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The religious strife in the Dutch Republic, as experienced by a key participant

Johannis Uytenbogaerts leven, kerckelijcke bedieninghe ende zedighe verantwoordingh ... Tweeden druck, daer eenige stucken van nieuws by gedaen zijn, ende alles dat nodigh was, uyt het Latijnsch ende Fransch overgheset.
[No place, no publisher], 1646. 4to. With an engraved portrait of the author by Wilhelm Delff after Michiel van Mierevelt, with a 6-line verse by Caspar Barlaeus underneath. Contemporary vellum. [40], 451, [3], [2 blank] pp.
€ 750
Second, enlarged edition of the autobiography of the influential Remonstrant leader Johannes Wtenbogaert (1557-1644), one of the most eloquent preachers of his age. Wtenbogaert begins with his return to his native Utrecht in 1584, after having studied in Geneva with Theodore Beza. After a period of religious discord in Utrecht, Wtenbogaert moved to The Hague, where he became an influential member of the Remonstrant party and its leader after the death of Arminius in 1609. After the arrest in 1618 of influential Remonstants, including Johan van Oldenbarneveldt and Hugo Grotius, Wtenbogaert fled to Antwerp. He was permitted to return to the Dutch Republic in 1626, after which the autobiography more or less finishes.
Bookblock seperated from flyleaves at the front, but the binding otherwise good. Text in very good condition, with only the title-page slightly browned and the last page with some minor thumbing. Knuttel, Kerkgeschiedenis, p. 373; Rogge, Remonstrantsche geschriften, p. 104.
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