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Collected works of an indicted Belgian canonist

VAN ESPEN, Zeger Bernard.
Opera, quaecunque hactenus in lucem prodeunt, omnia. Tomus primus [-secundus] . Continens ... juris ecclesiastici universi.
Louvain, 1721. 2 volumes. Folio. With the title-pages printed in red and black. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines. [30], 924, [39], [1 blank]; [4], 230, [14], [4], 400, [16], [8], 208, [22], [8], 90, [6], 28, [4], 57, [2], [1 blank], 18, [4], 30, [2 blank] pp.
€ 750
Third edition of the collected works of the Belgian canonist Zeger Bernard Van Espen (1646-1728). He was a lucid and clarifying expositor of the discipline of the ancient Church, which led to a certain fame at the end of the 17th century. Because of his involvement with Jansenist and Gallican doctrine Van Espen fled to Maastricht and his Jus ecclesiasticum universum was put on the Index in 1704. After his death all his works would be deemed heretical.
Volume one lacking half-title, some occasional spots and slightly rubbed along the extremities, otherwise in very good condition. Dekkers, Bibl. Belg. juridica, p. 52, no. 16.
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