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The most important classical dictionary of its time, bound with the rare first and only edition
of a polemic against medical malpractice

TORRENTINUS, Hermannus (Herman van der BEKE).
Elucidarius poeticus continens historias poeticas, fabulas, insulas, regiones, urbes, fluvios, montesq[ue] insigniores, atq[ue] huiusmodi alia, omnib[us] adolescentibus in poesi versantibus oppidoquam necessarius, ...
Cologne, Eucharius Cervicornus (colophon: Godefried Hittorp), July 1529. With the title in an elaborate woodcut architectural border with the Cologne coat of arms in the head, the death of Cleopatra in the foot, further figures in the right and left sides and 3 putti, one holding a shield with a monogram or mark, perhaps of the artist or woodblock cutter. Set in roman types with 8 and 14 mm roman capitals used as initials.
With: (2) FREUDENBERG, Aethon Johann von. De abusu & impostura medicantiu[m] libellus perquam utilis jucundusq[ue] omnibus, quibus cum medicis erit negocium.
Marburg, Eucharius Cervicornus, 1538. With 1 woodcut decorated initial (white on black with floral decoration) and a vine-leaf ornament (Vervliet 7). Set in roman type with the dedication in an Aldine-style italic and with occasional words in Greek.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Sheepskin parchment (ca. 1700?), sewn on 4 supports, red edges, first title lettered in ink in the second spine compartment. [85], [1 blank]; [23] ll.
€ 10,000
Ad 1: A rare 1529 Cologne edition, in the original Latin, of the most important and influential early encyclopaedia or dictionary of classical history, geography and mythology, including the authors preface to the first edition of 1498. It gives concise accounts, ranging from one line to more than half a page, of people, mythological figures, regions, cities, mountains, rivers, objects, etc. from classical times, gathered mainly from classical literature and arranged in alphabetical order.
Ad 2: Rare first and only edition, in the original Latin, of the only work written by Aethon Johann von Freudenberg: a pamphlet exposing the abuses perpetrated by dishonest or incompetent doctors and the dangers of the inappropriate medications or treatments they prescribe. Dommers extensive bibliography of the earliest books printed in Marburg overlooked this edition.
Ad 1 with on the title-page a ca. 1563 donation(?) inscription for the San Pantaleon church (in Venice) by the heirs of the Florentine painter Francesco de Rossi (1510-1563), and on the blank final page 16 lines of manuscript notes (early 17th-century?), signed "Joannes Walker", perhaps the British student of that name (b. ca. 1606/07) who registered at Leiden University in 1632. Ad 2 with manuscript notes on an endleaf preserved from an earlier (late 16th- or early 17th-century?) binding. With water stains in the first few leaves of ad 1 and throughout ad 2, ad 2 also lacking its final blank leaf and with a small defect in the foot margin of the title-page, but both works still in good condition. Two rare editions by the same publisher (who had offices in both Cologne and Marburg), one an important classical dictionary and the other the first and only edition of a polemic against medical malpractice. Ad 1: VD16, T1611 (2 copies); USTC 649866 (4 copies); WorldCat (2 copies); ad 2: Durling 1655; VD16, ZV6166 (3 copies); USTC 609523 (4 copies); WorldCat (7 copies); not in Dommer, Die ältesten Drucke aus Marburg (1527-1566).
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