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The Billings-Sarychev expedition to eastern Siberia and Alaska. Only edition of Dutch translation

SARYCHEV, Gavriil Andreevich.
Reis in het Noordoostelijke Siberie, en op de IJszee en den Noordoostelijken oceaan.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1808. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a large folding engraved map by C. van Baarsel after Sarychev, 10 engraved folding plates, 5 hand-coloured aquatint plates and a folding table. Contemporary half sheepskin. [2], XXII, 190; X [=VIII], 334 pp.
€ 5,500
First and only edition of the Dutch translation of Captain Sarychev's account of the Russian geographic and scientific expedition through eastern Siberia and the North Pacific (1785-1793) under the command of Joseph Billings. It's one of the fundamental and early books on the Aleutian Islands and particularly on Unalaska.
This Dutch edition was translated by Nicolaes Messchaert, from the German translation of Johann Heinrich Busse after the original Russian edition published in 1802. The Billings-Sarychev Expedition was Russia's reaction on the economic and political threat of Captain Cook's third voyage (1776-1780). Catherine II the Great almost immediately commissioned the expedition to the North Pacific under the command of Joseph Billings, an Englishman who accompanied Cook on his voyage.
The binding of the first volume with slightly worn corners, otherwise in very good condition. Arctic Bibliography 37226; Chavanne 3993; Howes S-115; Muller, Bibl. Neerlando-Russe 313; NCC (6 copies); not in Landwehr, Coloured Plates.
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