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Description and use of a newly invented drafting instrument, with engraved plates

ALBRECHT, Andreas. Instrument zur Architectur damit die fünff Seülen auch aller sorten Stück und Morsser, sowol allerley Bilder und dergleichen Sachen, leicht und recht proportionirt zuu ergrössern oder zuu erkleinern seindt, erfunden.
Nürnberg, (colophon:) printed by Ludwig Lochner, 1622. 4to. With an engraved title-page, showing all components of the newly invented instrument designed to help draftsmen enlarge or reduce drawings, and 9 numbered figures on 5 plates: 4 plates showing the instrument and its use and 1 large folding plate (32.5 x 30.5 cm) with model drawings of the five orders of architectural columns. Further with a woodcut headpiece, 3 woodcut decorated gothic initials (3 series), a woodcut headpiece and a headpiece built up of cast fleurons. Set in fraktur types. Modern nonpareil marbled boards, red morrocco spine-label, by Ateliers Laurenchet (stamp on paste-down) in Paris, established by Henri Laurenchet in 1947. [16] pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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Expanded Dutch edition of Baker's classic on the microscope

BAKER, Henry. Het mikroskoop gemakkelyk gemaakt, of gemeenzaame beschryving, van allerley werktuigen, die men gebruikt om zeer kleine diertjes ... te beschouwen; ... Vervolgd met een berigt van de verbaazende ontdekkingen die door middel van vergrootglazen gedaan zyn: ... Bij deezen derden druk thans nagezien, verrykt met aantekenigen en vermeerderd met een aanhangzel, ... door Martinus Houttuyn.
Amsterdam, heirs of F. Houttuyn, 1778. 8vo. With 28 folding engraved plates. Contemporary tanned half sheepskin. 36, 496, [16] pp. Full description
€ 1,275
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Dutch edition of Barrow's Travels in China

BARROW, John. Reizen in China, ...
Haarlem, François Bohn, 1807-1809. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 10 engraved plates (6 folding, 1 double-page), the double-page plate with 2 portraits hand-coloured, 4 leaves with engraved music, and several woodcut and engraved illustrations in the text. Original publisher's boards. VIII, 288; VI, 334; VI, 341, [1] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Mathematical problems of fortification

BECKER (VON HERVORD), Peter. Nieuwe manier van vestingbou, hoe men alle regulare en irregulare vestingen met hare buytenwerken na haer behoorlijke proportie, sonder eenige rekeninge, door den gemeenen cirkel op een nieuwe en gansch lichte manier tekenen, afsteken en opbouwen sal. Van nieuws van den autheur selve, met het offensive en defensive vermeerdert, en door de tabulae sinuum uytgerekent, en met nodige demonstratien en figuren allen liefhebbers deser kunst verrijkt.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge I, 1673. 8vo. With an engraved allegorical title-page, a letterpress title-page, 7 engraved plates (5 folding), 3 engraved illustrations in the text and 3 folding tables. Contemporary vellum. [16], 146 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A basic instruction on clocks and watches

BERTHOUD, Ferdinand. l'Art de conduire et de régler les pendules et les montres: a l'usage de ceux qui n'ont aucune connoissance d'horlogerie.
Paris, for the author and Michael Lambert (colophon: printed by H.L. Guerin and L.F. Delatour), 1759. 12mo. With illustrations on 4 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. XVI, 78, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,600
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Anticipating Halley on the periodicity of comets and excellent engraved patterns for constructing sundials

BIANCANI, Giuseppe. Sphaera mundi, seu cosmographia demonstrativa, ac facili methodo tradita: in qua totius mundi fabrica, una cum novis, Tychonis, Kepleri, Galilaei, aliorumq[ue] astronomorum adinventis continetur.
Modena, Andrea & Girolamo Cassiani, 1653. With a large folding diagram, a woodcut diagram on an inserted half-page slip, numerous woodcut diagrams and other illustrations in text, letterpress tables.
With: (2) BIANCANI, Giuseppe. Constructio instrumenti ad horologia solaria describenda peropportuni. ... Opus posthumum.
Modena, Andrea Cassiani, 1654. With a woodcut astronomical dial on the title-page, 18 numbered engraved figures printed from 12 copper plates and a large folding letterpress table. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary sheepskin parchment, rebacked. [6], 232; 24, [5] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Fountains by the city architect of Nuremberg

BOECKLER, George Andreas. Architectura Curiosa Nova, Exponens 1. Fundamenta hydragogica. 2. Varios aquarum ac salientium fontium. 3. Magnum amoenissimorum fontium. 4. Specus artificiales sumtuosissimas. 5. Cum auctario figuram elegantissimarum. In Latinam linguam translata per J.Chr. Sturm.
Nuremberg, Paulus Fürst, [1664]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With richly engraved frontispiece, 4 titles within typographical woodcut borders, the first printed in red and black, and 200 full-page engraved plates of fountain architecture and hydraulic engineering in fountains. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title on the spine. [10], 30; [2], 13, [1 blank]; [2], 22; [2], 26 pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Ledger recording involvement in numerous infrastructural projects in Africa, Asia and the Middle East (1952-1955)

BOULTEN, F.A. [Manuscript ledger recording the time spent working on infrastructural projects].
[London?,] 1952-1955. Folio. Lined journal, each page ruled for monthly tallies, with some extra annotations. Contemporary cloth. [48] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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3 little-known works by Italian scientist on astronomy, hydrostatics and navigation

BRUNETTI, Francesco Saverio. Trattenimenti scientifici su la sfera, geografia istorica, meteore, ed astronomia.
Rome, Bernabò and Lazzarini, 1754. With several woodcut illustrations in the text (including an armillary sphere), and an extra added folding engraved frontispiece.
(2) BRUNETTI, Francesco Saverio. Trattenimenti scientifici su lindrografia, nautica, blasone, statica, meccanica, architectura, pirotecnia, e suono.
Roma, Bernabò and Lazzarini, 1755. With several woodcut illustrations in the text, and an extra added frontispiece (facsimile of an engraving?).
(3) BRUNETTI, Francesco Saverio. Macchina semplicissima per cui lacqua da se stessa salice ad una data altezza.
Rome, Bernabò and Lazzarini, 1747. With folding engraved plate as frontispiece. 3 works (the first in 2 parts) in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [24], 180, 112; [8], 173, [3 blank]; 12 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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The advantages of steam vessels, with 5 large folding plans

CAMPAIGNAC, Antoine Bernard. De l'état actuel de la navigation par la vapeur et des améliorations dont les navires et appareils a vapeur marins sont susceptibles; suivi de notes explicatives, tableaux, projets, etc.
Paris, L. Mathias (back of half-title: printed by Guiraudet & Jouaust), 1842. 4to. With 5 large engraved folding plans and a letterpress folding table. Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold- and blind-tooled spine. XIX, [1 blank], 355, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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