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Pharmacological work by a famous Portuguese professor

TAVARES, Francisco.
Medicamentorum sylloge, propriae pharmacologiae exempla sistens in usum Academicarum praelectionum. Hanc editionem curavit Jacobus dAncona. Juxta exemplar Conimbrieense, ex Typographia Academico-Regia. A.C. MDCCLXXXVIII.
Amsterdam, Johannes de Coster, 1791. 8vo. Mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 224, 7 pp.
€ 750
First and only Amsterdam edition, with additions, of an pharmacological and medical work by the famous Coimbra professor of medicine and pharmacology Franciscus Tavares (1750-1812), now edited by the Amsterdam Jewish physician Jacob dAncona (1739-1798) who added a list, partly in Dutch, of explanations of the Latin plant names. The first edition appeared in Coimbra in 1787, with three further editions in 1788, 1790 and 1791, the present edition based on that of 1788. Together with another book by Tavares, De pharmacologia libellus, published in Coimbra in 1786 (2nd ed. 1787), the Medicamentorum sylloge, formed the basis for the first official Portuguese pharmacopoeia: the Pharmacopeia geral, published in 1794, which is in fact also written by Tavares, propagating new insights, namely that the recent scientific results of natural history and chemistry are essential and fundamental for the further development of the science of pharmacology.
Head and foot of spine slightly worn. New endpapers. Otherwise in very good condition. João Rui Pita, "La pharmacie au Portugal (1772-1836)", in: Revue dhist. de la pharmacie, 1998, pp. 54-56.
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