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Rare first systematic bibliography of European pharmacopoeiae issued to ca. 1820

SCHERER, Alexander Nicolaus.
Codex medicamentarius Europaeus. Sectio septima. Literaturam pharmacopoearum exhibens.
Leipzig & Soravia, Friedrich Fleischer, 1822. Large 8vo. Contemporary half calf, green paper over boards, gold-tooled spine. XXXI, 232 pp.
€ 450
Rare first and only edition of a bibliography of European pharmacopoeiae published to ca. 1820, by Alexander Nicolaus Scherer. It is arranged systematically on publication place and the relatedness of the pharmacopoeias. The book contains over 1100 titles and appeared as the last volume in a series of pharmacological texts (vols. 1-7, 1818-1822).
With 2 pages of handwritten bibliographical annotations made ca. 1896. Spine slightly rubbed, slightly browned throughout, but still in good condition. ADB, 31 (1890), pp. 99-102; Ferguson II, 333.
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Book history, education, learning & printing  >  Bibliography & Biography
Medicine & pharmacy  >  Pharmacology / Pharmacopoeia
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