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The comet of 1664

RICHTERN, Christophorus.
Berichtendes Send-Schreiben vom Cometen, so in Christmonat des 1664. Christen-Jahres ist erschienen: darinnen derselbige Astronomicè, Physicè, Astrologicè, Theologicè, betrachtet und erkläret wirt.
Leipzig, Ritzsch, 1665. 4to. With a woodcut of a comet on the title-page. Modern boards. (12) ll.
€ 1,500
Original edition of this rare pamphlet in which the comet of 1664 is described. The year '1664' is also consealed in a chronogram on the title: "Anno, quo Seraph CVM gLaDIo VIbrante tIbI astat".
All the astronomical, theological and astrological implications of the appearance of the comet are discussed at great lenght by Christophorus Richtern, a protestant minister in Gnandstein in Meisssen. The text is dated 27 December 1664.
Good copy of this very rare pamphlet, some browning. Brüning, Bibl. D. Kometenlitt. (Stuttgart 2000), 1220; Serlin, p.160-80.
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