN, Baron de. Journal de la navigation autour du globe de la frégate la Thétis et de la corvette l'Espérance pendant les années 1824, 1825 et 1826.
Paris, Impr. De Rignoux for Arthus Bertrand, 1837. 2 text volumes (4to) and 1 atlas volume (folio: 545 x 350 mm). With 34 full-page lithographed views and costume plates, 12 hand-coloured, full-page engraved plates, a double-page, hand-coloured aquatint, 7 engraved maps (1 folding, 6 double-page), 2 double-page plates, and few steel-engraved illustrations in the text. Later three-quarter red morocco. VIII, 742; XVI, 351, 165, [3] pp. Full description
€ 45,000
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Important treatise on the legal and political status of the Dutch Republic

[BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius]. Commentariolus de statu confoederatarum provinciarum Belgii. Editio sexta auctior & emendatior. Accessit de eadem materia Pauli Merulae Diatriba. Nec non Decretum Ordd. Holl. & West-Frisiae, De antiquo iure Reip. Batavicae.
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq for Johannes Vlacq, 1668. 12mo. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, boards and board edges, gilt edges. [12], 202 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Crossing the Atlantic between France and Brazil in the 19th-century: a manuscript decree detailing the establishment of an ocean liner service

[BRAZIL]. D'ORLEANS, Louis-Philippe. [MANUSCRIPT]. Ordonnance du Roi qui prescrit la publication de la convention relative à l'établissement d'un service de paquebots à vapeur entre la France et le Brésil.
Neuilly, 21 May 1844. Small folio (31.5 x 20 cm). Written in French in a very neat calligrapher's cursive. Sewn through 2 holes with a blue ribbon, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Extremely rare Brazilian royal pamphlet concerning the lack of justice in Pernambuco

[BRAZIL - MARIA I QUEEN OF PORTUGAL]. [Drop-title:] Eu o principe regente faço saber aos que este meu Alvará com força de lei virem: que sendo-Me presente a falta de Administração de justiça, que ha nas Villas, e Julgados do interior da Comarca de Pernambuco ...
Rio de Janeiro, Na impressão Regia, 15 January 1810. With a (woodcut?) decorated initial. Modern mottled (faux-) leather. [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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Unrecorded issue of a decree by José I, King of Portugal, concerning the Romani people in Brazil at the end of the 18th century

[BRAZIL - ROMANI PEOPLE - JOSÉ I, King of Portugal]. [Drop title:] Eu Elrei. Faço saber aos que este alvará de lei virem, que sendo-me presente que os siganos, que deste reino tem ido degradados para o estado do Brazil, vivem tanto á disposição da sua vontade, que usando dos seus prejudiciaes costumes ...
[Lisbon], Na Officina de Antonio Rodrigues Galhardo, [after 26 January 1761]. Folio (ca. 28.5 x 18.5 cm). With a large decorated woodcut initial "E" incorporating the Portuguese royal coat-of-arms. Disbound. [4] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Two accounts of Dutch voyages to Chile and Japan

BROUWER, Hendrik. Journael ende historis verhael van de reyse gedaen by oosten de Straet Le Maire, naer de custen van Chili ... inden jare 1643 voor gevallen.
Including: [VRIES, Maerten Gerritsz.]. Als mede een beschryvinghe van het eylandt Eso, ghelegen ontrent dertigh mylen van het machtigh Rijcke van Japan ... soo als eerst in 't selvige jaer door het schip Castricum bezeylt is.
Amsterdam, Broer Jansz., 1646. 4to. With 2 folding engraved maps and a folding engraved plate. Modern wrappers, in cloth clamshell box. 104 pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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Very rare, large map of North and South America,
showing the political developments of the 1820s and 30s

BRUÉ, Adrien Hubert. Nouvelle carte de l'Amerique meridionale, et des îles qui en dépendent ...
Including: (2) BRUÉ, Adrien Hubert. Nouvelle carte de l'Amerique septentrionale, du Groënland et des îles qui en dépendent.
Paris, chez Mme Vve Brue, rue des Maçons-Sorbonne, 1834-1835. All maps ca. 93 x 65 cm. With 8 large, folding, cloth-backed maps. The maps are housed in a contemporary folder of purple paste paper, which is housed in contemporary slipcase of gold-tooled brown calf on the edges, with the author and title lettered in gold on the spine, and purple paste paper sides. [8] maps. Full description
€ 8,500
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Rare Dutch translation of a work on Spanish America, with 4 maps

CAMPBELL, John. De tegenwoordige staat der volken van het Spaansche ryk in Amerika, met een byzonder verhaal, van den koophandel uit Oud-Spanje, met de galjoenen, flota, &c.; en van den verboden handel der Hollanders, Engelschen, Franschen, Deenen en Portugezen, in de West-Indiën.
Amsterdam, Bernardus Mourik, [ca. 1745 or ca. 1748]. 8vo. With 4 folding engraved maps, showing the city and harbours of Veracruz, Havana, Portobelo and Cartagena. Contemporary red half sheepskin (roan). [8], 328 pp. Full description
€ 1,200
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Rare contemporary biography of the last emperor of Brazil

CAMPOS, Joaquim Pinto de. O Senhor D. Pedro II imperador do Brasil, biographia.
Porto, typographia Pereira da Silva, 1871. 8vo. With a small portrait (5.5 x 9 cm) of the emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II, pasted on a separately inserted leaf before the title-page. The original orange publisher's printed paper wrappers show the title, author and imprint information set in a decorative frame on the front wrapper and a similar frame with an ornamental centre-piece on the back wrapper. Gold-tooled calf with the author, title, and year of publication lettered in gold on the front board. Bound with the original orange printed paper wrappers. [1], [1 blank], VIII, 96, [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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On the representation of the Spanish colonies in the Cortes, a call for equal treatment in parliament

CARDENAS DE MONTE-HERMOSO, Marques de [= Antonio María de CÁRDENAS Y ZAYAS-BAZÁN]. [Drop title:] Señor. Llegó el dia tan deseado y venturoso. La España logró su libertad, y por una feliz y justificada revolucion vió restablecer la Constitucion política de la Monarquía, promulgada en Cádiz en 18 de marzo de 1812 ...
[Colophon:] Madrid, Imprenta de Ibarra, 1820. Folio (ca. 30 x 21 cm). Disbound (previously sewn through 2 holes). 8 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Commentary on a speech held by an ardent supporter of slavery, calling for keeping Portugal and Brazil united under one government in 1821

[CARVALHO, Bernardo Teixeira Coutinho Álvares de]. Observações sobre o voto, que Domingos Alves Branco Moniz Barreto, como eleitor da parochia do Sacramento da Corte do Rio de Janeiro apresentou no dia 25 de dezembro de 1821 na junta eleitoral para a installação do governo desta provincia. Nas quaes se mostra, que semelhante voto he contrario ao pacto social da nação portugueza, e aos direitos, e liberdade das provincias do Brasil, escriptas ror [!] hum amigo da união, e da justiça.
Lisbon, Na Typographia de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1822. 4to (ca. 20 x 14 cm). 20th-century gold-tooled brown morocco. 65, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,850
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Condemnation of the Spanish conquerors

CASAS, Bartholomeo DE LAS. Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali di monsignor Fra Bartolomeo dalle Case o Casaus, Sivigliano, Vescouo di Chiapa.
Venice, Marco Ginammi, 1645. 4to. Woodcut printer's device (Hope, with anchor) on title-page, woodcut initials. Later half red morocco, marbled sides gold-tooled spine, marbled endpapers. 8, [4], XVII, [1], 31-184 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Obligation contract for plantations in Essequebo and Demerary, signed during the zenith of the colonial plantation economy

CHANGUION, Daniel; Jan Wouter VALKENIER; Cornelis Jacob VAN DER LYN. [Signed negotiation contract dated 1769 for an obligation of 1000 gulden for plantations in Rio Essequebo and Rio Demerary].
Amsterdam, 1 November 1769. Folio (42 x 26.5 cm). Disbound. [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 675
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Obligation contract for plantations in Essequebo and Demerary, signed during the zenith of the colonial plantation economy

CHANGUION, Daniel; Jan Wouter VALKENIER; Cornelis Jacob VAN DER LYN. [Signed negotiation contract dated 1770 for an obligation of 1000 gulden for plantations in Rio Essequebo and Rio Demerary].
Amsterdam, 6 February 1770. Folio (ca. 26 x 41 cm). Disbound. [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Educating young American and Philippine noblemen
according the guidelines of the Spanish King Charles IV

[CHARLES IV, King of Spain]. Real cédula por la qual Su Magestad funda un colegio de nobles Americanos en la ciudad de Granada.
Madrid, printed by the widow of Joaquín Ibarra, 1792. 8vo. With a wood-engraved royal coat-of-arms on the title-page. Contemporary straight-grain red morocco. [2], 50 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Splendid views of Brazil, Chile, Hawaii and Polynesia

CHORIS, Louis. Vues et paysages des régions équinoxiales, recueillis dans un voyage autour du monde.
Paris, Paul Renouard, 1826. Folio (ca. 45 x 30 cm). With 24 hand-coloured, full-page, numbered lithographic plates. Contemporary blind-tooled quarter brown goat leather, with the title and author lettered in gold on the spine, brown marbled paper sides, marbled end papers. [6], 32 pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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First edition of a highly detailed account of the expedition of the Aurora (1884-1885) to Brazil and the Rio de la Plata basin

[CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE GLOBE by the CORVETTE AURORA]. [BOSQUET, Victor]. Die Reise S.M. Corvette "Aurora" nach Brasilienen und den La Plata-Staaten in den Jahren 1884-1885.
Vienna, Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1885. Large 8vo. With 3 lithographed folding maps (one coloured) showing the route of His Majesty's Ship Aurora along the east coast of South America. Contemporary half brown cloth with the original publisher's printed wrappers mounted on the boards. 56 pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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On the wealth of the British Empire, focussing on its overseas possessions

COLQUHOUN, Patrick. A treatise on the wealth, power, and resources, of the British Empire, in every quarter of the world, including the East Indies: the rise and progress of the funding system explained; ...
London, 1814. 4to. With many letterpress tables in text. Contemporary tree calf, gold-tooled spine; rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. XII, 451, [1 blank], 91, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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The effects of the Panama canal on the Dutch trade

COMMISSIE VOOR DE HANDELSPOLITIEK. Rapport betreffende de gevolgen der opening van het Panama-kanaal voor Nederland en koloniën.
Amsterdam, 1912. Folio (33.5 x 21 cm). Original cloth backed portfolio with printed boards and with ties. 21, [3 blank]; [1], [3 blank]; 3, [1 blank]; 3, [1 blank], 88; 8; 23, [1 blank]; 18, [2 blank]; 5, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 250
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Isabel Godin des Odonais journey down the Amazon

[CONDAMINE, Charles Marie de la]. Lettre de M.D.L.C. à M*** sur le sort des astronomes qui ont eu part aux dernières mesures de la terre, depuis 1735.
Including: Isabelle GODIN DES ODONAIS. Lettre de M. Godin des Odonais, & l'aventure tragique de Madame Godin dans son voyage de la province de Quito, à Cayenne, pas le fleuve des Amazones.
[Maastricht, 1778?]. 8vo. Contemporary wrappers. 30 pp. (= p. 329-359 of the original work). Full description
€ 2,500
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Printed letter, signed in manuscript, by the president of the province of Espírito Santo, a prelude to the abolition of slavery in Brazil in 1871

CORRÊA (CORREIA), Francisco Ferreira. [Drop title:] Gabinete do prssidente [!] da provincia do Espirito Santo, em 17 de outubro de 1871 ...
[Vitória, Espíritu Santo, Brazil], 17 October 1871. Folio (ca. 27.5 x 21 cm). Single sheet. [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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French translation of William Dampier's travels in the south seas,
including the first successful English landing in Australia

DAMPIER, William. Nouveau voyage autour du monde, où l'on décrit en particulier l'Isthme de l'Amerique, plusieurs côtes & isles des Indes Occidentales, les Isles du Cap Verd, le passage par la Terre del Fuego, les côtes meridionales du Chili, du Perou, & du Mexique; l'Isle de Guam, Mindanao, & des autres Philippines, les isles orientales qui sont prés de Cambodie; de la Chine; Formosa, Luçon, Celebes, &c. la Nouvelle Hollande, les isles de Sumatra, de Nicobar, & de Sainte Helene & le Cap de Bonne Esperance.
Amsterdam, Paul Marret, 1698. 2 volumes. 12mo. With the same engraved frontispiece in both volumes, 6 engraved maps (including 4 folding), and 7 engraved plates (including 3 folding). Contemporary sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [10], 315; [1 blank]; [2], "316", [1], 317-616, [4] pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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Detailed description of Trinidad & Tobago and the coast of Venezuela

DAUXION-LAVAYSSE, Jean-François. Reise nach den Inseln Trinidad, Tabago und Margaretha, so wie in verschiedene Theile von Venezuela. Aus dem Französischen.
Weimar, Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1816. 8vo. with a large folding engraved map (23.5 x 41.5 cm). Modern black half sheepskin, marbled sides, with black labels on spine. XXIV, 594 pp. Full description
€ 750
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One of the rarest works on Argentina

DENIS, Ferdinand. Buenos Ayrès et le Paraguay; ou histoire, moeurs, usages et costumes des habitans de cette partie de l'Amérique.
Paris, Nepveu, 1823. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 9 engraved plates, 2 double page in the first volume, and 9 engraved plates, 4 double-page in the second volume, all plates finely coloured by hand. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. 199, [1]; 211, [1] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Imaginary voyage around the world, nicely bound copy from the Huth library

DRALSÉ DE GRANDPIERRE. Relation de divers voyages faits dans l'Afrique, dans l'Amérique, & aux Indes Occidentales. La description du Royaume de Juda, & quelques particularitez touchant la vie du roy reignant. La relation d'une isle nouvellement habitée dans le détroit de Malaca en Asie, & l'histoire de deux princes de Golconde.
Paris, Claude Jombert, 1718. 12mo. With some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary gold-tooled polished calf, spine richly decorated with floral ornaments in compartments and with dark brown morocco labels lettered in gold, triple filets on boards, gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges. [12], 352 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Original drawing relating to an important work on Brazilian plants

[DRAWING - RIO DE JANEIRO]. [MARY, Benjamin (attributed)]. [Ink drawing of Guanabara Bay].
[Rio de Janeiro?, 1837?].
With: (2) [LEBSCHÉE, Carl August (attributed)]. [Drawing of Guanabara Bay].
[Germany?, 1837?].
Ad 1: 19 x 32 cm. Passe-partout: 36,5 x 47 cm. Sepia ink on paper. Ad 2: 24,5 x 34 cm. Passe-partout: 37 x 44 cm. Sepia ink on paper, with blue and sepia ink washes. Full description
€ 6,500
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Collection of 28 early instalments of the most comprehensive scholarly work on Brazilian plants,
printed on large paper

ENDLICHER, Stephan Friedrich Ladislaus and Carl Friedrich Philipp von MARTIUS (editors). Flora Brasiliensis sive enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum ... Fasciculus I-XVIII(1-3), XIX-XX, XXIII, XXIX, XXXIV-XXXV, XLIV, and XLVII.
Vienna, Friedrich Beck and Leipzig, Friedrich Fleischer, 1840-1869. 28 fascicles in 20 volumes. Large folio (ca. 48 x 32.5 cm). With one large folding lithographed map of Brazil (hand-coloured in outline), 572 lithographed botanical plates (depicting numerous illustrations of plants and their seeds) and 57 tinted views (printed on 56 leaves) depicting landscapes with native vegetations lithographed by F.W.E. Bollmann, A. Brandmeyer, F. Hohe, M. Kuhn and C.A. Lebschée after designs by J.A. Ackermann, F. Deppe, T. Ender, G. Leuzinger, B. Mary, J.M. Rugendas, J.J. Steinmann, F.J. Stephan and H.A. Weddell.
Loose as issued in the original publishers printed wrappers or sewn with the spines covered in 19th century cloth. Full description
€ 15,000
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The unrecorded first edition of a milestone in Brazil's journey towards complete independence

[CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE - BRAZILIAN EMPIRE - FEIJÓ, Diogo and others]. Codigo do processo criminal de primeira instancia do Imperio do Brasil, com a disposição provisoria a cerca da administração da justiça civil; organisado pela Assembléa Geral Legislativa, na sessão de 1832, e sanccionado pela negencia.
Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Imp. e const. de Seignot-Plancher e Co., 1832. 8vo in 4s. With a woodcut vignette (Brazil's imperial coat-of-arms) on the title page. Later marbled brown calf, gold-tooled spine. [1], [1 blank], 68 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare follow-up to a curious account of the daily life of a French salesman in South America

GENDRIN, Victor-Athanase. Récits historiques, exacts et sincères, des sept voyages par mer & par terre. Faits au Brésil, au Cap-Horn, au Chili, aux Cordillères des Andes, à Mendoza, dans le Désert et à Buénos-Ayres ... Extrait de la publication de 1856.
Versailles, Gendrin (colophon: imprimerie Cerf), 1860. 8vo. With lithographed portrait of the author as frontispiece, 36 (32 numbered followed by 4 unnumbered) pages with lithographed reproductions of letters, and 9 lithographed plates. Contemporary cloth. 24, [4], 32, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,450
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Early work on the discovery of the West Indies

GERALDINUS, Alexander. Itinerarium ad regiones sub aequinoctiali plaga constitutas. Opus antiquitates, ritus, mores, & religiones populoru[m], Aethiopie[a], Africae, Atlantici Oceani, Indicarumque regionum complectens.
Rome, Guglielmo Facciotti, 1631. 8vo. With engraved title-page and engraved illustration on the letterpress title-page. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [16], 284, [36] pp. Full description
€ 5,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Goos' West-Indische paskaert in its very rare first state: a monumental nautical chart of the Atlantic Ocean in Mercator projection on vellum, used by the Dutch West Indian Company (WIC)

GOOS, Pieter. West-Indische Paskaert waer in de graden der breedde over wederzijden van de middellijn wassende so vergrooten dat die geproportioneert sijn tegen hunne nevenstaende graden de lengde. Vertonende behalve[n] Europaes zuydelijcste alle de zeekusten van Africa en America begrepen in 't Octroy bij de H.M.H. Staten Generael der vereenichde Nederl. verleent aende Generale West Indische Compagnie. Mitsgaders die van Peru en Chili inde groote Zuyd-Zee.
Amsterdam, Pieter Goos, [ca. 1660]. Printed on vellum (ca. 80 x 98 cm) from one large copperplate engraving, partly coloured by a contemporary hand. Full description
€ 185,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

3 militaria: on understanding the "human heart" of soldiers and on battles in the West Indies

GRASSE-TILLY, Francois Joseph Paul de. Memorie van den Graave de Grasse, betreffende de actien in de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
[Amsterdam?, 1782]. With 8 large folding engraved nautical nautical charts.
(2) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte schets over de noodzaaklykheid van de kennisse van het menschlyk hart voor een chef.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791.
(3) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte verklaringe van verscheidene actiën tusschen de Engelsche en Fransche vlooten, geduurende den laatsten oorlog. In de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791. With 21 folding engraved plates including nautical charts showing the French and English fleets near Grenada, Basseterre, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts and Santo Domingo on Hispaniola. 3 works in 1 volume. Royal 4to (29 x 23.5 cm). Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf. 55, [1 blank]; 27; [8], 25, [1], 5 pp. Full description
€ 5,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

"By far the best work" on the Guyana's and Surinam

HARTSINCK, Jan Jacob. Beschryving van Guiana, of de wilde kust, in Zuid-America ...
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, 1770. 2 volumes. 4to. With 6 engraved folding maps and plans, 6 engraved full page plates, and 2 engraved folding views, 1 engraving in text. Contemporary three quarter calf, black speckled light brown paper sides, richly gold-tooled spines with a red morocco title label and an oval green morocco volume label, both lettered in gold. 1 blank, [2], XII, [4], 520; [2], 521-962, [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Beautiful album of 12 tinted lithographic views of Argentina and Uruguay

HASTREL, Adolphe d'. Album de la plata.
Paris, Gihau(l)t frères (printed by Auguste Bry, Lemercier and Thierry), [1846]. 1mo (55 x 38 cm). 12 tinted lithographs (22 x 35 cm), depicting views in and around Montevideo, Buenos Aires, etc. Mid-19th-century binding, rebacked in green morocco. 12 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 30,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important collection of Jesuit letters and other texts from and about Japan,
Korea, China, India, Peru, Mexico and the Philippines

HAY, John. De rebus Japonicis, Indicis, et Peruanis epistolae recentiores.
Antwerp, Martinus Nutius II, 1605. 8vo. With Nutius's woodcut device on title-page and a small woodcut illustration in the text. Contemporary vellum. 968, [50] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Including the first illustration of Niagara Falls and first engraving of an American bison

HENNEPIN, Louis. Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays situé dans l'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la mer glaciale.
Amsterdam, Abraham van Someren, 1698. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece by Caspar Luyken, 2 folding engraved maps and 2 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [72], 1-312, [10], 313-506 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The first complete account of the Le Maire-Schouten expedition

HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, Antonio de. Novis orbis, sive descriptio Indiae Occidentalis ... Methaphraste C. Barlaeo. Accesserunt & aliorum Indiae Occidentalis descriptiones, & navigationis nuperae Australis Jacobi le Maire Historia, uti & navigationum omnium per Fretum Magellanicum succincta narratio.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622. Folio. With an engraved title, 17 engraved maps (1 folding, 16 double-page), a full-page portrait, and 4 half-page illustrations in the text. Later three-quarter vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine, sprinkled paper sides, red edges. [4], "81" [=84], [2], "9" [=10], 11, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 40,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Unveiling Australia and the New World

HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, Antonio de. Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis. Nieuwe werelt, anders ghenaempt West-Indien.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622.
(2) ORDONNEZ DE CEVALLES, Pedro. Eyghentlijcke beschryvinghe van West-Indien, hoe die landen en provintien gheleghen zijn op wat maniere dat men die door reysen sal: ende wat rijckdommen van gout en silver elcke plaetse begrijpt.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1621.
(3) [LE MAIRE, Jacques]. Spieghel der Australische navigatie door den wijt vermaerden ende cloeckmoedighen zee-heldt Jacob Le Maire, president ende overste over de twee schepen, d' Eendracht ende Hoorn, uytghevaren den 14 Junii 1615.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622.
3 works in 1 volume. Small folio. With an engraved title, 17 engraved folding maps, an engraved portrait, 5 engraved plates in text, and woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine. [6], 111; 29; [16], 98 pp. Full description
€ 35,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The origins of the American Indians, proposing a migration via a land bridge across the Bering Strait

HORNIUS (HORN), Georgius. De originibus Americanis libri quatuor.
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq (colophon: printed by Philippe de Croy, Leiden), 1652. 8vo. With title-page in red and black with De Croy's(?) woodcut tree device. Late 19th-century binding made from an early music manuscript on sheepskin parchment. [20], 282 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The origins of the American Indians, together with the life and teaching of David Joris

HORNIUS (HORN), Georgius. De originibus Americanis. Libri quatuor.
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq (colophon: printed by Phillipe de Croy, Leiden), 1652.
With: (2) BLESDIJK, Nicolaas van. Historia, vitae, doctrinae, ac rerum gestarum Davidis Georgii haeresiarchae. Conscripta ab ipsius genero Nicolao Blesdikio. Nunc primum prodit in lucem ex musaeo Iacobi Revii.
Deventer, Nathanael Cost, 1642. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [9], [11], 282; [8], 189 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Massive navigational directory for the East

HORSBURGH, James. The India directory, or, directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, Brazil, and the interjacent ports ... third edition.
London, printed for the author and sold by Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen, booksellers to the East India Company (back of title-page: printed by Plummer & Brewis), 1826-1827. 2 volumes. 4to. Contemporary half calf, rebacked with the original backstrips laid down. [8], XXVI, 503, [1], 16; [8], 642, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Humboldt asks to borrow a map from the Paris Académie des Sciences

[AUTOGRAPH]. HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. [Autograph letter to Le Chevalier de Rossel, director of the Dépôt des Cartes of the Paris Académie des Sciences].
[Paris, 1818?]. 4to (23 x 18.5 cm) Letter in black ink on laid paper, in Humboldt's somewhat cramped but still legible hand. Formerly folded for posting, with the address written on the otherwise blank final page and with traces of a paper seal. [1], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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One of the most comprehensive accounts of 18th-century South America,
especially valuable for Panama, Peru and Ecuador

JUAN, Jorge and Antonio de ULLOA. A voyage to South America. Describing at large, the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, &c. on that extensive continent.
London, L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1760. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 7 folding engraved plates, including some maps and ground plans. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine; rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. XX, [4], 498 [=488]; [4], 410, 18 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Descriptions of entomological specimens from Brazil

KLUG, Johann Christoph Friedrich. Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen.
[Bonn, Wolfgang Schwarzkopf, 1821]. With 3 hand-coloured engraved plates, by Franz after S. Weber.
With: (2) KLUG, Johann Christoph Friedrich. Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen alterum, sistens insectorum coleopterorum nondum descriptorum centuriam.
[Bonn, Wolfgang Schwarzkopf, 1825]. With 5 hand-coloured engraved plates by S. Weber. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Modern boards. 277-324; 419-476 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Captain's journal of the voyage of the steam ship "Cornelis Dirks" to Africa and South America

KOOPMAN, J.F. Verslag van eene reize naar de westkust van Afrika, Rio de Janeiro en Rio de la Plata, door Z.M. schroef-stoomschip Cornelis Dirks, ...1859-1860.
[Amsterdam, widow of G. Hulst van Keulen, 1863]. 8vo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers. [2 blank], [2], 127, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Very rare first and only Dutch edition of Kotzebue's account of his first major expedition in search of a northwest passage

KOTZEBUE, Otto von (Pieter Gerardus WITSEN GEYSBEEK, translator). Ontdekkingsreis in de Zuid-zee en naar de Bering-straat in de jaren 1815, 1816, 1817 en 1818, onder het bevel van Otto von Kotzebue, luitenant der Russisch-keizerlijke marine.
Amsterdam, Johannes van der Hey, 1822. 3 volumes. 8vo. Volume 1 with an engraved title-page showing a view of the Kotzebue-sound engraved by D. Veelwaard after L. Choris, a hand-coloured engraved plate and an engraved folding map; volume 2 with an engraved title-page showing a view of Airick Island by Veelwaard after Choris, 3 hand-coloured engraved portraits, 2 engraved folding plates and 4 engraved folding maps, including one large map showing the route of the entire voyage; volume 3 with an engraved title-page showing a hand-coloured "Vanessa Tammeamea" butterfly by Veelwaard after Eschbach, an engraved folding map signed by C. v. Baarsel and son, and an engraved folding plate showing skulls. Half brown calf and brown decorated paper sides, with gold- and blind-tooled spines. VIII, 428, [2 blank], [1], [1 blank]; IV, 413, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank]; VIII, 492, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Detailed and lavishly illustrated memoirs of travels in the Caribbean

LABAT, Jean-Baptiste. Nieuwe reizen naar de Franse eilanden van America.
Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1725. 4 volumes bound as 2. 4to. With 2 engraved frontispieces, 11 folding engraved maps and plans, and 83 full-page plates. Contemporary polished half calf. [2], 18, 350; [1 blank], [1], 404; [2], 235, 254; [1 blank], [4], 200, 167, [32] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Pioneering description & maps of the Americas, printed by Elzevier

LAET, Johannes de. Nieuwe wereldt ofte beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, wt veelderhande schriften ende aen-teeckeninghen van verscheyden natien by een versamelt.
Leiden, Isaac Elzevier, 1625. Folio. With large woodcut printers mark on title-page, 10 double-page engraved maps (plate size 28.5 x 36 cm), woodcut decorative initial letters from two series, and a wide variety of printing types. Early 18th-century calf, gold-tooled spine. [24], 510, [16] pp. Full description
€ 48,000
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Dutch edition of a detailed account of an important circumnavigation

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pière Théodore. Reis rondom de wereld door de zeeën van Indië en China; . . .
Zaltbommel, Johannes Noman and sons, 1834-1836. 7 volumes bound as 3. 8vo. Each volume with a lithographed title-page, each with a different topographic view, folding engraved map tracking Laplace's journey, 13 lithographed plates (7 folding). Near contemporary uniform blue-black half calf, gold- and blind-tooled spines. XXXVI, 511, [1]; [II], 328; [II], 272; [II], 288; IV, 272; [II], 262, [1], [1 blank]; IV, 323, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important scientific and trade voyage around the world

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre Théodore. Voyage autour du monde par les mers de l'Inde et de Chine ... exécuté sur la corvette de l'état La Favorite pendant les années 1830, 1831 et 1832.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (views volume: Arthus Bertrand; map volume: Dépôt-Générale de la Marine), 1833-1835. 4 text volumes (8vo), 1 views volume (folio) and 1 atlas volume (1mo, 66 x 51 cm). With 1 folding engraved map in the first text volume, 2 full-page maps and 10 maps on 9 double-page plates in the "atlas hydrographique", and 72 extraordinary aquatint plates (ca. 27 x 36 cm) in the "album historique", most of them with the blind-stamped image of the ship La Favorite (15 x 28 mm). Contemporary half dark green calf, gold-tooled spines. [4], XLI, 558, [2]; [4], 481, [1]; [4], 510, [2]; [4], 480; [4] pp. Full description
€ 69,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Illustrated eye-witness accounts and tall tales: sixty years of a sailor's world travels

LE BLANC, Vincent. De vermaarde reizen van de heer Vincent Le Blanc van Marsilien, die hy sedert d'ouderdom van veertien jaren, tot aan die van zestig, in de vier delen des werrelts gedaan heeft ...
Amsterdam, Jan Hendricksz. Boom, Jan Rieuwertsz., 1654. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved title-page and 7 engraved plates. 19th-century boards. [1], [1 blank], 152, 116 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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First-hand information on the journey of La Pérouse

LESSEPS, Jean-Baptiste-Barthelemy, Baron de. Voyage de Lapérouse, rédigé d'après ses manuscrits originaux, suivi d'un appendice renfermant tout ce que l'on a découvert depuis le naufrage jusqu'a nos jours, et enrichi de notes par M. de Lesseps, consul général de France à Lisbonne, et seul débris vivant de l'expédition dont il était interprète; accompagné d'une carte générale du voyage, orné du portrait et d'un fac-simile de Lapérouse.
Paris, Arthus Bertrand and Delaunay (colophon: printed by Casmir), 1831. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece with a portrait of Lapérouse, a facsimile of one of his letters, and a large engraved folding map. Modern half calf. [3], [1 blank], [2], XVIII, 436 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Ground-breaking work on Brazilian ports

LISBOA, Alfredo (editor). Portos do Brasil 1822-1922. Texto e atlas.
Rio de Janeiro, Norte (vol. 1) and Castro, Mendonça & Cia. (vol. 2), 1922 & 1923. 2 volumes in 1. 4to. With 30 folding maps, 24 of which are coloured in blue and partly in red. Original publisher's dark green leather over paperboards, rebacked in black cloth. [1], [1 blank], IX, [1], “338” [= 336], [6]; [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Second edition, the first to be publicly distributed, of a political pamphlet,
criticising the Brazilian Emperor and arguing for a more democratic form of governance

L. M. [= MEDRADO, José Joaquim Landulfo da Rocha]. Os cortezãos e a viagem do Imperador. Ensaio politico sobre a situação por L. M.
Bahia, Typographia de Camillo de Lellis Masson & C., 1860. 8vo in 4s (ca. 21.5 x 14 cm). Later half brown sheepskin. VIII, 53, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A French translation of Maffei's renowned description of the East and West Indies

MAFFEI, Giovanni Pietro. L'Histoire des Indes Orientales et Occidentales ...
Paris, Robert de Ninville, 1665. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Each volume with a (different) woodcut coat-of-arms of France and Navarre on the title-page. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [32], “353” [= 351], [1 blank]; [2], "292" [= 296], [24] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Maffei's account of the East and West Indies

MAFFEI, Joan Petro. Historiarum Indicarum libri XVI. Selectarum, item, ex India epistolarum libri IV...
Antwerp, Martinus Nutius, 1605. 8vo. With woodcut device on title-page and woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum with faint manuscript title on spine and a small gilt-stamped rooster in the centre of the boards, remains of ties. [72], 478, [2 blank]; 401, [7] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Previously unknown Portuguese description of the Paraguay River,
at the time of the dispute over Portuguese and Spanish frontier in the region

[MANUSCRIPT - PARAGUAY RIVER]. Discripças do Rio Paraguay en 1794. [Description of the river Paraguay in 1794].
[Paraguay and/or Brazil], [ca. 1794]. 34 x 22 cm. Written in brown ink in a very legible late 18th-century cursive. Stitched through 2 single holes, only one remains intact. [1], [1 blank], [12], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Research voyage into inner Surinam, encountering native tribes

MARTIN, Johann Karl Ludwig. Westindische Skizzen. Reise-erinnerungen.
Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1887. 4to. 22 plates, of which 14 chromolithographs and 8 collotypes, and 1 folding lithographed map of the Surinam River by W.L. Loth. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. VII, [1], 186 pp. Full description
€ 375
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of a play recounting the discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese

MIMOSO, João Sardina. Relacion de la real tragicomedia ...
Lisbon, Jorge Rodriguez, 1620. 4to. With the elaborate woodcut coat-of-arms of the dedicatee, the Duke of Braganza, on the title-page, and the woodcut coat of arms of Portugal and/or King Philip II of Portugal at the head of his dedication on leaf [6]r, all text is set within a double fillet frame, and with woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary parchment binding with manuscript title on spine. [10], 163, [1] ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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In search of curiosities in the West Indies, Africa, and the Holy Land

MOCQUET, Jean. De grote nieuw-bereisde wereld: begrypende zes reizen, zo na Lybien, d'Eilanden van Kanarien en Barbaryen; stroom der Amazonen, Karipouzen en Karibanen; na Marocco; Moren-Land of Ethiopien, Mozambique en Goa; als mede na Syrien en een zeer nauwkeurige beschrijvinge van't Heilig Land ... Den tweden druk.
Leeuwarden, Jan Klassen (colophon: printed by Meindert Injema), 1717. 4to. With an engraved title-page, 3 etched plates, and some woodcut decorated initials and tail pieces. Contemporary vellum, later endpapers. [19], [1 blank], 195, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A journey through the Republic of Colombia

MOLLIEN, Gaspard Théodore. Reis door de Republiek van Columbia, in het jaar 1823; ... Uit het Fransch vertaald door A. Bruggemans.
Dordrecht, Blussé and Van Braam, 1825. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. With 6 lithographed plates (1 bound as frontispiece). Contemporary brown half roan, gold-tooled spine. XVI, 283; VIII, 274 pp. Full description
€ 950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of a richly illustrated work on the Americas, with numerous large maps and views.

MONTANUS, Arnoldus. De nieuwe en onbekende weereld: of beschryving van America en t Zuid-Land, vervaetende doorsprong der Americaenen en Zuidlanders, gedenkwaerdige togten derwaerds,...
Amsterdam, Jacob Meurs, 1671. Folio. With a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, 16 double-page engraved maps, including a large folding general map, 6 full-page engraved portraits, 32 double-page engraved views, including 2 large folding views of New Mexico and Mauritius, and 70 almost half-page engraved maps, views and illustrations in the text. The title-page is printed in red and black and contains Meurs' large engraved 'invidae prudentia victrix' device. Additionally, with a large, engraved head-piece showing Joann Maurits van Nassau's coat of arms on the first dedication leaf and with numerous woodcut decorated initials (at least 2 series). Contemporary blind-tooled vellum binding. [12], 585, [29] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Extremely rare publication concerning the agricultural colonies Nova Louzã and Nova Colombia in Brazil, including a call for the abolition of slavery

MONTENEGRO, João Elisário de Carvalho. Colonias Nova Louzã e Nova Colombia, relatorio apresentado ao exm. sr. presidente da Provincia de São Paulo em 6 de fevereiro de 1875 ...
São Paulo, Typographia da Provincia de São Paulo, 1875. 8vo in 4s (ca. 22 x 14.5 cm). With 13 numbered letterpress tables (including 5 folding) regarding Nova Louzã and another numbered folding letterpress table regarding Nova Colombia (titled "Recapitulação do mappa no. 1"). 1930's half dark blue sheepskin, with the original publishers printed front wrapper bound in. [1], [1 blank], 81, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The first ever study on cocaine

MORÉNO Y MAÏZ, Thomas. Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur l'erythoxylum coca du Perou et la cocaïne.
Paris, A. Parent, imprimeur de la faculté de médecine, 1868. 4to. With a lithographic plate of coca leaves and 7 figures in the text showing the tension on the arteries after ingesting coca in various ways. Side stitched through 2 holes. [8], 90, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Essays on chronometry resulting from Roquemaurel's circumnavigations
to the Pacific, South East Asia and South America (Brazil)

MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Observations chronométriques faites pendant la campagne de circumnavigation de la corvette La Capricieuse, commandée par M. Roquemaurel, capitaine de vaisseau.
Paris, Firmin Didot frères, 1855. With 4 folding plates. With:
(2) MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Longitudes chronométriques des principaux points de la cote du Brésil, rapportées au premier méridien de Rio-Janeiro. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1863.
(3) MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Positions géographiques des principaux points de la cote orientale de l'Amérique du Sud comprise entre la Guyane Française et le Paraguay. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1868.
3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary grained red half sheepskin. VIII, 139, [1]; 32; [4], 35, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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An extremely rare piece of Brazilian medical history

MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Joaquim. Guia medica para prevenir, e tratar o cholera-morbo offerecida ao provedor, e irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericordia.
Santos, Typographia commercial de G. Delius, 1855. With the title on the front wrapper set within a decorative frame and the front wrapper and the title page show the same decorative device, including medical instruments, books, the profile of a head with a name(?) in Greek letters. Original publisher's green wrappers. 20 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Extremely rare military-judicial work concerning the revolt in Rio de Janeiro in April 1832, an essential source for understanding the political and military conflicts of the early 19th century in Brazil

[NIEMEYER, Conrado Jacob de; Marcos Antonio BRICIO; Joaquim Leão da SILVA MACHADO; Luiz Henriques TOTA (the accused)]. Expozição ao publico accompanhada com a defeza, e sentenças do concelho de guerra a que responderão, os Tenentes Coroneis Conrado Jacob de Niemeyer, Marcos Antonio Bricio. Cappitão Tenente Joaquim Leão da Silva Machado. Cappitão Luiz Henriques Tota. Pelos accontecimentos, que tiverão lugar nesta capital a dezassete de abil findo, augmentada com as defezas, e sentenças do primeiro sobre as arguições de ter elevado, em 1825, sem ordem Joaquim Pinto Madeira ao posto de Tenente Coronel, e de ter dezobedecido pertinazmente ás ordens do governo; contendo igualmente os documentos authenticos ...
Rio de Janeiro, Na typographia do Diario, 1832. 4to (ca. 20 x 14.5 cm). Modern half dark blue morocco. 56 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Voyage to the Strait of Le Maire and first detailed exploration of the region,
with an engraved folding map, and types made famous by Ibarra in Madrid

NODAL, Bartholome Garcia de & Gonzalo. Relacion del viage, que por orden de su magestad, y acuerdo de el real consejo de Indias ...
Including: ECHELEVAR, D. Manuel de, J.M. y J. Instruccion exacta, y util de las derrotas, y navegaciones ...
Cadiz, Don Manuel Espinosa de los Monteros, Impressor de la Real Marina, [1766?-1769]. 4to. With a folding map of the Strait of Magellan drawn and engraved by D.M. de Rueda, dated 1769. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment by the Cadiz printing office's own bindery. [18], [2 blank], "162" [= 164], [2], [2 blank]; 41, [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Rare imprint from Chili

NOÉ, Juan Nicolas. Epitome de gramatica Castellana. ... Para escuelas primarias.
Valparaiso, Imprenta de la Bandera, 1837. 12mo. With the title in woodcut borders, a woodcut printer's vignette and some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary blue paper wrappers, with protective paper cover. [2], 155 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Account of the first Dutch circumnavigation of the globe by Olivier van Noort, 1598-1601

NOORT, Olivier van. Journael van de wonderlijcke vooyagie door de Straet Magalanes...
Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman, [1663]. 4to. With a woodcut of two ships on title page; full-page woodcut, 2 engraved and 4 woodcut illustrations in the text. Further with 1 woodcut decorated initial and decorative bands built up from cast fleurons. Set in textura types with incidental roman. 19th-century brown cloth, sewn on 3 recessed cords, grey endpapers. 48 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Informative work on the history and discovery of America and British-American relations

[OLDMIXON, John]. Het Britannische Ryk in Amerika, Zynde eene Beschryving van de Ontdekking, Bevolking, Inwoonders, het Klimaat, den Koop-handel, en tegenwoordigen Staat van alle de Britannische Coloniën, In dat gedeelte der Wereldt... Uit het Engelsch, Als mede een omstandig Berecht aangaande Koffy en Koffy-plantery, Uit het Fransch vertaald.
Amsterdam, Rudolf & Gerard Wetstein, 1721. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Part I: Engraved frontispiece by J. Goeree dated 1720, title in red and black, 5 folding engraved maps, engraving in text, woodcut headpieces and initials. Part II: Engraved frontispiece by J. Goeree dated 1720 (same as in part I), title in red and black, 3 folding engraved maps, folding engraved plate, 2 full-page engraved plates, woodcut head- and endpieces and initials. The maps are by J. Keyser after H(erman) Moll. Contemporary full calf. (26), 300 (i.e. 296); (2), 327 (14, 1 blank) pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Account of an interesting scientific expedition to Bolivia

ORBIGNY, Alcide d'. Fragment d'un voyage au centre de l'Amérique Méridionale; contenant des considérations sur la navigation de l'Amazone et de la Plata, et sur les anciennes missions des provinces de Chiquitos et de Moxos (Bolivia).
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, widow Levrault (printed by Berger-Levrault), 1845. 8vo. With a large folding lithographed map (43 x 52 cm) of the centre of South America. Modern half red morocco. [4], 584 pp. Full description
€ 6,750
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The first European botanical work describing Indian herbs and diseases

ORTA, Garcia de, Nicolás MONARDES and others. Dell'historia dei semplici aromati, et altre cose: che vengono portate dall'Indie Orientali pertinenti all'uso della medicina.
Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1589. 2 volumes bound as 1, the first in 4 parts and the second in 2 parts. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page of volume 1 and the divisional title page of volume 2, 28 woodcut illustrations in text.Later yellow painted (sheepskin) parchment. [32], 347, [5], 131, [13] pp. Full description
€ 5,250
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From Rio de Janeiro to Batavia: a gripping account of the fastest circumnavigation of the globe of the time

ORTEGA, Casimiro de (translator), [Charles CLERKE (attributed)]. Viage del comandante Byron al rededor del mundo, hecho ultimamente de orden del almirantazgo de Inglaterra.
Madrid, Don Francisco Mariano Nipho, 1769. 4to. With a full-page, copper-engraved frontispiece, a large, folding, copper-engraved map of the Strait of Magellan in the back with the coasts highlighted in blue, and ornamental head-pieces throughout. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title and a (later) shelf mark ("143") on the spine. [18], 245, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Prints series of the naval battles of René Duguay-Trouin and Jean-Bart,
including a double-page map and a print of Rio de Janeiro

OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. Recueil des combats de Duguay-Trouïn [= Les campagnes de Duguay-Trouin].
Paris, Yves Marie le Gouaz, [1774]. Engraved print series with XV plates (2 double-page) and 7 leaves with engraved text on both sides. Lacking a half-title present in some copies.
With: (2) OZANNE, Pierre. Recueil des combats de Jean-Bart, chef d'escadre sous Louis XIV, suivis de l'abrégé de sa vie.
Paris, Yves Marie le Gouaz, 1806. With 19 numbered engraved half-page plates by Le Gouaz after Ozanne. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio (41.5 x 29 cm). Contemporary half green sheepskin parchment. 12, II engraved pp. text plus XV plates; 8 pp. plus [9] ll. with engravings. Full description
€ 8,500
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Monumental bibliography concerning Spanish America

PALAU Y DULCET, Antonio. Manual del librero Hispano-Americano. Bibliografía Española e Hispano-Americana desde la invención de la imprenta hasta nuestros tiempos con el valor comercial de los ompresos descritos, ... Segunda edición, corregida y aumentada por el autor.
Barcelona, Librería anticuaria de A. Palau; Oxford, Dolphin Book Company, 1948-1977. 4to (27.5 x 19 cm). 28 volumes. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
With: (2) PALAU CLAVERAS, Augustin. Indice alfabetico de titulos-materias, correcciones, conexiones y adiciones del Manual del librero Hispano Americano.
Empúries, Palacete Palau Dulcet; Oxford, Dolphin Book Company, 1981-1987. 4to (27.5 x 19 cm). 7 volumes. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. Full description
€ 3,500
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Spectacular views of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Uruguay

PALLIERE, Jean Léon. Album Palliere. Escenas Americanas. Reduccion de cuadros, aquarelles y bosquejos.
Buenos Aires, Fusoni brothers, [1864?]. Oblong Royal folio (32.5 x 52 cm). With lithographed title-page and 52 tinted lithographed plates (image size mostly about 19 x 32 cm), lithographed by J. Pelvilain after designs by Juan Léon Palliere. Contemporary, gold-tooled green morocco. Lithographic title-page plus 52 plates. Full description
€ 39,500
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Mysterious biography of the mythical first king of Paraguay,
who had allegedly saved the locals from the oppression of the Jesuits

[PARAGUAY - KING NICOLAS I]. Histoire de Nicolas I. Roy du Paraguai, et Empereur des Mamelus.
Saint Paul [= São Paulo, but the work was likely printed somewhere in Western Europe], 1756. 8vo. With a typographical ornament on the title-page. Contemporary brown paste paper wrappers. 88 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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A great work on Peru: the first full atlas, together with an extensive statistical description

PAZ SOLDAN, Mariano Felipe. Atlas geografico del Peru.
Paris, Firmin Didot brothers, children and comp., 1865. Large folio (51.5 x 37.5 cm). With 50 engraved maps, plans and views (including 20 coloured) and 24 tinted lithographs by F. Delamare. Contemporary black half sheepskin, rebacked. [2], 82 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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The birth of Bolivia

PEDEMONTE, Don Carlos. Discurso que, en el segundo dia del Octavario de Cincepcion, y anniversario de la batalla de Ayacucho, con motivo de la constitucion y presidencia Vitalicia del libertador en el Peru, pronunció el ilustrisimo señor Arzobispo electo de Lima, doctor Don Carlos Pedemonte.
Lima, Imprenta de la Libertad, por José Maria Masias, 1826. Small 8vo. Disbound. 36 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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“the historic cornerstone of the study [of mummification] in English”

PETTIGREW, Thomas Joseph. A history of Egyptian mummies, and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals by the Egyptians; with remarks on the funeral ceremonies of different nations, and observations on the mummies of the Canary Islands, of the ancient Peruvians, Burman priests, &c.
London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman (back of title-page and colophon: printed by P.P. Thoms), 1834. 4to. With 13 numbered lithographed plates (the first used as frontispiece), including 3 fully and 1 partly coloured by a contemporary hand, of which 2 highlighted in gold. Contemporary half calf, restored and rebacked with parts of the original backstrip laid down, with new tooling and title-label on spine, cloth sides, later endpapers. XXI, [1 blank], 264, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Rare decree signed by the Spanish King Philip V, abolishing the Encomienda system
in Spains American colonies, in particular Chili and Peru

[PHILIP V, King of Spain]. [Drop title:] El Rey. Por quanto aviendose experimentado, que de muchos años à esta parte, ha sido poco, ò ninguno el fruto, que ha producido el premio, que por Reales ordenes està señalado, à los conquistadores de indios gentiles de la America, y pobladores de aquellas provincias, en las encomiendas introducidas en ellas, para remunerar los meritos de los que se dedicassen à las reduciones ...
[Madrid, 1720]. Folio (ca. 30 x 21 cm). Disbound. [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Portuguese classic of practical navigation, with 36 maps and nautical charts

PIMENTEL, Manuel. Arte de navegar, em que se ensinão as regras praticas, e os modos de cartear, e de graduar a Balestilha por via de numeros, e muitos problemas uteis aì navegação, e roteiro das viagens, e costas maritimas de Guineì, Angola, Brazil, Indias, e Ilhas Occidentaes, e Orientaes ...
Lisbon, Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1762. Folio (30 x 20.5 cm). With 21 engraved plates (1 folding), 1 nearly full-page engraving of a compass rose and about 10 woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary or near contemporary tanned sheepskin, richly gold-tooled spine, new endpapers. [12], 603, [1] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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“German” Europe in the early 16th century, and Hispaniola in America

PIRCKHEIMER, Willibald. Germaniae ex variis scriptoribus perbrevis explicatio.
Augsburg, Heinrich Steiner, 1530. Small 8vo (15.5 x 10.5 cm). Title in a wide woodcut ornamented border, 2 woodcut historiated initials. Set in an Aldine-style italic with a word of Greek. Modern brown shell-marbled boards. [69], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Mysterious speech concerning British-Portuguese relations and the founding of the Brazilian Empire

[PITT, William (attributed)]. Plano sabio, profferido no parlemento de Inglaterra pelo ministro de estado Mr. Pitt, sobre a continuaçaõ da guerra com a França, e trasladaçaõ do throno de Portugal para o novo imperio do Brasil.
Lisbon, Na typografia Lacerdina, 1808. 4to. 20th-century gold-tooled black sheepskin, loss of leather around the spine, green decorated end papers, bound by Frederico d'Almeida in Lisbon. 14 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A fierce attack on the recently resigned Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro I

[PIZARRO PIMENTEL DE ALMEIDA CARVALHAIS, Rodrigo Pinto (attributed)]. Carta de um portuguez emigrado á cerca do ex-Imperador do Brazil, e do seu chamado manifesto.
Lisbon, Na Typographia de José Baptista Morando, 1832. 4to (ca. 21 x 14.5 cm). With the woodcut printers device on the title-page. Modern half burgundy artificial leather. 11, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Extensive travel account of Middle and South America

PONS, François Raymond Joseph de. Voyage a la partie orientale de la Terre-Ferme, dans l'Amérique méridionale, fait pendant les années 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804: contenant la description de la Capitainerie générale de Caracas, composée des Provinces de Venezuela, Maracaïbo, Varinas, la Guiane Espagnole, Cumana et de l'Ile de la Marguerite; ...
Paris, F. Buisson (back of half-title: Imprimerie de Fain et compagnie), 1806. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 4 folding engraved maps, including a large map of Caracas and surroundings and 3 smaller showing groundplans of Caracas, Puerto Cabello and La Guaira. All engraved by J.B. Tardieu. Contemporary half calf. [4], 358; [4], 469; [4], 362 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Novena prayerbook associated with the 1714 image of Christ as patron of La Paz, Bolivia

[PRAYERBOOK - SPANISH AMERICAN]. Novena del Señor de las piedades patron jurado de la valerosa ciudad de La Paz, que se venera en la iglesia auxîliar de los curas rectores, al cuidado del Colegio Seminario de ella. Reimpresa á solicitud de su humilde mayor domo Estavan de Asin.
Buenos Aires, Real Imprenta de Niños Expósitos, 1798. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). Modern red sheepskin. 24 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Essential information for navigating the coasts of Africa, South America and the islands
in the expansive South Atlantic Ocean

PURDY, John (Alexander George FINDLAY ed.). The new sailing directory for the Ethiopic or Southern Atlantic Ocean; including the coasts of Brasil, etc., to the Rio de La Plata, the Coast Thence to Cape Horn, and the African Coast to the Cape of Good Hope, etc.; including the islands between the two coasts.
London, printed for R.H. Laurie by J. Rider, 1844. 8vo. With Lauries RHL device on the title-page, and 32 small images in the text, mostly coastal profiles. The title-page includes some lines in sans-serif capitals. Half cloth. XLIV, 472 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Racine's famous play, for the first time in Portuguese

RACINE, Jean and Antonio José de Lima LEITÃO (translator). Iphigénia tragédia de João Racine. Traduzida em verso portuguez, e offerecida como uma prova da mais sincera gratidão.
Rio de Janeiro, Impressão règia, 1816. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Contemporary blue-grey wrappers. [8], 53, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Portoviejo joins Bolivár’s Gran Colombia

[RAMÍREZ Y FITA, Cayetano?]. Exposicion que hase [sic] el Canton provincia de Porto-viejo, de los motivos legales y políticos que há tenido para declararse unanimente incorporada a la Republica de Colombia segun la ley fundamental del estado dictada por el Congreso general, y sancionada por el voto de los pueblos.
Lima, San Jacinto, [1822]. 4to. Side stitched. 22, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Radical critique of European overseas expansion in 10 volumes. Extremely rare second Dutch edition

RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas François. Wysgeerige en staatkundige geschiedenis van de bezittingen en den koophandel der Europeaanen, in de beide Indiën.
Amsterdam, Matthijs Schalekamp, 1792-1803. 10 volumes bound as 9. 8vo. With 2 different engraved author's portraits, 8 engraved plates (5 as frontispieces), 12 engraved folding maps and 23 letterpress folding tables. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. VI, [4], 469, [19]; [8], 533, [1 blank], 11, [1 blank]; [8], 508, [11], [1 blank]; [8], 427, [9], [2 blank]; [8], 365, [9]; [8], 426, [10]; [10], 501, [7]; [8], 458, [11], [1 blank]; [8], 339, [10], [1 blank]; [4], 432, [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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The 1777 standard history of the discovery of the New World in the 1778 Dutch translation

ROBERTSON, William; [Petrus LOOSJES, transl.]. Geschiedenis van America. Uit het Engelsch vertaald [by P. Loosjes].
Amsterdam, Yntema & Tieboell, 1778. 4 volumes. 8vo. With woodcut title-vignettes; 4 folding maps by Thomas Kitchin (1718-1784), representing (1) the Gulf of Mexico with adjacent countries and islands; (2) Mexico or New Spain; (3) South America and (4) Central America and the South Sea; and a folding plate showing part of the 14th-century Mixtec Codex Vindobonensis. Uniform contemporary half calf. XXXII, 378; 307; XIV, 15-439; IV, 7-322, [65] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Mexico, Peru and indigenous American culture

ROBERTSON, William. L'histoire de l'Amérique ... Traduite de l'anglais.
Paris, Panckoucke, 1778. 4 volumes. 12mo. With 4 title-pages, each with a different woodcut vignette, 4 folding engraved maps depicting the Gulf of Mexico (33 x 49 cm), South America (46 x 33 cm), Mexico (30 x 39 cm), and the northwestern part of South America (39 x 25 cm) and 1 folding engraved plate illustrating the chronology of Mexicans (27 x 24.5 cm). Contemporary French calf, gold-tooled spines with red morocco labels, marbled endpapers and edges. Full description
€ 975
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22 excellent watercolour views of rocky sea-coasts in New Caledonia & Peru

ROMIEUX, Osmond. [Watercolour views of sea-coasts in New Caledonia and Peru].
[New Caledonia & Peru], [1855/60?]. Album: full-sheet leaves (oblong 1mo) (39.5 × 52.5); drawings: oblong folio and oblong 4to. An album with 21 watercolour drawings on paper with views of sea coasts from the shore (24 × 31 cm to 29.5 × 46.5 cm), one with a 22nd watercolour drawing on the back with a similar view, and one with about 15 human figure drawings in graphite pencil on the back. All bear the artists stamp on the front (Lugt 3703) and 4 are signed or initialled by the artist. Richly gold- and blind-tooled green goatskin morocco, white watered silk endleaves. 21 album ll. with 1 drawing mounted on each recto. Full description
€ 18,000
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The great Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and the city of Augsburg: a splendid publication with more than 100 engraved maps, plans and views, in an Augsburg gold-brocade paper wrapper

ROTH, Johann Michaël. Augsburgische Sammlung derer wegen des höchstbetrübten Untergangs der Stadt Lissabon, ... anbey hat man die Stadt Augsburg in Grundriß mit 48. Prospecten der schönsten Gebäude denselben mit beygefüget ...
Augsburg, Johann Michael Roth, [ca. 1756].
(2) [MAP - GERMANY - AUGSBURG]. KRAUS, Johann Thomas. Accurata recens delineate ichnographia ... metropolis Augustae Vindelicorum ... = Neu verfertigt accurater Grund Riß der ... Statt Augspurg, ...
Augsburg, Matthäus Seutter, [ca. 1750]. Large engraved map on a folding sheet (50 x 61 cm) at a scale of about 1:4000.
(3) WEYERMANN, Jakob Christoph. Prospectus praecipuorum aedificorum et locorum intra et extra urbem Augustam Vindelicorum ...
Augsburg, Matthäus Seutter, 1742. 4 large uncut folding sheets (each 40 x 70 cm) containing the engraved title-page in an elaborately decorated cartouche and 47 engraved views of buildings in and around Augsburg (each 16 x 13.5 cm), numbered [I], II-XLIII.
1mo (50 x 38.5 cm). With an engraved title-page, the title in the arched doorway of an architectural ruin with a female figure with the Portuguese coat of arms in mourning on the steps, flanked by 2 putti; an engraved report on the earthquake and resulting tsunami on 1 November 1755; and in the first part 60 engraved views, maps and plans printed from 25 copperplates on 13 leaves (4 large folding, including 1 constructed from 2 sheets, the rest on both sides of 9 leaves, except the last, which is blank on the reverse). Gold on black gold brocade paper wrapper, probably from the publisher, sewn without supports at 3 stations, each wrapper made from a whole sheet of the decorated paper, with as centrepiece a statue in a domed gazebo, the dome carried by 4 visible (probably of 6) caryatids. The sheet is further filled with scrollwork decoration with oval portraits in the upper corners, winged angels in the lower corners, 4 more angels plus 2 faces in the scrollwork. Pasted in the centre of the front wrapper is an engraving of the Augsburg pine cone flanked by Neptune with his trident and a river God with an oar, above a city view with cornucopias (10 x 6.5 cm), with a manuscript label below it, "1755 et 1756." The whole is kept is a finely produced modern tanned sheepskin box with the form of a book, the spine with 7 raised bands and a red morocco label, a single brass fastening, and the interior and what would be the edges of the paper lined with marbled paper combining Stormont, zebra and Spanish patterns. [20] engraved ll., some printed on both sides. Full description
€ 47,000
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Navigational guide covering the coast and coastal waters of Brazil, by the French Imprimerie Royale

ROUSSIN, Albin-Reine. Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amérique Méridionale comprises entre l'ile Santa-Catharina et celle de Maranaõ, avec les instructions nécessaires pour atterrir et naviguer sur ces côtes; ...
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1827. 8vo. Modern half calf, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], 241, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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A letter by Moritz Rugendas, author of Voyage pittoresque dans le Brésil

[AUTOGRAPH]. RUGENDAS, Johann Moritz. [Autograph letter signed ("Mor. Rugendas") to an unnamed recipient].
Munich, 21 December 1852. 8vo (22 x 14 cm). In German.
With: (2) [AUTOGRAPH]. REGNET, Carl Albert. [Manuscript note about Rugendas, signed ("Regnet")].
Munich, 13 January 1869. In German. [4]; [2], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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A series on Brazilian botany, "rare when complete" with 70 lithographed plates, mainly concerning the flora of North-East and South-East Brasil, in the original publisher's printed wrappers

SAINT-HILAIRE, Auguste de, Adrien de JUSSIEU and Jacques CAMBESSEDES. Plantes usuelles des Brasiliens.
Paris, Grimbert (printed by Casimir), 1824-1828. In 14 instalments. Large 4to (29.5 x 22.5 cm). With 70 lithographed botanical plates, all by Langlumé. Original publisher´s blue printed wrappers, the back wrapper with llists of Gimbert´s publications (4 versions, on parts 1, 2-7, 8-13 and 14) in the same border; the first instalment with a printed part number, but further numbered by hand. With the bolts opened at the head, but wholly untrimmed, preserving all deckles and point-holes. Preserved in a modern green morocco box, with transparent acrylic windows for sides. [298] pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Detailed catalogue of succulents, covering the family Alooideae

SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, Joseph. Verzeichniss der verschiedenen Arten und Abarten des Geschlechts Aloe, welche von den Herren von Willdenow, Haworth, de Candolle und Freiherrn von Jacquin beschrieben worden sind, oder noch unbeschrieben in den Gärten Deutschlands, Frankreichs und der Niederlanden sich befinden.
[Schloss Dyck, near Dusseldorf, 1817]. 8vo. Original blue coated paper wrappers. 8, 73, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 200
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Descriptions of 5 exotic animals from the cabinet of Schlosser, with striking coloured plates

SCHLOSSER, Johan Albert. Epistola ad ... Ferdinandum Dejean, ... de Lacerta Amboinensi. | Brief ... aan ... Ferdinand Dejean, ... Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving der Amboinsche haagdis.
Amsterdam, for the author, 1768. With a folding engraved plate of the Amboinese lizard in two copies, one coloured by a contemporary hand.
(2) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... Johannem Burmannum, ... De Chaetodonte argo. | Brief ... aan Johannes Burmannus, ... Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving van den gevlakten klipvisch.
Amsterdam, Cornelius van Tongerlo, 1770. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.
(3) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... W. Roëll, ... De Testudine cartilaginea. | Brief ... aan ... W. Roëll, ... Behelzende eene naaukeurige beschrijving van de kraakbeenige schildpad.
Amsterdam, Cornelius van Tongerlo, 1770. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.
(4) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... Johannem Oosterdyk Schacht, ... De Rana bicolore. | Brief ... aan .. Johannes Oosterdyk Schacht, behelzende eene naaukeurige beschrijving van den twee-koleurige kikvorsch.
Amsterdam, M. Magerum, 1772. With 3 folding engraved plates, coloured by a contemporary hand.
(5) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... Hier. Dav. Gaubium, ... De Chaetodonte diacantho. | Brief ... aan ... Hieronimus David Gaubius, ... behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving van den tweedoornigen klipvisch.
Amsterdam, M. Magerum, 1772. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.
5 works in 1 volume. Large 4to (31 x 25.5 cm). Contemporary half calf. [2], 18 ll.; [4], 43, [1]; [4], 39, [1]; 48; 43, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Beautifully illustrated early German account of Schoutens discovery of the Cape Hoorn route to the Pacific with 3 nautical charts and 7 views, all in South America

SCHOUTEN, Willem Cornelisz. Historische Beschreibung, der wunderbarlichen Reyse, welche von einem Holländer, Willhelm Schouten genandt, neulicher Zeit ist verrichtet worden: ...
Frankfurt am Main, Paul Jacobi for Johann Theodor de Bry in Oppenheim, 1619. Folio. With 2 title-pages, the main one with an engraving showing Magellan and Schouten sitting across from each other with an armillary sphere between them. Loose quires and leaves. [1], 35, [20] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Meeting the survivors of the HMS Bounty mutiny: rare Dutch edition of an engaging account of a voyage to Pitcairn

SHILLIBEER, John. Ontmoetingen op eene reis met het schip Briton, naar het eiland Pitcairn, bevattende eene belangrijke schets van den tegenwoordigen toestand der Brazilien en van Spaansch Amerika.
Dordrecht, Blussé and Van Braam, 1819. 8vo. Contemporary gold-tooled half brown calf, with a red leather title-label on the spine lettered in gold, sprinkled paper sides. VI, [2], 180 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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First edition of a very interesting account of the first Swedish circumnavigation

SKOGMAN, Carl Johan Alfred. Fregatten Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden, Åren 1851-1853, under befäl af C.A. Virgin.
Stockholm, Adolf Bonnier, [1855]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 3 folding tinted lithographed maps, 26 plates (6 full-page wood-engravings, 20 full-page chromo-lithograps) 18 wood-engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary three quarter calf with gilt lettering on spine, marbled covers. VI, 250, [2]; V, [3], 224, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Historically important corrrespondence, documenting the actions of the British government
to stop the illegal slave trade in the middle of the 19th century

[CORRESPONDENCE - SLAVERY AND SLAVE TRADE]. Correspondence ... relating to the slave trade. [In some volumes: "relative to the slave trade", "on the slave trade" or "respecting the slave trade"].
London, William Clowes (1837-1845); T. R. Harrison (1848-1872); 1837-1872.
(1) Class B (further series). Correspondence with foreign powers regarding the slave trade. 1837.
(2) Class C. Correspondence with foreign powers, parties to the conventions between Great Britain and France upon de slave trade. May 1838 - February 1839.
(3) Idem. June - December 1839.
(4) Idem. May - December 1840.
(5) Class D. Correspondence with foreign powers, not parties to conventions, giving right of search of vessels suspected of the slave trade. May 1838 - February 1839.
(6) Idem. February - May 1839.
(7) Idem. January - May 1840.
(8) Idem. May - December 1840.
(9) Class C. Correspondence on the slave trade, with foreign powers parties to conventions under which vessels are to be tried by the tribunals of the nation to which they belong. January - December 1941.
(10) Idem. January - December 1942.
(11) Idem. 1844.
(12) Idem. January - December 1846.
(13) Class A. Correspondence respecting slavery and the slave trade in foreign countries and other matters. January - December 1871.
(14) Idem. January - December 1872.
14 volumes. Folio (32 x 20.5 cm). With several tables of data.
Later stiff blue paper wrappers with white title-label on the front cover, blue sprinkled edges. Ad. 11 in beige paper wrappers. Full description
€ 8,500
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Only known copy of a work concerning the abolition of slavery in Brazil: presentation copy to Emperor Pedro II of Brazil

[SLAVERY - BRAZIL]. ROMANUS (pseudonym). A lavoura e o trabalho. Da emancipação ao abolicionismo, 1881 a 1884. Analyse e descripção enriquecida com os documentos concernentes á formação dos clubs dá lavoura, suas representações ao parlamento, e attitude official.
Rio de Janeiro, Typographia e lithographia Moreira, Maximino & Co., 1884. Large 8vo in 4s (ca. 22 x 14.5 cm). Modern half red leather, with the title lettered in gold on the spine, marbled paper sides, red and white decorated endpapers, with the original publishers printed front wrapper lettered in gold bound in. 158, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Original logs and journals of South American voyages 1857-1860, with 8 sea charts (with routes)
and about 23 views (many in colour)

SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Log of H.M.S. Cumberland [commanded by] Captain J.B. Dickson bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Provo W.P. Wallis, ... commencing 5th April 1857, ending 30th April 1858.
(2) SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Log of H.M.S. Siren . 16 guns, commanded from May 1st to May 8th 1858 by Captain J.H. Selwyn, from May 9th 1858 to [27th July 1858] by Com[ande]r G.M. Balfour.
(3) SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Journal of T.A. Sneyd Kynnersley acting mate H.M.S. Siren, 16 [guns], commencing July 28 1858, ending [11 April 1860].
[In the Atlantic, along the European, African and especially the South American coasts, 1857-1860]. Small folio (32 x 20.5 cm). Three English manuscript ships' logs written in a single album in black ink on laid paper with a blue cast, with 3 hand-lettered title-pages, 2 sea charts showing the routes and 8 colour views (in watercolour, coloured pencil and sepia and black ink, mostly ships on the South American coast, but also camps) are drawn on 9 separate leaves, and 6 sea charts showing the routes and about 15 views drawn directly on the album leaves, mostly in black ink, but including a colour plan of one of the ships. Contemporary black half sheepskin. [215 (including 5 blank)], [117 blank] pp. Full description
€ 22,000
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Extract of influential work on Spanish colonies

SOLORZANO PEREIRA, Juan de. Traduccion de la dedicatoria real i epistolas proemiales del segundo tomo del Derecho, i gobernierno de las Indias Occidentals.
[Madrid], Francisco Martinez, 1639. Folio. With an elaborate engraved architectural title-page by Roberto Codier. Spanish sheepskin parchment (ca. 1700?). Title, [4], 62 ll. Full description
€ 3,000
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Rare collection of travel accounts, with 12 aquatint views

SOMMER, Johann Gottfried. Merkwaardige bijzonderheden, inhoudende de nieuwste ontdekkingen in de natuurkunde, natuurlijke historie, land- en volkenkunde, op alle gedeelten van den aardbol.
Amsterdam, Ten Brink and De Vries, 1825-1827. 4 volumes. 8vo. With 4 engraved title-pages, each with one of two aquatint views, plus 10 aquatint views on 8 plates, all by H.W. Hoogkamp. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 331, [1 blank]; IV, 316; [IV], 316; [IV], 312 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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From a series of "the finest engravings of flowers ever made" by the teacher of Redouté

SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. Grande Capucine. Tropaeolum majus L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,... Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].
[Paris, 1799-1801]. Oblong folio. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (38 x 55.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a branch of the Tropaeolum majus showing three flowers and six buds in various stages. In passepartout. Full description
€ 2,750
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Extremely rare printed copy of Dom Pedro I's speech
opening the first legislature of Brazil as an independent nation

[SPEECH - DOM PEDRO I of BRAZIL]. Noticias. No. 2. Porto 7 de Julho. 1826.
(Colophon:) Porto, Imprensa do Gandra, 1826. Folio (ca. 30.5 x 21 cm). With the text set in two columns in 4 different types (large capitals for the "title", roman, italic, and a decorative gothic-like type. Further with some small typographical ornaments and details. Disbound with two small sewing holes in the gutter. [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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A bestseller of illustrated 17th-century travel literature, probably printed by Izaak Elzevier

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Jacob Le MAIRE. Miroir Oost & West-Indical, auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations, faictes es années 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. & 1618.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius [printed by Izaak Elzevier?], 1621. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 23 cm). With 24 (of 25) engraved plates, including 5 double-page and 10 larger folding. Modern vellum. [4], 172 pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Rare edition of Staden's famous account of Brazil and the Tupinambá Indians,
with 19 woodcuts (17 from the blocks of Plantins 1558 edition)

STADEN, Hans. Beschrijvinghe van America, wiens inwoonders, wildt, naeckt, seer godloos, ende wreede menschen-eters zijn; hoe hy selve onder de Brasilianen lange gevangen geseten heeft, die hem dagelijcks dreygden doot te slaen en t'eten: ...
Including: Avontuerlijcke, vreemde, ende waerachtighe beschryvinge van het landt America, alwaer Hans van Staden onder de Brasilianen, Tuppin Imbas ghenaemt, lange gevangen geseten heeft, ...
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Bouman, 1660. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 2 title-pages, the first printed in red and black, each with a different large (7 x 13 cm) woodcut illustration; and 17 smaller (5 x 6.5 cm) woodcut illustrations (plus 12 repeats) in the text, mostly of Brazilian Indians. 20th-century dark brown calf, with older stiff paper wrappers bound in. [8], 72 pp. Full description
€ 7,000
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Splendid large-paper copy in beautiful hand-colouring of the first English edition
of the most famous work on Dutch Surinam

STEDMAN, John Gabriel. Narrative, of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777: elucidating the history of that country, and the description of its productions, viz. quadrupedes, birds, fishes, reptiles, trees, shrubs, fruits, & roots; with an account of the Indians of Guiana, & negroes of Guiana ...
London, printed by J. Johnson and J. Edwards, 1796. 2 volumes. Large 4to (ca. 29 x 22.5 cm). With an engraved frontispiece, 2 identical engraved title-pages with a vignette, and 80 engraved plates (including 3 folding maps and a large folding view of Paramaribo), all beautifully coloured by hand, and occasionally heightened with gold. Uniform contemporary gold-tooled calf, re-backed with a later gold-tooled spine with two red title labels lettered in gold. XVIII, 407, [9]; IV, 404, [7] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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The first great international investment fraud & scandal,
including 10 very rare broadsheets with woodcut illustrations

[TAFEREEL DER DWAASHEID]. [Collection of satirical plates and illustrated poems related to Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid].
-11 very rare broadsheets, each of the first 10 with a satirical poem and 1 or more woodcut illustrations, the last with a verse by Joost van den Vondel and an engraved illustration.
[Netherlands, ca. 1720] (items 1-10); Rotterdam, Pieter vander Veer, 1721 (item 11). 1mo. Modern green half cloth.
-8 engraved prints with letterpress text by Jan de Ridder.
[Netherlands, ca. 1720]. Folio. Modern green half cloth.
-45 engraved satirical plates (including 2 made up of 4 separate prints each, and with a duplicate plate).
[Netherlands, ca. 1721]. Various formats. Each in passepartout.
-12 separate prints (a few with letterpress text) and 2 copies of an engraved map in 2 parts, showing the coast of South America and the South Sea.
[Netherlands, ca. 1721]. Various formats.
The whole kept together in a large 20th-century green half cloth portfolio (50×70 cm). Full description
€ 17,500
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The retaking of Bahia from the Dutch by the Spanish and Portuguese fleet,
the official and comprehensive account

TAMAYO DE VARGAS, Tomas. Restauracion de la ciudad del Salvador i Baía de Todos-Sanctos, en la provincia del Brasil.
Madrid, widow of Alonso Martin, 1628. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of King Philip IV of Spain, crowned and with the Order of the Golden Fleece, on the title-page and 2 woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary limp vellum, manuscript title on spine, a mark ("Co D Sa") branded into the top edge, and (remnants of) white leather ties. [7], [1 blank], 178, [4] ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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First lavishly illustrated description of Chile with 10 lithographs and more than 200 engravings

TORNERO, Recaredo Santos. Chile ilustrado. Guia descriptivo del territorio de Chile de las capitales de provincia, de los puertos principales.
Valparaiso, Librerias i ajencias del Mercurio, 1872. 4to. Double-tinted lithographed frontispiece with portrait of president Frederico Errazuriz by Lasnier and printed by Lemercier, 9 double-tinted lithographs lithographed by Lasnier or F. Sorrieu and printed by Lemercier of some important Chilean people and buildings, and more than 200 engravings in the text: views, landscapes, building, natives, costumes, etc. Contemporary grained cloth. IX, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 495, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,600
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First biography of Charles V, with descriptions of the Spanish in Mexico and Peru

ULLOA, Alfonso de. Historie, ende het leven van den aldermachtichsten ende victorieusten keyser Caerle de Vijfde van dien name. Inden welcken niet alleen beschreven en zijn de hooge ende seer vrome daden vanden selven Prince, maer oock de merckelijckste saken die over alle de werelt/ insonderheyt inde Oost ende West-Indyen geschiet zijn. Eerstmael in Italiaensche tale beschreven.
Amsterdam, Jacob Pietersz. Paets [printed by Isaac Jansz. Canin in Dordrecht?], 1610. Folio. With the engraved architectural frame on the title-page signed with a BD monogram (Baptista van Doetecum?) and 16 full-page and 2 smaller engraved portraits of contemporary lords and rulers by Nicolaes de Clerck (1569/70-1623). Contemporary vellum. [2], 221, [9] ll. Full description
€ 3,500
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One of the major 18th-century works on South America

ULLOA, Antonio de and Jorge JUAN SANTACILIA. Historische reisbeschryving van geheel Zuid-America; gedaan op bevel des konings van Spanje, door Don George Juan ... en door Don Antonio de Ulloa ...
Goes, Jacobus Huysman (colophon: printed in The Hague by Jacobus van Karnebeek), 1771-1772 (colophon volume 2: 1773). 2 volumes. Large 4to (ca. 28.5 x 22 cm). With both title-pages printed in red and black with engraved vignettes by H. Vinkeles, an engraved allegorical frontispiece by H. Vinkeles in volume 1, a head-piece above the dedication by J. Huysman after S. Fokke, 15 folding maps and plans (including a large map of the Pacific by J. van Jagen, dated 1771), 2 folding engraved plates, 8 full page engraved plates, and many head pieces built up from typographical ornaments and several woodcut tail pieces. Contemporary half sprinkled calf. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [4], XXIV, 428; [1], [1 blank], VIII, IV, 406, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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A banned pamphlet on Dutch colonization and trade in America

[USSELINCX, Willem]. Naerder bedenckingen, over de zee-vaerdt, coophandel ende neeringhe, als mede de versekeringhe vanden staet deser vereenichde landen, inde teghenwoordighe vrede-handelinghe met den Coninck van Spangnien ende de aerts-hertoghen.
[Amsterdam], 1608 Small 4to (18.5 x 14 cm). With a woodcut arabesque ornament on the title-page and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern pink paper wrappers. [36] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Early photographic facsimile of Amerigo Vespucci's report, one of 10 copies printed on vellum

VESPUCCI, Amerigo. Be [! = De] ora Antarctica per regem Portugallie pridem inventa.
[Paris, Tross, 1872]. Facsimile of the 1505 edition with 1 diagram constructed from rules and type. Printed on vellum. Wrapper made from 18th-century French marbled paper backed with (and the book interleaved with) 19th-century wove paper. [11], [1 blank] pp. plus interleaving. Full description
€ 4,500
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The other way around: North America and Europe seen through the eyes of a Chilean historian

VICUÑA MACKENNA, Benjamin. Pájinas de mi diario durante tres años de viajes. 1853. - 1854. - 1855. ... California. - Mejiico. - Estados-Unídos. - Canada. - Islas Britanicas. - Francia. - Italia. - Alemania. - Paises-Bajos. - Costas del Brasil. - Provincias del Plata.
Santiago, Imprenta del Ferrocarril, 1856. 4to. Contemporary half green sheepskin, marbled edges. [8], 454 pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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"The only notable colour plate book in English dealing with the Argentine”

VIDAL, Emeric Essex. Picturesque illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video, consisting of twenty-four views: accompanied with descriptions of the scenery, and of the costumes, manners, &c. of the inhabitants of those cities and their environs.
London, R. Ackermann (printed by L. Harrison), 1820. Elephant 4to (36.5 x 30 cm). With 24 unnumbered hand-coloured aquatint plates, including 4 folding, all drawn by Vidal and executed by G. Maile, T. Sutherland, G. Bluck and D. Havell. 20th-century gold-tooled, black morocco. XXVIII, 115 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Famous Dutch voyages of discovery, with 2 maps, 1 plan and 61 plates

[VOC - WIC]. Nederlandsche reizen, tot bevordering van den koophandel, na de meest afgelegene gewesten des aardkloots. ... Met plaaten. Eerste[-veertiende of laatste] deel.
Amsterdam, Peterus Conradi; Harlingen, W. van der Plaats, 1784-1787. 14 volumes bound as 6. 8vo. With 2 engraved folding maps, 1 engraved folding city plan and 61 engraved plates (56 folding) including many topographic views. Uniform half tree calf (ca. 1820?), gold-tooled spines. Full description
€ 9,500
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The famous circumnavigation by Jacques L'Hermite, with a description of Peru and Chile by Madriga and Spilbergen

[WALBEECK, Johan van]. Journael van de Nassausche vloot, ofte beschrijvingh van de voyagie om den gantschen aert-kloot, gedaen met elf schepen.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgertsz., 1648. 4to. With half-page woodcut with two ships on the title-page and a large double-page engraved plate. 18th-century marbled wrappers. [2], 76 [ i.e 78] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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The famous circumnavigation by Jacques L'Hermite,
with a description of Peru and Chile by Madriga and Spilbergen

[WALBEECK, Johan van]. Journael van de Nassausche Vloot, ofte Beschrijvingh van de Voyagie om den gantschen aert-kloot ... Noch is hier by gevoegt een beschrijvinge vande regeeringe van Peru door Pedro de Madriga, geboren tot Lima. Als mede een verhael van Pedro Fernandez de Quir aengaende de ontdeckinge van 't onbekent Australia ... Oock mede eenige discoursen de Oost-Indische vaert en de coopmanschap betreffende.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgertsz., 1648. 4to. With a large engraved double-page plate with 6 views of the fleet in various bays and harbours and a half-page woodcut with two ships on the title-page. 19th-century decorative paper over boards. [2], 76 [=78] pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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An outstanding description of various aspects of living in Bahia
during the Second Empire (1840-1889) by a British vice-consul

WETHERELL, James (William HADFIELD, ed.). Brazil. Stray notes from Bahia, being extracts from letters, &c., during a residence of fifteen years.
Liverpool, Webb and Hunt (back of the title-page: Birkenhead, printed at the "Birkenhead Advertiser" Office), 1860. 8vo. With a wood-engraved frontispiece and a lithographed plate of music.Original blind-tooled blue publisher's cloth. VIII, 153 pp. Full description
€ 1,850
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The financial profits of the West India Company

[WIC - DISCOURS]. Kort discours, ofte naardere verklaringe van de onderstaende V. poincten, 1 aengaende de verlichtinghe die desen staat heeft ghenooten door de oprechtinghe en oorloghen van de West-Indische Compagnie. ...
[The Netherlands], 1644. Small 4to (18.5 x 14 cm). Modern wrappers. [18] ll. Full description
€ 1,250
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Announcement of the annual 'day of prayer': all inhabitants of Suriname, including all enslaved people,
are forbidden to work and called to pray for the prosperity of the Dutch Republic

WICHERS, Jan Gerhard. Publicatie. Wy Mr. Jan Gerhard Wichers. Generaal Majoor, in dienst van den Staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden, Gouverneur Generaal over de colonie Surinaame, rivieren en districten van dien mitsgaaders Collonel en Cheff der gezaamentlijke militie deezer landen, &c. &c. &c, en de raaden van politie en criminele justitie der voorz. colonie &c. &c.
[Paramaribo, W. H. Poppelmann, 1786]. Broadsheet (50.5 x 36 cm). With the woodcut coat of arms of the Society of Suriname at the head. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 2,250
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Voyage to the Dutch East Indies via South America

WILLINCK, Isaac Petrus Marie. Reize om Kaap Hoorn langs de westkust van Zuid-Amerika, door de Stille Zuid-Zee naar de Philippijnsche Eilanden en verder door de Chinesche Zee naar Batavia, gedaan in de jaren 1823 en 1824, met Z.M. korvet Lynx.
Breda, Broese and comp., 1835. 1 of 2 volumes. Large 8vo (22 x 13 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece and lithographed title-page with illustration. Later half sheepskin. [4], VII, [1 blank], X, 209, 214-222, [1], [3 blank], 227-259, [1 blank] pp Full description
€ 350
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First French translation of a classic work on the discovery and conquest of Peru

ZARATE, Augustin de. Histoire de la decouverte et de la conquete du Perou.
Amsterdam, J. Louis de Lorme, 1700. 2 volumes. 12vo. With an engraved frontispiece, a folding engraved map of Peru, 11 engraved plates, and 2 folding engraved plates. Further with two different woodcut vignettes on the red and black title-pages of both volumes, woodcut decorated initials, woodcut headpieces and headpieces built up from typographical ornaments, and a large ornamental woodcut tailpieces. 18th-century gold-tooled red morocco. [1], [1 blank], [36], 307, (1 blank); [1], [1 blank], [4], 408 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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161 books books found / Show pages