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A catalogue of medicines for sale at the Societas Pharmaceutica in London

STAPHORST, Nicolaus.
Officina chymica Londinensis, sive exacta notitia medicamentorum spagyticorum, quae apud aulam Societatis Pharmaceuticae Londin. Praeparantur, & venalia prostant ... Editio tertia juxta exemplar Londini.
Jena, Christoph Cröckerus, 1701. 12mo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers over thin boards. [4], 68 pp.
€ 1,250
Third edition of a catalogue of medicines for sale at the Societas Pharmaceutica at London by Nicolaus Staphorst, director of the chemical laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians in London. Staphorst was an immigrant from Hamburg who belonged to an important family of ministers and church historians.
The first edition of this booklet was published in 1685 in London by Miller; the second appeared in Hamburg in 1686.
Spine damaged, otherwise in good condition. A.C. Zeven, "Who was Staphorst, collector of Guinea plants?", in: Taxon, 25/1 (1976), pp. 151-153 (on Staphorsts son Nicolaus).
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