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Second recorded copy of the first edition of a collection of texts on astronomy and physics

VIVIERS, Emmanuel de.
Recueil des memoires curieux. Tirez des Journaux Historiques de 1719. 1723. 1724. & 1725.
Paris, Etienne Ganeau, "MDXXV" [=1725]. 12mo. With woodcut vignette on title-page, a woodcut headpiece and a decorated woodcut initial. Contemporary brown calf, gold-tooled spine. 58 pp.
€ 4,750
Second recorded copy of the first edition of a collection of texts on astronomy and physics by the French Capuchin monk Emmanuel de Viviers, originally published in the Journal Historique between 1719 and 1725. Not only the first but also the second edition published in 1728 is very rare, and both are not mentioned in the authoritative reference works in this field. With owner's inscription on title-page and flyleaf struck through and dampstains in last few leaves. Good copy of a very rare work .

The following texts are included:

1) Horologe astronomique, & universelle;
2) Observations sur les eclypses;
3) A qu'elle heure l'eclypse du soleil du 22. May 1724. doit paroitre en Lorraine;
4) Questions faites à l'autheur du traité des eclypses sur ce qui concerne la lueur de la lune & c.;
5) Remarques sur l'eclypse du soleil du 22. May 1724;
6) Machine perpetuelle pour les eclypses & un calendrier universel;
7) Nouveau systheme pour découvrir l'erreur des philosophes sur la maniere dont se fait la vision;
8) Nouveau microscope, & découvertes singulieres;
9) Lettre de Mr. Pitot. Conlon XXV, 409; not in Cioranescu; Daumas; Houzeau-Lancaster; KVK/WorldCat; Quérard.
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