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Leave of absence letter written by Van Coehoorn, together with a mezzotint portrait

COEHOORN, Menno van. [Manuscript leave of absence for Vaandrig Papeley].
Halst, 1703. Manuscript leave of absence signed by Menno van Coehoorn, written in brown ink on paper with Coehoorn's letterpress letterhead (26 x 18.5 cm), with a red wax seal, mounted on a large leaf (45.5 x 25 cm), also containing a standard letterpress passport issued by General Johan Theodore, Baron van Friesheim (1642-1733). The latter has (blank) space where one would fill in the name, regiment, the period of absence of the person concerned, and the exact date. With Van Friesheim's woodcut coat of arms at the foot.
With: (2) SCHENK, Pieter. [Portrait of] M[enno]. Bar[on]. van Coehoorn. Gen. van de artell. ...Amsterdam, Pieter Schenk, [ca. 1700?]. Engraved, mezzotint portrait of Van Coehoorn (28 x 18 cm), with at the top the motto: "Ignibus hic aderit" and 4 lines in Dutch below, trimmed along the edges and mounted on paper (34.5 x 23 cm). Full description
€ 2,500
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9 letters from one of the leading naval figures of the 19th century

DUPERRÉ, Admiral Guy-Victor. [9 autograph letters, signed, mostly from the writer's time as Préfet maritime in Brest].
Brest, 22 February 1819 - 18 June 1829. Folio and 4to. Autograph letters in French, written in brown ink on single and double leaves of several laid and wove paper stocks.
With: (2) GHÉMAR, Louis-Joseph. Duperré [lithographic portrait].
Brussels, Charles Hen (printed by P. Degobert), dated 1842 by the artist. [4]; [1], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [2]; [2] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Entomologists in the network of freemasons between American and the French Revolutions

FORSTER, Johann Reinhold. [Letter to an unnamed fellow freemason in Braunschweig, probably Ferdinand, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lünenburg or someone in his inner circle].
Halle (Saale), 9 August 1781. 4to. Autograph letter in German, signed, written in brown ink on laid paper in a clear German hand, with foreign words and names in a Latin hand. [4] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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2 offprints discussing De Frobervilles researches on languages and races in sub-equatorial East Africa,with an autograph letter from De Froberville

FROBERVILLE, Eugène de, and [Louis BOUTON]. Analyse d'un mémoire de M. Eugène de Froberville sur les langues et les races de l'Afrique Orientale au sud de l'equateur.
[Port Louis, Mauritius], [Société dHistoire Naturelle de Maurice], [1846]. Offprint, with its own pagination, from Procès-verbaux de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Ile Maurice, du 6 octobre 1842 au 28 août 1845, [1846].
With: (2) FLOURENS, Pierre, [Louis-Isidore?] DUPERREY and Etienne SERRES. Rapport sur les races nègres de l'Afrique Orientale au sud de l'équateur, observées par M. de Froberville.
(Colophon: Paris, printed by Bachelier, [1850]). Offprint, with its own pagination, from Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, XXX (1850).
2 works in 1 volume. Small folio & large 8vo. 19th-century black half morocco, with the blue paper back wrapper of the second offprint bound in. Full description
€ 1,950
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A letter by Dirk van Hogendorp petitioning for postponement of a prison sentence on behalf
of the mother of the convicted poor servant boy to an Amsterdam solicitor

HOGENDORP, Dirk van. [Autograph letter by Dirk van Hogendorp to the Amsterdam solicitor J. de Vries jr.].
[Amsterdam], 12 July 1833. 8vo (ca. 19,5 x 22,7 cm). Text within a black border, which does not continue along the lower edge of the sheet. [4] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Detailed eye-witness reports of a voyage around the world as it unfolded, 1847-1851

LORGE, Louis Anne Paul de Durfort Civrac, Comte de. [46 letters].
Chili, Macao, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Batavia, Ceylon, Calcutta, Delhi, etc., 1847-1851. 8vo & 4to. 46 autograph letters, mostly signed, written during a voyage around the world by the Comte de Lorge, to his father, the Duc de Lorge. Loose letters in clear plastic sleeves in a modern notebook. Full description
€ 9,500
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