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Medical treatise on problems of the human oesophagus (gullet)

VENEL, Jean-André.
Nouveaux secours pour les corps arrêtés dans l'oesophage; ou description de quatre instrumens plus propres qu'aucun des anciens moyens à retirer ces corps par la bouche.
Lausanne, François Grasset & compagnie, 1769. 12mo (16.5 x 9 cm). With a folding engraved plate by Chovin after designs by the author. Modern boards. 42, [4] pp.
€ 3,750
First edition of a medical treatise dealing with problems of the human oesophagus (gullet) by the Swiss doctor Jean-André Venel (1740-1791). He describes the use of some new instruments, designed by Venel himself, for removing (via the mouth) any odd pieces of food or other things stuck in a person's gullet. These new instruments are clearly shown on the engraved plate.
With a faint owner's inscription of "Mr Boidin(?)" at the head of title-page. Title-page slightly thumbed, otherwise in very good condition. Blake, p. 470; David 275; Hirsch V, p. 725; not in Garrison & Morton.
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