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Illustrated first edition of the Dutch translation of "Der goldene Thron", intended for women & men

Boeck des gulden throene of der xxiiij ouden.
Utrecht, [printer with monogram "tC"], [30 March] 1480. Folio. With 24 illustrations in text (ca. 9 x 6.2 cm), printed from 1 complete woodcut (plus 4 repeats) and 15 components assembled in different combinations, all rubricated and with architectural frames. The book has no printed initials, but spaces for manuscript initials, which have been filled with letters in the uncial style. Each of the 24 chapters begins with a large manuscript initial (the first 5-line with a penwork face in profile and further 4-line), 11 with two or more colours (mostly with penwork decoration extending into the margin), and others with interior white decoration. A smaller (2-line) initial with penwork extending into the margin opens the book's first page and there are numerous further 1-line and 2-line initials. Set in a textura type with capitals rubricated throughout. Woodcut printer's device at the end: a date palm tree with monogram "tC" (6.5 x 5.5 cm), the "t" perhaps also (or instead) representing a cross. Contemporary (Utrecht?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, each board in a panel design with the central part ruled in a lozenge pattern with about 200 impressions of 4 small separate stamps; re-backed, with modern morocco title label. [4], 197 ll.
€ 185,000
First Dutch edition of Otto van Passau's devotional work (dated 20 days after the original German edition), the first Dutch book extensively illustrated with woodcuts. The Gouda Dialogus Creaturarum was published a month or two later, in June 1480. Each of the 24 chapters opens with a woodcut illustration, showing a pious woman (the loving soul) taking advice from a king (the 24 elders of the Apocalypse). In each chapter one of 24 biblical wise men (the elders of the Apocalypse) teaches the soul how to live as a good Christian. Our copy is richly and beautifully adorned with decorated initials supplied by hand and is rubricated throughout. The work was immensely popular and there are many manuscripts and early editions in both German and Dutch. Our first edition of the Dutch translation is of the utmost importance for the history of the text: serving as the source for all subsequent Dutch editions (as well as manuscripts). Some library stamps at foot of first leaf. In very good condition, with some tears and small holes in leaves repaired, first and last leaves thumbed; final blank lacking. Re-backed, and with the leather restored where the fastenings were formerly attached. Beautiful large-margined copy from the Broxbourne Library (bookplate at the end). BMC IX, p. 14; Campbell 1342; Goff O-124; Hain 12131; HPT I, p. 47; IDL 3462; ILC 1674; Oates 3331; Polain (B) 2940; Proctor 8861; Schmidt, Die vierundzwanzig Alten Ottos von Passau (Leipzig 1938); 500ste verjaring boekdrukkunst in de Nederlanden (Exh. Utrecht/Brussels 1973), 153.
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