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Deluxe copy with a beautiful hand-coloured Arabic miniature on parchment

HEINE, Maurice.
L'Islam sous la cendre.
Paris, [Jules Meynial] (colophon: Frazier-Soye), (19 February) 1918. Square 4to (25 x 26 cm). With three different versions of the frontispiece: a lithographed plate, a hand-coloured miniature painting on vellum, highlighted with gold, and an engraved plate; and with the half-title printed in blue and several words in the text printed in green and blue. Original green cloth. 26 ll.
€ 8,500
One of six deluxe copies (numbered 4) of a sumptuous edition of seven poems on Islam by the French poet, writer and publisher Maurice Heine (1884-1940). The entire edition comprised 77 copies, the first six (numbered 1-6) being deluxe copies printed on dyed Japanese paper and including the frontispiece in three versions, one painted on parchment and highlighted with gold. The frontispiece, an Arabic text surrounded by flowers, was designed and drawn by the Algerian miniature painter Mohammed Racim (1896-1975), founder of the Algerian school of miniature painting that still exists. The poems included are: La demeure harmonieuse, Dans la maison moresque, Palais d'Islam, Le voyage en faience, Le cyprès, Alger-aux-barbares and La mort d'Alger.
The work opens with a half-title printed in blue, followed by a blank leaf, a leaf with the privilege, another half-title, three frontispieces, the title-page, and a dedication, followed by the prologue and the seven poems. It closes with a colophon, noting the different copies of the book, followed by: "Exemplaire no. 4. Imprimé pour le docteur Pierre Astruc".
With a presentation inscription to Pierre Astruc: "à Pierre Astruc, avec toute l'affection de ton ami dévoué, Maurice Heine". In very good condition. Library of Congress, Cat. of copyright entries, 16 (1919), 2706 (ordinary copy); C. Tailliart, L'Algérie dans la littérature française 123; WorldCat (3 copies, 1 possibly a deluxe copy).
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