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Colourful account of a shipwreck near Mauritius

STOKRAM, Andries.
Korte beschryvinghe van de ongeluckige weer-om-reys van het schip Aernhem, nevens noch zes andere schepen, onder't gebiedt van den heer Arnout de Vlaming van Outshoorn, van Batavia na het vaderlandt afgevaren, op den 23. december 1661. van welcke gemelte schepen noch drie vermist worden.
Amsterdam, Jacob Venckel, 1663. Small 4to (19.5 x 16 cm). Modern marbled wrappers. 16 pp.
€ 3,500
One of four editions, all published in the same year and all very rare, of a popular eye-witness account of a ship wrecked in the Indian Ocean, in the vicinity of Mauritius. Andries Stokram tells the colourful story of how a fleet of seven East Indiamen on their way back from Batavia got caught in a terrible storm. Four ships sank, only the crew of the Aernhem managing to get away in an open boat. After a week without food they managed to reach Mauritius. "When they were finally taken on board a Dutch privateer, Stokram had been living for eight months the way Robinson Crusoe would a century later, in an environment Daniel Defoe knew from descriptions such as Stokram's" (Nieuwenhuys). Stokram was put a shore on St. Helena and made his way to the Netherlands.
Somewhat browned and the fore-edges restored (not touching the text), otherwise in good condition. Knuttel 8758; Landwehr & V.d. Krogt, VOC 418 note; Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies, pp. 14-15; STCN (4 copies).
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