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Dutch tourist journal of a bourgeois woman's visit to Paris

ALBERDINGK THIJM, Catharina & Josephus Albertus ALBERDINGK THIJM. Notice de mes souvenirs d'un voyage à Paris, écrite pour mes chers enfans.Amsterdam, 1838. Small 8vo. Manuscript in French, written in ink in a regular and readable hand on 7 quires of writing-paper, some with a slight green cast.
With: ALBERDINGK THIJM, Josephus Albertus. Decemberliedtjen op tantes feest, in 1878. Manuscript poem, signed J.A.Th. 4to. Folded.Loose quires in a contemporary red morocco portfolio with gold-tooled title and ornamental frames on covers, richly gold-tooled turn-ins and silk paste-downs. With 3 pairs of green silk ties. 135, [4 blank]; 4 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Biography of a famous abbess and reformer of Port-Royal. With notes on the history of Port-Royal,
Maubuisson and other monasteries

ARNAULD D'ANDILLY, Angélique de Saint Jean. Relations sur la vie de la Reverende mere Angelique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, ou receüil de la mere Angelique de Saint Jean Arnauld d'Audilly, sur la vie de sa tante la mere Marie-Angelique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, & sur la réforme des abbayes de Port-Royal, Maubuisson & autres, faite par cette Sainte Abbisse.
With: (2) ARNAULD, Angélique de Sainte Magdelaine. Mémoires pour servir à la vie de la R. Mëre Marie Angélique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, reformatrice de Port Royal.
[France], 1737. 2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with red morocco title-label, marbled edges and marbled endpapers. VII, 291; IV, 145 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Second part of the first ever series of children's books

BAÏF, Lazare de and [Charles ESTIENNE (editor)]. De vasculis libellus, adulescentulorum causa ex Bayfio decerptus, addita vulgari Latinarum vocum interpretatione.
Paris, Roberti Stephani [Robert Estienne], (colophon: 13 October) 1543. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Later blueish-grey paper over boards with the title printed in black on the spine. 52, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Important history of ancient astronomy, with chapters on Egyptian, Chaldean and Persian astronomy

BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'a l'établissement de l'École d'Alexandrie.
Paris, Debure brothers, 1775. 4to. With 3 numbered folding engraved plates. Beautifully bound in contemporary gold-tooled red morocco, each board with coat of arms of Simon-Pierre Merard de Saint-Just in the centre, marbled endpapers. In modern slipcase covered with marbled paper. [2], XXII, 526 pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Including the first printing of game boards and rules for a 10th-century dice game

BALDERIC, Bishop of Noyon and Tournai (ed. George COLVENEER). Chronicon Cameracense et Atrebatense, sive historia utrisque ecclesiae, III libris, ab hinc DC sere annis conscripta. Nunc primum in luce edita, & notis illustrata.
Douai, Jean Bogard, 1615. 8vo. With Bogard's engraved device on the title-page, 1 large folding engraved game board, and 2 large folding letterpress rectangular game boards, each with 4 small engravings in the centre and explanatory text on the backs, the same 4 engravings of dice in the text along with 3 small engravings of seals (plus 4 repeats). 17th-century vellum. [40], “607” [= 623], [1 blank], [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,000
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Four rare political tracts

BEN SADDI, Nathan (= Robert DODSLEY). Chronique des rois d'Angleterre, ecrite en Anglois selon le stile des anciens historiens Juifs.
London [= Hanover?], Thomas Cooper [= Johann Wilhelm Schmidt?], 1743. Title in red & black with engraved vignette (a seascape with a sea creature in the foreground), headpieces and tailpieces. 144; [4], XXIV, 191, [1 blank], [2], 192-228; 108; 16 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Mushrooms in and around La Rochelle, France, with 56 plates

BERNARD, Georges Eugène. Champignons observés à la Rochelle et dans les environs.
Paris, Mareschal and Martin (text); Germer Ballière et compagnie (atlas), 1882. 2 volumes (text & atlas). 8vo. Atlas volume with 56 lithographed plates (7 partly hand-coloured). Contemporary half cloth, with the original publisher's printed paper wrappers bound in. 434, [1], [1 blank]; IV pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Wonderful and very rare nautical atlas for the Mediterranean

BERTHELOT, François. [Nautical atlas of the Mediterranean Sea].
Marseille, "se vend chez Benoît", 1720-1730. Large folio (40 x 55 cm). With 4 double-page engraved maps, with the first half of the first map as the front paste-down and the second half of the last map as the back paste-down. Contemporary vellum-backed boards, reinforced with light brown leather at the head and foot of the spine. 4 nautical maps on [8] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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"the leading textbook in mineralogical science in France for many years"

BEUDANT, François Sulpice. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie. ... Deuxième edition.
Paris, Verdière (back of half-title: Hippolyte Tilliard; volume 2: Paul Renouard), 1830-1832. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 24 folding engraved plates, some coloured by hand, and several letterpress folding tables. Contemporary half sheepskin. XVI, 752; 797, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Complete course on hunting with dogs

BLAZE, Elzéar. Le chasseur au chien d'arrêt. Contenant les habitudes, les ruses du gibier, l'art de le chercher et de le tirer, le choix des armes, l'éducation des chiens, leurs maladies, etc.Paris, chez l'un des éditeurs, au dépot de la collection culinaire de Carême, 1846. With an illustration of two dogs by A. Guyot on the title-page and a full-page plate "Contemplation" signed Pauquet.
(2) BLAZE, Elzéar. Le chasseur au chien courant, contenant les habitudes, les ruses des bêtes; l'art de les quêter, de les juger et de les détourner; de les attaquer, de les tirer ou de les prendre a force; l'éducation du limier; des chiens courants, leurs maladies, etc. Paris, Bernard et Cie for the dépot de librarie, 1851.
8vo. 2 works in 3 volumes. Uniform contemporary green morocco, marbled sides, goold-tooles spine, blue sprinkled edges. XXVII, 420; [6], 440; [6], 448 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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