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Summary of ideas from the Qu'ran in French: bibliophile production on wove paper, published in Paris and Constantinople

SAVARY, Claude-Etienne.
Morale de Mahomet; ou recueil des plus pures maximes du Coran.
Constantinople, [no publisher's name]; Paris, Lamy, 1784. 18mo in 2s. With a woodcut flower ornament on the title-page, a woodcut rococco headpiece, small decorated roman capitals used as initials, decorative rules. Brown goatskin morocco (ca. 1865?), gold-tooled spine in 6 compartments, chemical marbled sides, nonpareil marbled endpapers. [4], 91, [1 blank] pp.
€ 2,500
First edition of Savary's French summary of the ideas of Islamic religion, based on his 1883 French translation of the Qu'ran. In a certain sense it may be considered an epitone of the Qu'ran. While Savary's Qu'ran was published in Paris (by Knapen & fils and Onfroy), this summary was also published in Constantinople. While only a few scholars would read the entire Qu'ran, even once it was available in their own language, this summary gave a much larger European audience (as well as French speakers in the Ottoman Empire) a notion of Islamic religion. Savary (1750-1788) began his career as physician to the Court of Provence, but became a leading orientalist and spent much of the years 1776 to 1780 in Egypt before returning to France, where he produced his French translation of the Qu'ran.
With booksellers ticket. In very good condition, and virtually untrimmed. First edition, in a bibliophile production, of a French summary of key concepts in Islamic religion, published not only in Paris, but also in Constantinople. Brunet V, col. 154; cf. Gay 3357 note (1883 Savary ed. of the Qu'ran).
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