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On animal speech

WENZEL, Gottfried Immanuel.
Neue auf Vernunft und Erfahrung gegründete Entdeckungen über die Sprache der Thiere.
Vienna, Anton Doll, 1800. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece. Contemporary boards, richly gold-tooled spine. 216 pp. (incl. frontispiece)
€ 400
First edition of a treatise on animal speech by the prolific German writer Gottfried Immanuel Wenzel (1754-1809), known for his passionate publications on a wide-range of subjects. "In seinem ganzen Wesen munter und beweglich, besaß Wenzel Witz, große Belesenheit und eine seltene Vertrautheit mit den geistigen Erscheinungen des Tages" (ADB). The present publications includes chapters such as: Thierisch-pathognomisch mimisches Alphabet (on language) and Versuch eines Wörterbuchs der Thiersprache (dictionary of animal language).
With unobtrusive library stamp on the title-page and its back. Some occasional foxing and the binding a bit worn, generally in good condition. Engelmann, p. 312; for the author: ADB LV, pp. 13-16.
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