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First and only edition of six medical treatises on blood circulation
and the medicinal water of Montrose, Scotland

THOMSON, Alexander.
Dissertationes medicae. I. De motu, quo renituntur canals, in fluida corporis animalis. II. De aquarum mineralium examine, & origine. III. De martis, & aquarum mineralium. IV. De mercurii. V. De opii. VI. De morbis animi. Introductio exhibet ideam progressus medicinae, hodiernum ejus statum, & quemobrem, à detecto sanguinis circuitu, ars hactenus fere inexculta subsistat.
Leiden, Frederik Haring, 1705. 8vo. With a woodcut title vignette and woodcut initials. Contemporary calf, title in gold on spine. 155 pp.
€ 1,500
First and only edition, in the original Latin, of six medical treatises by Alexander Thomson, a physician at Montrose, near Aberdeen, Scotland. Thomson was interested in the natural spring of Montrose and wrote treatises II and III on the subject. Two other treatises on the water of the same well appeared later in English in the third volume of Medical essays and observations, published by a Society in Edinburgh (1735): "An inquiry into the mineral principles of Montrose water" and "The medical qualities of the Montrose well". Treatise I discusses the great triumph of 17th century physiology: the discovery of blood circulation by William Harvey in his De motu cordis (1628) and the comments on that discovery by Descartes in his Discours de la méthode (1637). In his introduction Thomson elaborates on the discovery extensively. The other treatises discuss mercury (IV), opium (V) and mental illnesses (VI).
With the armorial bookplate of William Constable esq. Re-backed, back board slightly damaged, otherwise in good condition. Blake, p. 405.
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