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Prospectus for the first professional journal for Islamic studies and the Middle East

Mines de l'Orient, exploitées par une société d'amateurs.
Vienna, Antoine Schmid, 1809. Folio. Folded, strengthened with a decorated paper strip. 10 pp.
€ 2,250
Rare prospectus for a series of volumes to be issued periodically, with contributions on a variety of subjects concerning Islamic studies and the Middle East in the broadest sense under the title Mines dOrient (Fundgruben des Orients; Fontes rerum Orientalium; Sources for Oriental studies). The founders of this first professional journal were Count Wenceslaus Rzewuski and Baron Joseph Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall, who would also act as editor. Count Wenceslaus (Wac³aw Seweryn) Rzewuski (1784-1831), was a Polish explorer, poet, orientalist and horse expert. Baron Joseph Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856) was an Austrian orientalist and historian. Hammer-Purgstall published numerous texts and translations of Arabic, Persian and Turkish authors.
Both considered Vienna the ideal transfer point between West and East and invited all orientalists of Europe to contribute in French, German, English, Italian, Spanish or Latin. Six volumes of the journal were published between 1809 and 1818 by Antoine Schmid in Vienna.
Corners a little frayed, otherwise in good condition. WorldCat (2 copies).
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