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First edition of a local example of sericulture in Prussia under Frederick the Great

STEINBART, Johann Christian
Anweisung zum Seidenbau, wie solcher auf das leichteste und vortheilhafteste zu treiben sey. Aus den richtigsten und zuverlässigsten, theils fremden, theils eigenen vieljährigen Erfahrungen des Züllichauischen Waysenhauses mitgetheilet.
Züllichau, R.S. Frommann, 1761. 8vo (17.5 x 10 cm). Contemporary wrappers, stapled. [12], 212 pp.
€ 750
First edition of a local example of sericulture in Prussia under Frederick the Great. The author Johann Christian Steinbart was a pastor and the director of the orphanage of Züllichau, but also kept a silk farm. In this manual for cultivating silk he describes all the necessary preparations to successfully establish a plantation of mulberry plants and thus the production of silk. Steinbart has most of his information on mulberry cultivation from Inspector J.F. Thym, who was charged by Frederick the Great to oversee the silk production in Prussia and published his guidelines in Die Practic des Seidenbaues (Grynäus, 1760).
Corners creased, paper browned, otherwise in good condition. Johann Christoph von Woellner, Unterricht zu einer ökonomischen Bibliothek. I, pp. 366-367; Horn & Schenkling, 21350.
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