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Extensively illustrated classic of cosmography, geodesy, mensuration, perspective and optics

APIANUS (APIAN), Petrus and Gemma FRISIUS. Cosmographia.
Antwerp, Jan Verwithagen (colophon: printed by Verwithagen), 1574. 4to. With a large woodcut on the title-page (with a terrestrial globe and other instruments); 4 printed paper volvelles with moving parts and a woodcut sun dial with a string attached to its centre; a folding woodcut cordiform mappa mundi (block size 19×27.5 cm) with letterpress text in the margins; well over 100 further woodcut illustrations, diagrams, maps, etc., in the text. Recased in 17th-century(?) limp sheepskin parchment. [2], 64, [2] ll. plus folding woodcut. Full description
€ 12,500
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A dissertation from Manilla's Jesuit University on practical mathematics for the military

ARAYA, Fernando de. Conclusiones mathematicas, practicas, y especulativas defendidas en el principio del segundo año ...
Manila, Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay, 1758. 4to. With engraved frontispiece equestrian portrait of Ferdinand VI, King of Spain and Emperor of the Indies. Contemporary salmon-coloured silk over flexible boards, preserved in modern portfolio. [4], 4 ll. Full description
€ 8,750
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Geometry textbook

BEYEM VAN AERSSEN, Hippolytus. Eygenschappen der driehoecken met een half en anderhalf rechtenhoeck, waer onder verscheydene voorstellen sijn, die de rechthoeckige ende andere driehoecken betreffen. Met noch een tractaet handelende van vierkantinghe en deelinghe van verscheydene figuyren door circkelboghen besloten.
Leeuwarden, Eyvo Taeckes Wielsman (colophon: printed by Schelte Jochems), 1671. 4to. With a woodcut diagram on title-page, numerous woodcut diagrams in text. Contemporary vellum. [8], 102, [4], 103-117, [3] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Important work on the calculation of volumes

BEYER, Johann Hartmann. Ein newe und schöne Art der vollkommenen Visierkunst: derengleichen hiebevor niemaln in keiner Spraach gesehen worden ...
Frankfurt am Main, printed by Palthenius for Jonas Rosa, 1603. 4to. With numerous tables and several woodcut diagrams and figures in text. Modern overlapping vellum. [12], 68, 191 [1 blank], [38] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Important description of a new clockwork mechanism

BONHOMO, Gabriele. Automatum inaequale sive horologium antiquum automatis animatum. Opusculum sanè perutile, ac pro rei novitate jucundum, in quo multiplex datur. Hoc nondùm excogitatum automatum condendi methodus. ..
Palermo, Francisco Valenze, 1747. 4to. With numerous woodcut headpieces and tailpieces and decorated initials, some tables in the text and 15 numbered, folding engraved plates showing timepieces and clockwork mechanisms. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [8], 122 pp. Full description
€ 1,850
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First edition of the most comprehensive work on integral calculus of its day, with 4 folding plates

CARRÉ, Louis. Methode pour la mesure des surfaces, la dimension des solides, leurs centres de pesanteur, de percussion et d'oscillation, par l'application du calcul intégral.
Paris, Jean Boudot, 1700. 4to. With a large woodcut vignette (by Bernard Picart) on the title-page, 4 folding numbered engraved plates containing 43 numbered diagrams, an engraved headpiece and initial at the opening of the main text. Contemporary sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine. [12], 115, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Includes excellent logarithmic-trigonometric tables

CAVALIERI, Bonaventura Francesco. Trigonometria plana, et sphaerica, linearis, & logarithmica. Hoc est, tam per sinuum, tangentium, & secantium multiplicationem, ac divisionem iuxta veteres: quam per logarithmorum simplicem fere additionem iuxta recentiores; ad triangulorum dimetiendos angulos, & latera procedens.
Bologna, heirs of Victor Benati, 1643. 4to. With engraved frontispiece and 28 geometrical figures on a folding engraved plate. Contemporary vellum, with manuscript title on spine. [16], 71, [1 blank]; [4], 44, [4] ll. (tables) Full description
€ 2,500
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First edition of an important mathematical treatise

CEULEN, Ludolf van. De arithmetische en geometrische fondamenten.
Leiden, Joost van Colster and Jacob Marcus (colophon: printed by Ulderick Cornelisz. Honthorst and Joris Abramsz.), 1615. Folio. With engraved portrait of Van Ceulen on the title-page, and numerous woodcut geometrical figures in the text. Contemporary vellum, remains of ties. [4], 271, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Important mathematical treatise by a fencing master, rare complete copy of the issue for the Dutch Republic

CEULEN, Ludolf van. Fundamemta[!] arithmetica et geometrica cum eorundem usu. In varii problematis, geometricis, partim solo linearum, ductu, partim per numeros irrationales, & tabulas sinuum, & algebram solutis.
Including: CEULEN, Ludolf van. Variorum problematum libri 4. ...
Leiden, Joost van Colster [printed at least in part by Joris Abrahamsz. van der Marsce], 1615. 4to. With numerous woodcut diagrams and other mathematical figures in text. Contemporary vellum. [4], "269" [= 271], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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