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The first Italian War of Independence depicted by the Austrians

ADAM, [Eugen and Franz]. Erinnerungen an die Feldzüge der K. K. Oester. Armee in Italien in den Jahren 1848-49.
Munich, Cotta, [1851]. Royal oblong folio (62.5 x 45.5 cm). With tinted lithographed title, dedication leaf to Radetzky, preface and 24 lithographed plates. With 24 ll. of explanatory text printed on blue paper. Plates loose in a contemporary red cloth slipcase with a silk lining. [24] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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17th-century Hungary, Dalmatia, and the Peloponnese depicted in numerous engraved plates

BOUTTATS, Gaspar (engraver). Korte en nette beschryvinghe van de koninckrycken Hongheryen en Dalmatien, Midts-gaeders de vorstendommen van Sevenberghen, Wallachien, Moldavien, Burgarien, etc. ...
Antwerpen, Hendrick van Dunewalt and Gasper Bouttats, 1688.
With: (2) [BOUTATTS Gaspar (compiler) and Vincenzo Maria CORONELLI (engraver)]. Korte, beknoopte, en nette beschryvinghe van het koninck-ryck Morea. ...
Antwerpen, Hendrick van Dunwalt and Gaspar Bouttats, [ca. 1685?].
Oblong 8vo (ca. 12 x 19 cm). With 82 full-page engraved plates (44 in ad 1 and 38 (including 1 folding) in ad 2). Contemporary gold-tooled calf (or sheepskin), sewn on 3 supports with the corresponding raised bands on the spine. 47, [1 blank] and 44 engraved plates; [1], [1 blank], 24 pp. and 38 engraved plates. Full description
€ 7,500
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64 lovely coloured views of Vienna and vicinity in Beethoven’s time

EISNER, Josef, [and others?]. Collection de vues des prinéipaux [recté principaux] palais, eglises, bâtimens publies, campagnes & jardins tant de Vienne que de ses environs. | Ansichten Sam[m]lung der berühmtesten Palläste, Gebäude, und der schönsten Gegenden von und um Wien.
Vienna, Maria Geissler, [1812]. Large oblong 16m? (11 x 13.5 cm). With an engraved title-page and 64 (of a possible 100) engraved plates numbered 1-56, 58-61, and odd numbers 63-73 (including 2 folding plates with 2 numbers each, 21/22 and 23/24). Hand-coloured in watercolour by a contemporary hand. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [1], "73" [= 64] engraved ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Plants in the vicinity of Vienna, by the director of the Schönbrunn royal gardens

JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph von. Enumeratio stirpium plerarumque, quae sponte crescunt in agro Vindobonensi, montibusque confinibus.
Vienna, Johann Paul Krauss, 1762. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device and 9 folding etched plates depicting plants (branches and leaves of trees and other plants). Contemporary half calf with marbled sides and new backstrip. [4], 315, [7] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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102 splendid views of Prince Eugene of Savoy's Belvedere palace, including baroque interiors and the animals in his menagerie

KLEINER, Salomon. Residences memorables de l'incomparable heros de nôtre siecle ou Representation exacte de edifices et jardins de ... le Prince Eugene Francois Duc de Savoye et de Piemont, ... | Wunder würdiges Kriegs- und Siegs-lager ... oder Eigentliche vor und abbildungen der Hoff- Lust- und Garten-gebäude ...
Augsburg, heirs of Jeremias Wolff, 1731-1740.
With: (2) KLEINER, Salomon. Representation des animaux de la menagerie de ... la Prince Eugene François de Savoye et de Piemont ..., avec plusieurs plantes etrangeres du dit jardin ...
Vorbildung aller ausländischen Thiere, so in dem Thier-garten Sr. Hochfürst. Durchl. Eugenii Francisci ...
Augsburg, heirs of Jeremias Wolff, 1734. With 11 engraved title-pages, 2 engraved dedication leaves and 102 engraved illustration plates (11 folding). 2 works (the first in 10 parts) in 1 volume. Oblong Royal folio (32 x 46 cm). 19th-century calf. [3], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9, 3 engraved ll. Full description
€ 29,500
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Very rare pocket atlas of the Rhineland, owned by the commander of the Buffs
during the Battle of Fontenoy and containing the original entry in his ledger

L'ISLE (DELISLE), Guillaume, and others. Le flambeau de la guerre allumee au Rhin; representee en 36 nouvelles cartes geographiques, ... = De fakkel des oorlogs ontstoken aan den Rhyn; verbeeld in 36 nieuwe geographische landkaarten, ...
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk II, 1735. 8vo. With a double-page engraved title, two double-page engraved pages of text in Dutch and French, a folding engraved map and 36 double-page engraved maps; all coloured by hand. Original publisher's red sheepskin with a flap and wrapping band. Full description
€ 7,500
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Drilling the Austrian Imperial infantry, with 49 manuscript formation plans in colour

LEEUWEN, Engelhard August Baron van. Plans des neu herrauss gegebene Exercittii nach den dermahligen Kayserl: Königl: kriegs Fuss Volck eingerichtet. Herausgegeben im Jahr 1765. Zugehörig Titl. Herrn Obrist Wacht M[ei]st[er] Baron v[on]: Engelhard.
Austria, 1769[?]. Oblong 4to (18.5 x 23 cm). With title and the explanation of the key letters used in the plans written in red, the key to the colour coding in the troop formations in 8 colours, and 49 (of 55) numbered colour-coded plans of infantry exercises. Each text leaf and each plan (except no. 26) in a frame of rules, nos. 2-35 in red, the rest in black. Plans 1, 24, 32, 33, 42, and 46 have been torn out, in 2 cases leaving a small piece of the drawing. Contemporary mottled tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [3], 16 ll. plus 49 (of 55) numbered plans. Full description
€ 5,000
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Polish history, Frisian law and Balkan pirates, 3 works from the early 17th century

NEUGEBAUER, Salomon. Icones & vitae principum ac regum Poloniae omnium.
Frankfurt am Main, Jacob de Zetter, Hartman Palthenius, 1620.
(2) SICCAMA, Sybrand (editor). Lex Frisionum, sive antiquae Frisiorum leges, a reliquis veterum Germanorum legibus separatim aeditiae & notis illustratae.
Franeker, Johannes Lamrinck, 1617.
(3) [VENICE]. Risposta in difesa delle ragioni del. ser.mo Arciduca Ferdinando contra il manifesto publicato per la Republica di Venetia, per occasione della presente guerra. Con l'oratione di Lodovico Eliano oratore di Lodovico XII. re di Francia, havvta da lui contro la medesima Republica, in augusta, nel convento de' Prencipi di Germania, alla presenza dell' imperatore Massimiliano I, l'anno 1510.
[Italy?], Con Licenza de' superiori, 1617.
3 works in 1 volume. Small 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). With engraved title-page and engraved portraits in text. 18th-century gold-tooled calf, red sprinkled edges. [8], 144, [12]; [16], 151 [=152], [8]; [2], 34 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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The history of the Austro-Hungarian region from 1395-1612

OERTEL (ORTELIUS), Hieronymus. Chronologia oder historische Beschreibung aller Kriegsempörungen unnd Belägerungen der Stätt und Vestungen auch Scharmützeln und Schlachten so in Ober und Unter Ungern auch Siebenbürgen mit dem Turcken von Ao. 1395 biss auff gegenwertige Zeit denckhwürtig geschehen.
Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604.
(2) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Continuatio des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegwesens vom 1. Januari anno 1603 bis auf jetziges 1604.
Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604. With engraved title in elaborately decorated border with cavalry, arms and armour, large engraved folding map (28×51 cm), 30 double-page engraved views, 26 full-page engraved portraits, woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces.
(3) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Viertter Thail des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegswesens, was sich seithero Anno 1604 bis auf Ao. 1607 inn der ausgestandnen Rebellion mit dem Türcken, Rebellen und ihrem Anhang . . . zugetragen . . .
[Nuremberg, ca. 1613]. With engraved title-page, and engraved portrait of the author signed "H.V."
(4) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Appendix partis quartae Chronologiae Ungaricae, das ist; warhafftige ausführliche historische Beschreibung: was gestallt der aller durchleuchtigist Fürst und Herr herr Matthias Ertz Herzog zu Oesterreich, etc. Montags den 19 Novembris anno 1608 . . . und zum Römischen Kayser erkäret worden (ist; 1612) . . .
Nuremberg, Wolffgang Endter for the heirs of the author, 1622. With engraved portrait of author on the back of the title-page, and a folding engraved plate showing cavalry. 4 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [6], 581, [34], [10]; [2], 35, [1]; [12], 195, [12]; [2], 302, [7] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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