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Fauna of the Indian Sea, with 98 illustrations

ALCOCK, Alfred William. A naturalist in Indian seas or, four years with the Royal Indian marine survey ship "Investigator".
London, John Murray (colophon: printed by Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh), 1902. 8vo. With a photogravure frontispiece depicting the Investigator, a folding map and 98 illustrations on 58 plates. Contemporary black-blocked cloth; rebacked with brown board, modern endpapers. XXIV, 328 pp. Full description
€ 450
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Largest assembly of natural history illustrations published before the 18th century

ALDROVANDI (ALDOVANDUS), Ulisse. [Opera omnia].
Bologna, 1599-1668. 13 volumes. Folio (35 x 24 cm). With engraved title-page to each volume, engraved full-page portrait of Aldrovandi in 3 volumes and several thousand woodcut illustrations in text, mostly after designs by J. Ligozzi and many full-page. Blind-tooled vellum (ca. 1645 & ca. 1670), with a large centrepiece on each board (the 11 volumes dated 1599-1642 from a single block; the 2 volumes dated 1648 & 1667 from a different block), the spines uniformly gold-tooled in the 18th-century. Full description
€ 150,000
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Interesting combination: a description of the hippopotamus and research on decapitated snails

BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de. De natuurlyke historie, van den hippopotamus of het rivierpaard. ... Verrykt met eene afbeelding van dit wonderlyk dier; nauwkeurig getekend ...
Amsterdam, J.H. Schneider, 1775. With an engraved plate of a hippopotamus by Barent de Bakker after Andreas Andriesen.
With: (2) SCHÄFFER, Jacob Christian. Proeven op de slakken. ... Met zeven naar het leeven gekleurde plaaten. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaalt.
The Hague, Isaac du Mee, 1776. With 7 numbered, hand-coloured engraved plates by Gerard Sibelius after drawings by Adriaan Schregardus. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. 24; VI, 7-52 pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Fossils from the Brussels region, with 32 coloured plates

BURTIN, François-Xavier. Oryctographie de Bruxelles ou description des fossiles tant naturels qu'accidentels découverts jusqu'à ce jour dans les environs de cette ville.
[Brussels], Le Maire, 1784. Folio (46 x 28 cm). With engraved title-page by Pris after M.J. Speeckaert, and 32 engraved plates printed in brown and coloured by a contemporary hand. 19th-century half sheepskin (roan). [2], 152 pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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Magnificent scientific plates of the morphology, anatomy and histology of Invertebrates

CARUS, Julius Victor. Icones Zootomicae. Mit Originalbeiträgen der Heerren G.J. Allman, C. Gegenbaur, Th. H. Huxley, Alb. Kölliker, H. Müller, M.S. Schultze, C.Th.E. von Siebold und F. Stein. Herausgegeben von Julius Victor Carus. Erste Hälfte oder Tafel I-XXIII: Die Wirbellosen Thiere.
Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1857. Large folio (45.5 x 34.5 cm). With 23 engraved plates with many figures (many contemporary hand-coloured) by C. Haas, J.C. Loedel and Wagenschieber with 23 leaves of explanatory text. Half green morocco, brown paper sides. [4], IV pp. and 23 leaves of explanatory text to 23 plates. Full description
€ 450
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Finely illustrated handbook on Conchology

CHENU, Jean-Charles. Leçons élémentaires d'histoire naturelle comprenant un aperçu sur toute la zoologie et un traité de Conchyliologie à lusage des gens du monde.
Paris, Lacrampe fils for Dauvin et Fontaines & J.J. Dubochet, le Chevalier et Cie, 1847. 4to. With 863 small engraved figures in the text and 12 numbered plates of shells by Jean Gabriel Prêtre and N. Rémond, all expertly colored by hand. Publishers buckram. [4], lxxxvii, 284 pp. Full description
€ 475
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