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Sixteenth century commentary on psalms by the Italian humanist Marcus Antonius Flaminius
in an attractive binding

FLAMINIUS, Marcus Antonius.
M. Antonii Flaminii in Librum Psalmorum Brevis Explanatio, ad Alexandrum Farnesium Cardinalem amplissimum. Adiectae sunt in studiosorum usum eiusdem authoris in Psalmos aliquot, suo quaeque ordine & loco, Paraphrases. Item adiectae sunt in triginta Psalmos Paraphrases, carmine ab eodem conscriptae, & suo loco positae.
Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1558.
With: (2) FLAMINIUS, Marcus Antonius. M. Antonii Flaminii De Rebus Divinis Carmina ad Margaritam Henrici Gallorum Regis sororem.
Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1558.
2 works in 1 vol. 16mo (11.4 x 7.7 cm). With woodcut printer's device on both title-pages: "Labore et constantia" and a different one on the verso of the final blank page of the second work: "Christus vera vitis". Ruled in brown/red throughout, 2 decorated initials at the beginning of the first work and 3 in the second work. Contemporary brown leather, gold-stamped frame and ornamental centrepieces on both covers, gold-tooling on spine, gold edges with blind-tooled arabesques. 365, [3]; [24] ll.
€ 3,450
Commentary on the Book of Psalms with religious poetry in an attractive, contemporary binding. The Italian humanist Marcus Antonius Flaminius (Seravalla 1498 - Rome 1550) first published his commentary in 1545. He gives a short summary of each psalm (argumentum), followed by the Latin text of the psalm, its commentary (explanatio) and a paraphrase. He also wrote an additional paraphrase in poetry of 30 psalms. The work is dedicated to Cardinal Alexander Farnese, one of Flaminius's protectors. It was popular and Adams lists editions for 1547, 1551, 1557, 1558 (present copy), 1561 and 1567. The second work contains a series of neo-Latin poems on biblical and religious subjects, dedicated to Margaretha of Valois, the sister of Henry II of France, who knew Latin and Greek and whose praises were sung by many poets. De Rebus Divinis Carmina was first published in Paris in 1550 (BMC STC French, p. 167), and was normally sold together with Flaminius's commentary on the Book of Psalms.
Upper part spine skilfully repaired, spine and covers show signs of wear, very slight browning throughout, small ink stain on the fore-edge. One ownership inscription on the front pastedown, two ownership inscriptions on the title-page, one dated 1607, several ownership inscriptions on the back pastedown, one dated 1649, other annotations and remnants of removed bookplates on both pastedowns. Annotation in the margin of leaf 8v, marginal ink stain on leaves 9r and 176v. Good copy in an attractive contemporary binding. Ad 1: Adams B-1439; Voet 1176; this edition not in BMC STC Italian; Ad 2: Adams F-581; Voet 1177; not in BMC STC Italian; NBG XVII, cols 836-837.
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