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Fine, large-margined second edition (1470/71) of important commentaries on all 150 psalms

[Expositio super toto psalterio, incipit:] Ad sanctissimum ac beatissimum dominum dominum Pium Secundum Pontificem Maximum editio in librum psalmorum quem alii soliloquium dicunt incipit feliciter ... [colophon:] Explanatio in psalterium ...
(Colophon:) Augsburg, printed by Johann Schüssler, [1470/71]. Folio (30 x 22 cm). Set in a single type, largely a rotunda gothic but with some roman influences with 35 lines per page, with about 150 manuscript "Lombardic" initials in red ink, the lines introducing the commentary for each psalm underscored and with manuscript paragraph marks, both in red ink. Late 19th-century(?) half vellum, boards covered with 2 leaves from a Latin Vulgate Bible printed on vellum. [266], [2 blank] pp. ([133], [1 blank] ll.)
€ 32,500
Second(?) edition, in the original Latin, of the important and influential extensive commentaries on each of the 150 psalms, by the Spanish Dominican cardinal Juan de Torquemada (ca. 1388-1468). He brings together quotations from the Church Fathers (his sources include Chrysostom, Augustine, Cassiodorus and Remigius) and discusses the meaning of psalms for devotion to Christ and for the Church generally.
Torquemada finished his commentaries in 1463 and dedicated them to Pope Pius II, but what is generally considered the first printed edition appeared posthumously, a quarto by Ulrich Han in Rome, dated 4 October 1470. Though the present Augsburg folio edition is undated, Schüssler set up his printing office after 22 January 1470 but well before 28 June 1470 (when he completed a book of 98½ edition-sheets), and one copy of the present edition has a note of its purchase in 1471, so it must have been printed in 1470 or 1471 and is generally believed to have appeared after Han's Rome edition of 4 October 1470. The book is usually reported under the title given in square brackets above, based on the colophon of the 1470 Rome edition: "Expositio brevis & utilis super toto psalterio".
With a manuscript note and underscoring in red ink on m5v marking the resumption of the commentary on psalm 119 after the accidentally inserted passage from that for psalm 118. With a few bifolia separated at the gutter fold but still firmly attached to the bookblock, a small and faint marginal water-stain in the lower outside corner of quires c and d, an occasional very faint marginal smudge, otherwise in fine condition, with the paper still crisp and only slightly trimmed. Binding very good. BMC II, p. 328; Bod-Inc T27; BSB-Ink T546; GW M48192; ISTC it00518000; Sheppard 1178 (see Bod-Inc & ISTC); USTC 749536.
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