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Rarest issue of Cambridge Universitys 1665 Greek and Latin edition of Sophocless seven tragedies,
published by the Officina Hackiana in Leiden

Tragoediae VII. Una cum omnibus graecis scholiis ad calcem adnexis. Editio postrema.
Cambridge, John Field (a false imprint); Leiden, [Pieter, Cornelis and Jacob] Hackius, 1672.
With: (2) SOPHOCLES. [In Greek:] Scholia palaia tôn panu dokimôn, meta kai tres tôu trikliniôu eis Sophokleoûs hepta tragedias.
Cambridge, John Field, 1668 [reissued Leiden, Pieter, Cornelis and Jacob Hackius, 1672]. Set entirely in Greek, in 2 columns. 2 works in 1 volume. Small 8vo. Contemporary vellum [8], “545” [= 547], [5 blank]; [2], 236, [2 blank] pp.
€ 500
The rarest issue (Leiden, 1672) of Cambridge Universitys 1665 Greek and Latin edition of the seven surviving plays (all tragedies) of Sophocles (ca. 496-406 AD), one of the three great Attic tragedians, printed by John Field, printer to the University from 1655 to his death on 12 August 1668. The seven plays are: Ajax, Electra, the entire Oedipus cycle (Oedipus Rex, Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus), Women of Trachis and Philoctetes. Before Cambridge University set up its own printing office in 1696, it appointed printers to the University who worked on their own premises and partly on their own account.
We have located only eight other copies, and some of those apparently lack the Scholia.
Sewing supports broken at the front hinge, slightly browned, last printed leaf (Scholia 2G3) detached, otherwise in good condition and including the three blank leaves. Ad 1: ESTC R184476 (1 copy); STCN (1 copy); Wing S4694A (1 copy); WorldCat (7 copies); Ad 2: ESTC R219710; Wing S4690A; for John Field: David McKitterick, "John Field in 1668: ...", in: Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 9 (1990), pp. 497-516, these editions at p. 510 & note 32; for the Officina Hackiana: P.G. Hoftijzer, "Sic transit gloria ... the end of the Officina Hackiana", in: Quaerendo, 26 (1996), pp. 258-273.
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