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Four rare post-incunables in defence of the Catholic faith, printed in Antwerp

Enchiridion veri praesulis secundum apostolicam traditionem.
Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten, 1526
(2) ISIDORUS Hispalensis. De officiis ecclesiasticis libri duo ante annos D. CCCC. ab eo aediti, & nunc ex vetusto codice in lucem restituti.
Antwerp, Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534.
(3) WICELIUS, Georgius. Loci ex sacris literis de bonis operibus.Ad haec praeconium Evangelicae gratiae. Theies aliquot. Praecatio pro ecclesia. Matth. v. Quisquis fecerit & docuerit, hic magnus vocabitur in regno coelorum.
Antwerp, Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534.
(4) AMBROSIUS. De his qui mysteriis initiantur, cum nonnullis aliis hac tempestate scitu dignissimis. Claruit sub Theodosio imperatore clementissimo. Anno domini CCCLXXX.
Antwerp, printed by Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534. 4 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With the title-page of Enchiridion within a fine woodcut border, with the portrait of Virgilius Maro, and several decorated woodcut initial letters. 19th-century half calf. [48]; 72; [52]; [27], [1 blank] ll.
€ 4,500
Four rare post-incunables clearly bound together with the intention to form a collection of texts in defence of the Catholic faith and its liturgy against Lutheranism and to serve as an example for good and just behaviour for priests to purify the widely corrupted practice. All treatises are the only editions published in the Low Counries in the period 1500-1540, all printed in Antwerp by the most important printers/publishers active there: Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten and Johannes Steelsius. The present copy of the treatise by Schenck van Tautenburch even is the second copy recorded of the only known edition.
With a few pages with some slight foxing. Binding also in very good condition, slightly rubbed near the edges. Very good copies. Ad 1: Nijhoff & Kronenberg 4277 (01088bis); De Backer & Vanderhaeghen, in: Bull. du bibliophile belge, 20 (1864), p. 281; Colliander, in: Nord. Tidskrift f. Bok- och Bibl. väsen, 28 (1941), pp. 198-199; Nijhoff, in: Het Boek, 3 (19), p. 360; ad 2: NAT II, 7; Nijhoff & Kronenberg 1181; ad 3: Nijhoff & Kronenberg 2207; ad 4: Nijhoff & Kronenberg 112.
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